Endorsement Of Note
From the barren North:
Katie Dolatowski… has written dozens of social media posts backing legislation which would make it easy for Scots to change their legal sex. Under a new identity of Alyanna McKenna, which Dolatowski has been referred to as in court documents, the 22-year-old wrote: “Nicola was a great First Minister, it’s a shame that people are trying to make [her] out as some evil person.”
Via social media, Mr Dolatowski has aired his view that “Trans women aren’t a threat if I use the bathroom” – meaning, one assumes, that other dysmorphic men aren’t a threat to him – while also insisting, “I know I’m not a threat to anyone.” Except, of course, 10-and-12-year-old girls in supermarket toilets. Much like the ones Mr Dolatowski filmed and sexually assaulted.
Regarding those who object to the presence of such creatures in ladies’ toilets,
Readers will note that both the Telegraph and the court refer to Mr Dolatowski as if he were in fact a woman – not a mentally ill, paedophilic man. I’m sure the parents of the molested children were thrilled by the consequent air of unrealism and unhappy farce.
Update, via the comments:
Regarding the paragraph above, Min replies, “Adding insult to injury.”
Well, indeed. It must be quite surreal, and presumably upsetting, to hear lawyers and officials pretending that a 6’5” man – the 6’5” man who recently molested your child in a supermarket toilet – is somehow, magically, a woman. One would hope that lawyers, judges, and the other occupants of a courtroom – and possibly, at a stretch, even journalists – were interested in reality, in establishing facts. Not affirming some unhinged and misleading fantasy.
Via Mr Worstall.
F*cking jaw dropping.
It is rather… bold.
Think of it as a reminder that many criminals and malevolent people – say, men who repeatedly molest little girls in supermarket toilets – do not think like you, and do not have any of the proprieties and moral restraints that you might have. For some, you are little more than prey, or obstacles to prey.
Why we need asylums for the criminally insane.
Milan, I won’t report you to the Stasi for reading Taki if you won’t report me. 😉
Some background on Mr Dolatowski and his patterns of behaviour, and his assaulting of children, can be found here and here.
In the debate over toilets in the US in NC, I remember a couple of things they would insist: 1) it is already illegal to film (yes, but leering is also upsetting), 2) there is no danger (hahahah right), 3) colleges have coed bathrooms (sure, if you choose that dorm), 4) there are stalls (but not in locker rooms with showers). So it is always divert the eyes to a harmless case or pretend.
But do the prominent GOP politicians or “thought leaders” stand up and clearly, with no equivocation, point out as you do here what bloody obvious bullshit those arguments are?
On the swimming front I am glad to see that ONE swimmer, Riley Gaines (no relation to Rowdy), is standing up to this nonsense and is fighting back.
Well, the supposedly intelligent and thoughtful libertarians that I know either embrace the bullshit or pretend that it doesn’t matter. (It goes without saying that the liberals aggressively support the bullshit.)
And when the offenses become so frequent that the police cannot arrest everyone, and when the courts refuse to fully prosecute, then it all spirals out of control.
Closely related: Remember when liberals said that massive Muslim immigration was not a danger because the police and intelligence agencies could just monitor anyone showing signs of radicalism? The result was that a large fraction of terror attacks were committed by “persons known to authorities”: The authorities were barred from deporting radicals, and there were so many radicals that they could not be watched.
How many identities does one man need?
Well, as each one becomes encrusted with notoriety and criminal convictions…
But remember, dear reader, these things never, ever happen. They just never, ever happen quite a lot.
I am glad to see that ONE swimmer, Riley Gaines
Gaines is only standing up because she was directly cheated out of a championship by Will Thomas. As Milan pointed out,
Similarly, the current tranny panic in women’s sports pits two groups of women against each other: the ones who are angling for social position by signaling the virtue du jour, and the ones who have been filing Title IX lawsuits for decades.
The Satanic Panic eventually ended not because it was proven to be completely ridiculous[1], but because too many sympathetic female defendants got caught up in it. The tranny sports craze will burn out for the same reason. And also like the Satanic Panic, a lot of innocent people will have their lives destroyed in the process and none of the destroyers will ever be brought to account for their actions.
[1] One of the more famous defendants was convicted on the testimony of his schizophrenic ex-wife, whose testimony included allegations that he levitated into the air. Regularly.
these things never, ever happen
Perusing the photographs makes me wonder what these people see when they look in a mirror.
these things never, ever happen.
As Stacy McCain says, crazy people are dangerous.
If you poke through r/trans or the high-security wing of transgender TikTok, you’ll get some inkling.
There’s a lot of big-footed men in unbecoming frocks and ill-fitting wigs, and various complaints about stubble trouble, and quite a few Goths, for some reason. And lots of gushing but unconvincing attempts at affirmation by people whose own perceptions are somewhat questionable.
…….what these people see when they look in a mirror.
That is something we can only imagine and frankly can do nothing about.
On a slight but important tangent there was a short video doing the rounds a few weeks ago when an apparently typical young lady was asked to rate the attractiveness of various people on a scale of 1 to 10. She awarded a black bikini-clad land-whale the full 10 justifying her reasoning with a variety of adjectives including gorgeous and majestic before becoming highly irate and abusive at the mere mention of obesity.
The reason I bring this up is that a still relatively small number of truly evil misfits are bad enough but when much of a young generation is wilfully blind to what they must surely see yet still refuse to acknowledge the potential consequences are limitless.
I doubt if more than a tiny number of the Riley Gaines protestors, irrespective of their pronouns, considered themselves trans but that didn’t stop them from carrying out their frenzied behaviour with the religious conviction of the true believer.
The late Youtuber and ‘relationship consultant’ Kevin Samuels would invite his livestream guests, usually women, to rate themselves, in terms of mating value, out of 10. I.e., in terms of appearance, prospects, what they brought to the table, etc. He had a rule that they couldn’t pick 7, which was a clever move and often resulted in answers, and subsequent exchanges, that were darkly comical.
rating themselves: in a study (no, can’t find it) of college students rating pictures, men rated women on a normal curve–half better than average, half below. Women rated men 80% below average. Women also under-rate their own looks. Incidentally, women do not conceive anymore of “what they bring to the table”. In the past, it was a plus if a woman could cook, sew, keep house, play piano, went to church but now those are tossed out so nothing is on the table to bring. Men still get a score of course.
I am genuinely surprised to learn that female college students under-rate their own looks.
How bloody sad is that.
Anyway if true it doesn’t fit in with the long-held theory that 80% of said students are chasing (as in trying to get laid by) the 20% “magic dick” chads. If they really didn’t rate their looks they should be more ready to lower their sights.
Libertarianism always boils down to taking drugs & having sex with children.
But I do know libertarians who show no signs of such predilections. I think their deviant kink is embracing a simplistic ideology that automatically eliminates the need to think and make hard decisions about nearly everything–all while posing as supremely virtuous and wise.
John: they should be more ready to lower their sights
it is guys who are more likely to be realistic. Girls are all princesses. Hence they rate all the guys as below average and all chase the top 5% of guys.
That sounds a bit like Marxism.
While I believe she, and all the girls in that event, should have boycotted Thomas in some manner, that gets complicated itself. Especially as an individual. Do you take the block but not swim? Do you refuse to race the finals and thus let someone else take your place? Not enter the prelim race at all? For all we know that could have been done by other girls whom we hear nothing about. Was she possibly advised by a lawyer (spit) on what the best path might be if she could take some form of legal action down the road? It’s all stupidly complicated. Additionally she is quite young as socio-political matters go and justifiably should have time to form her opinions and take appropriate actions at her own pace. To say she is ONLY standing up because she was directly affected is the typical libertarian/loser copout answer. Unless you know her very well you don’t know that. And even then you cannot know that for certain. Much like your inside-ish knowledge about Absurdist Prosthetic Boob Shop Teacher Man.
Agree it wasn’t the “proof” per se but that the Gods of the Copybook Headings were closing in. The sympathetic defendants had no power to actually stop it. It was people from the outside, those people back then who had power and were moderately sane, who stepped in and slowly stopped giving it attention and TGotCH backed off. Today the similar people with power are still burning through their social capital. TGotCH have yet to even stir. Presumably because there still much more ruin in the nation.
Might he have been Canadian? AIUI that’s a thing in Canada. They even had enough of them to form a political party 30 or so years ago. And people scratch their heads regarding WTF happened to Canada. I scratch mine at why we ever trusted that country.
This. Especially the ‘wise’ thing. Ever notice how often what the supposed ‘wise’ thing to do, especially when examined with 20/20 hindsight, is to do nothing? Except when we live in the timeline where someone did nothing and bad stuff happened. Then the ‘wise’ thing to do was whatever infinite number of possibilities an infinite number of ‘wise’ men said it should have been.
I’ve long thought Libertarianism & Socialism/Marxism/Fascism are just flip sides of the same utopian coin.
A transgender paedophile who was allowed to serve time in a women’s prison …
Just because The Woke use words as a massive form of question begging doesn’t mean the rest of us must.
Trans(ition) is just that. In the process of going from state A to state B. But the begged question is that state B is attainable. Using “trans” is to play into their game.
Instead of “transgender”, “ersatzgender”, “ersatzwoman”, etc.
It is the perfect word.
Ersatz: … a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else; not real or genuine.
And while I’m at it. Not DEI, DIE.
Re: Satanic Panic. I had something of a front row seat to that horror show. At the time, I was working at a small electrical engineering company just a couple blocks up the street from the McMartin Preschool. So I got to see lots of police tape, then watch as the building got leveled.
Among other tasks, I did tech support for a program that managed talk radio shows. Among the shows we supported was the KABC Michael Jackson (not that one) show, which was number one in its drive-time slot.
Every couple weeks or so, I’d drop by the studio to watch our product in action. The one of two I remember most is sitting in while a McMartin teacher was interviewed after the [many, many foul words here] DA dismissed charges against her.
Her life had been rubbished, and she didn’t have it nearly as bad as several others. Ray Buckey spent five years in prison, without being convicted of anything.
See also, Duke Lacrosse, etc.
It is astonishing, no, appalling, how the perpetrators of these horror shows get off scot free. No insults to actual Scots, of course.
It may make you feel better to know that the DA for the Duke lacrosse players case was disbarred for malfeasance. It took years though. There was time-stamped video of one player at an ATM across town and he included that guy in the case anyway. The stripper that leveled the charges went to jail for murder a couple years later, so a real peach.
ccscientist: As it happens, I read “Until Proven Innocent” just a couple weeks ago.
Nifong was indeed disbarred, and spent and entire 24 hours in jail. Considering what he hoped to have had happen to those young men made his so-called punishment was no more consequential than a fart in a hurricane.
As for the Gang of 88, and Duke President Brodhead: nothing.
Adding insult to injury.
Well, It must be quite surreal, and presumably upsetting, to hear lawyers and officials pretending that a 6’5” man – the 6’5” man who recently molested your child in a supermarket toilet – is somehow, magically, a woman. One would hope that lawyers, judges, and the other occupants of a courtroom – and possibly, at a stretch, even journalists – were interested in reality, in establishing facts. Not affirming some unhinged and misleading fantasy.
Meanwhile, in the world of performative hysteria.
Jesus Complex
Giving it to The Man, you see.
This should be on billboards.
Large ones: Piccadilly Circus, Times Square, and equivalents, not to mention motorways and so on.
Not to quibble, but apart from being caught, this man is actually pursuing an optimal path to gain access to vulnerable women – masquerading as one so as to engineer their imprisonment with him with him with no means of escape. Not a degree of strategising I would associate with the mentally ill.
Now the people running those prisons, however…
[ Schedules tomorrow’s Ephemera, considers lunch possibilities. ]
Not to quibble, but apart from being caught, this man is actually pursuing an optimal path to gain access to vulnerable women…
Not unrelated, it is a total mystery why this guy guy chose to use the (adjusts glasses) women’s public bathroom in his apartment house rather than just use the one in his apartment. Crazy talk, I know.
Meanwhile in Liverpool, if a “trans” person prefers a particular set of junk, does that make him or her “transphobic”?
See here and here. Number of blue eyed students in that crowd is approximately zero, so no chance for the media to give it the Covington treatment.
[ Slides package of sushi along the bar. ]
Pay no attention to the freshness date or the “Joe’s Gas Station” label.
Ah. My alma…you know, the birthing person thing but in latin. Alma parturientis persona? How people looked at me funny when I said I was done with them. About a dozen years ago, as I stopped giving donations to the school itself, though I did continue to pay my alumni dues until 2020 when I decide I was through with those people as well. At one point they sent me an invite to meet with one of their money grabbers. It was worded like it would be a one-on-one thing though I don’t think my paltry contributions would warrant such but then…meh. Either way… I responded by expressing concerns about the wokeness going on (‘woke’ wasn’t quite a word used back then). I never heard back from them. I have no children and thought at one time that UF would get the bulk of my estate when I pass. Nopey nope nope nope.
Is it uncompassionate to encourage these self-destructive clowns? The sooner they remove themselves from the gene pool the better.
Mentally ill doesn’t mean stupid.
That is a capital idea. One that I’ve often considered. Every time I see the police put up signs saying “lock it or lose it” I think to myself those signs should say “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime”. I have actually told our local police captain this in passing. Of course these days “the time” is often just long enough to have your wrists slapped. Lightly.
So many of these people seem unaccustomed to consequences.
I’m guessing this idiot has never been to the Homestead-Jupiter megalopolis, let alone the rest of Florida.
Meanwhile, speaking of the intersection of mentally ill and stupid, more of a woman than a woman, just ask him.
Giving it to the man:-
”That showed ‘em”.