Cool jazz hedgehog. Sound essential. // Zombie food. // Cat fort. // Grassy knoll found indoors. // Flip books of note. // Frost formation of note. // The ice-skating waiters of Switzerland. // Leonardo’s to-do list, 1490. // A tree of languages. // Type-related matters in the film Alien. // Making Aliens. // Kubrick’s 2001 revisited. // The chemistry advent calendar. // Candles of note. // Do not stare directly, in full HD, at the Sun. // Snow drawings. // Christmas ghost. // Jeff Wayne remembers the future. // Physicists develop giant pasta. // An effects pedal tumblr. (h/t, Things) // Smart earplugs. // Components of a city, made of paper. (h/t, Coudal) // “This is my product.” // Sculpted caves. // Two ladies cook shrimp, quite quickly, with a cannon. (h/t, Simen) // “The information content of a 90-second conversation would take a day or more to transmit mentally.” // And finally, the boldly illogical fighting style of one James Tiberius Kirk

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