Or You Could Go Full Cronenberg
MoZaic Care, a cosmetic surgery provider in San Francisco, California, offers a “nullification” procedure that “removes external genitalia while preserving a urethral opening and anal opening.” The same company offers a procedure called “phalgina,” or “penile preservation vaginoplasty,” which allows males who identify as transgender or non-binary to install a facsimile of a vagina while retaining the penis.
In the company literature, the words “gender affirming” are used. Seemingly without irony.
For those determined to behold the fruits of “nullification,” “phallus-preserving vaginoplasty,” “vagina-preserving phalloplasty” and other surgical adventures, photos can be found. However, needless to say, search at your peril.
And remember, dear readers, “Genital preferences are transphobic.”
Also, open thread.
“Nullification” = “gender affirming”. Okay then.
The company, by the way, also has an Instagram account. It is safe for work, more or less. Vagina cakes and assorted pastries feature prominently for some reason.
“Nullification” = “gender affirming”. Okay then.
We are, it seems, in strange territory. Given the baroque mutilations on offer, the word affirmation doesn’t quite sit. According to another company, Align Surgical Associates, the procedures on offer will enable patients “to enjoy a body that looks closer on the outside to the way they feel on the inside.” However, given the photos of said procedures and the consequent limitations in functionality, and any number of health issues caused by such surgeries, the word enjoy also seems somewhat inapt.
As in David Cronenberg, a director of largely low-budget ‘body horror’ films, i.e., films in which the horror derives from grotesque transformations and violations of human anatomy. See, The Fly, Rabid, Shivers, etc. Most of his films are pretty awful, by which I mean boring and badly made.
I remember being entertained as a youth by his remake of The Fly, but I watched Scanners again recently, which I first saw when I was at school, and, dear God, it’s ham-fisted and boring.
And remember, dear readers, “Genital preferences are transphobic.”
So are transgender people who want different genitals *on themselves* transphobic too?
For those who missed it, somewhat related.
search at your peril
I predict there will be a giant case of buyers remorse in the future for the subject of those photos.
However, needless to say, search at your peril.
Not today Satan. Not today.
Most of his films are pretty awful, by which I mean boring and badly made.
Thanks. Will avoid.
Thanks. Will avoid.
No, don’t do that. Just exercise some discretion.
My personal favourites: Videodrome, eXistenZ, The Dead Zone (How could you not appreciate The Dead Zone?)
I’m confused (as usual), does this all make FGM ok?
I thought you meant ‘Kronenbourg 1664’ lager. I bought a bottle from you once and swear that 1664 was the drink by date. A request for my money back was greeted with coarse mockery and vulgar abuse. And as for asking for credit!
Align Surgical Associates
Swap the “g” for an “e” and we might be closer to the truth.
Just exercise some discretion.
I’m not sure I’d say The Dead Zone is exactly a pinnacle of cinema, though I recall it as less dreary than many of his others. I think The Fly is probably the nearest to a polished, dramatically engaging film, though I’d have to watch it again, which I’m in no rush to do. Certainly isn’t Naked Lunch.
New meaning to “in just seven days, I can make you a man”…
FGM is not OK because it’s done by men. Or by women for men. Or by women, at the instigation of women, which might conceivably in some way be in the interests of men. Or by women, on women, for women, in the long traditions of women, but as part of the rituals of societies which contain men. Even when everyone involved, including the patient, approves and affirms the process.
Genital “nullification” on the other hand must be celebrated because it’s done with the approval and affirmation of the patient. Irrespective of the disapproval of anyone or everyone else, even though it might be against the deep traditions and rituals of their society. And medically dubious. Or dangerous. Providing it involves a conceptual woman at some stage of the process. A man becoming a woman is to be celebrated. A woman becoming a man is unfortunate, but it is the woman’s choice. A man becoming another man, though, is right out. Unless it makes him gay. Which is fine. Though conversion therapy is a myth. And evil. And doesn’t exist. Except when it’s converting a man to a woman who likes men.
I hope that clears it up for you.
Boanthropy is a rare psychological disorder that causes a human being to believe that they are a cow. And if there is a Wikipedia entry for this then there is probably a “cow rights” employee group at Google already. (Via Ace.)
at your peril.
What are those sewn-up salamis for?
What are those sewn-up salamis for?
Bar snacks.
at your peril.
It’s too perilous.
dramatically engaging film, though I’d have to watch it again
I recall watching Videodrome again. And again. And again. Well, parts of it anyway.
Boanthropy is a rare psychological disorder
That’s just sheer trans-cow-phobic bigotry! As Science has now shown, such a person is actually a cow trapped in the wrong body – a situation easily remedied with a series of simple surgeries. The implantation of udders, one of those ear taggy things. Etc.
What are those sewn-up salamis for?
Are you not aroused?
Oh wicked bad naughty evil Zoot!
I recall watching Videodrome again. And again. And again. Well, parts of it anyway.
[ Begins separate notebook just for Karl ]
The implantation of udders, one of those ear taggy things. Etc.
If you can believe everything you read on the internet there are already people wearing cow suits, so surgery cannot be far away. Bartender, eight G&T’s, please. Just line em up.
Are you not aroused?
Only my gorge is rising.
there are already people wearing cow suits
No big deal, as I already wear several cow-sourced items, and have gone so far as to equip my ride with genuine cow hide surfaces.
Oh, that’s not what you meant?
Are you not aroused?
Are you not aroused?
Are they best grilled, roast, fried or boiled? And with or without onions?
And remember, dear readers, “Genital preferences are transphobic.”
Isn’t that rather homophobic? Men who like cock are now transphobic? But I thought they were all part of the one big happy BLTGQWERTY++ rainbow thingie. The women who don’t like cock have been stepped on pretty hard for awhile now by the Ts, but that statement covers the men with that preference too.
The women who don’t like cock have been stepped on pretty hard for awhile now
No no – that’s because they don’t like lady cock. Not liking man cock is still acceptable. If you’re a woman. Not if you’re a man though, because that’s homophobic. Except if it’s lady cock. Then you’re trans-phobic. Or can-you-tell-what-it-is-yet-phobic.
Basically, if you look at the creatures of tiktok and go “ewwww” then you’re just plain evil.
Also I call band name!
Scanners […] dear God, it’s ham-fisted and boring.
Your (well, my) tax dollars at work.
Remember when buggering was a simple act? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
[ wink ]
O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in’t!
Wm Shakespeare – The Tempest
Look to clear up any remaining confusion I’ve made a simple graphic representation of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Genital Needs for you:
👩🍆 > 🧔🏻🐱 > 👩🐱 > 👶 > 🐑 🐄 > 🧔🏻🍆
Man vulvas can fuck lady vulvas.
Lady vulvas can fuck each other, children and livestock.
Man cocks can’t touch anybody except each other.
And lady cocks get to fuck anything.
Also, open thread.
More, please.
More, please.
“Access restricted.”
Not to be invidious, but it seems likely if the suspect were less melanin-deficient the reportage would have been somewhat different.
“Access restricted.”
Not to be invidious, but it seems likely if the suspect were less melanin-deficient the reportage would have been somewhat different.
That was my thought after watching the “Shopping scenes” linked in Friday’s Ephemera (I think…). Were I to try that sort of thing in a California shopping mall, I’m certain I would be wrestled to the ground, probably taken into custody, and the reportage on the incident would mirror that in Darleen’s link. Never mind that I was stealing less than $950 worth of stuff; I am melanin-deficient (well, unless I’ve been out in the sun, but that brownness doesn’t count).
Align Surgical Associates
Swap the “g” for an “e” and we might be closer to the truth.
Even better: keep ‘Align’ and prefix an M.
More, please
White chubby shouting “I can’t breath” would be presumably be condemned as racial appropriation.
Definitely a PoS*.
* Person of Size
Some of the replies…
…the reportage would have been somewhat different.
MoZaic Care, a cosmetic surgery provider in San Francisco, California, offers a “nullification” procedure that “removes external genitalia while preserving a urethral opening and anal opening.”
Once again, California leads the way!
I’m so proud.
Some of the replies…
Except that most of the replies range between “It’s about damn time!” and “I don’t condone this, but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it either.”
Which gets to my previously stated belief that the people demanding that we get rid of professional policing are probably going to be shocked when they witness the amateur law enforcement that takes its place.
MoZaic Care, a cosmetic surgery provider in San Francisco…
Typical, Martin Luther, never around when you need him.
Except that most of the replies…
Yeah, they have shifted the balance to the “well done you” side since the first post.
My favorite exchange:
Caveman. Probably going to give Male Human Person a lesson on how to wash next.
“Jesus Christ! What the hell is wrong with these so-called doctors? There are some things you just shouldn’t do.”
— Dr. Joseph Mengele
There are some things you just shouldn’t do.
–Doctor Moreau
Have these doctors no respect for science and humanity?
–Trofim Lysenko
Basically, if you look at the creatures of tiktok and go “ewwww” then you’re just plain evil.
Having recently completed the federally mandated bi-yearly training on workplace harassment, I can reliably inform you all that the answer is: don’t think too hard about the legal technicalities and just be nice to everyone. Because nothing bad has ever happened when you’re nice to everyone.
Because nothing bad has ever happened when you’re nice to everyone.
Or, more probably:
Because nothing bad has ever happened when you’re nice to everyone.
Brett Kavanaugh would like a word.
I’ve installed those ear taggy things into a cow’s ear. A hollow tube with an internal diameter of ~1/2 inch (~1cm) with a rather sharp and angled end is that tool that you’d use. It also has a slot to hold the tag.
You’ve got the cow in a head gate. Insert tag into slot, grab the cow’s ear, shove it through, and pull it back. Tag stays in. Slather cow’s ear with an iodine solution and let it go.
Converting young bovine males to steers was less deadly than what was done to a human male to be a Chinese court eunuch (we didn’t use blades, so our calves didn’t bleed out), but not less pleasant to the above.
Were I to try that sort of thing in a California shopping mall…
It’s a great way to rot and demoralise a society – offering tacit exemptions from civilised behaviour and normal consequences for some demographic groups but not others. Say, based on skin colour.
Typical, Martin Luther, never around when you need him.
Nailed it…
As our gracious host uses PayPal, are there any thoughts about the partnering between PayPal and ADL to “fight extremism and hate through the financial industry and across at-risk communities.”
Because Big Tech never engages in censoring of wrongthink and wrongspeech.
I hope that clears it up for you.
Thanks Karl!
Because nothing bad has ever happened when you’re nice to everyone.
You can make a good case that being nice to our enemies is what got us in this mess.
Thanks Karl!
Just doing my job, ma’am.
It’s a great way to rot and demoralise a society
Yeah, but it’s a good racism.
…are there any thoughts about the partnering between PayPal and ADL…
At least it is not the SPLC.
The question is what service or goods you are willing to do without if there are no viable options. It is one thing to say screw Burger King, I’ll hit Whataburger instead (always a wise choice). OTOH, to give a real example, I want a hard to find part for an old car and the only place that it can be found is Singapore, I’d rather use PayPay than my credit card (speaking of wokesters hard to avoid).
You have a phone, you are stuck with wokesters google or apple unless you can find a Blackberry or an Android phone you can root and de-google, or use a flip phone. The examples of crap companies one is stuck with dealing with are nigh endless (see recent “pride” nonsense) and the “boycott vs. buycott” battles generally accomplish nothing. Gillette, $8 billion write off, $220+ billion capitalization on the parent company. “OK boys, let’s make the ad a little more subtle next time”.
“Starbucks Sucks ! I’m only going to buy Black Rifle Coffee Company coffee !” “Their CEO said what ? Fuck them, I’m only going to buy Rootin’ Tootin’ Freedom Eagle Veterans Only brand”. Ultimately you wind up with a number 10 can of generic coffee (“Guaranteed not more than 30% wood chips!)” from the Piggly Wiggly .
One can’t completely avoid the woke bastards without going off the grid and living on weasels you trap and berries you forage.
Because nothing bad has ever happened when you’re nice to everyone.
The Moriori would likely disagree – most are not around though.
Peter Wood on woke demonology.
Meanwhile, back on the original topic, we find an interesting hypothesis, and please update your files.
Build a bridge out of her!
Oh, sorry for the outburst.
back on the original topic, we find an interesting hypothesis,
Judging by the seemingly obligatory anime avatars and the general preoccupation with childish kitsch, and the images and clothing of adolescent girls in particular, I’d say this grown man isn’t entirely sure what a woman is.
In the world of science, we find a “science writer” who has never heard German, Arabic, or Hebrew all of which are generally ways to spit on people under the guise of polite conversation.
Apparently this hot mess is the “science”. Banzai !
I’d say this grown man isn’t entirely sure what a woman is.
Indeed. The strong tendency of transvestites and transsexuals to exhibit a cartoonish caricature of what actual women are like has been clear for a long time.
I would never have thought of foraging in academia.
You can make a good case that being nice to our enemies is what got us in this mess.
Damn near word for word what I was going to say.
One can’t completely avoid the woke bastards without going off the grid and living on weasels you trap and berries you forage.
While true in many respects I will still make the effort. Recently read a book about the men who flew The Hump to get weapons and supplies to Chang Kai Sheik, the worthless warlord bastard who did the least he could possibly do to fight the Japanese yet still keep the manna flowing. Many of those men risking their lives to get it to him knew or suspected as much. But they still put their lives on the line to do it. A widow of one of those men remarried a friend of my father. They attended our church. A very sharp woman well into her 80’s but still was able to relate the story of her husband being rescued by “friendly” cannibal tribesmen. If those men were still willing to take on that hopeless cause, I can make the effort to search through the numerous dog leashes in the pet store to find a few that were not made in China. I will also ask, when appropriate, “Do you have anything like this that wasn’t made in China?” Same applies to razor blades, etc. and wokeism. And all the major league sports can go f themselves. I will watch local high school or little league talent. I still do watch Golf and limited Olympic coverage. I don’t mind the occasional fuzzy political reference but the full on wokeism is right out.
I would never have thought of foraging in academia.
Weasels are generally in journalism, mixed nuts in academia, in either case you’re OK as long as you avoid the vegans.
Meanwhile the EU informs us right-wing memes are extremism.
“Far-right terrorist attacks”. I seem to have missed those, though it is the EU, so “far-right” is probably only three SD to the left of political center.
obligatory anime avatars and the general preoccupation with childish kitsch, and the images and clothing of adolescent girls in particular
Sexual dysmorphia is a coping mechanism for childhood/adolescent sexual trauma; the most common symptom of the resulting Complex PTSD is retarded emotional development where the victim remains a child/adolescent, psychologically. QED.
“science writer”
Fourteen paragraphs in that article, and you have to read all the way to the twelfth before you come up with this little gem: “Technically these numbers did not achieve statistical significance, but the observation is interesting nonetheless.”
Because technically incorrect is the best kind of incorrect, or something.
Trans women are more feminine than cis women,
Just imagine the kind of blinding confidence one would need to assert that one’s pantomime femininity is more authentic than the kind with ten thousand years of biology and culture behind it. Seriously, what kind of balls do you need to make that sort of claim out loud?
Seriously, what kind of balls do you need to make that sort of claim out loud?
But it’s obviously the typical overly-confident smug pose that typifies the new religionists, from feminists to Chinese propagandists to the flavor-of-the-month trannies, no? The entire concept of transgenderism is simply taking “fake it till you make it” to an extreme.
It’s what happens to all the pets of the left: one’s compassion for people and their personal issues is necessarily abrogated in the face of tyrannical diktats in their name.
the most common symptom of the resulting Complex PTSD is retarded emotional development where the victim remains a child/adolescent, psychologically.
Once registered, the pattern is hard to miss and very common among woke online ‘activists’. Grown men, supposed adults, preoccupied not with being women, as they claim, or approximations of women, but with being approximations of girls.
Somewhat related.
While true in many respects I will still make the effort…. I don’t mind the occasional fuzzy political reference but the full on wokeism is right out.
We are generally in violent agreement. I recently needed new tires for a utility trailer only to find out the only ones available anywhere in the wheel size were Goodyear. Made in China (meanwhile though we revile the French, the Michelins on the truck I tow the trailer are made in Alabama), so I went up two inches in wheel diameter and got some Korean ones, because there were no US made ones.
Anything electronic – you have to work to find something made in Taiwan vs. mainland Taiwan, let alone anywhere else – I’ll get a Blaupunkt (made in China).
Netflix goes woke and hires the Obamas – poof, gone, I’ll watch Vudu instead. Of course it is owned by Walmart. Triggered.
Gillette, owned by Proctor and Gamble, so do we boycott just Gillette, or all of P&G ? OK I prefer Japanese razor blades anyway because they are actually sharp so NBD, but oops, I have a Braun electric too, and they are owned by P&G.
All the mutinationals are intertwined and shuffle brands back and forth, so the question is now how much time you want to invest investigating who owns what to know what to avoid. Obvious (Netflix) is obvious, but dollar store house brand isn’t always as good, and there comes a point where the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
mixed nuts in academia
I believe that would make it macademia.
[ Side steps towards the door ]
far-right terrorist attacks
Release the stand-ups, then hit them with some sketch comedy. Keep the limericks in reserve while unleashing a never ending barrage of memes.
[ Side steps towards the door ]
[ Reaches under bar, presses button. Section of floor beneath Steve suddenly hums and moves towards door, gathering speed. ]
“Trans women are more feminine than cis women, we went through a journey to discover we’re actually female instead of just living like it beforehand”.
By that logic, Rachel Dolezal is more authentically black than black people, because she went through a journey to discover she was actually black, instead of just living it beforehand.
… we went through a journey to discover we’re actually female…
Dude has a point…
Alison Escalante
I write about the science of performance.
Er, OK?
Fortunately for face nappy enthusiasts this sciencey demonstration of the ineffectiveness of face masks has been thoroughly debunked by other similarly performative writers. Just because those face masks didn’t work, doesn’t mean that your military grade, freshly laundered, double-layered, custom-fitted, hermetically sealed complete head covering won’t.
Trans “women” do exhibit a cartoonish version of femininity because they actually have no idea what being a woman feels like, how women think, or how hormones affect emotions.
Far-right extremist attacks? These claims are made without any examples. Let us grant that there may be a handful of such. Compared to what Antifa has done just in Portland, or BLM in Minneapolis, it is a drop in the bucket.
Also, if we compare Jan 6 to the dems occupying the Wisconsin state house for weeks (months?) it is again jan 6 was trivial. In the 2016 inauguration, Pelosi let 1000 women in to occupy the congressional office building–again, not ever mentioned or compared.
Trans women are more feminine than cis women
I like to imagine some embittered “2nd-wave” feminist casually reading twitter while feeding her cats, looking wistfully at her shelf. There her Dworkin anthology and framed photos of old bra-burning parties remind her of the time she was in charge, when she joined arms with her sisters to fight those men who insisted on defining femininity.
“We were such beautiful fish in a sea of bicycles,” she recounts as she polishes her signed I’m With Her campaign poster for what felt like the millionth time. Her hands tremble as she holds back the reflexive vitriol towards men who talk down to women, and she reminds herself that men can be women now, and thus are free to do things that would’ve set her on the warpath a few short years ago.
“We’ve come a long way,” she mutters like a nun performing the rosary, “but there’s still so much work to do.” She repeats the words over and over, the triumph and sense of importance that the mantra normally provides not sufficient to drown out a strange nagging sensation at the back of her mind. “Trans-women ARE women, and I am their ally!” she posts on Facebook, but this too does not quiet the voice in her head – that stubborn internalized misogyny placed their by the wicked Patriarchy.
The voice that, if she allowed, would loudly proclaim: “A man is telling you how to woman, and your feminism requires you to shut up and agree.”
Well, we can solve the whole problem if we could go back to a point in time.
Trans women are more feminine than cis women

I don’t know. Looks all natural to me in a Kardashian kind of way.
By the way gents, she’s had the surgery and she’s desperate to lose her “virginity”.
Looks all natural to me…
Irony can be pretty ironic.
By the way gents, she’s had the surgery and she’s desperate to lose her “virginity”.
That nose looks all wrong – maybe it’s something in the photo, but when I first saw it I thought it was a skull opening.
Is that…person…for real? Or is that a photoshop on a satire site?
Is that…person…for real?
Yes and no.
It is a guy who spent a small fortune to make himself look like a Ken doll, then decide he would rather be Barbie.
That nose looks all wrong
True, but breasts in real life are never perfect hemispheres…
Is that…person…for real? Or is that a photoshop on a satire site?
For “real”. International TV (although TS is more appropriate) personality Jessica Alves dontcha know. She was, perhaps, better known as the human Ken doll.
but breasts in real life are never perfect hemispheres…
[ Takes out notebook and pencil. ]
Breasts… never… perfect… hemispheres….
But they are powered by magnets, right?
But they are powered by magnets, right?
More likely saline or silicon gel and gravity. I believe they’re doing some interesting things with buckyballs though.
..if we could go back to a point in time.
I was confused for a moment, because her first sentence seemed so self-evident. But then, that second sentence. Whoa! I suppose she just has a far better understanding of men than she does of woman. Nothing else makes sense.
‘Tis good to know that we can provide the occasional nugget of enlightenment to our gracious host. I’d hate to think it was a one-way street.
but breasts in real life are never perfect
Agree to disagree.