Friday Ephemera (734)
Wax and other objects. || Bodes well. || The science of bunnetics. || A little buffing should do it. || She doesn’t give two shits. || She didn’t like the look of it. || It’s not cold, Mom. || Comets, catastrophes, and the oldest solar calendar. || Neater than yours. || On animating Akira. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || Upper West-side mansion, now only $10 million. || Pride, baby. || On piercings, tattoos and mental health. || Cold plasma. || This doesn’t happen in Waitrose. || Explanation underway. || Your toilet paper is shrinking. || The progressive retail experience, parts 575, 576, and 577. || “That’s alright, it happens all the time.” || Spa day takes a turn. || Suboptimal situation. || I’ll just leave this here. || The thrill of phone mites. || And finally, something to think about before you go to sleep tonight.
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I don’t want to know what their “pride” flag’s colors are.
Billy clubs are a fairly good explanatory technique. But measures which terrify potential “migrants” into changing their minds are preferable.
Not one word about inflation and its true causes in government policy. How unsurprising.
You know what doesn’t happen all the time? Criminals getting shot dead. 🙁
See my previous comment. Because nothing will reform these animals.
The progressive flying experience, part 192.
Restitution is necessary. But so is prison and a beating.
Her fridge is neater than yours. Her mind, on the other hand…
“Kelly was last seen in June 2013 after leaving on a spiritual quest. Her friend reported she went into the woods naked with only a compass and knife in a fanny pack.”
“clearly designed to break up her shape against the background, thus making it difficult for German U-Boats to calculate her range, speed, and direction.”
If we banned every harmful habit, all the progressives would be in prison.
No wonder. What an eclectic mix of tacky, bland, and especially uncomfortable. Reminiscent of bad porn. What?
think you Muldooned the link.
For whom?
Metamucil® might help.
Robby Starbuck mounts another head on the wall.
Blast, I wanted to see those.
Also, posting a link on Twitter looks better. No more metallic bug-eyes. Thank you.
From now on I’m sleeping with my head in a box.
Morning, all.
Glad to hear it. But madam, you will never know how much faffing that entailed.
For some reason, this came to mind.
Daddy-daughter playtime.
You have to repeat it eight times.
Look, those are the rules.
Woooow. The Cluster B is strong in this one.
And in entirely unrelated news:
[ Slurps coffee. ]
You have to repeat it eight times.
[ Waits for Beetlejuice to appear ]
Ms Cronk is an activist, an “advocate,” and “an aspiring philosopher.”
Pronouns “they/she.”
An intellectual for our times.
*burns phone*
They’re still there.
Aging British actresses turn on each other.
I was watching the 1982 film of Evil Under the Sun a few days ago. Camp as Christmas, but good fun.
I think I actually prefer it to Death on the Nile, which came out a few years earlier.
A new term has been coined. Everyone write it down.
LOL. That one took me a while.
Yes, squinting helps.
Upper West-side mansion, now only $10 million.
Can’t say I like that “24 designers, each with their own flavor concept.” That first parlor off the foyer is hideous.
And 120 years old? At that price . . . I want a ghost. I need a certificate of guarantee of a haunting.
I suppose that if ectoplasm started manifesting and the walls began to bleed, that might obscure some of the décor. Or at least take your mind off it.
The progressive retail experience, parts 575, 576, and 577. || “That’s alright, it happens all the time.”
“An armed society is a polite society.” — Robert Heinlein
I understand people’s arguments that preventing theft with bodily harm is disproportionate, but . . . it would only happen a few times. After that, I would think the deterrence is established with the occasional reminder needed.
It was called British understatement, never American understatement. 😉
I actually thought there’d be a happy ending…
Ironically, my link introduces a new term, fridgescaping.
Her fridge is neater than yours. Does she do it for clicks or does she have terminal OCD? (That link, by the way, is a useful source of Chicago crime news.)
No refunds. Credit note only.
Because who wouldn’t want to fight their way past ornaments and portraiture, and risk knocking over several vases, just to find the leftover cheesecake?
A new term has been coined.
Fair enough.
Muldoon: (v.) To forget to act as if you are as mindless as a Gen Z WordPress code monkey while using the Link-O-Matic™ 9000 or other hieroglyphic “shortcuts” designed for other mindless Gen Z nitwits.
“Wow, I almost Muldooned that link! I only checked it twice!”
Speak of the devil.
Yes, but have you tried using the thing without wearing oven gloves?
Speak of the devil.
Hey, I am not The Devil, just a Deputy Assistant Undersecretary Adjunct Devil.
[ Adds cheesecake to shopping list. ]
Yes, but have you tried using the thing without wearing oven gloves?
They are not oven mitts, they are OSHA approved asbestos fireman gloves. It is hot down here, you know, and at least I am not psting the thread.
pst: (v) To post three or more posts with links one after the other, probably in an attempt not to have a single post with multiple links.
“Not again, my post was banjaxed by the Spam-No-Mor (Ausf. G)™. Damn Gen Z code monkeys suck so hard they could start a deuce and a half by sucking the exhaust”
On the upside, very little spam gets through, despite dozens of attempts on any given day.
I did notice how the the shallow, counter-depth refrigerators in the Upper West Side mansion link eliminates that problem. A very handy thing for those of us with wheelbarrows of extra cash to spend.
Space Bimbos.
Olympic sport that needs to be brought back.