Your Host’s Idea Of Hell (5)
In the nightmare, I’ve been found guilty of something terrible – it was only a matter of time, I suppose – and am sentenced to an eternity of listening to this:
Teacher candidates in Ontario are receiving top-notch training. Not.
— Chanel Pfahl 🇨🇦 (@ChanLPfa) January 18, 2024
The speaker above, our bringer of deep and hidden wisdom, is Dr Andrew Campbell, an “educator, facilitator, storyteller and author,” and an assistant professor at the University of Toronto. His areas of expertise – and naturally, they are numerous – include “educational change,” “radical leadership for social change,” “diversity,” “equity,” and painting his nails.
In return for his scholarly expertise, and his heroic struggles with basic grammar, Dr Campbell is paid a mere $169,272 – excluding speaking fees, obviously. Oh, and our educator’s response to scepticism and gentle mockery, expressed via social media and immediately blocked, is pretty much what you’d imagine. From a thirteen-year-old girl.
His mission is to challenge stereotypes.
Update, via the comments:
Dr Campbell also insists, loudly and with much flailing of arms, that “representation” and “diversity” do not, ever, entail a lowering of standards. “How dare you,” says he.
At which point, I’m tempted to peer over my spectacles.
Via Jonathan Kay. Previously in Hell.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
“Axe yourself”.
If I had to sit through that with a straight face I’d definitely be wanting to axe myself.
But no, you mustn’t titter. That means you’re a “racist and homophobic and white supremacy.” Which is a thing, apparently. And a barrage of emojis will ensue.
Bwah Ha Haaa! Also via Jonathan Kay
Someone should tell him.
As has been noted here, one of the purposes of DEI is to provide lucrative employment for inferior minds.
Since I am to consider this an open thread, I shall follow up a comment I made on the previous post with this SHOCK REPORT!
Appearance-wise, I’d say he’s going for the “background extra in Hill Street Blues” look.
Setting aside the mind-shrivelling content of the, er, lectures, there’s also the assumption that gratingly camp theatrics constitute a personality.
I should also add that the clip above, and others like it, were uploaded by Dr Campbell himself. To showcase his talents.
You’re a very bad person if you find those theatrics grating.
Appearance-wise, I’d say he’s going for the “background extra in Hill Street Blues” look.
And Sgt. Belker is not amused.
While I’m outing myself as a monster…
There’s also something farcical about a pretence of racial exclusion and racial victimhood, at the hands of “white supremacy,” coming from someone whose entire career – a quite lucrative career – is likely premised on being a repeated beneficiary of racial favouritism, and which seems to have included any number of exemptions from normal academic standards, including a capacity for grammatical speech.
It does seem a bit rich.
Just as grating when women behave like that.
It is something of a mystery why some men adopt such mannerisms. Are they consciously or unconsciously doing so because they think this constitutes normal female behavior? Are their brains broken such that this behavior is an organic manifestation of that brokenness? Are they manipulated/groomed into such behavior?
I have been told that the original French production of La Cage aux Folles depicted the outrageously camp behavior as less than deserving of respect.
But no, you mustn’t titter. That means you’re a “racist and homophobic and white supremacy.” Which is a thing, apparently. And a barrage of emojis will ensue.
Dear God, you can practically feel time slowing down.
Dr Campbell also insists, loudly and with much flailing of arms, that “representation” and “diversity” do not entail a lowering of standards. “How dare you,” says he.
At which point, I’m tempted to peer over my spectacles.
Feds: can’t let it go. Someone claimed they are not feds because one of the guys unmasked himself. I have seen plenty of videos of Proud Boys, Promise Keepers, Tea Party, etc and they are always always dominated by middle-aged men with a gut and a beard, dressed in random baggy clothes. Always. Young fit men 30 yrs old clean shaven wearing brand new identical clothing? ahahha no. As to the subway turnstile thing–it would not surprise me if FBI agents were stymied by a turnstile because they are all from the suburbs or if the feds did not properly obtain enough tickets because they are idiots.
Pardon me if my not wanting to know where he goes to get ‘poured into’ offends.
Thank you. Much obliged.
“Work”. He keeps using that word. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.
Racial grifters: When I was born, inter-racial marriage was still illegal in some states. The Loving v VA case was 1967. Redlining in cites like Chicago still existed. School segregation still existed. Now not only is inter-racial marriage common, but major jobs like president and mayor have been occupied by blacks for decades, there are black billionaires, two different black tv stations, etc. Sowell points out that married black couples have average income slightly higher than whites (overall). The problem is that the inner-city core poverty is caused by dysfunction, not racism, and whites have no power to fix it. Throwing money at it just makes it worse. The grifting and riots have turned white attitudes from being very very accepting to being rather…less so.
Don’t ignore the shopworn excuses deployed with ever more frequency to excuse the rampant looting of retailers. The effect of our supposed leaders constantly lying about what is being seen in countless videos is corrosive.
They can.
::snort::: Is successful but is in a “global cage of white supremacy”. And, dude starts to bring up Bill Cosby as a man with “cooked up charges”? Oh, my.
That’s just crazy talk.
“Work”. He keeps using that word. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.
Well exactly. Tell me your ideology, without telling me your ideology.
Well, it is tiring. Or tiresome, at least.
This “young scholar” has parents who are just as criminal-minded as he is.
No. No scholarship money for him: Convict him now so the inevitable “three strikes and you’re out” countdown can begin ASAP. And it might be prudent to warn the neighbors about his parents.
But only the attitudes of some people: There are still many many millions of liberals who would rather see more crime and death than give up their delusions.
Pardon me if my not wanting to know where he goes to get ‘poured into’ offends.
When I first read that at the link, the first thing popped to mind was “he must be a bottom”.
I shall report for regrooving. Which way to the Correction Booth?
You now have a choice of booths:
Or this:
Or this, for David’s more cultured patrons:
Maybe a few drinks will improve my mood.
[ Squints, polishes spectacles, peers into distance. ]
[ Fuzzy bar snack impacts behind David’s ear. ]
Oi! Over here!
[ Returns with telescope, coat, thermos flask. ]
[ Rummages in duffle bag. Retrieves MOPP gear, Super Soaker, and five gallon jug of carbonated tuna juice. ]
I’ll teach ya to insinuate that I’m not sof- fis-ti-cated!
Some high culture.
Me, receiving advance warning on David’s bar snack purchases:
Pfft. This is high culture.
As is this.
High culture.
The Lord moves in mysterious ways.
But, yeah, no.
High culture.
Of course it will.
We lost Peter Schickele not a week ago. The world sucks just that much more.
Assuming events were as reported, it’s quite sobering. A reminder of how deep and pervasive degeneracy can be, which is easy to forget.
If a neighbour had told my parents that I’d stolen something from them, something that cost a couple of grand, and then presented footage of me doing it, I’m pretty sure my parents would have had something to say about the matter, not least to me. Loudly and at length. Some kind of restitution would have been insisted upon, and shame – remember shame? – would have been a very prominent factor.
The conceit that the only outrage, the only basis for complaint, is the normal consequence for the crime, not the crime itself, is quite remarkable. And yet, in some quarters, it appears to be commonplace.
I must say this post has been quite an education!
That. We used to call it civilization.