Friday Ephemera (708)
The robot did my lash extensions. || Transgender head-tilt, level nine. || When your local stores start closing because of looting, excusing the looters is the progressive thing to do. || Today’s word is mentor. || Modernity is a helluva thing. || Nostalgic coffee table of note. || Bach’s Coffee Cantata, 1735. || Identify birds and mammals with smart binoculars. || Be careful who you let in. || Canine dispute. || For the disabled, a tongue-operated trackpad. || Sheep relocation. || He is, I’m told, an associate professor of psychiatry. || The perils of dining on squid. || Own a piece of history, they said. || Whatever happened to the Hitlers? || Timing is important. || Probably best not to, I think. || Not unfair. || Fool me once. || And finally, in sports news, she’s the women’s world champion, you know.
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P.D.Q. Bach’s Sanka Cantata.
Hey, I was going to post that! [ Pouts. ]
Competitive madness. But . . . how do you tell the winner?
[ Looks for local furniture dealers ]
she’s the women’s world champion
At least we can reasonably be sure that she’s a woman. How long before some xy T-girl steals the title.
Shut up and take my mon—
Birds of America can be had for $99.95.
“Identify birds and mammals with smart binoculars.“
It’s not a flying car or personal jetpack but well done, inventors, for once!
He’s using his stronger male neck muscles.
Morning, all. Everyone calm down. I’m here now.
Heh. I’m assuming the titillating sense of womanhood increases in proportion to the risk of spinal injury.
[ Slurps coffee, tries to focus. ]
“Israel is a made-up place.”
So basically two men are arguing about which one of them is a real woman.
I suppose once you’ve insisted that we must all stop noticing objective reality and that instead everyone must pretend, it’s a little tricky to then start complaining about other, bolder pretenders indulging in much the same make-believe.
I mean, once you kick down the door, this is what you get.
Friday Ephemera! Friday Ephemera! I haven’t even started in on the links and already my morning is happier! (Okay, this and the fact it is unseasonably mild and walking my dogs in the dark woods under a full moon was exceptionally lovely – nut I do look forward to this weekly treat)
excusing the looters is the progressive thing to do
Nothing abnegates a person’s previous statement more than a sudden heavy emphasis on the word “however” as demonstrated by the gentleman in the clip.
Nostalgic coffee table of note
In the advent of digital photography, I owned a DSLR that used those as “film.” And by “advent” we are only looking back to 2001. The technology of photography as evolved in a rapid place (and as a photographer, no, I do not think AI will replace us).
Canine dispute
A fine visualization of an argument on social media.
I’m not sure whether to be flattered, or just dismayed that you’re so easily pleased.
Going to go with the flattery thing.
Things like this are incredibly cringe (as the kids would say) but banal, no? If you’re going to do a one take lip synch, go big or go home.
I see your Sheep relocation, and raise you camel relocation.
Oh well played, sir.
“Medical fandoms”… “the eunuch community…” But we’re not supposed to call it a fetish?
I see your Sheep relocation, and raise you camel relocation.
I’ll bump you beaver relocation.
“Fandom” is no more complimentary than “fetishist”. At least for those with eyes to see.
The lumberjacks were appreciative, but it was too late.
Note the clustering of delusions on the left: If you believe one crazy idea, you probably believe all or nearly all the others.
From what I can make out, you’re supposed to just stand there, silently but affirmingly, while nodding at pretty much anything such creatures say. Because they’re so valid, you see.
And from the comments following the link above, this.
That must have been frustrating for Geronimo unless his name came from really enjoying parachuting.
I’m now waiting for someone to suggest The Hitlers as a band name.
Vic Hitler the Narcoleptic Comic appeared in a few episodes of Hill Street Blues.
Oh no! A 15 year old kid is working the cash register at Burger King!
–Communist, pretending to be horrified at exploitative child labor caused by “late stage capitalism”, conveniently forgetting that for nearly all of human history children began working as soon as they were able.
Debut album – Reichin’ ‘n’ Rollin’
When I was fifteen, I was spending three evenings a week stacking shelves and flattening cardboard boxes in an unglamorous supermarket. I don’t recall feeling oppressed. Though I was glad to have the extra pocket money.
Paid for my first drum machine, as I recall. And among things, some hideous boots.
Oh no! A 15 year old kid is working the cash register at Burger King!
Why, that rather implies there are those older and able to work full time who don’t…
Such as spoiled rich kids, communists, psychopaths and hood rats.
This is the same lie contained in Hillary Clinton’s “It takes a village to raise a child”, in which words are manipulated to mean “it’s the government’s business, not parents’.”
“You had to admire the way perfectly innocent words were mugged, ravished, stripped of all true meaning and decency, and then sent to walk the gutter for
Reacher GiltProgressive Minded People.” –Terry PratchettDebut album – Reichin’ ‘n’ Rollin’
Cult American art rock band The Residents beat you to it in 1976 with their second album, Third Reich ‘n Roll
Sheep relocation: notice that the sides are open except for a bar about 5 inches high. Sheep don’t like obstacles. I guess they are clumsy. Farmers in New England would make stone walls just a foot high and it would mostly keep the sheep in. We now might look at such a wall and wonder WTH because it seems too low to be useful. But it works for sheep.
Head tilt: eye bleach alert!!
The border: used to be US criminals would head to Mexico to get away from the law. Now criminals from all over the world head to Mexico….to cross into the US. Of course open border advocates don’t believe in criminals or terrorists, so…
And yet I noticed a stone wall was not enough to confine Jeremy Clarkson’s sheep. Maybe the key word is “mostly” and Clarkson only filmed the one time they jumped over. Shrug.
But they do believe that you and I are criminal terrorists.
Ah yes, the famed Future Lower Back Problems…
*reads more… oh, no no no no…..*
But surely all women walk around with their heads tilted at 72 degrees?
Kids working: progs don’t like the idea of work at all. Many of them reach their mid-twenties without ever having had a job. Work clears the mind and gives a sense of pride. At 15 I took the bus all the way across Atlanta to work at my uncle’s small manufacturing shop (summer, no AC, dusty). At 16 I worked at McDonald’s. I am glad my parents were cheap (not poor mind you) because I learned you could get a job and save for stuff you need.
Car jackers: in many cases it is just a joy-ride (if ever there was a misnomer…) where they just dump the car. How the hell is that financial desperation?
They’re quite happy for you to work.
[ Obligatory Richard Corben illustration from Heavy Metal magazine ]
–often leaving the car damaged or destroyed.
And in many other cases the purpose is to commit crimes.
“Liberalism is a disease.”–should have been said by Sylvester Stallone.
For those who missed it.