Friday Ephemera (758)
The machine uprising, day 9. Previously. || Incoming. || In a choice of colours. || Lively scenes. || Pineapple sea cucumber. || The quiet part. || Snow clearing of note. || Neighbours of note. || Nommy-nommy-nom. || Modernity, baby. || She doesn’t want to give birth to any little Nazis, you see. || Take Me Out to the Ball Game. || I’m just going to leave this here, I think. || Venting stag. || Honey surplus. || The progressive retail experience, parts 614, 615, 616, and 617. || Dana is polyamorous. || The Life of the Private Eye, 1966. || The thrill of osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis, or tooth-in-eye surgery. || For likes. || Eight feet. || What fetish? || Mr Magee fell four miles without a parachute. || Space-saving innovation. || Safety first. || Here, have some faeces. || And finally, fun times for the weekend.
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Okay, but does he double dare Trump?
The official Top Ten Things
Who’s On First? the definitive performance
How many beatings will be needed to change her behavior?
“Rapid unscheduled disassembly” is very unfortunate but a spectacular light show.
Veritable models of deportment.
[ comment deleted upon reflection ]
There should be a diminution of psychoses in the next generation.
Fascinated by the man with the bongo, one day I tracked it back to its original video. He’s singing “Ievan Polkka,” a Finnish folk song.
Here’s an a capella rendition by some Finns. And a video purporting to track the song’s evolution from 1953-2020.
Then the Kiffness gives it a go.
Here’s another view. Last time, the remnants streaked almost horizontally across the sky, but this time it’s more like a nebula. Probably from the spinning.
That’s equal parts sooper genius and eldritch body horror.
Now THAT’s pronoun trouble.
Inverted boneless pineapple sea cucumber rectums.
Well, if you beat the shøt out of her . . .
David, from the other thread, what happens when people spend too much time on Reddit. Do we need to stage an intervention for you?
“Hypocrite! First remove the tooth from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
A preview of Prince Harry’s wife’s new show.
Inverted boneless pineapple sea cucumber rectums.
But do mind the thorns
or tooth-in-eye surgery.
I can see clearly now
The dentist’s gone
I can see all opticals and tooth decay
So she’s saying she has sex with Nazis?
Morning, all.
You’ll never know the suffering I endure, heroically, to bring you these little fancies.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
The thought process is… intriguing.
As someone who takes a shortcut through Westfield on every office day (albeit very early, when the melanin-enriched are all sleeping off last night’s debauchery) this one hits pretty close to home!
Sounds better than fat, tattooed slag.
[ Rummages in pocket, slides single Nestlé Shreddie along bar to EmC. ]
Did someone say rectums…?
I’ll boil some water.
Hard pass.
It doesn’t really instil the feeling of, er, security one hopes for in that situation.
Safety first
Man, that’s sikh.
A preview of Prince Harry’s wife’s new show.
My television viewing presently is an episode per night of the old series NYPD Blue. But last night my husband wanted to retire early and so I decided to watch a little more television. I first put on Netflix’s documentary on the murder of Gabby Petito. Too slow – if everyone knows the outcome, a glacier buildup doesn’t bring suspense, it just drags.
Then I turned on With Love, Meghan, expecting a dumpster fire. No, it wasn’t a dumpster fire – rather, it was a performance of Sartre’s No Exit without the drama. It was like watching a bowl of plain vanilla ice cream melt. The banality. The boredom. The beige-ness. The realization that the California avatar must have a center part and beach waves, with any pony tail pulled high to mid-back of head. Do you remember the scene in The Big Lebowski where the Dude encounters Maude and her giggling gay friend, where she’s speaking rapidly in the phone in French (C’est rigolo!)? That was Meghan and her guest, Daniel Martin – only absent any comedic vibe.
Okay, I laughed when Meghan was cutting cherry tomatoes in half and casually told us that using “heirlooms” are fine, like, bitch, you think my local Kroger sells heirloom tomatoes and thanks for your permission to do that …
I can’t speak for the rest of it because I found myself fast-forwarding, and then gave up entirely. I currently am reading Simon Winchester’s Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded and with that and a small gin and tonic, snuggled in for some bedtime reading.
Shake your booty.
The uplighting in the beginning is perfection and worthy of George Romero directing a Samuel L. Bronkowitz production.
It’s a vision of effortless grace and womanly élan.
Clomp clomp clomp.
[ Adds posh tomatoes to shopping list. ]
No sudden movements.
Well, yes, quite.
The one thing you don’t want in that situation is a sense of… precariousness.
Hey, give the guy some credit. He’s selflessly doing his part to make the utopian micro house of the future a reality. (Can we build prole housing smaller than a supermax prison cell?)
[ Checks stability of toilet, notes time and date. ]
Wanye Burkett has locked his Twitter account. I hope it’s very temporary.
You can still read existing posts if you follow him. I believe he’s observing Lent, which, for him, means not using X for a couple of weeks.
I need a bookmark. Pup in Bedonia, Italy.
Has this claim been peer reviewed?
Ridley Scott’s Alien walkthrough, part seven.
He’s right, you know.
Big, squeezable bottoms.
One of the wonders of the modern world is the inability of those tasked with reporting on it to understand much of it.
Is this the same Chinese spy or did Swalwell get a new one? I haven’t been keeping up.
And from the art world . . .
Knock-on effects.
Those heels aren’t long for this world.
I’ll just leave this here, I think.
Cue Spinal Tap.
|| Take Me Out to the Ball Game. ||
Thank you for that.
My co-advisor in grad school brought one of those instruments over from China with his family. He had all of us students in his group over for Thanksgiving one year, and his oldest daughter played us a beautiful tune on it.
Some of the people who appreciated American traditions and freedoms the most were my older Chinese engineering profs who had gotten their PhDs here in the US and then settled down to teach, buying homes, having more kids that the one allowed back in China. I guess they were old enough to remember the “before” times.
Did the U.K. government keep all the E.U. impositions as revenge on the proles who voted for Brexit? You would think the ECHR should have as much weight in British affairs as a pineapple sea cucumber.
Big, squeezable bottoms.
But strangely intrigued…
Such vindication, though rare, is worth the pain and suffering to get there.
It’s not rare if you’ve an old house.
Bear feeding: they are just giant dogs. It is amazing really how tame they can become given that in the wild they are pretty solitary. The Polish army (WWI?) had a bear raised from a cub that would bring artillery shells to the guns.
Snow clearing: no amount of money could induce me to do that.
Toe shoes: only 4 toes?
[ Checks stability of toilet again, just in case. ]
I believe the term is learning curve.
Baby Nazis: this woman does not seem to understand how babies work. They aren’t born with a little hitler mustache or a party affiliation. Does she think all boy babies are nazis by definition?
If any of you saw the vids of female members of congress acting as super heroes and the dance to defeat trump…are they lobbying to repeal the vote for women? Because clown world.
Human nature is rather violent. In the past, it was not uncommon for the victors in battle to kill all the men in a territory and enslave the rest. Genocide happened rather often. Civilization depends on suppressing this violent urge. The Left seems determined to unleash it.
Given that she’s very likely a Cluster B nightmare, any boy she raised would become one, yes.
She’s performed a great act of public service.
A moment of silence, please.
11 years hardware: when a 30 yr old cabinet hinge busted, I went to hardware store with it. No they don’t sell it but guy said try cabinet factory down the road. Went there and guy said no don’t make it any more…but wait! He opened a drawer and pulled out a baggie full of them and tossed it to me. hahaha yes!
Space-saving: right, stink up your office. A toilet fixed in place is likely enough to leak but one on hinges?
Mr Magee fell 2 miles–first read it as Mr Magoo (for those old enough to remember)
Chuckles don’t count, right?
It’s mostly all input/output.
scientist: ‘The Polish army (WWI?) had a bear raised from a cub that would bring artillery shells to the guns.’
Aah, Wojtek, I always make a point of rubbing his statue’s snout for luck when I go to Edinburgh…
Isn’t it about time we had another adorable doggo?
Just sayin’.
She would make love to them.
This is Peanut.
Believing the strangest things, loving the alien
Not quite the science-fiction blockbuster I was hoping for.
“You want to make a bit of money? You should do what I did…”
[ Makes note to re-watch Communion. ]
That’s one way to make sure they never come back.
I should add that I saw it decades ago and can’t recall much about it, beyond the masks, the probing, and an air of strangeness. Oh, and the peekaboo from behind the wardrobe. I doubt I’d file it under great cinema, but the memory of the oddness has lingered.
Most people do not advertise their their psychological problems.
Chinese zither. My #3 sis-in-law plays that. Mostly traditional. My mother in law made each daughter learn a skill. #2 is a hair stylist, #3 zither and piano, and I forget what 1, 4, and 5 were trained in. There’s a son in there, too.
If it weren’t for people advertising their psychological problems there wouldn’t be any social media.
Voiced by Jim Backus who also played Thurston Howell III on Gilligan’s Island.
And no Thompson Blog.
Band name: Gay Alien Chastity Belt.
oh, like I was the only one thinking that…gmab…
Nah, not after I deleted my comment about it.
I think a clever thing would be for Trump to offer air fare to any illegals who want to go home. Can’t come back.
“The theater kids no longer control the federal government and they’re not happy about it.“
Where’s Blutarsky when you need him?
Southpark comes to mind.
William Jacobson of the Legal Insurrection blog notices a pattern.
“It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party…”
–Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell
4 out of 5 doctors at Harvard cannot answer a question from introductory statistics.
This correlates with what I’ve read over the years about major flubs in scientific research, including medical research. And I was warned about this in a freshman physics class.
“One of my all-time favorites a very fourth wall moment for a child”
I seem to recall them sending James Taylor to France to sing “You’ve Got a Friend” after the Charlie Hebdo incident and 17 deaths.
Has Madonna ever been right about anything?
One of John F***ing Kerry’s finest moments.
Still wonder who Taylor was singing to.
I was disappointed to see that Collins had gone over to the dark side with Fauci. He was a Christian who headed up the human genome project, and he wrote about DNA being “The Language of God.”
And now we see he’s been involved with some pretty awful shenanigans regarding suppression of dissent during COVID and other sketchy things.
People truly suck.
It must be a sideways manifestation of the maternal protective instinct. They see Palestinians as the woobies in need of protection from the evil predator Jews, so they become like mama bears protecting cubs.
A poll ensues.