Friday Ephemera (760)
Low-altitude ejection. || Helping hand. || Letterbox cakes. || His name is Mr Amazon and he just happens to be carrying his burglary tools. || A tale of stolen testicles. || Hairy sausage. || How to build a tiny laundrette. Or a tiny bathroom inside your bathroom. || A brief history of the manicule. || “Major UFO scare,” 1971. || The décor was doing some heavy lifting. || He spits on doors. || I question the aerodynamics. || Things discussed at “diversity” committee meetings. || Stupefied by lessons in “anti-racism.” || Sleeping dogs. || That’s exactly how I would have done it. || Lakefront views. || From 1989: “Will people buy movies on VHS?” || Not great, but could have been worse. || Everything you’ll need. || Suboptimal situations. || Fatherhood. || And finally, with extra bees, please.
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Brianna Wu chastising Dylan Mulvany for doing minstrel-level womanface.
Your argument is invalid.
“Placeless object“
“Woman jailed,” you say.
Always, but not to this degree:
I have read that black crime rates in the 1940’s were higher than white crime rates.
However, at that time anyone could take public transit to jazz clubs in Harlem with no fear of being raped or mugged on their return home after midnight. Likewise the South Side of Chicago. Thomas Sowell mentions people sleeping in parks on hot summer nights with no fear of being robbed.
Elon Musk: “the man who owns and runs the internet”.