Friday Ephemera (758)
The machine uprising, day 9. Previously. || Incoming. || In a choice of colours. || Lively scenes. || Pineapple sea cucumber. || The quiet part. || Snow clearing of note. || Neighbours of note. || Nommy-nommy-nom. || Modernity, baby. || She doesn’t want to give birth to any little Nazis, you see. || Take Me Out to the Ball Game. || I’m just going to leave this here, I think. || Venting stag. || Honey surplus. || The progressive retail experience, parts 614, 615, 616, and 617. || Dana is polyamorous. || The Life of the Private Eye, 1966. || The thrill of osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis, or tooth-in-eye surgery. || For likes. || Eight feet. || What fetish? || Mr Magee fell four miles without a parachute. || Space-saving innovation. || Safety first. || Here, have some faeces. || And finally, fun times for the weekend.
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“The JD Vance memes is the most unified I’ve ever seen this country.”
Mother discusses son’s penis.
“Women have many features.“
“This is like watching a computer glitch.”
An alternative to “Does it spark joy?”
“This much real estate.”
Oh my.
An 80s sitcom with familiar faces.
“The JD Vance memes is the most unified I’ve ever seen this country.”
I feel confident that he finds them hilarious, much like Ted Cruz has embraced the ongoing joke that he is the Zodiac Killer.
Mother discusses son’s penis.
“90% of the time it’s flaccid.”
That is a very likely explanation–especially considering how these women seem to spend far more time talking about victimhood than justice.
“Oh bother”, said Pooh, as he killed another elephant.
Violent gang rape but only sentenced to community service.
How about making the ruling class unsustainable?
What I fail to understand is people taking life advice from a woman in her 20’s. Was it because she was Asian?
Don’t want to know how she knows.
‘Ware the ha-ha.
Landscaping by Bergholt Stuttley Johnson.
Love the mutt.
Right-wingers, they’re everywhere.
The dems and media (but I repeat) are squawking that Trump is “seizing power” by trying to rein in the gov agencies. The past 4 years, and even before, the agencies were already doing the bidding of the Left–lawfare, going after gun dealers/manufacturers, excessive environmental regs, you name it. They think this is normal, the true nature of how it should be. That Biden exec orders were NOT “seizing power”. It’s different when they do it.
He is. He’s taking power back from bureaucracies that have siphoned it away from the executive & turned it towards their own ends.
One of the more constitutionally dubious doctrines of SCOTUS is the notion of ‘independent agencies’. There is no basis anywhere in the Constitution for such a creature.
Getting the federal government back within its constitutional framework is going to take a flensing knife.
She is hoping to indulge in rishathra, or sex outside one’s own species, as described by Larry Niven in his Ringworld novels. He points out that some issues might arise, such as:
“Can we do it under water?”
“Can my family watch?”
Or best of all, “You have an insufficient number of orfices.”
If anyone’s getting aroused by this thread, I’m upping the price of the drinks.
Now that she has three kids, she’s given up entirely on tidiness.
Also, with Asian women, you can’t tell how old they are. 20s-60s, they all look the same.
[ Scandalised gasping. ]
Nit pick: Sex outside one’s species but within one’s genus.
Another good Week in Pictures.
With Andor season two on the horizon, thought I’d rewatch Rogue One.
It’s still flat and boring.
I don’t think there is much genuine compassion in any Left-wing victimhood politics. And even less real nurturing impulse among these wymyn.
Pro-Pali feminism is a good example of the cognitive dissonance between feminist hatred for fathers and other good men – and their attraction to brutes and thugs. This is no different from the European feminists holding up signs welcoming refugee rapists.
Enabled by ignorance of the reality of violence among women and feminized men in the protected classes.
The Nazis only wished their targets would self-sterilize.
He’s going to have to be replaced with a solar-powered stag for the good of the environment!
Mr. Bean displaying his musical talents at the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games.
From the link:
The California boys’ 2024 championship scores for the triple jump range from 12th place 44-1.50 to 1st place 47-5, so this dude wouldn’t even have been in the running competing against boys like himself.
The girls championship scores, by comparison, range from 12th place 35-8 to 1st place 40-11.
It’s just an entirely different ballpark: the championship girl wouldn’t have placed in the top 12 among the boys.
I had to look her up. I had heard this silly girly mantra before about “if it doesn’t give you joy” but figured it sprouted spontaneously from the general airhead female community. How naive of me. What I learned (and God help me if this caused me to unlearn anything far more important…which would be…anything) was that she was 38 when she had her third kid in 2021 and that her book was released somewheres places in Asia but then first released in the US of GodBlessIt A in 2014. Which implies she wrote it/first published when she was like 29-30 at best. I’m sure she’s a very nice person. Just like my niece. Yet I hope and pray that my niece, as much as I love her and her family, never writes a book. Or at least waits until she has actually acquired the wisdom of experience on which to base such profound advice. If I had to guess, it will be a book on how important spanking is. Which will likely dawn on her after her second child. Of course by the time she gets around to writing such a book, I may very well be dead. I’m hoping for a post-mortem dedication however. That would be nice.
I remember when David Sedaris was a young arrogant asshole.
Good solutions to bad architecture.
You’re the sheepdog in this scenario? The domesticated canine who protects the ovines against the other canines?
Do you see what you just did there?