Click and listen. // Cats wearing hats made from their own hair. An allergy nightmare but a fashion triumph. // For a limited time only. // Valaida croons, gets groovy. // Incongruity. // Swapperoo is a game. // “For everyday essentials, like brandy, teabags and Tupperware.” // The Fondoodler also has a “cheese propulsion valve.” // What fungus does in the dark. // This. // That. // A bit of the other. // Canned whole chicken. Because it can be done. // Educators of note. // So ladies, is this ageism or body-shaming? // “When the bass drops, so does the dance floor.” // OK Go. // On poverty misconceived. // The things you can do with some laser-cut paper and patience. // More joys of public transport. // And finally, “Cherry pits and one hazelnut were visible with the naked eye.”
Blake Neff notes the exquisite sensitivities on display at another $50,000-a-year educational institution:
Hampshire College in Massachusetts has announced that it will no longer fly the US flag at all in response to an incident where the flag was taken down and burned. The president of the college says that by getting rid of the flag the school will be able to focus on other issues like halting Islamophobia and promoting gay rights.
Because focusing on “Islamophobia” and gay rights, prioritising these things, is what a college is supposed to do, obviously. And it simply can’t be done while the national flag is visible anywhere on campus.
Heather Mac Donald on open borders and indiscriminate immigration:
Demographics were now driving immigration policy, not vice versa. State and city jurisdictions with large numbers of illegal aliens passed law after law to minimise or eliminate the distinction between legal and illegal status. The most egregious of those policies — and the ones that jump-started Trump’s campaign — were so-called sanctuary laws. These rules forbid state and city employees to co-operate with the already listless efforts of federal officials to enforce the immigration laws, shielding even convicted criminals from any possible risk of deportation.
Although local activists had complained about sanctuary policies for years, no one with power paid attention — until a young woman was fatally shot in July 2015 on the San Francisco Embarcadero by a Mexican drug dealer with seven felony convictions and five previous deportations. Kate Steinle’s murderer had recently been released from jail back onto the streets by the San Francisco sheriff, despite a request from federal immigration agents to detain him for deportation proceedings. Yet despite the belated national outrage directed at San Francisco for its sanctuary ordinance, the city reaffirmed that ordinance in May 2016 in a breath-taking demonstration of the rule that immigration demographics are political destiny — at least until now.
Tim Blair spies an intriguing way to combat bullying:
Victoria’s controversial Safe Schools founder Roz Ward has been photographed harassing a bystander while marching in a Melbourne rally protesting against the election of Donald Trump as US president. Images obtained by The Australian show the high-profile LGBTI rights and anti-bullying campaigner trying to remove a cap from a man wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with “Trump 2016.” Ms Ward, who is carrying several copies of the Marxist newspaper Red Flag, is seen smirking while the distressed man tries to pull away and shield himself from her.
Victoria Stroup reports a harrowing turn of events at Edgewood College, Madison, Wisconsin:
Staff from the student conduct, human resources, Title IX, and diversity offices were brought together so they could decide how to respond to the “hateful message.” According to [Vice President for Student development, Tony] Chambers, “the group determined that the message constituted a hate crime, based on guidelines from the Jeanne Clery Act and state law.” He adds the group acted according to college policy and reported the incident to the Madison, Wisconsin Police Department, which is currently investigating it as a “hate crime,” and that it is also being investigated through the college’s Student Conduct Process.
The item deemed so incendiary and deserving of endless meetings and even police involvement? Amid post-election campus hysteria, some wag had left a pink Post-It note on a window, bearing four words: “Suck it up, pussies.”
After all that political hoo-hah, time for something artistic.
Via sH2.
Optimism. // “Tightly holding the pelican by his mouth pouch” and other foreign euphemisms for masturbation. // From above. // Burglars on burglary. // How to teach a baby to climb a fence. // Here is today. // Proportional and sensible. // Ladies, look away now. // The cordless ice drill you’ve always wanted. // Attention, welding enthusiasts. (h/t, Julia) // Japanese water cake. // Why colour grading matters. // Then and now. // Art. // Untarnished. // How to cut string. // So many kinds of things in Star Trek: Voyager. // What metallic electrocrystallization looks like. // On Mandelbrotting and other effects for Doctor Strange. // The Japanese museum of rocks that look like faces. // And finally, VoCo is like Photoshop but for audio and speech. Stay with it, it gets a little odd.

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