And in shoe-related news:
A trans-identified male in Germany has been sentenced to an indefinite stay at a psychiatric ward as part of his sentence for exhibitionism and violent assaults on women.
Yes, I know. Another entry for our Thing That Never Happens file.
But first, a flashback:
In October of 2008, Klaus attacked a 52-year-old woman, violently pulling her to the ground and sitting on her in an attempt to try and pull her boots off her legs. According to a General Anzeiger report from the time, Klaus fled to the forest to try the boots on, at which point he got “real excitement.”
Don’t ask.
After being tracked down by police, investigators found a whole collection of women’s boots at his home.
A pattern repeated upon his release, and hence a second, present-day appearance in court. But this time, with added kinks and complications:
The 56-year-old man from Troisdorf had to stand trial at the regional court in Bonn for threats, grievous bodily harm and exposing his penis to women on a train. But during the trial, the court had to weigh whether or not to pursue the charges against Klaus for exhibitionism due to his gender identity.
In Germany, only males can be charged with exhibitionism of the penis, and because Klaus identified as “female,” it was initially unclear whether the charge could apply to him.
Because this is where we are now. Or where the Germans are, at least.
Happily, the court decided that, as the gentleman, referred to only as Klaus, had not yet legally asserted his claim of being the opposite sex, the charges of exhibitionism were indeed applicable. And so, another spell in Bedlam.
Still, I suspect those new silicone pseudo-breasts, acquired between stays, may be some consolation.
Perhaps less happily,
Klaus was handed his sentence just one day before Germany’s new self-identification law came into force. He is now entitled to change his legal sex and be placed on a women’s ward at the psychiatric hospital he will be housed at.
A comfort to all concerned, I’m sure.
After all, what could possibly go wrong when housing with women a mentally ill man who likes to hold knives to women’s throats before stealing their footwear, and hoarding said footwear for sexual purposes? A man who delights in stalking women, assaulting them, and waving his tallywhacker at mothers with their young daughters.
A man who is referred to in the German media, somewhat surreally, as a woman, a she-person, despite being identified via the very male genetic material left at the scenes of his crimes.
Oh, and should you be concerned about the whereabouts of all those stolen items, fear not:
The defendant now hoards hundreds of boots and handbags in a large number of boxes; she had even taken her treasures with her to prison, where they were stored.
Her treasures, obligingly stored.
Update, via the comments:
Alice quotes this from the bizarrely misleading German news coverage:
Because she wanted to tear women’s boots off their feet, a woman – then still a man – was convicted in 2009.
She then adds, not unreasonably,
Indeed. And for the women he robbed and assaulted, and the women and girls at whom he flashed his penis, it must be quite odd, and probably aggravating, to hear media reports of some entirely imaginary shoe-robbing, penis-flashing woman.
As noted here previously regarding a not dissimilar incident:
For the passers-by who intervened and overpowered Mr Beekmeyer, it must have been quite strange to see subsequent reports in which this shirtless man was referred to by the police and the media as a woman. As if their own, first-hand perceptions, from mere inches away, were somehow wildly and implausibly inaccurate.
When a shirtless, deranged man – a man attacking a breastfeeding mother and her four-month-old baby – is referred to by the Vancouver Police Department, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and the Vancouver Sun, as a woman – despite all video and photographic evidence – then we’re in surreal territory. And the mismatch of claim and reality is not neutral or benign. It is corrosive. Not least to any trust in the Vancouver Police Department, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and the Vancouver Sun – the probity of which is, necessarily, called into question.
But we live in unhinged times. In which observable reality is something to be ignored.
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Sounds like a clue that your laws are arse-backwards.
One would think.
There was a time when Germany was widely regarded as the intellectual capital of Europe: You might get your undergraduate degree anywhere, but if you had serious scholarly aspirations you had to go to a German university for your doctorate.
I don’t think anyone’s going to want them back.
This is not the fairy tale I asked for.
Do help yourself to a pickled egg.
[ Considers vegetarianism. ]
He’s still a bloody man. *bangs head on desk*
For the women he robbed and assaulted, and the women and girls at whom he flashed his penis, it must be quite odd, and probably aggravating, to hear media reports of some entirely imaginary shoe-robbing, penis-flashing woman.
See also this.
Part of the pretending is to fail to acknowledge that men are much much stronger on average than women. And thus more of a danger. We do not hear stories of XX “men” raping and robbing and exposing themselves.
Further to my previous, let’s not forget this one:
We live in unhinged times. In which observable reality is something to be ignored.
We live in unhinged times. In which observable reality is something to be ignored.
Not just shoes and which sex someone claims to be…
I am currently full of steak and potato pie.
Keep me in your thoughts as I recline upon the sofa.
[ Reclining intensifies. ]
OT here, but this has just come to my notice: a lovely article by Brendan O’Neill at Spiked, about reactions to the American election result:
The unbelievably hilarious meltdown of the centrists
The conclusion is joyous:
List of people that will be leaving the country because of a Trump victory.
Also: Trump victory drives longtime lunatic to murder-suicide: Minnesota man with long history of mental illness kills self, wife, ex-wife, and children.
If only Democrats had not loudly proclaimed that Trump is literally Hitler.
Your link is broken…
Don’t tell Muldoon.
[ Hangs head in shame. ]
Here it is.
[ Tries to suppress unbecoming feelings of resentment while healthy salad. ]
The pie was baked in a 3-litre dish, about 40 cm wide.
For two of us.
Does that help?
Happy birthday, USMC.
I thought you guys were svelte? Just when my world was starting to make sense again. Sigh…
Like a ninja gazelle.
And I suspect we’ll be eating pie again tomorrow.
I have no idea why The Other Half saw fit to make a pie of Desperate Dan proportions, but it did look awfully impressive. The remaining 60% of it still does, in fact.
I love that there’s a 30-minute gap between posts. I’m imagining you dragging your bulk over to the computer, posting, then collapsing on your fainting couch whilst being fanned by fairy handmaidens*
* No, not that kind. The flying kind from Disney. But if you’re wishing otherwise, who am I to judge?
It’s the word bulk that stung.
[ Glances over. Sees that old browser tab is still open. ]
You mean like this?
Thread of note.
I know of that woman … I actually got to fire one (being county gov, it almost took an act of God, so the result was especially sweet).
AGP male boasting he is going to invade women’s spaces any time he feels like it.
Please let him be living in a state with conceal carry.
We’ve seen his face before.
There are subtle scents given off by men and women related to sex. I really really doubt that simply taking hormones will enable a man to emit these pheromones like a woman, or that a surgical gash will ever smell correct.
That applies to numerous people “featured” here and elsewhere.
I’ve lost track of the number of vicious crimes which were committed by people with criminal records severe enough that they should have been permanently removed from society.
Er, thanks for sharing.
She’s almost certainly just mouthing off, but it would be amusing if she got shot pulling the shit she is promising.
‘Thanks’ may not be the best choice of words.
Nominee for Birthing Person of the Year.
Mrs. Slocum’s Finishing School for Unstable Women has many graduates and applicants:
But they still wonder why trust in the media is at an all time low.
Media luminaries and self-awareness are rarely happy bedfellows. And so, we get panels and gatherings at which Very Important Journalists wail to each other about “online hate targeted at journalists” – by which, they mean mocking and factual correction – and wonder why they aren’t held in the esteem to which they believe they are entitled.
As if practised dishonesty and the deliberate concealing of pertinent facts – not least by publicly funded broadcasters – were something that the public, the supposed customer, should just suck up and get used to. As if the public should appreciate being lied to about the identity of dangerously deranged criminals.
At times, it’s positively surreal.
And again, it must be quite odd to witness a newsworthy event and to subsequently see media reports that wilfully distort what actually happened and who was doing what.
Looks like the therapists of America are in for a good season.
I was under the mistaken impression that if the police bust someone for theft, they return the stolen items. Did the women just not want them back (understandable if so)?
I get the impression that the items in question may have been – how shall I put this? – somewhat stained.
“A lot of people simply do not like us,” says Mr John Harris, scrabbling for some explanation. In yet another self-flattering and wildly dishonest Guardian article.
See also Steve’s parsing of Mr Harris in the comments over at Tim’s.
More than a few of those therapists need therapy for their TDS.
How about “loathe”?
And when we don’t loathe them we pity them the way one pities a rabid animal.
Looks like the therapists of America are in for a good season.
Her daughter has to get an IUD at 17 years old why, exactly?
Because she can’t take BCPs? Latex allergy? Has to use some form of birth control instead of a super easy, barley inconvenient, abortion? She has to know the IUD will just be removed when she is forcibly shipped off to the Trumphitler Resort and Birthing Center.
Her son is a political target – is her son really another daughter, or a daughter really a son, in which case she has “misgendered” him – or is it her? You can’t tell the delusions without a scorecard.
Either way, looks like the rest of the family got lucky this year.