Friday Ephemera (759)
Hot gasses. || Algae and turtles. || Ah, that would explain the cones and tape. || “It had three tentacles and started tapping on my window.” || Not in fact a dog. || Ditto. || Definitely pregnant. || The progressive retail experience, parts 618, 619, 620, and 621. || She advises on mental health and her pronouns are turtle. || Packaging of note. || The future of shopping, 1982. || Leg man. || That can’t be good. || Gummi innards. || Excessive jiggling. || Ice integrity test. || Loving the monster in modern academia. || And speaking of academia, from The Journal of Lesbian Studies. || Hey, baby. Wanna reproduce? || “Heads for all occasions.” || Green Party’s Carla Denyer ponders womanhood. || A Guardian retrospective. || Unforeseen difficulties. || And finally, I’m sure it seemed a good idea at the time.
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Aquatic troll dolls.
Chili con carne, the aftermath.
Is ‘trans-dog’ the same as ‘furry’? The score-card’s a mess.
Can’t have Musk thinking he’s a good guy.
In some cases the problem lies in it being halted.
Could have been worse. Instead of an American accent they could have imitated received pronunciation.
Every now & then the right thing happens to those who deserve it.
Silly me, thinking Brexit was about heaving all the Euro-nonsense over the gunwales.
Burge’s 1st Law.
I suspect the green color is due to copper wires in the flames.
“What is a woman”: I would point out that older men whose T goes to zero do not stop being and acting like men, albeit with less energy and sex drive.
Also, feminists have demanded that so many feminine things be no longer done (dresses, having children, makeup, girl hobbies, cooking, etc) that it is not surprising that they cannot answer the question. They also deny that actual women differ from men in feelings and attitudes (toward risk, goals, safety, colors, foods, everything).
Physics professor discloses in 1 minute the full insight of Quantum Mechanics.
Current political/cultural insanities, summed up in a 26 second video.
This. Every word of this.
And not related to St Paddy’s Day?
Imagine spending years in an environment where assumptions of the kind seen here are the statusful norm, endlessly reinforced, and all but mandatory.
Underground leprechaun incinerators?
FE Lee Muldoon:
I did not link the Canadian item below since the story is paywalled (Blacklocks) but it seemed relevant in terms of your link on preening,
The Treasury Board is hiring private tutors to coach Black federal employees on how to learn French, records show. Too few Black staff are passing bilingual proficiency tests required for promotion as executives, it said: “Language training has been identified as a barrier for Black employees’ advancement.”
Justice delayed is justice denied. The amount of criminal mischief that Mann alone has done in the interim is incalculable. But it’s nothing compared to the amount of civilization-destroying evil that has been committed in the name of this junk science.
MBH98, Mann’s famous tree-ring paper. MM2003, McIntyre and McKitrick’s deft take-down of that paper. Having read MM2003, I came away embarrassed for Mann, because his errors were so egregious. I reckoned he’d be laughed out of the profession.
When instead he continued to be feted and praised, I knew something was horribly wrong in the scientific community. If scientists had taken MM2003 seriously, two decades of emotional and economic terrorism could have been snuffed out in its cradle.
Mann’s case against Steyn would have been summarily dismissed with prejudice.
Humanity really is a hot mess. Where’s the reset button?
“Us normal people”
The weather tomorrow is expected to be between 5 and 8° Celsius. Which is low forties in that heathen Fahrenheit system used in the colonies. We are therefore, obviously, venturing to the coast.
In March. In Britain.
[ Digs out goggles, big coat. ]