Friday Ephemera (748)
Interspecies attraction of note. || The oxygen tank is, I suppose, an innovative touch. || Not new, but evergreen. Related. || At last, drinkable mayonnaise. || More adventures in modernity. || “How can anything made of matter be that cold?” || Bold artistic breakthrough. || The litter bins of Disneyland. || The chair bodgers of the Chilterns, 1950. || Hercules. || At last, sewing machine techno. || Unauthorised parking anthropology. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || The progressive retail experience, parts 599, 600, 601, and 602. || Oh, winter wonderland. || Swimwear. || When your foot’s hard on the brakes, but your car won’t stop, and you’re heading towards a lake, while pregnant. || Free at last. || Sweet potato, sharp knife. || The tomb of Queen Nefertari. || And finally, an uncanny deduction.
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Puts me in mind of a Disney movie . . . from before they lost their senses.
Barney’s not looking too good.
How to ensure a murder investigation.
The anti-progressive retail experience.
At the end of the day, when it’s time to sleep, read it this bedtime story.
I’d like to think it’s fake–rage clickbait–and yet we do live in depraved times.
Bold artistic breakthrough.
Most Swifties were just born yesterday. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida at 17:04 for the win. Plus many, many others.
Here’s GoldMine’s top 20 songs longer than 10 minutes.
[ Gets sucked into rabbit hole ]
Did Pink Floyd do any songs less than 10 minutes long? /sarcasm
Really don’t mind if you sit this one out.
Worry about Jimmy.
His public defender tried to argue the number of officers in the room was ‘oppressive.’
Zeppelin’s Ramble On, in the parallel universe where they composed and recorded in the 1950s.
I’ve been looking for this clip. Some culture bloggers were using this (specifically the guy playing the scissors) during their review of “The Acolyte.”
Can’t tell you what scissoring has to do with Star Wars, however.
Most Swifties were just born yesterday. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida at 17:04 for the win.
That whole generation is very Soviet in the way they think they invented everything.
Allman Brothers At Fillmore East 1971
Of course Coltrane could blow on a standard like “My Favorite Things” for damn near an hour.
Can’t tell you what scissoring has to do with Star Wars, however.
Regarding The Acolyte, I will pass on the obvious joke…
I was actually going to mention Tubular Bells. I thought it might be too obscure. I love when Oldfield starts naming/introducing the individual instruments.
Part I, at about 20:15
What do you mean she doesn’t have a parking break?
I asked the Google AI, which said, “To activate the [Chevy Malibu] parking brake, pull up on the parking brake switch.”
Well, there’s your problem. There’s supposed to be a proper lever to yank up on (no electronic intervention) or a smaller pedal to the far right of the foot compartment that you can mash down, again without electronic intervention.
[I drive a stick, so I have the extra protection of lower gears, provided the clutch doesn’t go out at the same time as the brake.]
Also on the Google results page: “The parking brake, also known as the emergency brake or hand brake, was originally designed to be used if the vehicle’s main braking system failed. However, in modern vehicles, the parking brake doesn’t have enough stopping power to bring the car to a halt.”
Also, isn’t it a bad idea to switch off the car while it’s in motion? Won’t some of those cars lock the steering wheel?
Kudos to aelfheld, that was the very first thing that occurred to me talking about uber long songs; though there are numerous examples of course.
As regards that runaway car, it does seem that the car in question, a recent Chevy Malibu has a proximity key plus start/stop button to start (and stop!) the vehicle. The caller did say in the recording that there had been a fault with that setup and that the button did not work to turn off the engine. Presumably if it did the proximity key would ensure that the steering lock would probably not engage.
What puzzled me was why not just move the shifter (assuming an auto) to neutral, or even to manual and just down shift ? Car didn’t appear to also be suffering from runaway acceleration as it was moving relatively slowly. Neutral might over-rev the engine if there was a fault there as well, but…
Just to note that the spate of “unintended acceleration” cases from about (I think) 20-25 years ago, often affecting Audis were at least IMHO best explained by drivers being so incompetent that they confused the brake and accelerator pedals, though there may be the odd exception. Those cars though would have physical keys to switch off and/or remove.
I missed that one. 👌
“She immediately assembles a highly-skilled team of specialists.”
Morning, all.
It’s like house music never happened. Why, it doesn’t bear thinking about.
The preferred outcome. The robbers’ behaviour does rather suggest, quite strongly, how concerned one should be for their wellbeing.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
Laughed, not sorry.
It’s a shame the owner moved to new premises. I rather miss his anthropological approach to unauthorised parking. And the beebling scooters.
Her delivery… Perfect.
Reminder of note:
But according to Our Betters, it’s all just random.
The whole ‘gay voice’ thing has long puzzled me. It’s faintly aggravating and not at all attractive. I don’t sound like that. The Other Half doesn’t. I have heard men who do sound like that, but I’d assumed it must be some weird affectation, a learned mannerism.
Eggs for breakfast?
Yes that channel is quite a rabbit hole.
Any indication what city this is?
We were not that clueless during my youth in the Graffitied Subway Car era of New Yawk City, even at that age.
Jordan Peterson talks with Warren Smith – about, among other things, being fired as an educator. Fired, presumably, at least in part, for throwing into relief some default assumptions.
[ Added: ]
The short video, by the way, the one that went viral and caused all of the chest-clutching, is this one here.
Readers who haven’t seen it may want give it a watch, before marvelling at how that – that – is a basis for woke fainting, and for firing people.
Dallas, Texas, I believe.
Many hours of amusement were had watching the videos. Not just the scooter gags and the squeaky skirts, etc., which still make me laugh, but the basic premise and the repetition. Over and over again, people approach the wall where the cameras are – and which has half a dozen signs explaining what will happen if you park there without permission – and which they look at, even point to, before parking there anyway.
It’s like an ongoing video essay on human stupidity.
The reality of heritability had to be erased from public awareness because it contradicts the Blank Slate Hypothesis, and thus stands in the way of Utopia.
But the fervent suppression of reality by Smart People should not call into question their smartness, wisdom, or moral worth.
They’re after the water on the dog’s fur.
Egalitarian pretensions do tend to buckle, and bits do tend to fall off, when confronted with fairly obvious aspects of reality.
And so, as seen, we get childless progressives insisting, quite emphatically, that a person just happens to be born into a context that their parents also just happened to be born into. As if there could be no causal connection.
Because, we’re told, it “was mere chance” that your parents’ child was you.
But then, that applies to many other things, too.
Why do so many people not understand insurance? Because they have been “educated” into ignorance and delusion.
I bet they’re hard to boil
Edit: Joking aside, I used to live near an ostrich farm. It’s about 45 minutes and will feed the entire family.
It’s also a lack of curiosity about the world and how things work. I don’t remember ever being taught about how insurance works, I just picked it up somewhere through osmosis. You should just learn certain things from living in a culture.
It’s the kind of supposedly moral perspective that doesn’t seem likely to be arrived at, or to flourish, without some perverse intervention. Say, by progressive educators.
I’m thinking you can knock the shift lever out of gear without using the clutch
Wasn’t there some odd pedal spacing or something that was discovered?
[ Rattles tray of snacks. ]
Rush 2112, 20 minutes 33 seconds of awesomeness
Dallas, Texas, I believe.
Yes. 4 years ago DEEP ELLUM. A historically black section of Dallas that is arguably the original home of Dallas blues and which has gone through a cycle of being a less than swell place to go to being a swell place to go to being less than swell.
The inspiration for Deep Ellum* Blues, a traditional tune covered by everyone including the non-traditional such as the Grateful Dead.
*(Also spelled Elem in some of he earlier recordings)
Educational, you hear? That’s what this place is.