Those Non-Reciprocal Pieties
Regarding the recent Māori theatrics in the New Zealand parliament:
Interesting. Are we indigenous Danes also more spiritually and culturally connected to our land than the recent immigrants?
— Jonatan Pallesen (@jonatanpallesen) November 16, 2024
Oddly, no reply was forthcoming.
Update, via the comments:
On those connections to the land:
Apparently, museum visitors must be warned that the sight of a Constable landscape may trigger TERRIFYING BLOOD AND SOIL TENDENCIES. Or at least inspire thoughts of historical attachment, continuity, and belonging – thoughts that may be disconcerting or very much frowned upon, if only by the – wait for it – keepers of our heritage.
Today’s word, since you ask, is juxtaposition.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
That goes for all the aberrant personal decorations, from facial hardware to tats to hairstyle/color. Do they not know what they’re advertising about themselves? Some of the heavily face-tatted and pierced are undoubtedly trying to look tough and scary, telling the world to back the hell off.
But others? “Look at me! I’m creative and non-conformist!”
No, honey, you look like you’re stuck at age six.
Heh. Not unfair, not untrue.
One for the ladies.
Via Julia.
Ahh, yes. “False Consciousness.” Now where have I heard that before?
Use coasters
What’s wrong with ocean-going vessels?
[ Returns from gritting duties. ]
Exactly. I recall seeing a fashion model wearing huge Harry Carey glasses which looked good on her but would have looked bad on the wrong sort of face.
On a couple of occasions, I’ve spotted middle-aged women whose choice of make-up suggested a clown, or The Joker in drag. It didn’t seem to be mere ham-fistedness, a lack of expertise, but an actual preference, arrived at deliberately. As if the unhappy effect was what they were going for, what they thought was right. My initial reaction was that either they had some bizarre vision problem, or they were in some stage of derangement.
One for the ladies.
After some 15+ million years of human evolution someone finally noticed this problem.
Fortunately we now have scientists who will get right on this as we have apparently lost our indigenous ways of knowings.
Perhaps they were obsessively using ever more makeup in a doomed attempt to look youthful, and the obsession gradually distorted their thinking until they could no longer perceive reality.
Every winter my father always changed the antifreeze in our 1950 Buick.
So what do Brits use for grit?
Here in the States we call in sanding rather than gritting, and it’s nearly always actual sand. (Although it was usually ash back in the days of coal fired furnaces.)
This Brit uses this stuff.
[ Beats chest, roars in manly triumph. ]
This Brit uses this stuff.
That is rock salt, this is grits.
Rock salt? We always kept both sand and rock salt handy–salt to melt the ice and sand if the ice was slippery (as it usually was.)
[ Looks askance. ]
I recall reading, some years ago, news items about efforts to find effective substitutes for salting roads, since salt caused accelerated deterioration of road surfaces. One of them was some sort of dairy byproduct which was touted by the Wisconsin government and industry but never caught on “for some reason”.
[ Admires traversable walkways and pavement, feeds birds and squirrels. ]
[ More manly roaring, makes cup of green tea. ]
[ Adds drop of lime juice, manfully. ]
The blog now has a theme song. Or maybe this.
Source essay can be read here.
Thanks. Though I have questions…
Sinclair Lewis’s novel Babbitt was published in 1922.
Related: It’s darkly amusing that many leftists think the horrors of Stalinism would have been avoided if Trotsky had won that power struggle. Monsters clinging to their delusions.
So the COO of SpaceX is named Gwynne Shotwell.
“I need help.“
Trotsky described Hillquit as a “Babbitt” in his 1930 autobiography My Life. None of the first couple dozen search results cite an earlier source. I have no idea what rhetoric he used against Hillquit in 1917, although I’m sure it was dehumanizing.
The piercings are themselves a big red flag.
But what is that military medal tattoo on his chest?
He certainly does. As does anyone who is actually committed to going through with the surgery. They are not the problem. Everyone around them is. The doctors, the administrators, the nurses, the lawyers, the insurance companies, etc. and also those others who support or even turn a blind eye to what those people are doing. That’s a lot of people who need to be held accountable for this idiocy. None of this would be happening without them. The person going through the surgery is just the tip of the iceberg. And the real victim of these other people as well.
I continue to wonder what fraction of “travelers” should be imprisoned for life.
Pity they didn’t have more soup.
If I were King of the forest.
Compare & contrast: Shawn Berry – sentenced to life in prison, first eligible for parole in June 2038; Lawrence Brewer – executed September 21, 2011; John King – executed April 24, 2019.
One difference: The two Texas white supremacists intentionally dragged their victim to death, while it was not shown that the Travelers knew they were dragging the constable they killed.
Also: The UK abolished capital punishment some years ago and has been trending to ever more lenient sentencing.
All that said, the behavior of the three Traveler offenders and their families and Traveler neighbors demonstrates that this was a “community” that should be, one way or another, permanently locked out of society.
Emphasis added.
Okay, I missed that.
And that underscores my desire to remove such communities from society by any means necessary (to borrow a favorite phrase of the left.)
Some of it is related to anxiety over finding themselves IN middle age. A combo of “I wore some of this when I was 20, why not now?” and bad attention is still attention.
Getting old is not for sissies. It’s sad to realize one’s youth is gone and never coming back regardless of every nostrum that promises otherwise. But we’ve gone from actually helping people accept the process and making the best of it to indulging people whose lives are so empty they start consuming themselves (e.g. extreme plastic surgery).
Possibly. The effect I have in mind, though, is uncommon, quite specific, and difficult to convey without photos. It’s not just a case of too much, or too young a look, or whatever. There’s a crazed quality.
Use of makeup in theatre. where the effect will be perceived at a distance, is seen as grotesque close to. Part of this may be the result of aging eyes and the inability to wear glasses while applying(effectively) spackle and paint to achieve an imagined effect. Consider Liz Taylor, who was spectacularly beautiful when she did Cleopatra, but continued with the Egyptian-eye look long after she should have gone with something more restrained,
One for the ladies.
That article must be for them thar newfangled XY womenses – actual XX women have managed to deal with winter for hundreds of thousands of years. But I can imagine the vaunted ladyballs, girldick, or weeping neovagina might be a bit sensitive, what with all the chemicals they’re shooting up and their penchant for the briefest of skirts.
But why are we worrying about this – I thought Global Boiling meant we were all going to incinerate in the next decade and there would never be another snow or winter?
Well, this certainly allays my safety concerns about allowing males into women’s restrooms.
pst314: Re rock salt/gritting etc,
In the oil patch, depending on the formation, oil wells produce a lot of brine (composition varies) along with the oil. The generically termed salt water is considered a pollutant due to its high mineral content and must be separately drained out of production tanks for separate disposition. Back in the day in my locale rural county commissioners where winter storms were predicted used to arrange with the disposal companies to drain their tankers’ contents onto the county roads as they drove which effectively salted them and kept down ice and snow. Not very systematic, mind you, and rather illegal, but it did work and kept down the costs. Can’t be done now, of course.
Can’t speak to your location, but hereabouts actual rock salt is not available in hardware and big box stores as de-icer since it’s a plant killer so the available product tends to be a calcium compound. Can’t say I noticed until I applied some to a walk bordered by monkey grass (basically unkillable as I know to my pain) and found the following spring that the monkey grass was not only not dead, but drastically invigorated. Think Triffids. Cursing ensued. Also much digging-out of hyperactive monkey grass.
Jame Gumb vibes.
The glasses again.
Darleen: I think Rosie needs a wellness check. Thought that the missing embellishment on the left side glasses frame might have been some kind of “ironical statement”, but noticed it was in place in slightly earlier posts she made, so not irony, rather more like a generic homeless-person look.
Silence of the Lambs is an effective film for a reason. It touches on things that we know, but now very often pretend that we don’t.
Here, too. I don’t know if rock salt is actually banned, but it’s certainly true that most of what I see is calcium compounds. Calcium Chloride, I think.
Like this maybe?
Jaguar is doing the Stonetoss.
“Copy Nothing”, other than a mash up of Warhol, Devo, Sprokets, and every half-assed ad pandering to the LGBAT&SFLIRR+ bozos.
How much longer until assisted suicide becomes mandatory?
Here, too. I don’t know if rock salt is actually banned, but it’s certainly true that most of what I see is calcium compounds.
Don’t settle for inferior Soviet inspired calcium chloride, use genuine American Rock Salt from American mines. Any leftovers can be used for making pretzels and ice cream.
Waiting for the ‘That never happens’ cascade.
Calcium Chloride, I think.
Two uses I know of include: in solution as ballast inside tractor tires and as a crisping agent for making dill pickles.
Two uses I know of include:
It is used to treat hypocalcemia and is a component of Brawno which has electrolytes.
Breaking: The Starship 6 test was successful–and without the use of pronouns.
Steve E: so, if I understand correctly I can tumble-brine my pickles in my tractor tires? Certainly a time and space saver…
Just how many queer vegan performance artists do they think want to buy a Jaguar?
Much less could afford one?
Steve E: so, if I understand correctly I can tumble-brine my pickles in my tractor tires?
It’s a bitch fitting the cukes through the valve stem though.
CaCl2 is a decent enough dust suppressant on dirt roads. YMMV. So to speak.
[Looks around for Kirk, backs into corner, takes long slug on bottle of Old Infuriator.]
Steve E: Pickle paste for the win!!!
Um, maybe don’t mention to David?
“Women like things that are popular, when they are popular, because they are popular.” ~ Richard C. Meyer
I LOLed at the side-eye.
We’ve been through this. The permanently self-destructive behaviours – compulsive tattooing and piercing, etc. – are dysfunctional coping mechanisms, outward expressions of self-loathing. The more milder forms are overcompensation – these are women who are deeply insecure about their appearance and so deliberately uglify themselves so as to have a ready-made target to redirect any criticism of their appearance. Deep down, they know that because they can shed all that any time they wish any criticism of their appearance can be shrugged off.
Its why the fat-activism is so strident – they can’t simply take off the fat suit.
From the linked article:
Lots of straight men write about dating. They just aren’t saying things that flatter women’s vanities and the delusions they’ve built up around sex and dating. It wasn’t a woman who created the meme “men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos”.
Here is Jaguar’s new head of brand strategy.
The chief problem is fearful corporate executives intimidated into endorsing DEI.
But another problem is
queer employeesideologues of all stripes hijacking their positions for political crap.