Come, dear reader. Let us visit the publication now laughingly referred to as Scientific American. In particular, an “analysis” piece by Juan P Madrid, in which we’re told,
[su_quote]The language of astronomy is needlessly violent and inaccurate.[/su_quote]
Dr Madrid, an assistant professor at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, begins his attempt to persuade with a tale of poetic drama:
[su_quote]This summer, a team of students and I were enjoying breathtaking views of the night sky while we collected data using telescopes at the McDonald Observatory in West Texas. One night, when we were outside on a telescope catwalk… one of my students amazed me with her interpretation of the fate of Andromeda, the galaxy closest to our Milky Way. In describing how these two galaxies will merge a few billion years from now, she said they will experience “a giant galactic hug.” [/su_quote]
I know. The very stuff of amazement. Brings a tear to the eye.
[su_quote]The kindness, but also the accuracy, of the language my student used was in sharp contrast to the standard description we use in astronomy to explain the final destiny of Andromeda and the Milky Way: “a collision.” [/su_quote]
Apparently, the word collision is, for Dr Madrid, much too brutal and masculine when referring to the unstoppable convergence of two galaxies, and the ultimate merging of the supermassive black holes at their centres – an event that will entail the sling-shotting of countless stars and their orbiting planets, and which may release energy equivalent to around 100 million supernova explosions, and subsequently be detectable halfway across the universe.
A mere hug, you see. All that kindness.
[su_quote]A galactic hug is scientifically truthful, and it’s led me to believe that astronomers should reconsider the language we use.[/su_quote]
Here, Dr Madrid’s own use of language – specifically, the word reconsider – is somewhat misleading and just a little coy. The reconsidering he has in mind would of course be enforced by those suitably enlightened, much like the author himself – as hinted at with enthusiasm later in the piece:
[su_quote]Referees, editors, and editorial boards can step up to… stop the use of violent, misogynistic language that is now pervasive. [/su_quote]
So, not so much a reconsidering, then, as a coerced neuroticism. A mandatory affectation, on which career progress may very much depend. But hey, where’s the fun in being a pretentious and neurotic scold if you don’t have the power to make others jump through hoops?
And so, when not detecting neutron stars and gravitational waves, astronomers will be expected to submit their findings to someone of “a different gender or ethnicity” to sift out any language that may conceivably cause distress to those determined to seek it out. “This type of conscious engagement,” we’re assured, “can only be beneficial.” And not, say, a farcical waste of time that’s better spent elsewhere.
Terms deemed “needlessly vicious,” and which render Dr Madrid indignant and reaching for tissues, include cannibalism, harassment, starvation, strangulation, stripping and suffocation:
[su_quote]There is a rather long list of foul analogies that have entered, and are now entrenched, in the lexicon of professional astronomy. We have grown accustomed to this violent language and as a community, we seldom question or reflect on its use. [/su_quote]
It’s all terribly oppressive – for the implausibly faint of heart, I mean. And should a colleague carelessly refer to a planet being stripped of its ozone layer by a catastrophic gamma-ray burst, this is obviously “misogynistic language” and a basis for the sternest of hands-on-hips chiding.
[su_quote]As astronomers, we must strive to create a more inclusive and diverse community that reflects the composition of our society. [/su_quote]
Given the unequal distribution of interest, aptitude, and cognitive wherewithal, one might wonder why. Alas, as so often, the mystery persists.
[su_quote]Valuable efforts to provide opportunities for women and minorities to succeed in astronomy have been created. However, by many metrics, the progress made towards gender equality and true diversity has been painfully slow.[/su_quote]
The implication being that hearing an occasional use of the word cannibalism or stripping in reference to astronomical phenomena will somehow, in ways never quite specified, deflect an otherwise promising astronomer from their calling, despite an uncommon focus and years of study. Because female astronomers, and brown astronomers, and especially female brown astronomers, are so immensely delicate and likely to be traumatised by such descriptive terms.
At which point, readers may wish to ponder whether the best people to be doing astronomy, or teaching astronomy, or to be making workplace rules for astronomers, are the kinds of people who mouth dogmatic assertions without any trace of supporting logic, and who are distracted, even distressed, by hearing the word collision being used to describe a collision.
The strange trajectory of Scientific American has been mentioned here before.
Before anyone quibbles, the phrase “halfway across the universe” is merely a figure of speech. The actual estimate for how far away the gravitational waves could be detected by beings with technology comparable to our own is 3.25 million light years. So, for a hug, plenty of oomph.
Via Darleen, in the comments. Which you’re reading, of course.
I must admit that took me quite by surprise.
I was waiting to discover how catwalk was a speciesist insult, or be admonished for the racist overtones of the term milky.
I can’t help feeling these intellectual giants missed a trick there.
Well, again, where’s the fun in being a pretentious and neurotic scold if you don’t have the power to waste other people’s time and make them jump through gratuitous hoops?
At what point do we ascribe toxic masculinity to asteroids and admonish them to “do better” when they crash into planets and other spheres with no regard to whether consent was given? A rape culture permeates throughout the cosmos and we must raise awareness because no means no.
In other news, this had to be both the funniest and best feel good story I have read today. Bully for him!
See also, the “colonial” violation of hypothetical microbes on other planets.
Real frontier spirit stuff.
Someone fetch the nurse. He needs his medication.
It must be quite strange to inhabit a head like his. I imagine there’s quite a lot of loud buzzing.
I take it then that astronomers who do not use that lexicon, such as himself, are therefore not professionals.
Well, they are professional somethings, just not scientists.
I did encounter assertions by black race grifters, some 50 years ago, that “black hole” was a racist expression–as were “black humor”, “black list”, “black magic”, and ‘blacken his name”.
There is an old joke, predating autocorrect, about a newspaper copy editor changing “put the budget back in the black” to “put the budget back in the African American”.
And even setting aside those black holes, one must ponder the consequences of gravitational interactions between innumerable solar systems: Some will pass so close to each other as to directly affect planetary orbits. Other more distant interactions will “merely” disturb the systems’ cometary halo (the Oort cloud or even the closer-in Kuiper belt), causing a rain of comets into the inner solar system. These are deadly consequences.
I see what you did there.
Well, I don’t think it would be scandalously unfair to wonder whether some psychological projection might be taking place. I mean, I’ve seen umpteen astronomy documentaries in which a white dwarf star cannibalises its neighbour, or in which reference is made to a gamma-ray burst stripping away the ozone layers of any habitable planets in its path; but any sexual connotations – and thus a pretext for the word “misogynistic” – have not been foremost in my mind.
But hey, maybe that’s just me.
Dark Tetrad. Again. Always.
That reminds me of another paranoid racialist lie:
Back in the 70’s I began to encounter claims* that all reports of cannibalism and human sacrifice by European explorers were false, merely racist fantasies projected upon Innocent Brown Peoples. Never mind the sheer number of such reports by so many explorers. Never mind the fact that so many European explorers were expecting to find not cannibals but Innocents living in a State of Nature. Never mind the detailed accounts left by those explorers and the vast additional evidence uncovered since then by archaeologists.
* made by the usual black racialists and white leftists.
Band name.
Especially in the galactic core, where the average separation between stars is a fraction of a light year. (Rather than, say 5 light years in our part of the galaxy.)
Band name. Death metal, I assume.
Criminal law professor sports “be gay, do crimes” tattoo featuring Molotov cocktail. Appointed by WHO to group developing guidelines on “the health of trans and gender diverse people”
From last post some thoughts: new Alien movie–ironic that the whole plot is that Ridley is trying to prevent an illegal Alien from immigrating to Earth. How un-woke! All aliens are equal and valid!
Log cabin: in college in Ft. Collins I rented a room in a log cabin at the edge of town that had been spruced up. My room had a very low ceiling where the bed was. One morning I woke up and right above my head was a huge black widow spider on the ceiling. I carefully rolled over to get out of bed and there were 2 more on the floor right by the bed. I moved out as fast as possible.
This is what happens when you make up bulllshit jobs for people who can’t perform real work. What percentage of all jobs are bullshit jobs? 35%.
The farther from the events, the less accurate the language of the left.
Madrid needs a ‘hug’.
Language: they want to sanitize the language related to actual catastrophic events (two galaxies colliding becomes a “hug”) yet dial up the language of oppression (a mild criticism of let’s say trans in women’s locker rooms is “literally killing trans people”). Hard to keep up.
We need to stop giving credence to people who don’t have real jobs.
Sooo…OT but curious if this happened to anyone else. I apparently, by no conscious effort of my own, now have a Twitter/X handle. I thought something looked a bit odd about my reading X posts a week or so ago but didn’t think much of it. I just now did a reply to Scott Adams out of curiosity and it apparently posted (!).
Bulllshit jobs for people who can’t do real work you say? Behold Google’s DEI leader.
People who can’t do real work: there is a well-known stat that 90% of important work is usually done by 10% of the people: patents, software code, publications, sales, etc. This is BEFORE DEI promotions of people who can’t or won’t work. I have had co-workers who complained to the boss all the time that they were over-worked yet no finished products ever seemed to come out of their lab. Heard of DEI hires who just hid in the warehouse and did nothing. The few John Galts are already carrying too much weight.
Or, as it’s better known, any show on TLC…
Price’s Law: Half the work is done by the square root of the number of people in the group be it employees or scholars in a field.
And actually want to do work to harm the organization and the wider society.
When they are longer than they are wide. Oumuamua thus may have been hyper masculine. Or not. 😀
Credence? Hell, there are a lot of people I don’t even want to tolerate: Treat me as an enemy and I will regard you likewise.
Agree. But here’s a disruptor thought…Do not look for allies amongst your traditional allies who have now become suspect. Do look for allies amongst those who in the past may have been your enemies. Certainly some may be looking to exploit your position but you may also be able to exploit theirs.
It is slightly discouraging that the race, sex and climate goons have gained so much ascendancy through our society given that whenever they open their mouths it makes ordinary people sick up a little.
So how come we’re losing so hard??
Because we don’t follow through. I referred to this problem on Insty as spiking the football on the 40 yard line but that analogy wasn’t perfect enough for some people so…this longer, less concise one might be more accurate. We win a skirmish on the beaches of North Africa and our conservative..”conservative” leaders celebrate like we just won the battle of D-Day. Or something. I’m sure someone can nitpick that one to death as well. The point is…follow through. It is fundamental to success. Victory even.
Better to have an honourable enemy than a false friend.
It’s not enough to defeat a DEI mandate. Those who came up with the mandate must be expelled and barred forever from positions of power and influence. Otherwise they will try again and again and again.
Sooo…OT but curious if this happened to anyone else. I apparently, by no conscious effort of my own, now have a Twitter/X handle.
Yes, but it all ended when I stopped drinking and posting. Another bonus, no more weird items delivered by Amazon.
“But academic freedom!” say silly and naive people, as if we are under any moral obligation to indulge those who seek to deny us our freedom.
“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”
–Abraham Lincoln
Whoa there, Neddy.
Let’s not go crazy.
“Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.” — Arnaud Amalric
[ Eyes leftover half-bottle of red, checks clock. ]
Apparently fraudster and odious racist Claudine Gay was appointed by a bunch of shit-weasels called the “Harvard Corporation“. Shouldn’t they also be required to explain their degeneracy to Congress so we could be rid of them too?
Not because Congress would (or could) do anything about them, but because as soon as any right-thinking human being got to hear their mealy-mouthed sanctimony they’d want to stab their eyes out with a fork. Probably. I’m assuming.
Also, I’m afraid analogies involving 120-foot balls on spikes don’t make much sense to me either. Must be an American thing. Now skirmishes on African beaches – that I get.
“We kill ’em all … Let God sort ’em out.” – Sarge
Chicken Harness and Leash?
Cat Butt Tissue Holder?
Fur sink?
Electric dog polisher?
LightSaber Chopsticks?Bacon Strip Bandages?
I stopped drinking altogether after Amazon dropped off a gasoline powered turtleneck sweater.
Not “comfortable” with a “kill them all, guilty and innocent alike” approach.
Not totally unrelated in the world of newspeak, “Healthism“, it is OK to deliberately unhealthy.
I saw this mentioned somewhere: fact checkers aren’t checking facts, they’re checking narratives. Galaxies will collide, but the narrative is “hugging” because they want your 6yo daughter to get interested. Whatever.
Fat people are unhealthy, but the narrative is “healthy at any size” because being mean is practically illegal.