Wax and other objects. || Bodes well. || The science of bunnetics. || A little buffing should do it. || She doesn’t give two shits. || She didn’t like the look of it. || It’s not cold, Mom. || Comets, catastrophes, and the oldest solar calendar. || Neater than yours. || On animating Akira. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || Upper West-side mansion, now only $10 million. || Pride, baby. || On piercings, tattoos and mental health. || Cold plasma. || This doesn’t happen in Waitrose. || Explanation underway. || Your toilet paper is shrinking. || The progressive retail experience, parts 575, 576, and 577. || “That’s alright, it happens all the time.” || Spa day takes a turn. || Suboptimal situation. || I’ll just leave this here. || The thrill of phone mites. || And finally, something to think about before you go to sleep tonight.

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