Only Suckers Pay Their Way
I paraphrase, of course. Though, judging by this piece in the San Francisco Standard, not by much:
“I don’t pay,” said a 35-year-old man wearing an orange puffy vest and clutching a beige shoulder bag and a banana. The man said he earns $75,000 working for an Oakland-based climate nonprofit. “Muni should be free, to make it accessible.”
Or, my activist lifestyle should be subsidised by others, the less important.
Ah, that community spirit, a triumph of fairness over selfishness, in a city of good people. Good people who steal as a matter of routine. Because when it comes to paying their way, well, they’d rather not.
Behold the moral clarity of Our Betters. The unwavering righteousness.
You see, stiffing others with the bill, the cost of you getting from A to B, is the very measure of politeness. It’s altruistic fare-dodging. Another terribly progressive innovation.
As one might imagine, this modish, habitual freeloading, now estimated at 20% of users, possibly higher, has had certain consequences, including the alienation of many paying customers. Say, those not impressed by orange-vested climate activists who repeatedly screw the law-abiding, and the taxpayer, while applauding themselves for their belief that “Muni should be free.”
Left unchallenged or actively reinforced, the disregard for paying bills may of course spill into other areas of life, and losses from municipal parking garages are also mentioned as a “concern.” The fiscal state of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is described by insiders as “incredibly dire,” with a deficit projected to rise from a mere $15 million to a rather more impressive $322 million.
Rafael Mandelman, the chair of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, is one of those concerned, though more by the election of Donald Trump, and the consequently dimmed prospects of further federal bailouts, than by the culture of fare-dodging among the network’s own supposed customers. Suggested solutions to these economic woes include taxing ride-share companies, parcel taxes, increased parking charges, and bake sales.
Action of a sort is, belatedly, being taken:
However, this being San Francisco, an uphill struggle is expected:
Ms Malan, whose progressive charisma can be viewed here, is, she says, “working smarter, not harder.”
@theedoodlebop Suddenly im having the best day of my life ! #sanfrancisco #sf #hotweatherhacks #fypシ゚ #missionsf #goldengatepark #sanfranciscobayarea ♬ original sound – Tasha 🧍🏻
Again, good people, Giving It To The Man. Or at least, giving it to those unhip, fare-paying suckers.
Ms Malan, a self-styled “artist,” was later caught fare-dodging by the aforementioned fare enforcement officers, or Muni cops, and given a $130 citation – an indignity Ms Malan describes, quite vehemently, as “bullshit.”
@theedoodlebop FINE yall win this time😔 #sf #sanfrancisco ♬ original sound – Tasha 🧍🏻
It’s worth noting that the replies to Ms Malan’s fare-dodging dramas are almost entirely sympathetic. Her admirers applaud her recreational mooching, a measure of hipness, and offer tips on doing the same. “Best way to live,” says one. “God, I love this city,” adds a likeminded bint. “It’s a simple and beautiful life,” says another. Albeit a life based on exploiting, and sneering at, those more honest. The ones being left to pick up the tab.
Other attempts at fare enforcement have, inevitably, resulted in hair-trigger accusations of “racism,” presumably on grounds that Magical Brownness entitles those so endowed to an indefinite exemption from normal proprieties.
Readers may recall our previous visits to the world of glamorised fare-dodging – for instance, in Washington DC, where progressive commuters, including lecturers, lawyers and screenwriters, aired their “exhausted rage,” not at the rapidly growing number of freeloaders eroding social trust and bankrupting the transport network, but at those careless enough to notice such things.
Because noticing routine and shameless thievery is apparently much worse than indulging in it. And certainly more likely to result in opprobrium.
Some will doubtless recall Ms Claudia Balducci, a scrupulously progressive woman responsible for Seattle’s public transport network, and who, when faced with evidence that up to 70% of passengers are now fare-dodging with impunity, replied:
Which, we’re to believe, is progress. An achievement unlocked.
Oh, and we mustn’t forget this feat of Bay Area ingenuity, complete with magic cardboard and public masturbators.
Update, via the comments:
Responding to this rather convenient excuse,
Clam replies, not unfairly,
Given the nature of public infrastructure and its bureaucracy, and given the city’s pronounced progressive leanings, I don’t doubt that the transportation system may be suboptimally conceived and suboptimally implemented. But as we noted recently, rules and systems can only do so much, and whether a system works, or works to some extent, will also depend on compliance and enforcement, on human capital, the quality of its inputs, its users.
And it’s not obvious how any system that one might realistically devise could function adequately if subjected to large enough numbers of people much like our “artist,” Ms Tasha Malan, or the activist with the banana, or the research associate who excuses her habitual freeloading as being “like a San Francisco thing, I guess.”
The weight of shitty, selfish people is not to be underestimated.
Update 2:
Regarding the self-satisfied justifications for being a selfish bum, a – dare I say it – parasite – commenter [+] adds,
Well, yes. And I’m not sure how a struggling transport system can overcome the prevalence of such attitudes, unless the people running it are willing to add some serious Find Out to all the Fucking About. And I suspect that wouldn’t be regarded as “a San Francisco thing,” man.
It’s also, I think, worth pondering how those announcing their habitual freeloading, even boasting of it, don’t seem to regard themselves as being in any way uncivilised or morally questionable.
As if their behaviour – their choices, made repeatedly – couldn’t possibly indicate something untoward or unsavoury. Something warranting shame. Perhaps they assume that “working for a climate nonprofit,” or being a “research associate for a Google-owned subsidiary,” or just living in San Francisco, a progressive Mecca, makes them a good person. An unassailable being.
It seems to me that political attitudes are to a very large extent downstream of personality and psychology, the kind of person you are. Say, the kind of adult, statusfully employed, who will make the kind of noises more typically expected from thick, delinquent teenagers. And if your super-progressive city has attracted a lot of shitty, self-entitled narcissists, the morally juvenile, creatures like Ms Malan, well, things will tend to degrade.
Whether the degradation can be reversed without addressing the underlying psychology, those shitty personalities, I leave to the reader.
This blog, since you ask, is kept afloat by the tip jar buttons below.
She gets a little credit for realizing that her boasting about fare evasion might have been unwise, so she’d better accept the fine “like a woman.” Plenty of our country’s heathens wouldn’t manage even that slight bit of self-reflection.
Yet she still gets vehemently indignant about there being consequences. How dare they hand her a bill.
Good job they put the clever people in charge.
They invert everything.
Well, it’s one of those times when you feel an urge to say, “You do know that your flimsy rationalisations are showing, right?”
Okay, your emotional blackmail worked. Ping!
I was rather hoping it might. Bless you, sir. May you know the satisfaction of getting a lot done.
So is shitting in the street.
Given the nature of such things, and given the city’s pronounced progressive leanings, I don’t doubt that the transportation system may be suboptimally conceived and suboptimally implemented. But as we noted recently, rules and systems can only do so much, and whether a system works, or works to some extent, will also depend on human capital, the quality of its inputs, its personnel, its users.
And it’s not obvious how any system that one might realistically devise could function adequately if subjected to large numbers of people much like our “artist,” Ms Tasha Malan, or the activist with the banana, or the research associate who excuses her habitual freeloading as being “like a San Francisco thing, I guess.”
The weight of shitty, selfish people is not to be underestimated.
Is this what is meant by the cashless economy?
[ Post updated. ]
I don’t doubt that the transportation system may be suboptimally conceived and suboptimally implemented.
As far as fares go, you would be correct.
There are more classes of fares, but the whole thing is the convoluted mess one would expect from San Francisco. When I was but a wee Muldoon we would travel north to see relatives who weren’t wise enough to leave NYC (spit), but everyone there who rode the subways and buses paid 15 cents ($1.60 in today’s money) for a token (tokens so people didn’t have to fish out a nickle and a dime).
I guess something like that is too simple and not enough equity or something. Racist too, of course.
JFC, the Spam-No-Mor (Ausf. G)™ is FUBAR.
I post, goes through. Quick edit to fix a typo lest I lose points again, and into the hopper.
No idea what happened there. I’ve retrieved your comment from the spam folder.
[ Slides tray of nibbles to Mr Muldoon. ]
No idea what happened there.
1000 Gen Z monkeys randomly pounding keyboards trying to turn out Shakespearean code …
[ Slides tray of nibbles closer. ]
[ Slides tray of nibbles to Mr Muldoon. ]
Funny, they don’t look like the usual Johnsonville® brats, but thanks for the retrieval.
Her parents must be so proud.
Also ping!
Bless you, madam. May you give good gravy.
Nonsense. The problem is the rules aren’t enforced. The techniques of behaviour modification are well-known. The people in charge don’t want the rules to be enforced:
Sorry, grandpa, but blogging platforms were built by Gen-Xers. Good luck finding a Gen-Z coder who knows PHP.
Sorry, grandpa, but blogging platforms were built by Gen-Xers.
Gen X, Gen Z – pretty much a distinction without much difference, sonny.
That would, I think, be a start. See also, just about everything else.
To be generous, perhaps undeservedly so, they do seem… conflicted. And hence the quite rapid, quite farcical decay.
And which, again, suggests a failure of quality. In this case, of those deemed fit to be in charge.
She’s not wrong.
I laughed and I’m not sorry:
Original posts here.
It’s not like she can be wrong about everything.
It’s almost like she’s not actually sorry.
Of course similar things have been going on for at least a dozen years or so if not, at smaller scale, decades. I guarantee you she was, or would have been were she paying attention, on the wrong side of most, if not all of those instances.
the consequently dimmed prospects of further federal bailouts
This, I think, gets to the nub of it. They can afford to have their luxury beliefs and the luxury of non-enforcement of rules/laws only because of the expectation that Uncle Sugar will make with the freshly-printed cash to cover the consequences of their idiotic ways.
The Left has made the productive half of the US citizenry into tax cows to be milked to support the other half of the US citizenry along with a growing horde of invaders. With the success of their 2020 ballot shenanigans, they thought they could force this in perpetuity, so they became increasingly bold with rubbing our faces in it.
She’s a mediocre example of how everyone is, to one extent or another, a mixed bag of good and bad. It is usually a mistake to say someone has nothing of value to say because of their position on issue x…or even positions x, y, and z.
The journalists want a story about fare evasion being universal and normalized. The numbers (20%, up from 12% the previous year) show not normalized though maybe on the way to being so. The anecdotes from the article show (i) at the bottom, the poor, immigrants, and racial minorities are evading fares as everyone already notices and is resigned to; (ii) at the top, a nice professional lady is only 80% conscientious about tapping her card, especially when enforcement is lax and her access to the reader is blocked by people who don’t look like they’re paying their own fares; (iii) a growing middle of white collar workers on $75K, which in SF makes people anxious about bills/social status/desired vs actual lifestyle, and more ready with the resentful self-justifications.
Tumlin, the boss of the transit system, sounds pretty dismissive about fare evasion either in terms of lost revenue or in terms of lost social trust – “The problem appears worse than it is because tapping a Clipper card is not the only way to pay … People expect this theater of everyone tapping on, and people feel outraged.”.
Note the total absence of baked beans.
Note the total absence of baked beans.
On that note, they said the perfect ornament for your friends in Blighty doesn’t exist.
We will nor return you to regular programming:
“Being “trans” is not a choice, it is biological”…except for the six surgeries, I guess
“Being “trans” is not a choice, it is biological”
Nice Joker lipstick. I might actually support publicly funding cosmetic classes for trans women.
What, again?
This is an instance where institutionalization, not classes, are in order.
Statistics possibly indicative of something
Imagine dating “artist” Tasha Malan? Selfish, arrogant, narcissistic, sweaty eye brows. She’s the hole package.
I’m still processing the fact that there are evidently quite a few people – supposedly respectable people – who are willing to admit, and even boast, that they are habitual fare-dodgers. Which is to say, freeloaders, thieves, parasites.
It’s something you might expect from a thick, delinquent teenager. Not a 25-year-old woman, a research associate, or a 35-year-old man. It suggests a certain arrestedness.
I mean, it’s not like being pleased that you were given something for free, for being liked or appreciated, or just by being lucky. It’s more akin to, “I swiped that woman’s shopping because, well, I could. Working smarter not harder.”
It strikes me as a strange thing to announce publicly – to strangers, random people on the internet – while not expecting disapproval. Or shunning.
As if it didn’t reveal something quite significant about who they are. And who, presumably, they intend to go on being.
Unfair. They were formed in the 60’s but nobody would call them fossils.
She’s the hole package.
Intentional or typo, that is comedy gold right there…
I’m a California native. Born and raised in SoCal since the 70s. Until 2000 I had never lived further than about 10 minutes from being able to dip my feet in the Pacific Ocean. I lived in San Francisco for a decade in the 90s. Before living there I thought SF would be the pinnacle of the best CA had to offer.
I could not have been more wrong. SF is the most provincial, closed-minded, bigoted bunch of sociopaths you would ever want to contemplate. SF is so far gone, it’s like it’s not even part of America, any longer. The people there share NO values with Americans. None. Zero.
There are no normal people in SF. There are freaks. There are sociopaths. There are dysgenic, condescending peckerwoods. And anyone who doesn’t fall into those three categories kisses the ass of everyone else who is in one of those three categories. I’ve never lived (before or since) in a place that was as ugly as SF. Not the scenery. Not the weather. The people.
I’m glad I knew CA when it was a wonderful place.
I’m also immensely glad I left when I did, so the place has no hold on my imagination. None.
I have a great deal of sympathy for Californians who are now too old to move.
No, not surprising at all.
I laughed and so should you:
This latest Twitter habit of coming up with “innofensive” insults is a lot of fun.
I hear you. I was born 1954 in Los Angeles, grew up among the orange groves in Granada Hills until I was 13, then moved to Brea behind the Orange curtain (mom, 93, still in the family home). I’ve lived in several places in SoCal until we retired and moved out-of-state 20 months ago. My husband grew up in the Clairemont neighborhood of San Diego. All wonderful areas to grow up during the times we did … but the beautiful weather is the only thing CA has going for it and everything else in Newsom’s feudal state is not worth it.
Is she asking the cops? She tags these people in her second tweet (@AaronPeskin @RafaelMandelman, @LondonBreed), two district supervisors and the mayor. I guess if they were going to help her they’d use cops.
Even so, she thinks the thieves stole out of need: