Those Non-Reciprocal Pieties
Regarding the recent Māori theatrics in the New Zealand parliament:
Interesting. Are we indigenous Danes also more spiritually and culturally connected to our land than the recent immigrants?
— Jonatan Pallesen (@jonatanpallesen) November 16, 2024
Oddly, no reply was forthcoming.
Update, via the comments:
On those connections to the land:
Apparently, museum visitors must be warned that the sight of a Constable landscape may trigger TERRIFYING BLOOD AND SOIL TENDENCIES. Or at least inspire thoughts of historical attachment, continuity, and belonging – thoughts that may be disconcerting or very much frowned upon, if only by the – wait for it – keepers of our heritage.
Today’s word, since you ask, is juxtaposition.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
“Shut up!”, they explained.
But ‘indigenous’ doesn’t mean, to the left, what it means to everyone else.
Having poked through some of her outpourings, I get the impression that Ms Demola doesn’t much like white people. Her Measure Of Righteousness In All Matters seems to be “native versus settler, coloniser versus colonised.” Which is awfully convenient for a certain kind of person.
While poking, the word monomania came to mind.
She also claims that Kemi Badenoch is “dangerous to black people.”
Her grasp of history is also somewhat intermittent.
For the purposes of juxtaposition.
Somewhat related: Professor says study of geology is “linked to white supremacy”. (Amusingly, she is a “Professor of Inhuman Geography” at Queen Mary University, which sounds like a joke in a Terry Pratchett novel.)
She also condemns paleontology, which she calls “pale-ontology”.
How do these low-intelligence, evil people get professorships? To ask is to answer.
[ Post updated. ]
[ Peruses Sunday Roast menu of local tavern. ]
Right, off to have lunch. Play nicely.
Use coasters.
Her grasp of history is also somewhat intermittent.
TBF, Africa, apart from Mediterranean Africa, was developing, just at a geologic pace compared to yte devils (or India and China, for that matter).
Regarding the recent Māori theatrics…
About those “indigenous” Maori, they didn’t spring de novo from the soil of New Zealand, but there were migrations from around the Pacific, and I’d bet good money that that the newer arrivals didn’t just sit down and share a Coke and sing in perfect harmony with whoever got there before.
Amusingly, she is a “Professor of Inhuman Geography”…
In practice, however, the meadows are full of this, and I don’t mean grass or the cows.
I recently read online that the Maori were the first settlers of those islands, and thus did not displace much less exterminate any indigenous people. On the other hand, they did keep pretty damn busy killing each other.
Though to Muldoon’s point, later waves of Maori were not likely to be toto-sympatico with the Maori who got there earlier twixt the 13th and 14th centuries. Then there was a volcano explosion, or something. It’s all very well documented in…uh…Wikipedia. Of course lacking any written history books…tho wtf history books are good for even in the best of circumstances is itself another matter…
This has got to be a record.
In 1700 or so, Japan was quite backward though ahead of Africa. When confronted with Europeans, the Japanese realized they were behind and started a push to import and translate European (and US) books in multiple languages (English, Dutch, French, German). Thousands of books on engineering, economics, medicine, everything were brought in. They encouraged mechanics and shopkeepers to innovate. The rest is history.
Claims that Africa was advanced are hilarious. Yes, there were “kingdoms” in Benin and Ivory Coast, but the most advanced cities were so due to Arabs who had business there (especially in Somalia and nearby).
Another example: Scotland in 1600 was so primitive that people brought their farm animals indoors at night to sleep with them on dirt floors and a merchant who tried to sell soap gave it up because they could not sell any. The Scots set up universal education (long before England) and set about to modernize their farming. By 1800 (1850?) they had the top university in GB and led in engineering and medicine. Most of the engineers who built stuff for the British empire overseas were Scots.
Allowing people to stamp their feet in parliament can doom a country to chaos. Great way to assuage your guilt.
Well, yeah. Man’s gotta eat.
The Adam Kinzinger post seems conveniently placed.
Though to Muldoon’s point, later waves of Maori were not likely to be toto-sympatico with the Maori who got there earlier…
Exactly, just as Kamehameha I of the big island mostly peacefully drove the warriors of Oahu off the pali to “unify” the islands, or the American Indians had their mostly peaceful wars, or any of
indigenous“WTF, dude, we were here first” wars around the world.Again, a platform teeming with neurotic scolds, all trying to out-do each other with displays of pretentious sensitivity and deference to the fringe and/or dysfunctional, may not be a good place to park the car.
They also seem to be having problems with paedophilic imagery.
They also seem to be having problems with paedophilic imagery.
Every religion has its iconography, symbols and relics.
Sargon of Akkad has more.
He was a good boy! He dindu nuffin! The police be lying! Now he can be a good boy in Hell. Multiple videos of the POS attacking the cop with a machete, but mama says they’re lying. Seems that America would be better off without mama too.
I didn’t realize he had a YouTube channel. Seems like he’s having fun with those libtards.
I cannot think of a worse hellship to be a crewmember of.
Capt. Van der Decken tips his cap.
This is the post about the Maori being first.
What wokeness hath wrought.
The Handmaid’s Tale is about to kick off.
Thank you for finding the link.
Awfully tempting to troll the libtards I used to know.
Re that post about the Maori settlement of NZ, it does seem that the earliest settlers found a place large enough for multiple loads of immigrants to have some territory of their own. There was for the first 1-200 or possibly more years voyages to and from NZ, very likely using double hulled sailing canoes, and given the distance they were very competent mariners. Those people also discovered several off-shore islands including the Auckland Islands which are well within the “roaring 40’s” and must have involved a fairly active bit of exploring, likely following seabirds to land. However as the population grew conflict became widespread and fortified villages became common. The culture also changed and it is likely that with the disappearance due to hunting of all the easy land based sources of protein the practice of cannibalism and slavery became common.
Notably at some point likely after 1600-1650 or so the knowledge or craft of building the large double hulled voyaging canoes was lost, possibly because of a natural disaster that devastated shoreline settlements. By the time of the arrival of Captain Cook who claimed the islands for the UK only single hulled dugout style canoes (with limited planking added to improved seaworthiness) were observed. And the exact knowledge of the original island homelands was forgotten. These “dugout” canoes could be very large – NZ has some damn big trees, but they were not suitable for ocean voyaging though used for significant coastal voyaging.
Unlike almost any other “colony” the settlement and inclusion of NZ into the Empire was accompanied by the preparation and signature of a Treaty between the locals (all the ranking chiefs of the various tribes as there was no pan-NZ pre European organisation) which is regarded as the founding document of the country.
It is concerning the exact meaning and scope of this document that the current “goings on” is about including the somewhat hysterical behaviour commented on elsewhere. There is an attempt to provide via legislation a definition of the meaning of the various terms and what their effect should be on modern NZ. However various groups object, often quite strenuously, to any such clarification. In particular virtually the entire legal profession objects to seeing an extremely lucrative industry (treaty interpretation being a big thing for them) disappear.
Such is life in the colonies.
Today’s top reason to bring back the public stocks. Tar and feathers would be a nice touch, too.
Meanwhile, over at Bluesky: Please clearly label your jokes as jokes:
No laughing at the back.
I can’t tell if that’s a joke.
Mr Morrish is, I gather, a comedy producer, so I’m assuming it is. But he does rather capture something.
If that was an ironic chiding, that makes me feel a little bit better. I don’t want to go over there, but I hope it isn’t as uptight and insane as it’s made out to be by the nut-picking accounts.
Her “non-binary brain” was acting up again.
Learning environment.
Given the progressive tilt towards neuroticism, and given that some of the weird scolds who were fired when Twitter became X presumably now work at Bluesky, all moderating feverishly, I wouldn’t expect it to be a garden of jollity and fun vibes.
As Sargon noted in the video linked upthread, there seem to be lots of whiny, self-important mentalists bitching about the platform that they left in such an unconvincing huff.
I picture being stuck in a room with hundreds of tearful drunk people who won’t stop complaining about their exes.
I mean, there’s only so much you could stand.
Is that where they went? That would figure.
Well, again, I’m assuming. It would, I think, be congenial for those so inclined. I remember seeing interviews with some of the moderators who were made redundant and it was quite eye-opening. Every meme brought to life.
OK – now do Jewraelis and “Palestinians”
There’s your real problem. The incentive to drive a wedge and create resentment. Light things on fire then sell the people more fire stations.
Because counterfeiters would of course print up questionable currency in small denominations rather than say, twenties or fifties or hundreds. Especially in a denomination that is not common. This reminded me of an episode of Scooby-Doo from my childhood where the bad guys were printing phony $5 bills and they got caught because their depiction of Lincoln had him in a turtleneck sweater. I got fixated on how stupid such a plot line was. Funny-stupid but a bit too stupid.
Also, I could be wrong but I smell a cryptocurrency rat in this story somewhere.
I’m testing it out on Farcebook now. Their censors are pretty good at misunderstanding satire.
Heh. ‘Jewraelis’. Can I use that?
“Make new connections across generations.“
Make new connections across generations.
A potluck that’s only two hours in length? Is that about how long these people can honestly stand each other without devolving into petty one-upping?
Oh, wait . . . Bluesky.
Her “non-binary brain” was acting up again.
OK, if her “non-binary brain” was bumfuzzled by pictures of a man and a woman, why would signs saying “Men” and “Women” be less bumfuzzling?
This goes into the “Didn’t happen, made up BS for tic tac clout” files.
New realms of performative anxiety.
“Sad, but necessary.”
Our “non-binary” madam seems to spend a lot of time talking about her mental health issues and the oppression of not being offered a tissue during one of her, presumably numerous, fits of crying. Apparently, tardiness in tissue provision is “a profound absence of care.” So I’m assuming that her problems are neither caused by, nor confined to, toilet door signage.