Friday Ephemera (746)
Incoming. || I don’t know if you want one, but they’re out there somewhere. || Suboptimal situation. || Hazards of cooking. || Failure to comprehend. || Hard to refuse. || A five-year pregnancy. || Singaporean punishment, a poll ensues. || The thrill of ballpoint pen alignment. || Publicly funded healthcare. || “Vaginally presenting” persons. || Are your contemplations situated? || “Mentally stable clients contradict the social justice worldview.” || Swift response. || Strategic withdrawal. || Simulated shrooming. Hilarity not included. || For when you’re transporting fluids at close to the speed of light. || Dissatisfied customer. || Maximum sparkle, only £11,095. || Meet Sissy the minx. || In case you missed it. || Good haul, methinks. || Dog-sitting, but with extras. || And finally, good as new.
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Sentencing enhancement needed.
Indigenous woman yells ‘I hate white people’ before punching white woman, but it’s not a hate crime judge rules
Oh well, at least the judge ordered her to stay away from the firewater.
Sex offender “Tiffany Scott” – Scotland’s “most violent prisoner” – is on the list of 350 people being honoured today on “Transgender Day of Remembrance”.
Play stupid games, wear Cluster B glasses, win stupid prizes.
I tend to think that there must have been a better way to accommodate the pens facing the wrong way, and this is just bad assembly-line design.
Or maybe they just wanted something mesmerizing.
That’s it? A bit of visual distortion that doesn’t block the view of reality?
Play stupid games, wear Cluster B glasses, win stupid prizes.
These are the same people who were saying you must: “bake the cake,” “take the picture,” “make the flower arrangement.”
I didn’t make the new rules, but those are the new rules
How to test for phony women without disrobing.
“I don’t know if you want one, but they’re out there somewhere.“
Just in time for Christmas, too!
Dicentra: “How to test for phony women without disrobing.“
I don’t understand that – don’t men have greater upper body strength? Or is it a question of balance?
That was pretty good. He got the ‘melting’ thing right.
Julia: Women have a lower center of gravity, making it much easier to do that.
It’s not about strength. It’s about one’s center of gravity. Apparently ours is lower down on our bodies, so holding the torso in that position is done through a cantilever effect: more mass below the waist than above.
I’m not sure why men can’t just hold that position through pure strength, but they apparently can’t.
Sweat on the wheel and crap in your underpants.
This is why we get stupid warning stickers on everything.
Morning, all.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
As I type, I’m balancing on my hair.
I question the “high dose” title, but from what I remember – and this is going back a few decades – the visual squirming effect is quite accurate, and the peaking, around four minutes in, made me chuckle. I suppose the problem is that the visual distortions are only part of the experience. The psychological effects are difficult to convey.
I remember being reduced to helpless laughter by a slice of toast.
Concerning the Bluesky block…
The ultimate proof of committment to a political cause is to knowingly deny reality. Some cults insist on it.
Well, once you’ve mouthed the lie, publicly, your probity is compromised. And that’s exploitable. Leverage, baby.
BlueSky as the Wuhan lab, doing gain-of-function research (whole thread).
In the developed world, the conceit is utterly dishonest, as one might expect.
We’re talking about maybe two dozen deaths in the US, going back decades, and a handful in the UK, again going back decades, and of those deaths, “anti-trans violence” is at best a very marginal explanation and, more typically, totally misleading.
Take out the self-harm, the drug deals gone wrong, the murders by pimps and deceived customers of prostitution – and the attacks on dysmorphic people by other dysmorphic people – and what’s left?
As noted here:
Again, if we subtract the self-inflicted miseries, the very bad decisions made repeatedly, there’s not a great deal left. And note that activists like Mr Dennis are striving to make such situations more dangerous, not less.
How did she not notice for 20 seconds?
He’s a good boy.
A nice thick head of hair, or maybe a wig.
Will this be on the test?
Hey, I’m just sharing some practical advice. You never know when you may need it.
[ Dashes across room clutching carton of juice. ]
Nothing yet.
Is it a sexual thing?
Swift response.
GOOD doggie!
Skill set of note.
When did “standing up for what you believe” morph from “speaking your mind” to “shunning those who disagree”?
I am now willing to embrace those rules, shunning leftists and refraining from giving aid when they are in need or in danger. Quite a change from how I used to feel, but leftists have persuaded me that this is the way to go.
But if you look more carefully, you will see that the womens’ knees are much more bent, so that their center of mass is closer to those knees.
You’ll be thrilled to hear there’s a new item on the menu.
I’m taking lunchtime orders. Don’t be shy.
This cannot be said too often.
Musical accompaniment of note.
Reminds me of my own teenage flirtation with the clarinet. I tried to make the results less disagreeable by bunging it through a Watkins Copicat.
The project wasn’t entirely successful.
I ate earlier, thanks.
I’m making club sandwiches with extra bacon. Only $7 more than whatever David is charging.
[ Sound of sizzling testicles. ]
[ From kitchen, singing, smell of testicles. ]
Equality of the sexes: These women should also get the death penalty.
[ Sound of sizzling testicles. ]
First, you lot over there eat all sorts of offal in various forms so why why turkey nads would be offputting is a bit of a mystery, second, having been served “turkey fries” at a party and deliberately being given the impression that they were like chicken nuggets*, you would need a feeler gauge to tell the difference between them and a fried oyster – and I don’t mean a fried Rocky Mountain oyster.
*(the host was sore chagrined no one was grossed out)
[ Slides testicle platter to Mr Muldoon. ]
Band name.
[ Slides testicle platter to Mr Muldoon. ]
Only if they are served on toast with beans like every other English dish including beef Wellington, steak tartare, lobster thermidor, Porterhouse steaks, and plum pudding.
I see someone’s fishing for a second helping.
I see someone’s fishing for a second helping.
Damn skippy, I know fine dining when I see it. When I do, I’ll let you know.