Can You Not Feel The Progress?
You know, I don’t recall my middle school’s library being quite this edgy:
A concerned middle school teacher in Loudoun County, Virginia couldn’t let the comments of fellow school employee Stefany Guido slide after reportedly hearing her say some students — the majority of which are 11-13 years old — could be considered “sex workers.” Guido, a librarian at Sterling Middle school, made the statement while defending a library book which said sex work is just like any other job, comparable to a store clerk, an architect, or a journalist. As sex workers, students could benefit from the book’s placement on library shelves, Guido said.
Apparently, eleven-year-olds need to know how to whore themselves – and to know that whoring is, like, totally valid and empowering – because they may be transgender and may have to pay for hormones and surgical mutilations.
Oh shiny tomorrow.
Update, via the comments:
Lest you imagine the above must be an error or some one-off aberration:
Presumably, these other middle-school librarians didn’t find anything inapt about 11-year-olds learning about the glories of prostitution and its general awesomeness. Because “high-end escorts” can “pull in half a million dollars a year.” Though it seems to me that an 11-year-old “sex worker” would be an abused child, a child being trafficked. Not an ideal aspiration for the pre-pubescent. But maybe that’s just me and my uptight stuffiness.
Update 2:
In the comments – which you’re reading, of course – Mr Muldoon adds,
So judgmental, that empowering heroin isn’t going to pay for itself, you know.
Well, quite. An irony being that the overwhelming majority of the violence experienced by transgender people occurs during arguments with intimate partners, and interactions with drug dealers, and during the aforementioned “sex work.” Much of that, presumably, a result of deceiving punters as to what, exactly, is on sale. This is not a trivial detail. And the mouthings of many trans activists seem designed to make the risk of violence worse. As when the activist Riley Dennis, an Everyday Feminism contributor, told us that not wishing to have sex with him can only be due to seething bigotry. Mr Dennis believes, or claims to believe, that the particulars of what’s inside his underwear will be a delightful surprise for any unwitting straight man who succumbs.
This reminded me of an episode of the reality series Cops, in which some horny and heavily inebriated youth was about to hook up with a prostitute who wasn’t quite what ‘she’ seemed. It wasn’t at all clear that the youth knew what was going on and that in fact he was about to venture into a motel room with what, to a more sober eye, appeared to be a strapping chap in a trampy frock. Nor was it clear what would have happened if the surprise hadn’t been to his taste.
But hey, eleven-year-olds gotta have role models.
Also, open thread.
hearing her say some students — the majority of which are 11-13 years old — could be considered “sex workers.”
These people aren’t just wrong, they’re insane.
These people aren’t just wrong, they’re insane.
As we’ve seen, more than once, libraries are now a nest of choice for super-woke bedlamites.
Because they’re valid, y’all.
Just like guillotine operators.
Please, no shaming. Let’s let this play out.
OK groomer.
A sigh for the days of innocence, when kids played hospitals.
Lest you imagine the above must be an error or some one-off aberration:
Presumably, these other middle-school librarians didn’t find anything inapt about 11-year-olds learning about the glories of prostitution and its general awesomeness. Because “high-end escorts” can “pull in half a million dollars a year.” Though it seems to me that an 11-year-old “sex worker” would be an abused child, a child being trafficked. Not an ideal aspiration for the pre-pubescent. But maybe that’s just me and my uptight stuffiness.
From “Treat prostitutes with compassion!” to “Sex work is legitimate!” to “Guess what, kids! Our special guest for ‘Career Day’ is…”–all in what, 10 years? Maybe 20?
They’re not just defining deviancy downward, they’re eliminating deviancy from the dictionary altogether. No child should ever think “I want to be a whore when I grow up.” Yet those in the progressive vanguard are opening that door and waving them through.
By the Pope, would you look at the time.
…that whoring is, like, totally valid and empowering…
So judgmental, that empowering heroin isn’t going to pay for itself, you know.
that whoring is, like, totally valid and empowering…
Every parent’s dream…
More on progressive deviancy (via CitizenFreePress)–
This Substack blogger has done the work that the corporate media assiduously avoids–documenting “98 examples of trans-identified males who have raped, assaulted, abused and/or murdered women and/or children. The thing that never happens…”
Scroll down through the full-sized mugshots and remember: progressives insist that these are women, and demand that we give them full, unfettered access to women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, dormitories, shelters, and jails. It’s absolutely malevolent.
So judgmental, that empowering heroin isn’t going to pay for itself, you know.
An irony being that the overwhelming majority of the violence experienced by transgender people occurs during arguments with intimate partners, and interactions with drug dealers, and during the aforementioned “sex work.” Much of that, presumably, a result of deceiving punters as to what, exactly, is on sale.
[ Added: ]
This is not a trivial detail. And the mouthings of many trans activists seem designed to make the risk of violence worse. As when the activist Riley Dennis, an Everyday Feminism contributor, told us that not wishing to have sex with him must be due to seething bigotry. Mr Dennis believes, or claims to believe, that the particulars of what’s inside his underwear will be a delightful surprise for any unwitting straight man who succumbs.
Which reminded me of an episode of the reality series Cops, in which some horny and heavily inebriated youth was about to hook up with a prostitute who wasn’t quite what ‘she’ seemed. It wasn’t at all clear that the youth knew what was going on and that in fact he was about to venture into a motel room with what, to a more sober eye, appeared to be a strapping chap in a trampy frock. Nor was it clear what would have happened if the surprise hadn’t been to his taste.
But hey, eleven-year-olds gotta have role models!
You know, I don’t recall my middle school’s library being quite this edgy
Loudoun County, Virginia is a very wealthy suburb of Washington DC. metro area. Wealthy because of lucrative government jobs.
Apparently, eleven-year-olds need to know how to whore themselves – and to know that whoring is, like, totally valid and empowering
“Hey kids: Grades not good enough for entry into the nomenklatura? Become a prostitute who services the nomenklatura.”
hearing her say some students — the majority of which are 11-13 years old — could be considered “sex workers.”
Following the link:
If she sincerely cared about those kids she would have done differently. (But should we even believe her story?)
Lots of crazy eyes in those pictures.
And whiskers. Lots of whiskers.
Grades not good enough for entry into the nomenklatura? Become a prostitute who services the nomenklatura
Hey, it works. It can get a person a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Trans prostitutes: as David said, a man who goes to hookup with a trans female and maybe gets a blowie, and then finds out this person is male, will lose their shit and beat the prostitute or worse. But I have seen it argued that this simply never happens.
And why might it be that trans are much more likely than average to become hookers? Also a fact denied.
So much denial going flowing out there it feels like Egypt.
On the books discussing sex work: even if sex work was legal, it is still not the case that 11 yr olds need to read about it. They are so busy making sure the losers never feel bad about being losers that they are destroying children. At the same time they try to block the publishing of books for children about heroes.
“””…made the statement while defending a library book which said sex work is just like any other job, comparable to … a journalist. “”””
I mean.. a kernel of truth at the very least…
– Been awhile…
a man who goes to hookup with a trans female… and then finds out this person is male, will lose their shit and beat the prostitute or worse. But I have seen it argued that this simply never happens.
Judging by the Cops episode mentioned above – and which I now can’t find – it’s a common occurrence. The officer was clearly trying to spare the blotto youth from a volatile situation that he’d seen more than once. My impression was that the youth had no idea what kind of experience he was in for.
Bless you, sir. May no-one mess with your settings.
…will lose their shit and beat the prostitute or worse. But I have seen it argued that this simply never happens…
Meanwhile, also in Virginia…
Also, open thread.
OK, but in the same general vein of people who haven’t got their minds right, I’m sorry, but that has to hurt.
OK, but in the same general vein of people who haven’t got their minds right, I’m sorry, but that has to hurt.
Perhaps somebody should introduce her to the spy who identifies as an airliner.
When people bring up the issue of inappropriate books in schools, they’re often accused of censorship and book burning and the like.
But this is nonsense. There isn’t anyone who doesn’t think there should be standards for school library books. Mein Kampf is fine for a university library, but has no place in junior high school. The only issue is what those standards should be.
she’s in a relationship with a PLANE
That is one hell of a dildo. Size obviously matters to her.
Not sure what it is with libraries and this trans nonsense, but good news with this one, though Melissa Kay has a sad.
Loving airplanes used to be a hobby…not a “relationship”. Do people even know what words mean anymore?
Censorship: hahaha restricting sexually explicit books in lower grades is censorship but preventing patriotic books from being published is not? Got it.
but good news with this one, though Melissa Kay has a sad.
We live at a time when it’s apparently necessary to point out that maybe drag queens aren’t ideal role-models or aspirational figures for small children. At a time when a remarkable number of said drag queens, the ones seeking contact with children, turn out to be registered sex offenders.
Likewise, one has to point out that maybe whoring isn’t as glamorous and fulfilling, for children, as some would have them believe. Because that’s where we are, it seems.
Modernity, what a lark.
They are so busy making sure the losers never feel bad about being losers that they are destroying children.
Meanwhile, here is Ian Leslie’s non-exhaustive list of the various manifestations of human stupidity.
The train ? lady looks perfectly normal.
Actually, I always suspect these really nutty stories are practical jokes. “Sarah cooks dinner for her plane.” Okay, that’s sort of funny, but at the same time, I can’t help but think, “You fooled a reporter. Big deal. Reporters will believe anything that’s not Christian.”
Now, if a practical joker fooled David Thompson, that would impress me.
Now, if a practical joker fooled David Thompson, that would impress me.
Over the years, The Other Half has managed it on a handful of occasions.
He will, of course, pay dearly.
human stupidity: Faulty reasoning is not listed. This covers smart people I have known who have difficulty making judgements of cause-effect or magnitudes. They think the covid deaths were catastrophic (even when only 100,000 in the US in 2020) in a country of 325 million with 3.5 million deaths per year on average. They think a few feet of sea level rise is the end of the world. They exaggerate how much they will make with the degree they are getting. and on and on.
What troubles me is how long this has been going on before people finally spoke up and it got noticed.
As this is an open thread…
Natalie Solent, over at Samizdata.
And why might it be that trans are much more likely than average to become hookers?
Two interconnected reasons: one, most of them are victims of childhood sexual abuse, which results in lifelong dysfunctional sexualization and especially issues with boundaries and bodily integrity; two, they’re so batshit insane that they can’t hold down a regular job that pays enough to make rent.
Mr. Half, beware!
Two interconnected reasons:
And three, that penis isn’t going to cut itself off. Surgery and drug treatments are very expensive. A lot do porn with a side of prostitution to raise funds. Many give it up post-op. Those committed to hooking often never get the surgery. It’s literally their moneymaker.
It’s literally their moneymaker.
After she became the paper’s first female editor, Katharine Viner replaced “Comment is Free” by an initiative called “The Web We Want.” The web she wanted was one in which comment was no longer free
I believe that is what your typical Guardian reader wanted. At least that is what I surmised based on the angry readers I have met.
Mr. Half, beware!
[ Silently speculates about the endless technological improvements to the Correction Booth. ]
ScIEntIfIc aMEriCaN.
Teh Party of Science!™
Teh Party of Science!™
They’re just trolling us now.
Re Mercedes Lackey, I happened upon this while surfing:
To make it clear, I do not approve of picking on little old ladies. But in this case, I can hear the ghost of Joseph Stalin chuckling…
libraries are now a nest of choice for super-woke bedlamites.
For at least the last 20 years, university library programs produce outdo most other majors in the production of leftist, progressive, group-thinking graduates. Just look at anything produced by or about the ALA (American Library Association) in this time frame. While I can respect particular teachers, it is hard for me to pass up a chance to comment negatively on university education & library majors. These are also heavily female dominated (seems obvious) and not particularly high up the IQ chart.
The “best fit” line on this chart’s data appears to qualify, as the kids say, as problematic:
The “best fit” line on this chart’s data appears to qualify, as the kids say, as problematic
Angry Studies and Education courses attract students with some of the lowest SAT scores, while indulging those students with by far the most generous grading.
Somewhat related…
Some of you may recall the saga of San Francisco’s Lowell High School, formerly “one of the best public high schools in the county,” and which, in the name of “equity,” announced a plan to abandon enrollment by merit, which was deemed “racist.” Indeed, the very idea of merit, of differences in diligence and ability, was denounced by the district’s Board of Education Commissioner, Alison Collins, as both “an inherently racist construct” and a tool of “white supremacy.”
Ms Collins and her colleagues have since been ousted by disaffected parents.
But their handiwork lives on.
Mercedes Lackey
So predictable, they eat their own:
To make it clear, I do not approve of picking on little old ladies.
I do. I am of the Boomer Generation and trust me, there are plenty of shits among us who deserve repeated bitch slaps.
But their handiwork lives on.
“Unexpectedly”, as the kids say.
“Variables” is a unique word for “crappy students”, but I am pretty sure it is racist. Good thing Dominguez hit the bricks, what with his internalized whiteness.
To make it clear, I do not approve of picking on little old ladies…
She deserved it. I am pleased to hear that she is having crying fits and panic attacks. Not that I am under any illusions that she will learn any lessons about the role of tolerance in a democratic republic; it’s just a small taste of what she deserves. For true equitable justice her publishers would cease distributing all her books and her bank would close her accounts.
So don’t think of her as a “little old lady”. Think of her as an old Bolshevik awakened by Stalin’s NKVD in the middle of the night.