Elsewhere (195)
College Fix on the attempted indoctrination of middle school 12-year-olds:
A Tampa, Florida, mother was livid after her seventh grade daughter brought home an assignment – from her Spanish class – asking about students’ so-called privilege.
Apparently, being a white-skinned child automatically means you’re “privileged” and by implication guilty. The teacher in question also felt that the 12-year-old children should announce whether they were intersex or “genderqueer.” Somewhat related, the second item here.
Peter Fricke finds the obligatory campus blather about “diversity” somewhat superficial:
Unable to prevent Ben Shapiro from speaking at Penn State despite aggressive chanting, student protestors vented their frustration by defacing flyers and throwing papers on the floor.
There’s more, but the self-righteous littering pretty much sums it up. Shapiro’s talk, video of which is here, was on what happens when “diversity” ideology and leftist censoriousness stifle free speech and intellectual pluralism. An irony that may have escaped the protesting students, who were busy feeling pleased with themselves while threatening violence if the talk didn’t stop and drawing swastikas on the face of a Jewish visitor.
And in entirely unrelated news, the Wall Street Journal reports:
More than 40% of Americans who borrowed from the government’s main student-loan program aren’t making payments or are behind on more than $200 billion owed, raising worries that millions of them may never repay.
Feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments. It’s what these posts are for.
drawing swastikas on the face of a Jewish visitor.
The classy left.
The classy left.
They’re protesting against “hate speech” via the medium of littering. And vandalism. And mob intimidation. And by indulging in racialised graffiti. And by shouting “Come out here, bitch!”
Feel the love.
On the subject of sexual discrimination I was doing some….er…research……for a friend.
Incidentally, if you’ve the time, the Ben Shapiro video is worth watching in full. It’s quite an odd experience, seeing someone trying to give a lecture above a mob din and while looking over his shoulder every time the lecture hall door bursts open in case one of the screaming idiots outside, the ones threatening violence, is going to try to physically attack him. And I have to remind myself that this is happening at a prestigious university, a supposed place of learning, in 21st century America.
They drew swastikas on a visitor’s face? Actually, or a picture of the visitor?
Because the former… Well. There’d be fisticuffs.
or a picture of the visitor?
Just the flyers and posters, thankfully. But hey, it’s the thought that counts.
Regarding Shapiro’s speech, the related article on the near-‘riot’ at CSULA is filled with gems
“I’m not saying he doesn’t have the right to free speech or to speak here, but a lot of what he says sounds like hate speech.”
Dr. Robert Weide—a sociology professor at CSULA who had challenged Shapiro’s supporters to fight him in the school gym while warning that “I lift bro”
In case anyone doubts Weide’s intellectual prowess form a further click-through:
“Dr. Robert Weide, a sociology professor at Cal State LA, claimed that Shapiro’s rhetoric, through his denial of this systemic racism, is hate speech.”
Wow. Just wow.
CSU-LA is where you go when you’re too stupid to get into USC, never mind UCLA.
Affirmative Action in action.
A Tampa, Florida, mother was livid after her seventh grade daughter brought home an assignment – from her Spanish class – asking about students’ so-called privilege.
Make no mistake. In American colleges of “education,” students are required to express fidelity to an SJW curriculum which pervades every subject and every class year from primary school up. The teacher in question may be reassigned to a different school within the district until the furor dies down, but such “lessons” will continue in other courses. The answer is not in protests or complains. The answer–if you want your child to actually learn Spanish–is to remove your child from the public school system.
“Dr. Robert Weide, a sociology professor at Cal State LA, claimed that Shapiro’s rhetoric, through his denial of this systemic racism, is hate speech.”
Translation: “He’s using facts and statistics to make us look like the stupid liars we are.”
The Shapiro video is great. 🙂
The Shapiro video is great. 🙂
It does address some quite common conceits. And as so often with these kinds of protests, the contrast speaks for itself. On one side there’s someone articulating a position using logic and evidence, and inviting audience questions, which are answered at length. And on the other side, a wailing mob of narcissistic mediocrities making threats and scrawling graffiti, while exulting in an entirely unearned sense of virtue.
Ultimate white guilt:
“I don’t feel anger against my rapist, because I look at him as a product of an unjust world.”
Anna, it’s worse than that. ‘Dr’ Weide doesn’t even acknowledge any facts (‘rhetoric’), merely asserting that disagreement with strongly-held views is enough to count as hate-speech…
David, “the contrast speaks for itself” – so much this.
so much this.
Well, the contrast is now a standard feature of student protest and pretty hard to miss, and what it says about the protestors is fairly unambiguous. The participants imagine themselves as intellectuals and you’d think that at some point the whole thing would just be embarrassing. Though that presupposes an appreciation of realism and some personal growth.
[ Added: ]
I suppose it’s another example of why leftism is very bad for analytic thought and mental autonomy in general. Evidently, the protesting students, whose attitudes and slogans have been encouraged by left-leaning educators, have not been taught to be wary of self-flattering arguments and wallowing in glib self-exaltation. And on which, oddly enough, leftism is psychologically premised.
And on which, oddly enough, leftism is psychologically premised.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
The fact of the matter is, the Humanities as areas of serious study are dead, and I speak as one with multiple literature degrees. Fortunately, I left academe about the time the rot began to set in. I would have loved to be a be-cardiganed, pipe smoking professor of German literature, but by the time I was staring at a potential Ph.D., nobody cared about 16th and 17th century German poets. Faust was deemed irrelevant for B.A.s in German, for heaven’s sake. Absent an “SJW” angle to one’s “research,” there were no career prospects, and that was in the early 1980s.
“But Is It True? – The Research of Aaron Wildavsky Twenty Years Later” by Dr. Tim Ball
The quote from H.L. Mencken “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary” still holds true if one substitutes “modern university teaching in non-STEM subjects” for “practical politics”.
“Ultimate white guilt” and “wallowing in glib self-exaltation” are both manifestations of the same delusion, part of which supposes this ‘privilege’ which we white folks apparently have in spades (I’m sorry, just couldn’t help it. I hereby denounce myself).
It doesn’t seem to have occurred to Karsten Nordal Hauken that his rapist was one of a criminal minority and that there will be other Somalian men, refugees or not, who won’t engage in violent criminal acts. It’s an arrogant and fundamentally (sorry) racist assumption, and he is also being arrogant- “This happened to me because not enough of us care, m’kay?”
This isn’t a case of Harken turning the other cheek (There I go again. I’m sorry, OK? I’ll report to the Correction Booth as soon as I’m done typing this), it’s a case of him jumping up and down going “Whoop-de-do! Look at me everybody! I’m a metaphor!”.
“imagine themselves intellectuals” – quite. It’s tribalism with a veneer of intellectualism-by-association.
There’s no attempt to actually convince the people they are protesting against, it’s playing out the herioc narrative of sticking it to The Man. So steeped in catastrophic narrative of a grand conspiracy that there’s no point to actually think about what’s going on. It’s just violent mobs trying to bludgeon their way to presumed superiority, convinced that a few navel-gazing social studies educators agreeing with them somehow justifies any action they choose to take.
At present rate … the left and the right in America will be shooting at each other in the very near future … it’s coming because the left will not longer allow the right to ever speak. That is a damned good reason to start the shooting. It’s about freedom of speech at it’s most basic. The war with the left has also become part of the war on terror since the left employs a faggoty form of terror at Trump rallies and support the muslims in their much grander form of terror.
Bang Bang Unicorns.
There’s no attempt to actually convince the people they are protesting against
Of course not. In a battle of wits and mustering of facts, who do you think would win? (See also the attempts to shut down talks by Janice Fiamengo, David Horowitz, Milo Yiannopoulos, etc.)
And so it’s chiefly a mix of grandstanding and psychodrama with lots of exciting mob thuggery and attempts to intimidate. And the preferred tactic – the mob dynamic – offers lots of moral anonymity, cover under which one can misbehave, which for certain kinds of personalities is very useful indeed. Typically, the argument – or rather, the rhetorical ruse – is “I am being oppressed by your reference to reality, which makes me virtuous, and therefore I am entitled to behave obnoxiously.” Or, “Being virtuous and heroic, I am acting on behalf of people who are being oppressed by your reference to reality and therefore I am entitled to behave obnoxiously.”
That these ruses and their variants tend to lead to the same conclusion – a presumed entitlement to break things and scare people, and thwart them, and make them fear for their safety – is what gives the game away.
It’s hard for me to tell since I finished college (mumble) years ago. Is this just a small minority getting the attention or is this a majority of the student body? When I was in school, 90% of us would have ignored BS like this and just gone on about our daily life. Granted it was an engineering school in the American south so there wasn’t much in the way of hardcore moonbats there.
Is this just a small minority getting the attention or is this a majority of the student body?
Usually, it’s a minority – ranging from a few dozen to a few hundred students – but it’s a minority that has disproportionate influence among administrators and Clown Quarter faculty, and which is often indulged and encouraged in ways that would be unthinkable if the mobbing and disruption were being done by non-leftists. (See, for instance, the Janice Fiamengo video linked above. See also these examples of opportunist racial thuggery, which were subsequently excused and applauded by left-leaning members of staff.)
“In a battle of wits and mustering of facts, who do you think would win?” sure, granted. It just constantly amazes me that people can spend so much time and emotional energy on something they consider so important, and not notice that it’s not just unproductive, in that no-one will listen to a mob shouting slogans abstracted into meaninglessness, but counter-productive. In that the mob thuggery and grand-standing makes them a more obvious and immediate problem than the subtle, systematic and unconscious discrimination they’re trying to eliminate.
I know, I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore….
It just constantly amazes me…
Yes, on one level it’s staggering in its obliviousness. But self-awareness and narcissism rarely go together.
“a wailing mob of narcissistic mediocrities making threats and scrawling graffiti”
Have to disagree with you there; these mutts have a lot of work ahead to even achieve mediocrity.
..but it’s a minority that has disproportionate influence among administrators and Clown Quarter faculty…
Largely because they themselves came from that same loudmouth minority.
But self-awareness and narcissism rarely go together.
It is a sub-set of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
“There’s no attempt to actually convince the people they are protesting against”
That’s how the Left behaved in the sixties too. So this is nothing new. The only difference is that today the Stalinists are running the universities.
“student protestors vented their frustration by defacing flyers and throwing papers on the floor.”
Also their toys out of their prams. These kids need to do some growing up.
Seriously. I don’t just say that as my own knee-jerk reaction. Nobody is ever likely to take them seriously if that’s all they’ve got.
I saw it with my own eyes last night at the Grassroots Out meeting in Glasgow. Bunch of Lefties outside chanting… something or other. Couldn’t make it out. A few of them made it past the (light) security into the hall. And started yelling about “racism” before anyone had even spoken, so got chucked out.
Had they actually bothered to sit quietly and listen to the speakers, they might have noticed that a great deal more time was devoted to the contradictory position of the SNP and the bureaucratic nature of the European Commission than anything involving immigration. And the speaker who droned on the longest about it (“driving down wages for British workers” and all that) was some class-warrior nutcase from a trades union who nearly sent me to sleep.
But no. They’d already made up their minds. Remind you of anyone?
OfayCat | April 08, 2016 at 15:32:
For each of the last 11 months, firearms sales in the U.S. have set a record for that month. (Measured by number of NICS background checks.) The last four months were the highest and 3rd, 4th, and 5th highest ever. Increases over previous year:
December … 43.51%
January …… 43.60%
February ….. 40.56%
March ……… 25.40%
However, I don’t think many of these sales are to leftists. So “at each other” may not be accurate…
Grassroots Out meeting in Glasgow
They’re protesting gay events now?
That these ruses and their variants tend to lead to the same conclusion – a presumed entitlement to break things and scare people, and thwart them, and make them fear for their safety – is what gives the game away.
Well, while the Clown Quarter of academia is the left’s proving ground and fiefdom, where leftist ideas are developed, institutionalised and prevail all but unopposed, it’s also where the incoherence and absurdity – and the underlying malice – are most vividly revealed. It tells us quite a lot about who they are, and who they would be, given power.
“However, I don’t think many of these sales are to leftists. So “at each other” may not be accurate…”
I’d bet many of them are. Suppressing counter revolutionaries and all that.
Don’t worry Obama will forgive those student loans. Small problem with those students who actually try to pay back these loans, but I’m sure something will be worked out.
When I went to university in the 70’s all but two university newspapers were leftist rags.
At present rate … the left and the right in America will be shooting at each other in the very near future …
Or, certainly, in America the left and right wing liberal extremes have already started shouting at each other past the rest of us in the middle . . .
Situations like this in the US do rather help delineate the gulfs that separate us in the center from both of those bookending loony extremes . . . Where yes, in the UK it’s easier to note the right wing liberals being UKIP and other lot on the right, the Conservatives in the centerIsh, the left wing liberals then off to the left . . . .
Tabletop gaming, harassment, and “white male terrorism”
“They’re protesting gay events now?”
Heh. 🙂 Sorry. Forgot we’ve got furriners here. It’s (one of) the anti-EU campaigns for the forthcoming referendum in the UK.
Tabletop gaming, harassment, and “white male terrorism”
Evidently there is no hobby geeky and insular enough to avoid the baleful lecturing of these narcissistic control freaks. Somebody please get me off this gay earth.
It’s (one of) the anti-EU campaigns for the forthcoming referendum in the UK.
Yeah, with this issue, even the Royals are getting involved, with Prince Phillip selected to take the lead in keeping the UK in the EU . . .
From that link by Isneezeinthrees:
“Garland’s post identifies three major areas of concern for women and genderqueer tabletop gamers”
We’ve reached peak nerd.
We’ve reached peak nerd.
I read the post. I found this quote interesting:
“The majority of gamers do not engage in online terrorism, but are instead complicit in lower levels of harassment.”
Her experiences consist of harassment at a place of work and sexual assault at a sci-fi convention, as well as a single player of a single game . . . a board game played by people who are not controlled or policed in any way by the game’s manufacturers. Yet, this is sufficient to label an entire group with the SJW epithets one can conjure up.
And this:
“Responses were civil and ranged from a thoughtful discussion of inclusivity to a collection of boob jokes. Garland said she felt belittled. . .”
She felt “belittled” by civil responses?
Basically, her beef seems to be that people just want to enjoy themselves and not jump onto her SJW bandwagon. Therefore, there is a “systemic” problem.
As someone once said, “you will be made to care.”
Seems a good time to re-post a link to this.
As I said at the time, it’s sort of ‘Borg hive mind meets amateur dramatics.’
Triggered: The Board Game
Re Dr Robert Weide, mentioned upthread, this seems relevant. Because nothing says “responsible adult educator” like trying to shut down a lecture in favour of free speech, and then vandalising other people’s property like a tantruming child, while denouncing other people – those opposed to thuggery and in favour of open debate – as “fascists.” This is the same Dr Robert Weide who was keen to fight students who disagreed with him, boasting, “I lift, bro.”
And these are the tactics that our leftist intellectual, our professor of sociology, finds righteous and exciting. You see, if you can’t get a free speech event cancelled by invoking pretentious victimhood and making pre-emptive threats of violence, you can always obstruct and barricade every entrance to the venue and physically intimidate and forcibly repel anyone who tries to get in. Say, by assaulting people and pushing them underfoot and then kicking them. While campus security do nothing.
Note the rather symbolic exchange filmed outside the venue, starting around 9:09, in which one of the protestors mouths the usual witless slogans about discussion being “violence” and then pointedly turns his back on the person he’s supposedly debating, so as to show his virtue in not listening to people who might show him to be wrong. Or, in fact, an idiot.
It’s the new intelligentsia, people, as developed by the left. And as you can see, they’re such sweet and delicate creatures.
Brexit/Royals: I note that the Grauniad is just fine with a “potential constitutional crisis”, just so long as it’s for their “team”.
If the Duke of whatever came out publicly in favor of leaving, think he’d get such mild treatment?
“In a battle of wits and mustering of facts, who do you think would win?” sure, granted. It just constantly amazes me that people can spend so much time and emotional energy on something they consider so important, and not notice that it’s not just unproductive, in that no-one will listen to a mob shouting slogans abstracted into meaninglessness, but counter-productive. In that the mob thuggery and grand-standing makes them a more obvious and immediate problem than the subtle, systematic and unconscious discrimination they’re trying to eliminate.
Of course, they continue to use these tactics, not because they’ve failed, but because they have been enormously successful. Pretty much every institution, where SJWs have launched violent protests against people or ideas, has caved in to them. To paraphrase Clausewitz, it’s the continuation of politics by other means.
they continue to use these tactics, not because they’ve failed, but because they have been enormously successful
And as any parent should know, they will only stop their delinquent misbehaviour when it starts to cost them something – and their faculty enablers. Lawsuits, expulsions, loss of alumni donors, some high-profile firings, things like that.
And as any parent should know, they will only stop their delinquent misbehaviour when it starts to cost them something – and their faculty enablers. Lawsuits, expulsions, loss of alumni donors, some high-profile firings, things like that.
Sadly, the chances of that happening in the current climate are probably around zero. Another example of tolerance and love of free speech on campus
Hal & Mojo; check the date on that article. Yes, that Guardian article was their April Fool’s joke, as pointed out by them here:
“We see it, we are feeling it, it is happening.”
Gee, that sounds familiar…now what was it? Oh yeah, I remember! That thing we never hear about, ‘Climate Change’!
The greatest political tool ever invented by the progressives. At least it is if we don’t count our Pennies and Naomies.
I was doing some….er…research……for a friend
From the article.
“Dr Kathleen Richardson, who is leading the fight, wants the development of robots that can be used for sex top be stopped. She says that such a use of the technology is unnecessary and undesirable”
One wonders why undesirable… Dr Richardson elaborates by saying that “the creation of such robots will contribute to detrimental relationships between men and women”.
Why? What’s her problem? A shift in the power balance between the sexes, perhaps? One that doesn’t 100% favour women?
As for unnecessary, is there anyone who thinks the inventor of the first sex-robot (that is indistinguishable from human form) won’t be an overnight billionaire?
Another example of tolerance and love of free speech on campus.
Harvey Fierstein is looking good for his age, but is he transitioning? If not, that white t-shirt wasn’t the smartest choice as there seems to be a touch of gynaecomastia.
A few years back there was a Broadway musical called Hamilton remagining the Founding Fathers as black.
Apparently, that’s not transgressive enough.
(I’d like to see a musical in which the part of Martin Luther King is played by a white guy. That’s transgressive, but I have a feeling it wouldn’t go over well….)
From Ted S’s link:
In March, writer Gene Demby, a huge fan of the musical, wondered on NPR’s Code Switch why its audience is so resoundingly white.
So, a musical about the Revolution casting black stars as the founding fathers is problematic because white people pay money to see it. Of course, if white people refused to see it, that would indicate systemic racism, as well.
Jeeze-Louise on a mountain bike, I cannot keep up with all this.
FYI, As a freshman I went to CSULA.
So, yeah, pretty much.
And these are the tactics that our leftist intellectual, our professor of sociology, finds righteous and exciting. You see, if you can’t get a free speech event cancelled by invoking pretentious victimhood and making pre-emptive threats of violence, you can always obstruct and barricade every entrance to the venue and physically intimidate and forcibly repel anyone who tries to get in. Say, by assaulting people and pushing them underfoot and then kicking them.
I read that (and watched the videos) then saw this: http://campusreform.org/?ID=7345
As our host says, ‘Rule #1. Lefties project’.
Shapiro’s version of freedom is actually a form of oppression…
Sometimes I wonder why Orwell ever bothered.
Cap’n Nemo: aren’t jokes supposed to be, y’know, funny?
Jaff: look on the bright side – could’ve been Riverside.
Projection is the first word I was thinking of as I read that quote. Damn your nimble fingers for beating me to the punch!
“Dr Kathleen Richardson, who is leading the fight, wants the development of robots that can be used for sex top be stopped. She says that such a use of the technology is unnecessary and undesirable”
The left’s puritan tendencies rear their ugly head again.
I’d actually find it incredibly funny if the resulting law was so broad that it accidentally banned vibrators.
Hal & Mojo; check the date on that article.. . . .
You beat me to it—My reply to Mojo, or whomever twitched, was going to be the final line of the article:
. . .but we’ve got time to iron things out between today – 1 April – and June.”
You beat me to it—. . .
Oh, right, and where I only spotted that article after a certain comment on a certain twit account . . .
Among other bits of commentary . . .
HRH Prince Philip @HRH_PrincePhil Apr 8
HRH Prince Philip Retweeted BBC Breaking News
As Shaggy once so famously said, “It wasn’t one”…..
HRH Prince Philip added,
BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby “completely surprised” after DNA test result reveals identity of real father “>http://bbc.in/1TGOJ4C
. . . .
HRH Prince Philip @HRH_PrincePhil Feb 24
Bieber has won Best International Male?
Sometimes, one is glad one is deaf…. #BRITs2016
. . . .
HRH Prince Philip @HRH_PrincePhil Feb 21
HRH Prince Philip Retweeted The Sun
See, one always knew Farage was nothing like Hitler. He’s a huge cock….. #EUreferendum
HRH Prince Philip added,
The Sun @TheSun
‘Adolf Hitler had a deformed micro-penis’ “>http://thesun.uk/6013BjBpW
This one is amused . . . !
Jeeze-Louise on a mountain bike, I cannot keep up with all this.
Actually, what to do in all this is quite easy. Given that There is a hipster born every minute., just don’t bother trying to keep up. When hoi polloi genuinely wish to genuinely communicate, keeping up remains their problem, not yours . . .
Apparently, #ResistCapitalism is trending again on Twitter. Thanks in part to the efforts of so-called educators like Dr Weide.
But I quite like this one.
Via Damian.
Hamilton started only six months or so ago on its Broadway run.
That Slate article is pretty hard to follow.
“The musical styles of the singing are not white styles. The dance is not white. It would be so appalling to audiences and the show would have just completely been a disaster if they had cast white people to play all of these roles. We would have been completely disgusted with the show, and it would be this weird cultural footnote that somebody tried to do that. So to suggest that it’s race-blind casting is really disingenuous.”
Race-blind casting? There is I think one ‘white’ lead part, who would suggest the casting is race-blind?
“I think that comes out really strongly with King George, who is the only major character who’s portrayed by a white actor [Jonathan Groff], and who sings Beatles-style songs,”
I know the music and – huh?? – Beatles-style?
“the female character who sings more Broadway-style ballads [Elizabeth Schuyler, played by Phillipa Soo] is Chinese American, but she definitely reads as white, and I think that is not a coincidence.”
Apart from the ballads being very much not like showtunes anyway, that’s a bizarre statement.
Broadway audiences are always predominantly white and probably always have been.
I also quite like this exchange between two students:

Sadly, and just as it was getting interesting, the conversation stopped.
Cap’n Nemo: aren’t jokes supposed to be, y’know, funny?
I take your point, Mojo. It’s not one of the Guardian’s best. Certainly not a patch on their San Serriffe hoax of the late 1970s.
You beat me to it…
Hal, my apologies. I wasn’t aware you were in on the joke, as it were.
Looks like the Leadership at Ohio State University has been reading Davids blog.
Top quote: ” We’re going to give you the opportunity to go to jail for your beliefs.”
Here’s their list of demands.
Looks like the Leadership at Ohio State University has been reading David’s blog.
I was tickled by the looks of astonishment as it was explained to them that, finally, belatedly, their delinquent and intimidating behaviour will have consequences, i.e., arrest and expulsion.
Shit just got real, bitches. As I believe the yoot say.
Shit just got real, bitches.
David, I’d like to propose Professor Realtalk (pbuh) in the video for associate membership of the Guild of Evil™. Or at least have him round for drinkies.
Or at least have him round for drinkies.
I’m shaking cocktails as I type.
I’m shaking cocktails as I type.
I’ll have a Stoli Gibson.
“I don’t want to have a civil discussion. I want to call you assholes.”
So we’re clear, the phrase “you’re not listening” means, “you refuse to do what we want.” And “I am triggered” means, “I have the emotional maturity and self-control of a toddler.”
Oh, and as far as the demands of the Ohio State (a public institution) are concerned, with respect to the budget and investments, may I refer them here, a website I found with a very minimal amount of “google-fu.”
Now, if they’re too stupid to understand the information received, perhaps they could substitute “Finance 101” for one of the myriad of grievance studies courses which clog their schedules.
“I don’t want to have a civil discussion. I want to call you assholes.”
I do hope we’re in the eye of this social justice storm and that things are not going to get any worse. I’m not sure I want to meet one of these creatures in person as I might not cover myself in glory.
An earlier manifestation would be “Chanty Binx”:
The female student featured in the video is Sarah O’Donnell, a senior studying creative writing and environmental studies
All that an her mouth, too.
The model employee for a Fortune 500 business.
yee haw
The female student featured in the video is Sarah O’Donnell, a senior studying creative writing and environmental studies
And she’s so charming with it. Even though we’ve seen this kind of thing many times, it’s still quite odd to watch someone who’s basically a walking caricature of haughty, ignorant self-satisfaction. And so, when her belligerence, non sequitur, begged questions and obnoxious racial comments are questioned, politely, Ms O’Donnell avoids any attempt at explanation and instead resorts to theatrical sighs, eye-rolling and airy dismissal, and further gratuitous insults, as if disdaining white men for being, well, male and white were some kind of moral full stop.
The thing is, when Ms O’Donnell says, “I don’t want to have a civil discussion, I want to call you assholes,” I think that’s a moment of inadvertent truthfulness. She does want to abuse people, especially those whose thinking is clearer than hers. The rest is pretext, a rickety attempt to justify being an obnoxious bitch. If you assume a malign personality as the starting point, the incoherent politics starts to make a kind of sense, if only as a vehicle for indulging that personality and giving it an excuse to be what it is.
Chanty Binx
I’m not really one for the fillums, but doesn’t that bring to mind some intergalactic denizen of a bar on Mars?
And these people who can stand out on the street for hours recycling air either have the most enviable time-management skills or skirting-boards rife with dust. Mother would be appalled.
skirting-boards rife with dust.
Here’s their list of demands.
I love this:
We demand complete, comprehensive and detailed access to the Ohio State budget and investments immediately, as well as personnel to aid students in understanding this information.
Please give us this information, but as we’re too thick to understand it you must also give us people to explain it to us. I can’t believe somebody actually wrote that without feeling embarrassed.
I can’t believe somebody actually wrote that without feeling embarrassed.
Embarrassment implies a level of self-awareness. These are narcissists we’re talking about.
Super news shocker:
If you assume a malign personality as the starting point, the incoherent politics starts to make a kind of sense, if only as a vehicle for indulging that personality and giving it an excuse to be what it is.
I suppose you have to ask what kind of personality would seek out and embrace a dogma that, while logically feeble and factually absurd, offers endless opportunities to berate and abuse strangers, based only on their most trivial and generic attributes. A dogma that obliges you to do this. What kind of person would want to spend time – lots of it – ostentatiously scolding white males for being white and male? What kind of psychological misfit would choose to harangue a passing stranger for having the ‘wrong’ kind of hairstyle? What kind of person spends their afternoon thwarting random strangers who are trying to hear a lecture, to the extent of pushing people underfoot, kicking them repeatedly, and then lying about it?
These are not good people. They’re seeking out opportunities for bullying and malice without the usual risk of pushback.
I think Ms O’Donnell’s lesson in loveliness deserves a post of its own.
“I do hope we’re in the eye of this social justice storm and that things are not going to get any worse.”
I think the eye is a calm place and it’s the eye wall that gets you. There are two eye walls. /pedantry
We demand complete, comprehensive and detailed access to the Ohio State budget and investments immediately, as well as personnel to aid students in understanding this information.
We want to run your business for you but you will have to provide businessmen to us to run the business for us for you.
Appreciated. *hangs head in moronic shame*
[ Does British Rail tannoy voice: ]
“Would Trevor please report to the shaming carousel?”
“Would Trevor please report to the shaming carousel?”
I’ll get my coat.