Friday Ephemera (759)
Hot gasses. || Algae and turtles. || Ah, that would explain the cones and tape. || “It had three tentacles and started tapping on my window.” || Not in fact a dog. || Ditto. || Definitely pregnant. || The progressive retail experience, parts 618, 619, 620, and 621. || She advises on mental health and her pronouns are turtle. || Packaging of note. || The future of shopping, 1982. || Leg man. || That can’t be good. || Gummi innards. || Excessive jiggling. || Ice integrity test. || Loving the monster in modern academia. || And speaking of academia, from The Journal of Lesbian Studies. || Hey, baby. Wanna reproduce? || “Heads for all occasions.” || Green Party’s Carla Denyer ponders womanhood. || A Guardian retrospective. || Unforeseen difficulties. || And finally, I’m sure it seemed a good idea at the time.
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By the way, this morning’s expedition to the British coast – specifically, Mablethorpe – went well. It was cold, as you’d expect, but sunny. We found an unglamorous café, where we had a surprisingly good breakfast. And we marvelled at the tat on show in souvenir shop windows. The Other Half toyed with the idea of buying me a foot-high plastic gorilla adorned with faux diamanté.
The remake is still relevant:
The X links work for me, too.
There is a special place in hell for people like Michael Mann.
“Far right men — who are some of the biggest fetishizers of trans women”
let me stop you right there. No evidence for this whatsoever. Contrary to logic. False. Blatant lie. insane. It is not the far right who attend drag story hour or who hire these creeps. This is probably an opposite day definition of “fetishizer”, meaning “upset by”.