Cosmetics Were Applied
One for the totally-balanced-educator files:
Meet DeDe Duffy. A preschool teacher in Cape Coral, FL. She says she teaches her students that if they don’t like their parents, they can find another family.
She also says she teaches them to be gay.
These are the people teaching your kids.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 11, 2023
Those pre-school children are in good hands, clearly. Ms Duffy’s pronouns, since you ask, are they and them.
Update, via the comments:
Rafi adds,
Well, it would be nice – refreshing, even – if these people worked out their serious mental health issues on their own time. Rather than, as seems to be the fashion, inflicting them on other people’s children.
Chris G offers the following,
Indeed. Ditto TikTok likes. And yet, as we’ve seen many times, the more scrupulously woke a teacher is, the more likely he is to issue the class instructions to remember his birthday, to use his made-up pronouns, to browse his social media accounts, and to tell him, seemingly daily, just how pretty he is.
Ms Duffy has now locked her social media accounts, so further illumination is, sadly, denied us. But it occurs to me that if I were employed to work with small children, I don’t think I would choose to film myself having eye-widening meltdowns – or to then share the recordings with lots of random strangers on TikTok and Instagram.
But maybe that’s just me. Shy soul that I am.
Azi asks,
The supply of bedlamite educators does seem all but inexhaustible. Such that one might wonder whether schools and universities, those fiefdoms of the progressive, are actively favouring the psychologically marginal. Presumably, there are people doing the hiring who think that emotional instability and pretentious “non-binary” pronouns denote an ideal candidate, an exemplar for impressionable children.
Rather than… well, you know.
“Computer, exit.”
A teaching job isn’t meant to be therapy for the teacher.
Well, it would be nice – refreshing, even – if these people worked out their serious mental health issues on their own time. Rather than, as seems to be the fashion, inflicting them on other people’s children.
Ms Duffy has now locked her social media accounts, so further illumination is, sadly, denied us. But it occurs to me that if I were employed to work with small children, I don’t think I would choose to film myself having eye-widening meltdowns – or to then share the recordings with lots of random strangers on TikTok and Instagram.
But maybe that’s just me. Shy soul that I am.
If you are an adult and looking for validation from children you should probably reconsider a lot of things.
How do these people get hired?
The supply of bedlamite educators does seem all but inexhaustible. Such that one might wonder whether schools and universities, those fiefdoms of the progressive, are actively favouring the psychologically marginal. Presumably, there are people doing the hiring who think that emotional instability and “non-binary” pronouns denote an ideal candidate, an exemplar for children, rather than… well, you know.
I thought one was born gay.
How do these people get hired?
People like this.
Well, quite. I’m not sure how one can teach it. Unless it involves paper fans and clown make-up, as above. Oddly enough, paper fans do crop up more often than one might suppose.
Still, it is possible to confuse and bewilder children, and to make them feel uneasy and alienated – say, by exposing them prematurely to the adult world. Which may hold some appeal for certain personalities.
By people who are, or descended from, people who create and encourage these messed up people. Who encourage them to be even more messed up. They get hired because we don’t pay attention to the people who do said hiring. We don’t take those who run the schools nor the running of the schools seriously. Not even most private schools. It isa failure by the conservative elements of our society to fulfill their other roles besides just making money.
At one time it was believed that letting boys play with G.I. Joe dolls was a factor.
It’s not limited to the schools and universities. Many organisations are working to make the mentally disturbed a protected, superior, caste, both de facto and de jure. The cult of self-esteem is pervasive.
The Current Truth changes when politically convenient.
Of course they are: We already know that they screen out the non-“woke” at every level, and “woke” ideology correlates with the Dark Triad personality traits.
Furthermore, they see every form of sexual dysfunction as proof of victimhood which requires “equity” policies.
“Do not challenge my authority or I will sic my mentally ill minions on you.”
The Current Truth changes when politically convenient.
So does The Science (TM), too, it seems.
So much for objectivity.
Since adherence to the narrative/ideology is all that matters now, and bedlamites and crazies are the most likely to scream out loud about it, those are the ones who get selected. Just like in a murderous tyranny the sadists get picked.
There’s something here… I just can’t put my finger on it…
I’ll just leave this here, for no reason whatsoever.
I’ll just leave this here, for no reason whatsoever.
Reminds me a bit of when a dysmorphic former student actually did shoot up a school. Before the furious sweeping-under-the-rug of the story, the media not only deadnamed her, they misgendered her too, if I remember correctly. Big no-nos, I thought. Cancelling offenses. Literal violence against the Trans.
Unlike the story of the dysmorphic teacher in the story linked above, there was no effort made to use preferred pronouns and name of the dysmorphic female, and the manifesto she wrote out still hasn’t been seen by anyone but immediate investigators.
And I’ll leave this here, also for no reason whatsoever.
And yet, as we’ve seen many times, the more scrupulously woke a teacher is, the more likely he is to issue the class instructions to remember his birthday, to use his made-up pronouns, or to tell him, seemingly daily, just how pretty he is.
[ Post updated. ]
WpDiscuz has been updated. The comment edit glitch should now be fixed. You may need to clear caches or relaunch browser.
[ Added: ]
[ Wonders why it’s so quiet. Reads wpDiscuz support forums. ]
Ah. I see the update has, shall we say, not been entirely successful. Lots of grumbling. Hey ho.
“Wonders why it’s so quiet”
Busy. And stopping in at Buc-ee’s.
Well, the good news is that the edit function doesn’t work at all which is an improvement on earlier behaviour where it acted as though it was working ’til attempting to post the alterations.
Getting the ‘Nonce is invalid.’ message when posting comment.
Well ‘invalid’ is one way of putting it. The bastard.
My sympathies.
test comment after rollback wp discuz
Try it now.
The latest, buggy version of wpDiscuz has been replaced with the previous, less buggy version. The comments should now be functional, barring the edit option, a fix for which is still occupying the developers.
If anyone is inclined to buy The Other Half a beer, I suspect he wouldn’t object.
In other, more exciting news.
Arrgh. Still doesn’t work. Even though I cleared cache and relaunched browser.
I’ll wait an hour and see if that helps: I have heard (emphasis on heard) that sometimes old versions of web page remain on internet servers for a while until changes propagate across the internet.
Did he make the corpses out of plaster or resin or something else?
In other, other news, I see that for days now Typepad has been up and down like a tart’s knickers.
So, could be worse.
Speaking of tart’s knickers . . .
Nothing about nonces this time around.
Downward trajectory, it seems.
Windows Update, browser update, and cold boot. Bug still not fixed.
The fix for the comment-edit error is still a work in progress. The latest wpDiscuz version, 7.6.4., which auto-updated today – and which was supposed to fix that issue – didn’t. Instead, it buggered up just about everything else. So we’re currently using the older version, 7.6.3., which still has the edit error, but is at least useable.
You wish you had my glamorous life.
The smart one who did the original programming left and now it’s trial and error to fix it.
Heh. That was pretty much about 66.84% of my previously glamorous life…one way or the other…excluding diversity training…and sexual harassment training…and security training..and pointless meetings.
OTOH, I do get to look at this in my limited remaining years…dock not included.
Or the original software design was good but over time a plethora of enhancements have compromised the original orderliness such that changes in one area have unintended effects in other areas. This can happen very easily, when programmers have too much to do in too little time, and especially when new programmers are not sufficiently acquainted with the intended architectural philosophy…or when those programmers are not sufficiently trained against making fast and dirty changes that seem okay after a hurried look at the software. (How many hundred thousand lines of code in WordPress? Far more than any one person can be familiar with, I’m sure.)
How else can a programmer get promotions and raises and new challenges than by changing employers? Sigh.
Likely the best outfit of the day.