And In Shoe-Related News
This just in:
Yes, I know. It’s a lot to unpack.
How many of those incidents were shoe-related, or involved insulted Barbie dolls, is unclear.
According to the Kleine Zeitung, the unnamed perpetrator, aged sixty and dubbed Franz, attacked his 81-year-old carer, punching him repeatedly and,
When subsequently appearing in court, Franz decided against wearing heels, perhaps wisely, and opted instead for “a chic sweater” and “delicate sandals.”
Franz, since you ask, was diagnosed with “a severe personality disorder” and a tendency towards violence, but was considered “still sane.”
The defendant also claimed that his fit of violent rage had been “provoked” by arguments over expenses, and his elderly carer’s failure to bring him toy cars, or any gifts for his small, plastic girlfriend.
Modernity, dear readers. It’s an acquired taste.
Previously in the world of transgender shoe-related crime.
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It makes sense when you think about it.
The Husband was watching Yacht Rock: A Dockumentary and I joined in. Interesting how much work Toto did in studio for others. They were the go to guys for session work.
I then started singing, regaling him with my Michael McDonald medley, second only to my Gordon Lightfoot medley, and he gave me “that look.”
[ Finishes compiling tomorrow’s Ephemera, starts work on The Year Reheated. ]
Tap tap. Tappity-tap-tap. Tap tap tap. Tap-tappity-tap.
[ Wipes brow. ]
Or they are frightened and therefore side with the POS that they think is the biggest threat. Then, the self-deception starts in order to save face, “I’m being a good forgiving person.”
Except for those who point out psychopathy–they refuse to see the good in them, something I know from long personal experience.
Recently seen: A celebration of “infinite diversity in infinite directions”. Could anything be more childish?
I have encountered so many such people that I am convinced many of them were not born that way but were “educated” into sociopathy. And those who are indoctrinated as children into lunatic ideologies are likely to remain so.
The leftist “friends”: A clear sign to stop treating them as friends.
The deranged thug: This is why good citizens who are small and weak should carry a firearm. Nothing cools down a thug’s emotions like being shot.
I didn’t really consider them friends, more acquaintances, or people in the neighbouring office who were forever borrowing things and then forgetting to return them.
After the incident, that status was downgraded further.
In an act sure to win hearts and minds, “Cunty Civil Disobedience“.
The Magic of
SegregationRepresentation.From the replies and certainly worth repeating.
In an act sure to win hearts and minds, “Cunty Civil Disobedience“.
In the replies to that post, I saw this:
“To have a transgender child has made me so much more interesting”
“To have a transgender child has made me so much more interesting”
“Those who do not read comments are doomed to repeat them”
Carlos Santayana
Some things bear repeating.
Heh. Welcome to my world.
Tap tap. Tappity-tap-tap. Tap tap tap. Tap-tappity-tap.
[ Sips red grape juice. ]
[ Still haven’t read all the comments in this thread. ]
from Dicentra: an example of depraved pseudo-empathy.
Psychopathic even.
Almost as though like protects like.
Gad Saad recently announced that this will be the title of his next book. To be released about a year from now.
Closely related: How liberals profess to care deeply about the poor, but are only interested in “solutions” that allow them to accumulate power and money. Even when those solutions actually prolong or exacerbate the problems.
Surprise: Brother of dead criminal is also a criminal.
Criminality tends to run in families, a fact which liberals have carefully forgotten.
A few minutes ago, I looked out of the window at a night sky and thought I’d pour myself an evening gin and tonic.
I was then reminded, with some amusement, that it was only 4:30. Not 6:30, as I’d assumed.
second only to my Gordon Lightfoot medley, and he gave me “that look.
If it included all seven verses of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, then I have a pretty good idea of “that” look.
This could also be good for people blocking roadways… maybe add a mulching attachment at the output end.
You can hose off tank treads.
[ Pours gin and tonic. ]
If this is what passes for serious thought worrying over AI hallucinations is risible.
Chase Strangio goes to Washington.
“the infant he and his husband are expecting via surrogate”
Gosh, it’s almost as if Chase Strangio is motivated by something other than altrusim.
Andy Ngo has more on Chase Strangio and his friends.
That thing that never happens.
The incoherence seems intentional.
Other courtroom shenanigans.
This is what happened in Canada. The government did not, in fact, order the banks to freeze and seize the accounts of citizens participating in the Freedom Convoy. They didn’t have to. They merely made it known that they would like someone to rid them of these turbulent truckers and the banks hopped to it, because banking is so absurdly regulated in Canada that the bank that stopped clapping first was going to be destroyed, and they all knew it.
He’s got a particular style as a director, but the scripts vary widely in quality. Corpse Bride is nicely done; but I enjoy pointing out to goth thots that the very clear message of The Nightmare Before Christmas is stay in your f*cking lane.
Sooner or later…
You don’t need to dig deep or come up with clever terminology. It’s just the same jockeying-for-position-in-the-herd behaviour it’s always been. Morality as fashion.
Here’s an excuse to begin drinking early: December 5th is the anniversary of the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, ending Prohibition.
Now do baseless lawsuits with zero evidence to be used as extortion. I may be facing one now. I have a neighbor who claims, based on nothing but his word, that a subcontractor employee working on my property walked across the street to his property and stole about $200 worth of stuff. Normally I would dismiss it but having had a guy in Florida sue our HOA based on nothing* costing everyone in our association about $175, I am wary. Fortunately in our HOA case, he didn’t get the money. But the layers and the insurance companies did. $30,000 based on zilch, nada, nothing. Most people pay for this sort of crap through their insurance premiums or other fees and have no idea that it is going on.
Lawfare has been a problem in our justice system for decades. This crap goes back to at least the 1970’s. Predating Al Sharpton’s extortion rackets.
*There were also his outrageous lies about himself having been an Olympic athlete. All 400 pounds of him. A swimmer. So he said.