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And in can-anyone-else-smell-paedophilia? news:
A kindergarten in Austria has expelled two children after their parents expressed concerns about graphic, sexual posters that had been hung in the facility. The posters, depicting nude trans-identified males, were reportedly created to “facilitate discussions in kindergarten settings.”
Pictures of mentally ill, self-mutilating men. In kindergarten settings. To facilitate discussions. With pre-school children.
After enrolling their two kids in the kindergarten, a mother and father became aware that the class had decorated a wall in the classroom with a disturbing poster. Speaking to Kronen Zeitung, the father says they first learned about the poster after his 4-year-old son reported seeing “strange pictures” on the walls.
Strange is a good start. Other descriptors are available.
Investigating for himself, the father went down to the kindergarten and noted a poster had been installed featuring illustrations of nude individuals… One panel on the poster appears to depict an obese male in the shower with a young boy, while another features a trans-identified male with an exposed penis and breasts. The final panel of the poster shows two nude children taking a shower with an adult.
Should any readers be trying to think of reasons not to raise an eyebrow, it should be pointed out that roughly half of sexually dysmorphic male prisoners – so-called trans women – are there for sexual offences, including, quite often, offences against children – a rate that is much higher than that for the male prison population in general, whether for adult sexual offences or paedophilia.
Likewise, dysmorphic men and women report severe childhood abuse, often childhood sexual abuse, at rates far higher than is found in the wider population. Adults who have been violated as children are in turn much more likely to have, shall we say, issues regarding normal boundaries, and to act inappropriately with minors.
The consequences of which aren’t exactly hard to find. To say nothing of child abusers who invoke some sudden-onset transgenderism once their activities have been discovered and interrupted.
In light of which, encouraging small children to “accept others as they are” – a euphemism for not being wary of sexually dysmorphic men, a demographic among which paedophilia is much more common – seems rather unwise. For reasons we’ve seen many times. Yet this pre-emptive dulling of any wariness is the stated goal of the poster’s creator, illustrator and activist Tyler Feder.
The parents then filed a complaint with the kindergarten and requested the removal of these illustrations, noting they appeared to be inappropriate for such young children.
However, this is the bedlamite timeline, and so,
As a result of the complaint, the father and his wife were summoned for an initial discussion with the regional management, followed by a meeting with the kindergarten’s CEO, Thomas-Peter Gerold-Siegl. Despite having no pedagogical background, Gerold-Siegl reportedly insisted that children aged one through six required “sexual education.”
Following the discussion, the kindergarten placements for both of the children were terminated, and they have since been blacklisted from any facilities operated by Kinder in Wien (Children in Vienna, or KiWi), which not only oversees the corporate kindergartens of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation but also manages 93 additional kindergartens and after-school programmes throughout Vienna.
At which point, the words foxes and henhouse spring to mind.
And it has to be said, “Your Four-Year-Old Children Will Look At Our Pictures Of Weird, Naked Men” is an odd flex. A peculiar hill to die on.
Yet here we are.
If you read the full Reduxx article, linked above, it doesn’t get any more reassuring. The smell does seem to persist.
Update, via the comments:
As someone who isn’t by temperament easily scandalised or particularly prudish, I nonetheless find myself in the position of having to say, “Er, are you sure about this? This seems all kinds of weird and inappropriate.”
And it seems to be happening more often than I’d expected.
Sharp-eyed readers may also note the assumption that exposure to, and familiarity with, the subject of transgenderism – and by extension, autogynephilia, and drag queens, and cross-dressing more generally – will invariably make one feel great warmth towards these phenomena – and the things that often go with them.
When in fact, the opposite may be true. And not infrequently.
Update 2:
In the comments, Aelfheld adds,
They’re trying to inure children to sexual abuse,
Well, even if we assume implausibly benign motives, which may be a bit of an ask, premature exposure to sexuality, even in its more humdrum forms, isn’t generally regarded as beneficial. And it seems to me that transgender people would have an easier ride, and a less contentious group reputation, if they observed the obvious courtesy and stayed the hell away from children.
And yet, as we’ve seen repeatedly, many schools seem to be actively recruiting the psychologically marginal – say, attention-craving men in painted nails and make-up who think “looking cute” is the highest function of those employed as a primary-school educator.
And then there’s the peddling of dysmorphic cartoon pornography to middle-school children, without parents’ knowledge or consent, via which eleven-year-olds are introduced to “vagina slime,” fellatio, and “strap-on hotness,” and the joys of masturbating while driving.
Or middle-school librarians who seem convinced that eleven-year-olds need to know how to whore themselves – and to know that whoring is both valid and empowering. Because they may be transgender and may have to pay for hormones and surgical mutilations.
If this all sounds rather lurid and improbable, do follow the links.
Oh, and frottage-seeking drag queens.
And this hiring of the inapt, the incongruous and inadequate, is done as if it were a way for schools to display their own sophistication and fashionable status. As if this “queering” of children’s minds, this erosion of reality, of probity, of normal boundaries, could have no downsides, no dubious effects.
And of course we’ve encountered things of this kind:
“Kids and kink can coexist at Pride in a totally fine way,” we’re told.
You see, exhibitionist displays of fetishes – say, transvestism, sadomasochism, nipple clamps and cock rings – constitute a “justice space” and “kids and youth voices are vital to justice movements.” “Kids,” we learn, “are a vulnerable and marginalised group” and must therefore – yes, therefore – be exposed to narcissistic psychodrama and the penises of creepy, damaged men.
It’s all about those “intersecting identities and oppressions.”
Again, at risk of sounding stuffy, these feats of posturing and perversity do not strike me as wholesome, or a path to a brighter, more fragrant tomorrow.
Or, The Thigh Straps Were To Ensure Comfort.
One for ladies of child-bearing age:
George and Charlotte Blonsky suggested that modern women were ill-equipped to give birth… They argued that modern women who live with modern luxuries “often do not have the opportunity to develop the muscles needed,” and that something was needed to provide them with the force necessary for a smooth birth.
This patented invention from 1963 was designed to help women give birth easily
📹Hashem Al-Ghaili
— Game of X (@froggyups) January 11, 2025
I can tell you’re impressed. The net and bell combo is a lovely touch. “In case medical personnel are momentarily distracted.”
The patent, from 1963, can be found here.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Wind instrument of note. || Let’s just say mistakes were made. || Just one or two drinks during lunch. || The demands of glamorous dining. || On thin wings and flying faster than the speed of sound. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || Stroppy and incoming. || Not as easy as it looks. || Adventures in large rock relocation. || Ripples. || Nodules. || More joys of public transport. || Zipper trouble. || Pigeon peepers. || The attempt to steal propane did not go entirely as planned. || The progressive retail experience, parts 607 and 608. || Helping hand. || Are you not inspired? || Well, I suppose he treated her as an equal. || Why spiders don’t (yet) rule the Earth. || Flatbread proportions. || Fishing will be fun, they said. || And finally, is your womb “an energetic vessel that holds ancestral imprints”?
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Speaking of “diversity” and its wonders, Heather Mac Donald ponders Germany’s ongoing experiment in self-annihilation:
On August 23, 2024, an illegal Syrian asylum seeker stabbed to death three people attending a “diversity” festival in the western German town of Solingen. The festival commemorated Solingen’s 650th anniversary; it was a telling marker of modern German ideology that the city honored its medieval roots with a paean to “diversity.” Twenty percent of the Solingen population are now foreign-born. No one in the press observed the irony of a “diverse” Solingen resident trying to kill as many of Solingen’s less diverse inhabitants as possible, on the day celebrating his presence in the city…
There follows a horror-show catalogue of incompetence, dishonesty, and inassimilable monsters, with criminal records of prodigious length, pious newcomers calling for the murder of “every critic of Islam,” and in which the word machete crops up quite a lot.
These are not isolated cases. There were nearly 40 knife attacks per day in Germany in 2023, with non-Germans six times more likely to be the assailant than Germans. In 2023, foreigners committed 41 percent of all violent crimes in Germany. About two-thirds of suspects in gang crimes are non-German. Brutal Moroccan drug gangs from the Netherlands have caused particular mayhem of late. Sexual crimes are seven times more likely to be committed by non-Germans than by German nationals, according to the national police agency. Since 2019, asylum seekers, mostly from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, have sexually assaulted more than 52,000 females. In 2023, Germany saw 761 group rapes. Half the suspects were foreign nationals; others were of immigrant parentage. In the state of Nordrhein Westfalen, almost three-quarters of group rapists are non-German or of immigrant parentage.
A dark surrealism ensues, not least with regard to the convoluted ordeal of deporting uninvited visitors bent on one’s destruction. All set against gushing media coverage of a “Techno Parade für Toleranz,” and cheery posters reminding viewers of the approved attitude:
“Erfolg Made by Vielfalt [Success Made by Diversity]”; “Made in Germany Made by Vielfalt [Made in Germany, Made by Diversity]” and “We [heart] Vielfalt.”
In terms of ideology, “diversity” seems to be the belief that the less we have in common, and feel we have in common, the happier we will be. An unobvious proposition, to say the least. Yet the word is mouthed as if it were a self-evident good, a “strength,” a moral imperative, a thing of which one could never have enough.
Update, via the comments:
Dicentra adds,
Europe is in an abusive relationship with the worst of the people they’ve invited in. They know there’s no sane way to address the problem without it blowing up in their faces. So they immerse themselves in the big Egyptian river, hoping the third and fourth generations will be gentler.
It seems to me we’ve strayed very far from the idea that an attractively developed society should – and must – be discerning about which kinds of newcomers it welcomes, lest it be flooded with incompatible tribes and the trash of the world.
The idea that the locals, the voting citizens, might want a good deal and ask, “What’s in it for us?” seems anathema to Our Betters. Likewise, the notion of a civilised society implying, quite strongly, “You’re lucky to be here. Behave accordingly.”
And so, instead, we get the routine airbrushing of crime news, and instructional videos in which ludicrous progressive women film themselves performing please-don’t-rape-me dances.
It’s a mental world in which everyone is expected to pretend that everything is fine and no grave mistakes were made, despite all available evidence. And in which the only real problem is not the ongoing, quite rapid degradation of German society, and other European societies, but those who dare to notice this unhappy transformation.
Ccscientist notes the please-don’t-rape-me dance, above, and adds,
These people are so detached from reality that it is scary.
The unrealism of such people and their peers, Our Betters, created a problem on a vast scale and which is dire in its implications – a problem that they are unwilling to fix or even clearly identify. And so, they retreat further into unrealism and absurdity, while expecting others – those on whom they’ve inflicted the problem – to become unrealistic and absurd too.
It’s the progressive way. In this and so much else.
Update 2:
Regarding the pretence above, Dicentra replies,
The alternative is to admit that your enemies were right all along, and that their evaluation of some foreigners — at least at certain concentrations — wasn’t bigoted but accurate.
There’s also a weird air of displacement, of vehemently resenting those who notice the problem. And so, we get claims like this one here, in which BBC broadcaster Dan Snow denounces as “stunningly racist” even the suggestion that incompatible tribes exist. Because Mr Snow feels they shouldn’t exist, that they somehow ought not to.
And so, magically, they don’t. And only Very Bad People would say they do.
From the linked piece:
The idea that there may be very real physical constraints on some favoured policy – that reality may not comply with half-baked theory – seems entirely alien to Mr Snow. An attitude not uncommon among his progressive peers, and which may help explain the lively events currently underway in several British cities.
Mr Snow, since you ask, is married to the philanthropist Lady Edwina Louise Grosvenor, daughter of the sixth Duke of Westminster, one of the country’s richest landowners, with an estimated fortune north of £7 billion. Needless to say, Mr Snow does not live in, or anywhere near, the kinds of “diverse” neighbourhoods now being trashed and terrorised by competing tribes.
Tribes that apparently shouldn’t exist.
And the above, this farce, is pretty much a standard pattern.
Regarding Mr Snow, his practised obliviousness, and his rush to deploy accusations of racism, Dicentra adds,
That’s the magical incantation, isn’t it? The unreality is mind-boggling.
Well, this is a pretty good summary of the phenomenon. It does rather capture the recurring dynamic:
Of course, reality is not always congenial, and what one might wish to be the case may be preferable to what actually is. I can see the appeal of a world in which everyone just rubbed along nicely with endless reciprocation and common ground. But pretending that’s the case, when it clearly, vividly, isn’t, isn’t a wise or moral way to behave.
Especially when the consequences of that pretence are imposed on others, who then, in addition, get badmouthed and vilified for daring to object. Say, people not entirely happy about the sudden ubiquity of Congolese and Somali borra gangs, whose modes of expression involve machetes, or people who discover their doorsteps literally being shat on.
Update 3:
In the comments, EmC quotes this,
“You’re lucky to be here. Behave accordingly.”
And adds,
That – in huge letters at customs and immigration.
Thing is, it’s by no means a trivial point. The fact that some – the Dan Snows of this world – might find the wording scandalous and gaspworthy is very much part of the problem, a measure of the decay in national morale. A nation whose inhabitants are no longer allowed to feel that their home is offering anything of value to newcomers, something for which one might expect appreciation and an eagerness to assimilate, is not on a happy trajectory.

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