You May Need To Write This Down
Natasha Biase brings niche pornography news:
In what might just be the most insane story of the year – Two female OnlyFans models have gone viral after pretending to be transgender to sell porn content.
Trans activists are now accusing the women of “appropriation” for identifying as men who identify as women. / @natbiase
— ThePublica (@ThePublicaNow) September 1, 2024
So, to summarise:
Opportunist female porn models who pretended to be men pretending to be women, to thereby rake in lots of cash, have annoyed actual men who pretend to be women, including men who pretend to be women while making pornography.
See, I bring you the wonders of the world.
The ladies’ act of presenting themselves as the opposite sex, albeit with extra steps, was not, it seems, deemed affirming by those who like to present themselves as the opposite sex. “My gender isn’t your costume,” said this chap here, a self-styled “eGirl, but like, with a penis or whatever.” Other indignant rumblings included accusations of deception and fraud, the inevitable “transphobia,” and demands that the ladies in question “don’t get in our space.”
Another bewigged gentleman denounced the “masquerade” as “disgusting.”
Update, via the comments:
Needless to say, in the replies to our “eGirl, but like, with a penis or whatever,” mischief is underway:
“If they identify as trans then they are trans. Why can’t you just be kind and accept that, bigot.”
“Who TF do you think you are to gatekeep?”
And my current favourite:
And so on, and so forth. Truly, we live in an age of wonders.
“A self-styled “eGirl, but like, with a penis or whatever.””
Do I want to know what the ‘whatever’ could possibly be?
Oh, best not to pull at that thread, madam.
Is today’s word ‘irony’?
It’s a lot to take in. As it were.
I am so glad to have been made aware of this. But… I’m not an expert, thankfully, but I’m pretty sure the manufactured, uh, bits can be distinguished from the natural bits. Among other readily apparent differences between the sexes. Who exactly were they fooling, if anyone?
When do we get men pretending to be women pretending to be men?
Head hurts. Too early in the morning to read such complicated stuff. God knows how David does it.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
Got it now after second reading.
Somehow reminded of Joey from friends: “They don’t know that we know they know we know”.
Meanwhile, I read multiple people stabbed and killed at Notting Hill carnival – as opposed to ZERO killed during the fearsome “far right” riots, for which hundreds of people are being arrested.
What a time to be alive.
Brava, ladies, BRAVA!
Turnabout is fair play.
It occurs to me that transgender “healthcare” really is just a real life Island of Dr. Moreau.
Although I suspect that’s coming, too.
So it’s a more adult version of Victor/Victoria?
Again, trying to fix a software problem by smashing up the hardware.
Somehow reminded of Joey from friends: “They don’t know that we know they know we know”.
Get a uterus implant (because you can’t transplant something that isn’t there to begin with).
Have an embryo implanted because the aftermarket vagina isn’t really functional.
Gestate while taking anti-rejection meds, what could possibly go wrong?
Have to have a Cesarean because the Potemkin vagina doesn’t work like factory equipment and the baby’s just isn’t getting through a male pelvis.
These people are beyond deranged, but the good money is on they’ll try it anyway, because who cares about the baby as long as the guy “feels affirmed”.
Band name.
Note the trans hammerhead shark in the comments. 🙂
Because the essence of “queer” is smashing all norms and all connections to reality.
Wait…I thought that’s what this was?
Double obligatory:
“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I wonder if the writers on Friends knew…never mind…
because who cares about the baby as long aseveryone is getting paid with OPM. Fixed it for you.
the guy “feels affirmed”Hilarious satire:
Much fun is had in the replies:
And I rather like this one:
And so on, and so forth.
…everyone is getting paid with OPM.
Generally government money that identifies as money.
Returned from the supermarket and have just realised that I accidentally picked up some vegan custard. Apparently, it’s made out of coconuts.
Now wondering whether to jeopardise the apple and blackcurrant crumble with heathen – I mean, vegan – custard.
It saddens me that I understood this sentence.
Truly, we live in an age of wonders.
Band name
Tubular Balls their first album
S Ike:
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wept.
“My gender isn’t your costume,” said this chap here, a self-styled “eGirl, but like, with a penis or whatever.”Actual LOL upon reading this.
Actual LOL upon reading this post, especially the ire from the usual suspects.
Oh the irony.
In the words of Dylan, Bob (who I realize may only have sung someone else’s words)
“How does it feeeeeeeeeel…!”
I am reminded of the (in)famous definition of circumgender, that being (cough):”someone born female, who identifies as female, but thinks she should have been born male and transitioned to female, because they feel like they are trans“.
In other words, being a woman, only with extra steps.
Or, as a friend put it more succinctly: “retarded“.
Because nothing shows mental stability and emotional maturity than being born female, identifying as female, and then getting offended for being identifed as female.
Seriously. Or as seriously as one can take such things, which is not much:
au contraire, stupide personne, to people like you and your ilk, gender is nothing but a costume.
You’re just unhappy you’ve met a person who plays your game better than you, that’s all.
Couldn’t you at least rinse some of the muck off first?
Do I see a whisky bottle by the coffeemaker?
[ Fires up oven for apple and blackcurrant crumble. ]
I’m going to risk the vegan custard. Will report back.
[ Tension mounts. ]
Soooo….play money now looks more like (traditional) money and the latest real money looks more like play money. Makes sense. Not sure how we got here but still seems on topic…somehow…
I know. You know I know. I know you know I know. […]
Well, since you ask, the vegan custard was… the lower end of adequate. Not awful, just a slightly underwhelming approximation of vanilla custard.
Didn’t kill me, but wouldn’t recommend.
The crumble, however, was very good. Nice and tart.
Is there anything vegan that isn’t underwhelming?
Not sure I’d care to find out.
Not sure how we got here but still seems on topic…somehow…
It may have something to do with such a broke ass educational system that a school supply place can sell teachers 100 plastic pennies for 8 bucks.
You know, had read bits of Solzhenitsyn, and that phrase.
And never really connected it with that throwaway humorous line from a perennially repeated US sitcom.
That’s why I like it here. So educational.
I should get a grant. Some kind of government funding. A medal, perhaps.
A “right” to pregnancy? Uh, no. If a ‘right’ to *X* imposes an obligation on someone else even if they object to providing it, it ain’t a right.
This is the insanity that is behind a California bill (you’re shocked I’m sure) that would extend the definition of “infertility” (for purposes of making insurance companies pay for *treatment*) to same-sex couples and single people. There’s nothing keeping these healthy individuals from seeking out the appropriate OPPOSITE sex to have a child but, no, let’s get other people to pay for IVF/surrogacy! CUZ isn’t just not fair that straight couples can have kids without six-figure medical procedures.
Jeez…I missed the price tag. Please tell me this has something to do with copper allergies or..zinc allergies? Actually don’t tell me. I’d spend too much time trying to determine which would be worse.
Wow. The energy.
If this doesn’t stop the aggression by the Intergalactic Zionist Conspiracy nothing will.
Makes the Canadian students tearing up sod look like pikers.
They said the perfect mirror for “trans”women didn’t exist. They were wrong.
Not another aging boomer tribute band….
That’s from the Dolly Parton Collection
Lower quality than a Takata airbag.