Don’t Oppress My People With Your Big Hooped Earrings
Attention, all you white women:
If you didn’t create the culture as a coping mechanism for marginalisation, take off those hoops[;] if your feminism isn’t intersectional, take off those hoops[;] if you try to wear mi cultura when the creators can no longer afford it, take off those hoops[;] if you are incapable of using a search engine and expect other people to educate you, take off those hoops[;] if you can’t pronounce my name or spell it, take off those hoops.
So rants Ms Alegria Martinez, a member of the Latinx Student Union at Pitzer College, Claremont, California, in a campus-wide email. When not struggling with oppressive punctuation, Ms Martinez spends her time fretting about the fact that she and her peers are “not taken seriously” as the radical titans they so obviously are. According to fellow umbrage-taker Jacquelyn Aguilera, who also emailed the entire campus, “winged eyeliner, lined lips, and big hoop earrings” are “an everyday act of resistance” by the brown and virtuous, “especially here at the Claremont Colleges.”
Where students are forking out $60,000 a year in the hope of being terribly downtrodden. Possibly by the pool:
Update, via the comments:
Alice adds,
Some people want childhood to last 70 years.
Well, if you want to see evidence of maturity and self-possession, the Pitzer College Media Studies department, where Ms Martinez spends her time and some poor sucker’s money, probably isn’t the first place to look. And I think that, for many, that’s the tacit appeal of identitarian wokeness – it’s a chance to defer adult norms and an excuse to act out pretentious, inchoate tantrums. But it is a strange thing, this combination of assumed superiority and infantile emoting. Remember, Ms Martinez and Ms Aguilera emailed the entire campus, repeatedly and quite vehemently, with their views on hooped earrings and who should be allowed to wear them.
As sane people do.
And for a little perspective, it’s just occurred to me that when one of my nieces was the same age as these ladies, she was raising money for charity by trekking across the Sahara Desert. I doubt that hooped earrings and lip-liner, and who may or may not wear them, were foremost in her mind.
Commenter [+] quips,
Ain’t no privilege like victim privilege.
It does, I think, take a particular chutzpah to publicly claim to be oppressed – by other people’s earrings – while spending more than the median household income at a glorified holiday resort.
*raises hand*
Er, hasn’t she ‘appropriated’ English?
Er, hasn’t she ‘appropriated’ English?
I suspect that Ms Martinez and her associates would construe their use of English as further proof of their oppression as a conquered people.
if you are incapable of using a search engine and expect other people to educate you,
It’s worth noting how pervasive this manoeuvre has become. It’s cropped up repeatedly in the last few months. Being asked to explain one’s own demands is now deemed “emotional labour,” a “microaggression,” and thus unacceptable. Which is no doubt convenient for those whose political views aren’t load-bearing.
The argument seems to be going down well – white folk are beginning to see Alegria’s point of view. For example, one commenter notes:
I keep a 5 lb tire buddy under my pillow in the dorm. If this crap starts I am going to start cracking black and brown heads and ripping out hoop earrings. I am so sick of the hate and racism I experience every day from these so-called minorities. I really wouldn’t care if a disease could be formulated to wipe them all out. Bunch of ungrateful parasites.
All very reasonable, and an illustration of the inestimable value of tertiary education.
Ain’t no privilege like victim privilege.
Ain’t no privilege like victim privilege.
It does, I think, take a particular chutzpah to publicly claim to be oppressed – by other people’s earrings – while spending more than the median household income at a glorified holiday resort.
“The culture actually comes from a historical background of oppression and exclusion.”
I demand a safe zone, in the Americas, for oppressed Latinx people who’ve been forced against their will to live among their vile, white tormentors. I’d call it ,say, ‘Latinx America’, and I’d build a large wall to separate the happy, vibrant Latinx inhabitants from all the disgusting, miserable, imperialist whites so that they’d never again have to associate with them.
Checkmate bigots.
It seems to me that stoicism and gratitude are now two of the rarest virtues.
It seems to me that stoicism and gratitude are now two of the rarest virtues.
I wonder what the 300 Spanish shitlords who conquered Central America would think?
if you are incapable of using a search engine and expect other people to educate you,
The search engine was invented by a guy from Barbados so Alegria Martinez shouldn’t be allowed to use it. We could do this all day.
It always amazes me that these people have a total moral blind spot regarding the Spanish invaders and the indigenous population. I betcha they wore hoops…
I’m sure you’ll all be shocked to hear that Ms Martinez is spending that $60,000 a year not on engineering or chemistry or astrophysics, but on “media studies with a concentration in critical theory.”
You could do this all day, I’m sure. But Alegria Martinez probably won’t. Because I get the distinct impression Alegria Martinez doesn’t have an intellectual abstract raceless principle here, she has a “fuck YT” principle underlying her acts. Rejecting search engines isn’t a way of fucking YT, so why the hell should she listen to this nonsense of yours? You’re treading fairly close to strawmanning – imputing to Martinez positions she hasn’t endorsed.
Scroll down and meet Ms. Martinez. Majoring in “Media Studies with a concentration in Critical Theory.”
Bless her heart.
Also, David, while posting the above I got a rather odd error message:
Machine spirit is angry, apply more sacred machine oil.
Sorry David. You beat me to it. She appears rather pallid to me, but I suppose I’ve learned nothing from Rachel Dolezal.
What’s ‘winged eyeliner’?
What’s ‘winged eyeliner’?

It’s not really my field, but I’m assuming it’s this sort of thing:
As modelled – bravely, proudly, heroically – by Ms Martinez herself.
I get the distinct impression Alegria Martinez doesn’t have an intellectual abstract raceless principle here, she has a “fuck YT” principle underlying her acts.
Those non-reciprocal values must be terribly convenient.
Regarding “winged eyeliner,” who’s doing appropriation?
Regarding “winged eyeliner,” who’s doing appropriation?
Careful, you’ll set off the…
Oh bugger.
Scroll down and meet Ms. Martinez.
It is a bit sad that out of the lot of RAs on that page, the only ones who appear to be there for the education are the guys from India and Rwanda. One would almost think that coming from an un-privileged place makes one appreciate being at Pitzer for the education, and not the opportunity to hang out with other SJWs. I know, crazy talk.
The 80’s just rang, Phil Oakey wants his look back.
The 80’s just rang, Phil Oakey wants his look back.
Ah, back when Mr Oakey still had hair.
She’s quite cute for one of those batshit crazy, mad-as-a-hatter, intersectional SJW types. That said I still wouldn’t go near her with a barge pole.
Bunch of ungrateful parasites
Decades of identity politics and white-bashing are coming to a head.
Whenever I see this abbreviation I always have a moment of cognitive dissonance. My first introduction to “YT” came via Neal Stephenson’s _Snow Crash_, in which it meant something altogether different.
BTW, it would appear in the pool photo, a young lady is sporting a two-piece swimsuit which is commonly known as a “bikini.” French appropriation of the name of a Pacific Atoll to describe a garment worn in ancient Greece and Rome.
I, for one, am deeply offended by this example of Western Cultural Imperialism. I trust Ms. Martinez is about policing her charges’ swimwear choices.
Where students are forking out $60,000 a year in the hope of being terribly downtrodden. Possibly by the pool.
Yes but is the pool heated?
Ms. Martinez boldly tells us:
“I am at Pitzer because: I love being part of a community that is passionate about serving the outside community (that I call home).”
One wonders if Ms. Martinez, as a member of the cadre that over uses the word community, knows what that word means. She could use a good dressing down from Inigo Montoya.
Regarding “winged eyeliner,” who’s doing appropriation?

I was thinking the same thing:
“I love being part of a community that is passionate about serving the outside community (that I call home).”
Hence the scolding of women for their choice of earrings.
Still, at least she isn’t taking a course in feminist blogging.
There is no service like service with a scold. I believe you can even get fries with that.
The 80’s just rang, Phil Oakey wants his look back.
With her impressive Angry Studies™ qualifications she’ll be working as a waitress in a cocktail bar soon enough.
I’m here all week. Try the enchiladas.
Still, at least she isn’t taking a course in feminist blogging.
If you have to take a course to start a blog you probably shouldn’t bother.
If you have to take a course to start a blog you probably shouldn’t bother.
I don’t think you appreciate how immensely complicated blogging is. It’s not like brain surgery or air traffic control, where you can just wing it.
Is it time to hide the Sharpies again?

I’m not familiar with the kind of thing I’m seeing.
Yet another angry Conquistador-American. How very exciting.
So anyway… I just did an image search for “sharpie eyebrows.”
Is it too early for a glass of wine?
“It does, I think, take a particular chutzpah to publicly claim to be oppressed – by other people’s earrings – while spending more than the median household income at a glorified holiday resort.”
Exactly, David. I wish I had $60,000 to piss down the drain on a useless degree (although I’d probably put it to more productive use). Apparently the poor are now oppressing the rich. What a time to be alive.
I suspect that Ms Martinez and her associates would construe their use of English as further proof of their oppression as a conquered people.
Because Spanish came from the Aztecs, dontcha know.
Err…. when did Ms Martinez appropriate the makeup fashion of the 1960’s as exclusively chola?
The thing that annoys me is the Asian and Middle Eastern people (amongst others) who culturally appropriated hoop earrings thousands of years before they were invented by Hispanic hipsters in the States.
How low will these people go to demean these deserving yet totally unprivileged students?
I’m a bit worried about the caterpillars on her forehead, they look as if they’re going to attack each other.
It’s nice to think that I’m not the only one who remembers Linda Ronstadt singing “Different Drum” with the Stone Poneys. One of Michael Nesmith’s best songs in my estimation.
@Paul Carlton
Thanks for that. You just sent me down a Linda Ronstadt You Tube rabbit hole. Not complainin’. Just sayin’.
There’s someone at my place of work with wholly fictional and dramatic eyebrows, but I don’t believe she’s gone full Hatshepsut on eye makeup yet. Of course, she *is* dramatically pale with an English root last name…
A moment’s cursory research has uncovered also that (as I suspected) some fairly large hoops were in use by both Celtic Iberians and the Greek – the one group somewhat responsible for portions of Evil Whitey’s coloration and the other responsible for Evil Whitey’s system of government. Once again, who is appropriating from whom?
Nobody may wear big earrings but me!
Nobody may wear big earrings but me!
Ah, but unlike all those other, less enlightened women, Ms Martinez has earned the right to wear big earrings, by virtue of… um, being intersectional. And because she can spell her own name.
Look, I don’t make the rules.