Don’t Oppress Me With Your Commas
More crushing injustice on campus, this time at the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies:
In a letter sent to colleagues in the department after the sit-in, [Professor] Rust said students in the demonstration described grammar and spelling corrections he made on their dissertation proposals as a form of “micro-aggression.” “I have attempted to be rather thorough on the papers and am particularly concerned that they do a good job with their bibliographies and citations, and these students apparently don’t feel that is appropriate,” Rust said in the letter.
You see, by highlighting spelling and punctuation errors, the professor is contributing to an “unsafe climate for students of colour.” Reminding students of the basic rules of English apparently helps to create “a hostile and toxic environment” in Professor Rust’s classroom. Such are the mental and emotional traumas of the modern grad school intellectual. These, remember, are people studying for master’s degrees and doctorates. Advanced learning. For those of you interested in the policing of tiny tragedies, “micro-aggressions” are defined by an official UCLA report as,
Subtle verbal and nonverbal insults directed toward non-whites, often done automatically and unconsciously. They are layered insults based on one’s race, gender, class, sexuality, language, immigration status, phenotype, accent, or surname.
It is not clear whether any workable definition of discriminatory conduct is capable of capturing every such microaggression.
The indefinite and strangely unilateral nature of the term does raise one or two problems. As Ricochet’s Tim Groseclose notes,
I’m pretty sure that by writing this blog post I have engaged in a microaggression.
And by drawing further attention to this story and its comedic possibilities, it’s very likely that your mild-mannered host is also oppressing somebody, somewhere, in ways that aren’t quite clear. And don’t you get all high and mighty either. By reading this you’re almost certainly complicit too. I denounce your wickedness. Now report to the correction booth. Three hours, maximum setting.
Of course it’s easy to laugh at the cultivation and indulgence of such improbable preciousness. The unhappy students mentioned above sound just a tad opportunist and colossally self-absorbed, even by the standards of their peers. Indeed, one might regard them as pathologically unrealistic. Theirs, after all, is one of the most cossetting and exquisitely PC environments on the face of the planet. But their theatrical umbrage is no accident. Like Mr Arun Smith, mentioned previously, such attitudes and pretensions are the ideal end product of a leftist education. Academia is the foremost proving ground for “progressive” attitudes, a model of utopia and corrected thought, and these students have been processed quite effectively.
Viewed rationally, this urging to racial grievance over matters of grammar and punctuation seems designed to keep young people with brown skin disaffected and resentful, and wherever possible in ignorance and poverty. How else, for instance, might we explain the taxpayer funded race hustler Dr Caprice Hollins? Dr Hollins was paid $86,000 a year to tell Seattle educators that “students of colour” needn’t learn the grammar and fluency she herself enjoys – and which employers generally expect of job candidates. These basic skills and others, including foresight and punctuality, are apparently “white values,” and expectations thereof constitute “cultural racism.” Instead of encouraging “students of colour” to articulate their thoughts and plan ahead, we must, said Hollins, see people as “racial beings” and “teach [children] to view the world through a racial lens.”
Not correcting students’ grammar, thereby ensuring they sound like idiots, is apparently also the way to ensure those students get jobs, find fulfilment and escape poverty. And Dr Hollins is by no means unique. She’s part of an industry, a racket, an institutional hustle. The effect of which is to dull the senses and erode probity, all in the name of fairness.
Update 2:
More on the linguistic oppression saga from Inside Higher Ed:
The [students’] statement accuses “the professor” (it does not identify Rust by name) of correcting “perceived grammatical choices that in actuality reflect ideologies” and “repeatedly questioning the value of our work on social identity and the related dynamics of oppression, power and privilege.” The “barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate,” it continues.
Yes, the students are upset about having the value of their ideas questioned. Given the students’ appetite for Marxoid “critical race theory” and Marxoid “standpoint theory,” outright laughter seems more fitting. The piece goes on to list the students’ grievances as including having to comply with the standard style guide for dissertation work and such agonies as whether or not the word indigenous should be capitalised. The nearest thing I could find to a basis for complaint is that during a heated exchange between two students – basically over which of them is more victimised and therefore righteous – the professor shook the male student’s arm in an attempt to calm him down. According to the students, who are evidently steeped in racial victimhood, “there are additional [i.e., racial] implications when an older white man does so with a younger black man.”
These, then, are the psychodramas that make grad students – sorry, students of “colour and consciousness” – feel entitled to interrupt a class, impose on others and conduct an hour-long, self-flattering “sit-in.”
This rickety barge is kept afloat by the kindness of strangers.
students in the demonstration described grammar and spelling corrections he made on their dissertation proposals as a form of “micro-aggression.”
That’s the attitude all employers look for.
That’s the attitude all employers look for.
Viewed rationally, the racial grievance racket seems designed to keep children with brown skin in poverty wherever possible. How else might we explain the taxpayer funded race hustler Dr Caprice Hollins? A woman who was paid $86,000 a year to tell Seattle educators that “students of colour” needn’t learn the grammar and fluency she herself enjoys – and which employers generally expect of job candidates. These basic skills, including punctuality, are apparently “white values,” and expectations thereof constitute “cultural racism.” Instead of encouraging “students of colour” to articulate their thoughts and plan ahead, we must, she says, see people as “racial beings” and “teach [children] to view the world through a racial lens.”
Not correcting children’s grammar, thereby ensuring they sound like idiots, is apparently a great way to ensure they get good jobs and escape poverty.
In other news, Harvard students can’t name the capital of Canada.
Some students said they thought Thursday’s protest was focused more on humiliating a single professor than starting dialogue.
Ya think? That’s the whole plan,isn’t it? “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it” as Saul Alinsky advised. And how do you pick a target? “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe” will work in a pinch. It’s like musical chairs for professors. You lose, professor Rust; now pick up that cat-o-nine tails and whack yourself till we tell you to stop.
Within living memory, people had to fight to vote and get admitted to college but we’re leading the fight against micro-aggression. Our generation will do great things.
Not correcting children’s grammar, thereby ensuring they sound like idiots, is apparently a great way to ensure they get good jobs and escape poverty.
I think this is where theory hits reality and reality pulls out it’s gat and starts shooting.
sigh: c /it’s/its/
Medic! I just grammer lamed myself.
I just grammer lamed myself.
Don’t worry, this is a safe space. Your feelings matter to us, deeply. And I mean that sincerely. [ Tilts head, does caring face. ]
In the comments to that Tim Groseclose piece, someone links to this:
…which I thought had to be satire. But apparently not:
Students are taught that sandwiches are racist, and they have ‘Courageous Conversations’ about ‘white privilege’. But trouble is brewing over a lunchtime drum class…
Remember, academia is the left’s foremost proving ground. A model of utopia and corrected thought.
Hey, you don’t know until you walk a mile in their shoes. Maybe they have had trouble with pandas…
It’s almost like these people never saw Chris Rock’s ‘Niggaz vs Black People’ routine. “Keep in’ it rrrrrreal!” “Yeah, real DUMB”
David, even Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches are racist these days
… this story and its comedic possibilities
I cannot find this funny. This story is actually making me physically disgusted. How dare they use such an accusation of racist aggression to make up for their own shortcomings?
Do they have any idea how long it takes to mark student papers? Any idea at all how much more time it takes to review, in detail, the spelling and punctuation of 1,500-3000 word assignments and their references and bibliographies? Any idea how fortunate they must be to have an educator who has determined to take time away from his own research to spend it on correcting their spelling and grammar?
And please God do not tell me these students are actually in preparation to become teachers themselves at some point in the future.
While I cannot be absolutely certain without a full knowledge of the facts, I am nevertheless incredulous regarding the comment below from one of the protesting students, bearing in mind that this is all happening in a Graduate School of Education. I may have never been to UCLA, but I would be genuinely shocked to discover that its Education school is run along lines that are anything less than achingly inclusive and progressive.
Although I’m quite certain of Ms Flores’s own conviction that what she says is true, I find it almost impossible to believe that the experience she is describing is anything other than a paranoid delusion.
Other students were emotional as they spoke about their experiences.
Alma Flores, a graduate student in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, became tearful as she talked about the racial discrimination she has faced at UCLA.
“As a woman of color, I should not have to get up every single day to have my identity questioned. … I am tired of it,” she said, crying as she spoke. “I’m tired, and it hurts me so much.”
Damn, someone beat me to it!!
“In other news, Harvard students can’t name the capital of Canada”
For heaven’s sake! The capital of Canada is C. At least it is if you are being oppressive towards those less of your skin colour. Otherwise it is just canada.
Dear Mr Thompson
The elephant on the campus would appear to be the overt, macro-aggression towards white people.
The implication of the Professor of Racist Sandwiches is that the people of different cultures should be protected from learning anything new. That’s modern education for you.
Nik – I am also a woman of colour – no, wait – a genderqueer woman of colour – a sassy black BBW – and I am equally tired of having my identity called into question.
People will say “Steve, but you’re clearly a skinny white man”. That is the sort of microaggression I have to deal with every day of my so-called life on this racist so-called planet. What right do patriarchal oppressors like my wife have to define me?
My boss asked me recently “Steve, could you please stop breezing into the office at around 10? Your contracted hours are 9–5.30”
“STOP HATE-SPEECHING ME YOU RACIST WELSH BASTARD!”, I explained as I threw a stapler in his direction to emphasise my point. My culture is a demonstrative and ebullient one.
I have explained to HR that my trigger warnings include being expected to obey the white man’s clock, as if I were on some sort of plantation. Also, Mondays.
I’m pretty sure I’m going to get that salary increase I asked for.
“As a woman of colour, I should not have to get up every single day to have my identity questioned. … I am tired of it,” she said, crying as she spoke. “I’m tired, and it hurts me so much.”
I did wonder whether Ms Flores also regards grammar correction as part of that tear-inducing experience. The poor, dear creature – having her cartoon identity questioned in one of the most exquisitely cosseting and PC environments on the face of the planet. It’s such a trial. It’s easy to laugh of course – or to despair at the cultivated whininess. They sound utterly self-absorbed and pathologically unrealistic. But this is no accident. Like this idiot, mentioned previously, they’re the ideal end product of a leftist education. They’ve been processed quite effectively.
“… it hurts me so much.”
This one phrase encapsulates the entire world of victimology in only 5 words.
Not correcting children’s grammar, thereby ensuring they sound like idiots, is apparently a great way to ensure they get good jobs and escape poverty.
It’s the subtle racism of low expectations.
Update – Jenny from accounts just tried to get me to sign up for the office Christmas party.
I burst into tears, explaining how offended I am to be reminded of Christmas, because I am a wizard. My people have been persecuted and made fun of by Xtians for years.
Then I started scratching her face and miaowing, because I am also a cat.
Jenny from accounts won’t be in a hurry to tangle with Steve again.
Someone fetch a net. I think Steve’s brain fever is flaring up again.
David – that is exactly the sort of reactionary felisophobic microaggression that I faced when I protested Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Cats”. “You’re just humans in catface!”, I reasoned, as Mister Mistoffelees tried to drown out the sound of my righteous protest with his awful singing.
I hadn’t been so poorly treated since I showed up at Jesus Christ: Superstar dressed as a centurion and carrying a hammer and nails. I understand they now have a picture of me in the security kiosk of the Lyceum.
Shame on you, sir.
I denounce myself.
I can assure the professor that the vast majority of grocer’s apostrophes I see are the product not of ‘non-whites’, but of people as Anglo Saxon as I am!
And, of course, when it comes to the hallowed halls of academe, you can never start too early:
Steve 2
Whatever you else you do, no matter how hard it gets – keep that resistance going! Resist your boss, your wife, common sense and gravity but just resist!
Your very identity as a loud and proud fluid-gendered atemporally-oriented wizard is a hammer ringing the death knell of Third Stage Patriarchal-Corporative Capitalism, shaking it’s crumbling foundations into dust!
Remember – just being you is what speaks truth to the oppressor’s power ¡Vive la lucha para simpre, mi camarada hermana-hermano!
Also, this might help motivate you. It may even, who knows, blow your mind:
As a technical writer working for a software developer, I was HIRED to engage in microagression.
Sometimes, I correct the grammar/spelling/punctuation of people of color who are natives of India.
I am so damned racist it hurts.
Also, every programmer will tell you that coding is absolutist in its intolerance for mistakes in spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
Those racist systems will SHUT DOWN rather than tolerate sloppiness in that wise.
Technology is Da Man.
How many of you would like to have your financial matters managed by a computer that was designed according to the feminist principles of logic?
The GSE&IS mission statement says they’re all about…
1. High academic standards and integrity;
2. The intellectual and professional development of students;
And (obviously)…
3. The pursuit of social justice;
Looks like #3 is at odds with the other two.
I’m reminded of my parents, correcting my spoken and written English constantly when I was a kid. I was informed, “it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If your English is incorrect, people will think you’re stupid.” Nice to see their words validated.
The sheer rejection of reality is breathtaking… it reminds me of this…
On the contrary, dicentra, programmers will tell you that spelling is unimportant, as long as you mis-spell consistently. The names are for human convenience, the compiler replaces them with location references.
“These basic skills and others, including punctuality, are apparently ‘white values’, and expectations thereof constitute ‘cultural racism'” . . .
Imperial China was white? Who knew!
How many of you would like to have your financial matters managed by a computer that was designed according to the feminist principles of logic?
A 1 is a 1 unless a woman wants it to be a 0, then it’s a 0. Unless she changes her mind. Bit flips via shaming!
I wonder if quantum computing could work this way. Can feminists affect the spin of atoms with their whining? I think we should test it; let’s put 1000 feminists in a room and see if they can nag and complain the bits into switching. At least it would prevent them from other mischief.
Imperial China was white?
“White” just means “bad” or “inconvenient to leftists” now. Thus a group of Republicans or Tea Partiers can be “frighteningly white” but not the editorial board of the New York Times.
In software engineering, there exist three levels at which a program’s correctness can be specified: lexical, syntactical and semantical. A program must be lexically correct (e.g. drawn from a defined character set and using a finite set of keywords) before the lexer hands it off to the parser. It must be syntactically correct in order to compile (or be executed if it is an interpreted language). It must be semantically correct to provide correct output. All three of these criteria are essential but the first two are relatively easy to satisfy and the third is, in general, astoundingly hard. It is also the stage where software fails (q.v. every IT project that has not worked satisfactorily).
With the illustrious students of the UCLA GSEIS, matters are somewhat similar. It’s no good writing theses in Enochian or invisible ink, and the sentences have to conform to at least a minimal set of syntactic rules even to be parsed as English. This is where the ‘micro-aggressions’ of spelling and punctuation corrections make their appearance. But I would not mind betting that it is at the third hurdle that most of these students’ output comes a cropper. It is dollars to doughnuts that, almost without exception, work at graduate level in a large US university in the woollier fringes of the humanities will consist of the most atrociously meaningless horseshit that can be compassed by the mind of Man. This is the purpose of graduate-level arts faculties: to pan for the few flecks of common sense that are to be found in a torrential flood of crap and ruthlessly discard them. This explains the confusion of obscurity with profundity that has been remarked on so often here.
Note, also, that it is the surplus productivity created by, inter alia, software engineers getting their code right that affords people like Caprice Hollins their sinecures and prevents them from dying of pellagra.
[Professor] Rust said students in the demonstration described grammar and spelling corrections he made on their dissertation proposals as a form of “micro-aggression.”
Using spellcheck must be a real bitch. And racist.
Hey, you don’t know until you walk a mile in their shoes. . . .
Absolutely true. Because after that, you’re a mile away, you’ve got the shoes, and there isn’t a thing that can be done to stop you.
Micro-aggressions, and macro-offended about them. Go figure.
The good thing about stories like this is that they help me smile upon the British students who stagger about the city centres, puking down the fronts of their undersized togas. Sure, it’s vile, but at least it’s not self righteous.
Actually I consider the spellcheck and its red underscores to be aggressive and demeaning of my ability to spell. It is also usually racist in defaulting to English as the language I am assumed to be writing in.
Not even the great Communist in DC can “redistribute” IQ. As much as the socialist try, DNA and IQ are linked and no amount of social engineering can change one’s IQ of 82, Not HUD Sec 8 housing, EBT, or Obama phones.
I denounce myself!
I also wish to denounce myself. My Beijing-born missus hitherto appreciated it when I corrected her English, as she foolishly desires to speak it as well as possible. Fortunately I now recognise my micro-aggressive patronage and understand her complicity to be a betrayal of the sisterhood of colour. Thanks!
Such are the mental and emotional traumas of the modern grad school intellectual. These, remember, are people studying for master’s degrees and doctorates. Advanced learning.
The question is how did they get into grad school?
Great blog, Mr Thompson. *hits tip jar*
Micro-aggressions, and macro-offended about them. Go figure.
Imagine the mental contortions that are required for standard grammar and spelling corrections to equal “subtle verbal and nonverbal insults directed toward non-whites… layered insults based on race.” And all in a place where the nation’s brightest are supposed to learn, among other things, how to write well. A mind that bent out of shape – and an institution that indulges such dishonesty – is probably beyond repair.
*hits tip jar*
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