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*encryption intensifies*
Paranoid Android.
Has it finished yet?
Has it finished yet?
Apparently, the owner intervened. Maybe he buried the device in the garden and it’s still encrypting.
Paul Mason …
Paul Mason stop.
Paul Mason what are you doing.
Via the same Twitter account, this.
Has to be linked.
Just in the nick of time, a list of non-binary authors you need to be reading, including:
You can thank me later.
Speaking of virtue signalling, stolen from the twitters:

You can thank me later.
“Other people’s identities are not really yours to decide,” insists, um, them. It’s a bold claim, and commonplace, but I tend to think of social identities as a kind of ongoing negotiation, not a unilateral demand, to be indulged unquestioningly or irrespective of other facts.
And I’m still processing the fact that some people will actually spend $40,000 on a degree in creative writing.
stolen from the twitters
See, that’s the kind of scenario that causes smartphones to encrypt to 1007%.
“Other people’s identities are not really yours to decide,” insists, um, them.
I am a slim six foot blonde. And 20 years younger.
See, that’s the kind of scenario that causes smartphones to encrypt to 1007%.
I checked with Dearly Beloved, who has a Master’s in Maths, and apparently 1007% is, if you’ll forgive the use of a technical term, a very lot.
Perhaps you need this amount of encryption and data storage for the following Mr Thompson:
I can’t see clear enough to be sure, but is the virtuous pallordin wearing Birkenstocks?
That, or sandals, either of which would be standard issue, but the collared shirt is non-regulation. The question is Volvo or Subaru ?
I may know the gentleman on the left of Farnsworth’s picture. A white nationalist he is not… in both obvious and non-obvious senses.
H.K., if that is he, is quite a fellow.
Dammit… EVERYTIME I think we have reached peak stupid (e.g the USC mascot HORSE Traveler is indication of White Supremacy) … I get shot down…
I just don’t drink enough. [wanders off in search of bottle of gin, jar of olives and a straw]
[wanders off in search of bottle of gin, jar of olives and a straw]…
…with the barest hint of the whispered word, “vermouth.”
“You pour six jiggers of gin, and you drink it while staring at a picture of Lorenzo Schwartz, the inventor of vermouth.” ~ M.A.S.H.
A martini doesn’t get much dryer than that, Daniel. I assume no olive, since it would take up space that could be occupied by gin.