Indigenous Land Acknowledgement
Lifted from the comments, more pretentious agonising:
Or, Landscape Paintings Now Deemed Problematic, Racist.
Above, John Constable’s Hampstead Heath, circa 1820. Beware its morally corrupting influence.
The problem, we’re told, is that paintings from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are “leaving very little room for representations of people of colour.” And obviously, even the past must be made “inclusive and representative.” Which seems to mean that we must all pretend that our islands’ population and cultural assumptions have always looked like those of, say, twenty-first century London, a city whose demographics bear little relationship to those of the country as a whole, even in the twenty-first century.
It occurs to me that notions of racial “representation” will likely be distorted by the embrace of rather parochial progressive conceits, and by proximity to the nation’s capital, which in my lifetime has gone from a native white-majority city, over 90%, to a native white-minority one, around 35%, and which is wildly out of step with the rest of the nation. Things that are denounced as “horribly white,” or whatever the current term of disapproval is, may not seem so to people who live in, say, Chesterfield or Plymouth.
Likewise, the demographics of Cambridge are skewed rather significantly by students, who make up about a fifth of the city’s population, and of which more than 40% are students from overseas. Which, again, may tilt one’s view of what constitutes “representation.”
But apparently, museum visitors must be warned that the sight of a Constable landscape may trigger TERRIFYING BLOOD AND SOIL TENDENCIES. Or at least inspire thoughts of historical attachment, continuity, and belonging – thoughts that may be disconcerting or very much frowned upon, if only by the – wait for it – keepers of our heritage.
Update, via the comments:
It’s worth noting that the museum apparently had its annual Arts Council funding reduced – from £1.2M to £637K – on grounds that the institution “hadn’t fulfilled its targets of diversifying its audience.” Hence, one assumes, the new signage, the fretting about “representation,” and the stern moral warnings about “nationalist feelings.”
It’s not clear to me how one might “diversify” the racial makeup of visitors to the museum, which is what is meant, albeit coyly. And it occurs to me that part of that problem – if indeed it is a problem – might be a “diverse” immigrant demographic that by and large shows less interest in the artistic and cultural history of the country to which they have moved.
See also, the British countryside.
Update 2:
Regarding the urge to correct the racial makeup of museum visitors, Julia asks,
Which isn’t entirely out of step with the general air of farce. The supposedly corrective fretting starts with a dubious, arbitrary assumption – that all racial groups should be visiting the museum in some given ratio, even though they choose not to. Those doing the fretting then set about insulting the people who do visit the museum by claiming that the things they have travelled to see, and with which they may feel some affinity, may result in “dark… nationalist feelings” and other unspeakable beastliness. By liking landscape paintings, they risk moral corruption.
Andy adds,
Indeed. It’s very often a condition of taxpayer subsidy, as illustrated above. And of course such ham-fisted measures, along with the encroachment of wokeness more generally, may strike some visitors as inapt or patronising, or vaguely alienating, thereby deterring further visits. While the sought-after “diverse” demographic continues choosing not to visit anyway.
But hey, progress.
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By equating everything good with fascism, the left might make fascism seem more attractive. It’s certainly true that some fascists are taking advantage of this.
This might be a metaphor for something.
It seems every regional and local museum has been infected with this madness. Last year I visited Cardiff and went to the National Museum of Wales, which was making a big deal of the fact that it had a portrait of a local notable who had been the governor of one of the Caribbean colonies. Yet they had a piece on display by the notorious incestuous nonce Eric Gill, which seemed to go unremarked on.
There’s also the conceit that, without such stern warnings, visitors to Cambridge’s Fitzwilliam Museum might unleash their “dark” and “nationalist feelings” and suddenly begin to harass any Foreign-Looking Johnnies.
That chart at the link… Is London still even part of England?
It’s worth noting that the museum apparently had its annual Arts Council funding reduced – from £1.2M to £637K – on grounds that the institution “hadn’t fulfilled its targets of diversifying its audience.” Hence, one assumes, the new signage, the fretting about “representation,” and the stern moral warnings about “nationalist feelings.”
It’s not clear to me how one might “diversify” the racial makeup of visitors to the museum – which is what is meant, albeit coyly. And it occurs to me that part of that problem – if indeed it is a problem – might be a “diverse” immigrant demographic that by and large shows much less interest in the artistic and cultural history of the country to which they have moved.
See also, the British countryside.
It seems more than a bit curious that those claiming to embody progress in thought, word, and deed work so assiduously to remove any evidence of said progress.
Seems unlikely he’ll he post videos of the subsequent rabies shots.
This seems to stem, at least in part, from the notion that the country to which they have moved can expect nothing of the immigrants but is expected to do everything for the immigrants.
[ Post updated. ]
Might be. You would have to play it in an endless loop though. That guy sounded like he might have been in danger of actually learning something. Maybe. Shame that Timothy Treadwell is not available for comment.
Indeed. It’s often and increasingly a condition of taxpayer subsidy, as illustrated in the update. And of course such ham-fisted measures, along with the encroachment of wokeness more generally, may strike some visitors, especially white ones, as inapt or vaguely insulting, thereby deterring further visits. While the sought-after “diverse” demographic continues choosing not to visit anyway.
But hey, progress.
Well by decreasing the number of white visitors your ratio “improves”, plus fewer visitors equals less work. Actually trying an honest outreach to the PoC community would require a far more serious effort. This way is a win/win.
Happily, widespread mockery is underway.
I did chuckle at the idea of “hard-right shed tidying.”
Hail lobster!
Also, “I’ve been walking in the actual [countryside] – I’m feeling charged with national socialist sentiment and the fire of racial division.”
Fascism, countryside…I just remembered this Austrian thing and then I didn’t feel so bad.
Communist traitors all tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things.
Sound of Music: some twits objected to the movie because it showed actual nazis…who in the movie are the bad guys…FFS. I believe I had more reading (and other) comprehension in 3rd grade.
Remember when some twits objected to a man reading about how a university defeated the Klan? A janitor and student at Indiana University Purdue was reading Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan. His black coworkers were offended and reported him for racial harassment, even though he explained that the book was on the side of Notre Dame. His union joined in the witch hunt. The school, too. Only the embarrassment of nationwide publicity forced the school to back down and apologize.
No word in the news coverage if those coworkers ever apologized. But given the degraded and depraved state of black America, I doubt it. Far too large a fraction of black Americans are know-nothing racists, irrespective of education and income.
Looks like comment spam.
Chimps shocked to see man’s artificial leg.
Is this accurate?
Brits win with 95 percent. (But who are the other 5 percent? Immigrants or natives?)
Between 40,000 and 20,000 yrs ago, modern humans moved into Europe from the Middle East with probably several waves up until 10,000BP. About 8,000 yrs ago, farmers from Turkey began to move in and largely replaced the hunter-gatherers there. Then around 5000 yrs ago, the Yamnaya (from the area centered on Ukraine and eastward) because they had the horse, chariots and wagons, livestock, and bronze smelting traditions had a big advantage and moved in first to N. Europe and then moved south. They replaced remaining hunters and farmers in all except S. Italy.
So who is the “original” inhabitants?
Same Story in the Americas. There were at least two and maybe 3 waves of migrants. Locally, tribes came and went. In the area of New England, studies have found a particular culture (can’t remember the name) that had distinct pottery and genes that was completely replaced–such studies can no longer even be done because native tribes won’t allow them.
Yet more comment spam!
Oh dear Lord. I hope it will be quick and easy to block this spammer.
fitspresso looks like an AI account
fitspresso looks like an AI account
I thought it was David’s mom
Heh. There was a philosopher at FAMU whose blog I and about three or four other people used to follow until we all got fed up with his sophistry and BS. We all dropped him about the same time. Every few months or so I would check in to see if any of the other guys whose thoughts I enjoyed hearing had returned. Never saw any of them again but he did pick up one sycophant and additionally…his mother would comment when no one else did. Sad.
From what I’ve read there were something like 15-30 million people living in the Americas, both North and South, when Columbus arrived. These two continents currently hold about 1 billion people. Similar to something I said on the previous thread, in what sense did those dozens of millions of people “own” these two entire continents? How? In what sense did they “own” for example the entirety of say Birmingham, AL or Bethlehem, PA?
One other thing…I was hunting for something under the kitchen sink and smacked the back of my head seriously hard on the counter top above. Hurt like a MF’r. Anyway, I got to thinking…I haven’t heard anything here about Laurie Penny in quite some time.
Without double standards, they’d have no standards at all.
[ Purges spam, slurps coffee. ]
I’ve previously mentioned one of many visits to the nearby Peak District National Park, during which The Other Half and I ran into a visiting East Asian chap, a dad with his young son. The dad was beaming and eager to share his appreciation of the landscape, even with random strangers, which was rather sweet, a memorable encounter.
And I have to say, “dark… nationalist feelings,” or some desire to exclude, were not part of the experience.
Ditto the common sight of visiting minority students, whose visible enjoyment of the place is rather affirming. And compared to which, the ostentatious fretting of our betters seems both contrived and sour.
And around 97% were wiped out by disease in a 100-year timespan. That’s absolutely staggering.
The arrival of Europeans was devastating for the native Americans. In the English colonies, the remaining 3% were not treated well, and eventually we commandeered the land they were using and confined them to barren patches of undesirable land.
And. The current push to “decolonize” the continent will do jack-all to improve the lot of natives. Leftists won’t treat them any better than the original colonials. It’s not about restoring the natives to their former places; it’s about fomenting revolution.
It’s always about the revolution.
“It’s not clear to me how one might “diversify” the racial makeup of visitors to the museum…“
Sorry, not buying this Narrative. Now perhaps 97% (or perhaps 90%, or …) of groups that encountered Europeans directly, in specific time periods or specific tribal groups were wiped out. Perhaps. But 97%** (or 90% or whatever) of the entire continent? No. Too many isolated groups with their own unique DNA signatures that had evolved over tens of thousands of years. And let’s not forget that there were diseases that went the other direction such a syphilis.
And that’s putting aside the suspicions one should have about the accuracy and faith in data from a period of low reliability amongst populations with essentially no writing capacity. Current data gathering using most modern technology has been shown to be highly suspect in the Covid era.
Again, these are two huge continents possessing tremendous quantities of useful land. The native populations were not using ALL of it. Neither were ALL of them pushed onto reservations. Neither was it necessary to push native tribes off of land that they were not using anyway. Otherwise there would be no place for the 970 million additional souls who currently inhabit this hemisphere nor room for the many that continue to arrive and/or are born every day.
** 97% is a popular SWAG number, like “97% of all climate scientists…”
Well, the fretting starts with a dubious, arbitrary assumption – that all racial groups should be visiting the museum in some given ratio, even though they choose not to – and then those doing the fretting set about insulting the people who do visit the museum by claiming that the things they wish to see may result in “dark… nationalist feelings” and other unspeakable beastliness.
[ Post updated again. ]
The diseases spread rapidly from tribe to tribe, well ahead of the Europeans. There is archaeological evidence of how populated various regions were, and historical accounts of regions being depopulated before the Europeans arrived.
The reverse pattern was seen in Africa, with Europeans showing great vulnerability to local diseases.
Hey – there’s absolutely nothing wrong, and definitely not sad, about a blog that only has comments from the host’s Mum, and occasional friends. Nothing at all.
Or so I’ve been told by, er, his Mum.
The deranged narcissism of the “woke” mind:
Woke pastor: “What if God worships me?”
He begins by pretending to ask “what if” but ends by asserting the truth of what he failed to demonsrate. This is a common rhetorical device in preaching, but rarely does one see it used so dishonestly.
Bellevue, by the way, is a suburb of Seattle. Of course.
Found via the Babylon Bee/Not the Bee.
[ Slides bowl of fatigued leaves and grated carrot to Karl. ]
On the house.
I visited Kashmir once, and the worst thing about it was it was absolutely covered in brown people. I don’t know how they can expect white visitors to feel comfortable when they make no attempt to redress the obvious lack of racial diversity in the region. It’s a completely jingoistic disgrace.
No wonder their tourist industry is dying.
Well, that and the war.
For those who missed it, from the linked piece,
And yet some variation of the conceits above appears every few months in the progressive media. It’s a go-to template.