Friday Ephemera (760)
Low-altitude ejection. || Helping hand. || Letterbox cakes. || His name is Mr Amazon and he just happens to be carrying his burglary tools. || A tale of stolen testicles. || Hairy sausage. || How to build a tiny laundrette. Or a tiny bathroom inside your bathroom. || A brief history of the manicule. || “Major UFO scare,” 1971. || The décor was doing some heavy lifting. || He spits on doors. || I question the aerodynamics. || Things discussed at “diversity” committee meetings. || Stupefied by lessons in “anti-racism.” || Sleeping dogs. || That’s exactly how I would have done it. || Lakefront views. || From 1989: “Will people buy movies on VHS?” || Not great, but could have been worse. || Everything you’ll need. || Suboptimal situations. || Fatherhood. || And finally, with extra bees, please.
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Mice: my daughter lived sort of in the country in college and got mice IN HER CAR. Drove (heh) her nuts.
Don’t underestimate the anti-American spitefulness of the average Canadian senior. It’s going to take a very shiny object to distract them from their righteous path. Just watch them vote in Mark Carney.
Policing scenes.
Good grief – TWO chunky female cops couldn’t take down ONE girl??? Unless that girl was one of them new-fangled “girls” with XY chromosomes, that’s just freakin’ sad. There needs to be minimum standards for jobs like this – otherwise you just end up being ineffectual and looking ridiculous.
When I’m sure they’re dead and gone, I will be getting a new sofa.
Instant grey hair?
You’d think the vetting of applicants could include, say, a few games of tag.
It’s checkboxes all the way down.
By the way, and since you ask, I opted for the beef lasagne. And I swiped a taste of The Other Half’s salt-and-pepper squid. Both very good.
More joys of public transport.
Action replay.
Holy crap. First things out of the box are rope, tie wraps and lollipops. That’s home invasion kidnap/rape/molest kit. Not to mention the a**hole’s ankle monitor. A lot of good that’s doing to keep crime down. ARGH!
Low altitude ejection
Ancient memories…. In the late 60s a USMC A-4 landing at El Toro in southern California had a freak accident with a fuel truck that caused the pilot to eject, at zero-zero. Sadly, in that case the seat did not separate, so no chute, and the pilot was killed.
His widow sued everyone in sight. My father, another A-4 driver, was an expert witness. Years into depositions it came out that the seat had never actually been tested at zero-zero in that airplane. There was a settlement.
Two codas: the crashed pilot’s CO, upon hearing of the accident, jumped into his A4 and flew down. During landing approach, his turbine section exploded, chopping off the plane’s tail. He ejected and landed ok on the beach.
Second. My father noted, with typical military black humor, that the first pilot had come down right in front of the El Toro flight ops office. “He could have rolled up his chute, marched in, and closed his flight plan.”
Wrong music. Should be Yakkity Sax per Benny Hill.
Joys of public education
When the moose has more manners.
Because you need some non-binary Mexican rap.
I’m spoiling you today, I really am.
Degenerate behaviour, degenerate laughter.
Variation on a theme.
I don’t know where that is, but it’s typical for tourons to treat nature like a Disney park, as if the animals were all performers instead of a deadly force.
Moose kill more people in N. American than bears, IIRC.
Though in fairness, some of that is people smashing into moose in a car.
Action replay.
Hahaha! That’s freakin’ AWESOME – especially the faceplant at the end! Couldn’t happen to a nicer person /sarc
Wannabe GirlBoss been watching too much modern TV and imbibing that stupid woke “biology”.
It occurs to me that a. this video fits perfectly after the police scenes video, b. explains why most people are torqued about men claiming to be girls competing in women’s sports, and c. contrasts beautifully with that video with the guy winning the girls’ race by a country mile. And those girls were in-shape, well-trained female runners.
[goes back to watch the action replay several more times]
[ Weighs pros and cons of a gin and tonic. ]
[ Is unable to find any cons. ]
Maga hat chase: if I am not mistaken, Mr. red hat was hispanic or asian and his yellow shirt friend who snapped the lady’s photo was chinese. oh, and hahahahahha
Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
Police academy prospect?
Is why I aim for squirrel.
The frontiers of science: The Earth is not a mere rock orbiting the sun, but “a big badass butch dyke in menopause” craving non-monogamous love.
I wonder how much taxpayer money supports this rot.
Not just taxpayers. Alumni are probably not enthused either.
I doubt a moose could even fit in a Chevy Suburban.
Feels like this is a metaphor for something.
As much as I may dislike this timeline, if we must live it having Bill Maher sit down with Donald Trump and have the meeting moderated by…K-I-I-I-I-I-I-D R-O-O-O-C-K might take the edge off a bit. Bawitdaba indeed. Whatever that means.
Looks like there’s something worse than the transcult out there.
I’d heard of 764 before, but I assumed it was psychopathic adults running it.
No. It’s OTHER TEENS. Budding psychos with undeveloped brains but exquisite manipulation skills.
Is this real? Or is this an internet rumor?
Wrong database. Try NSFW.
FYI: I’ve read about Sprinkle before. She’s a batshit crazy 1960’s ex-porn-star who specialized in urination fetish movies.