Reheated (99)
For newcomers, some items from the archives:
Romantic complications of a very modern kind.
To which, Mags adds, “He she didn’t use her his pronouns.” Indeed. A notable omission. One that results in finger-wagging from fellow Reddit forum regulars: “You do have to respect that SHE is the expert on her own gender, not you.”
It’s a bold claim. Despite which, the person being scolded – a woman who expects to be taken seriously as a man – can’t bring herself to take seriously as a woman her own male partner. There’s no she or her, just a grudging them. Which does rather cast some doubt on the broader enterprise.
It’s Trivial When The Victim Is Someone Who Isn’t Me.
Habitual car theft is a “victimless” crime, says Nora the socialist.
Assistant professor wants to censor the “violent” language of astronomy.
It’s all terribly oppressive – for the implausibly faint of heart, I mean. And should a colleague carelessly refer to a planet being stripped of its ozone layer by a catastrophic gamma-ray burst, this is obviously “misogynistic language” and a basis for the sternest of hands-on-hips chiding.
At which point, readers may wish to ponder whether the best people to be doing astronomy, or teaching astronomy, or to be making workplace rules for astronomers, are the kinds of people who mouth dogmatic assertions without any trace of supporting logic, and who are distracted, even distressed, by hearing the word collision being used to describe a collision.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
At some point, women are going to have to figure out for themselves that the only way for things like this to stop is if they take aggressive action on their own, and have arseholes like this just… Disappear, the first time they wander into a ladies locker room.
Something else…?
I think this goes more to the idea that there’s an epidemic of untreated mental illness in a lot of the stranger sub-cultures of our civilization. I’d suggest reading the article, looking at the pictures, and simply marveling at the insanity on display.
Also, note how all the stereotype blocks for a normy to say “Yeah; that’s a bunch of weirdoes… Stay the hell away!!!”
Which ain’t always right, ain’t always fair, but is generally a good rule of thumb if you want to be staying out of trouble. As one of my old bosses used to say, if you didn’t want to wind up on the local blotter report, then you should stay away from stupid people doing stupid things in stupid places at stupid times…
He was more right than wrong. Although, I have to admit that some stupid people can be a lot of fun, for a given value thereof…
Because of the Crusades. They’ve been presented as Western aggression rather than a defensive response to Turkic Muslim aggression.
@aelfheld, who hopefully said:
The question I was intending to be getting at is “Why is Muslim aggression overlooked or lionized, while righteous retribution delivered unto them is anathema?”
Just why the various academics fell in love with Islam and are now on the side of slavers and barbarians is a most excellent question. They deliberately put their blinders on, and ignore all the various and sundry offenses of Islam, right down to what is going on in the present day. Nobody talks about Boko Haram, or the crimes committed in Somalia, it’s all about the “criminal Christians”.
You want a huge compare/contrast, go look at how they treat the Christian efforts in South America, which had their moments of horror I must admit, to what the Muslims did in Africa and the Balkans. You will never, ever find a Muslim monastic order that went out and tried setting up schools or farming missions in order to better the lives of their people the way you’ll find in even the worst Spanish colonies. All that you’re going to find in the historical record is rapine, pillage, and plunder galore.
Yet, look for any balance in what they teach; you’ll find none. It’s all “white man/Christianity bad” bullshit. As in India; no attention is paid to what reforms and good were brought in by the Brits, alongside the horrors. British India was infinitely superior to the grabtastic nightmare that was the subcontinent before they showed up, and the sad fact is that while they weren’t perfect, they did do a lot of good. Which is never acknowledged.
Time for Plan C.