Friday Ephemera
Photos from the World Tobacco Sniffing Championship. // Airport security encounters man with suspicious penis. // “On July 19, 1957, five men stood below a 2 kiloton atomic test. A tape recorder was present to record their experience.” // Titan’s vortex. // A vending machine for every need. Including mashed potatoes and gravy. // Biology up close. // Handsome ‘bergs. // Painting Batman big. // When pensioners have guns. // Orang-utans master iPads. // The problems of relativistic baseball. // People and things rotating. // Comics out of context. // Cleavage hands. // Assorted title sequences. // The complete Black Narcissus (1947).
Here’s one for next week:
Job cull looms at the Guardian.
“Job cull looms at the Guardian.”
Well, they are losing close to £1 million a week. Maybe they should publish more articles airbrushing North Korea, or telling us just how brilliant Marxism is, or telling us that Mao gave his victims “job security” and that Stalin should be admired for his “genuine idealism.” That should woo the public and boost their sales.
A vending machine for every need. Including mashed potatoes and gravy.
As a mash fan, I’m outraged.
“As a mash fan, I’m outraged.”
Yes, it’s thin gruel. (In fact, it actually looks like thin gruel.) But I imagine it’s aimed at people who’ll make do with ‘instant’ mash. So instant mash extruded from a dodgy-looking machine at the roadside is only a little bit worse.
Orang-utans master iPads.
It would be interesting to know how well they do with Angry Birds. Unfortunately. it appears they aren’t doing that cutting edge research and instead I think the orangutans are just pointing at a picture on the iPad.
When pensioners have guns.
This article includes comments from one of the bullet recipients (who was shot in the left buttock & right hip) :
“I feel horrible. It doesn’t feel good. It makes you think about life’s decisions, and how you should live your life”
He said “he never expected anyone to be armed.”
Though Henderson said he doesn’t blame Williams for shooting, he takes exception with Williams shooting at him while he was down.
“I was down, and I’m not going to continue to shoot you,” he said.
At least, that’s what he claims now.
Notice the difference between the confident bravado of the young man with a gun who entered the cafe and after the shooting starts his change in body language and his sudden concern for society’s rules of appropriate behavior. Initially, threatening people with a gun is fine but once someone shoots at him it is important to recognize that getting shot and falling down means you are calling a timeout from the armed robbery.
btw, I may be uncharitable but I think the “I feel horrible. It doesn’t feel good” refers to the discomfort of getting shot and not to his guilt about his own bad behavior.
Col. Milquetoast,
“He never expected anyone to be armed.”
And hence the predation.
“I feel horrible. It doesn’t feel good.”
Poor lamb. It must be so upsetting when the intended prey defend themselves. Can’t help thinking there’s a moral to that story.
Heh. I was reading that about thirty seconds ago. Now I just have to steel myself for three hours of IMAX Batman…
I’m waiting for tuesday when the cheap tickets arrive.
Uh-oh – “oversize package” problems!
The kangaroo does not have any natural enemies…
But Simen, you’d still have to search out an old-fashioned shopping bag and then carry it all the way over to the kangaroo. I mean, it sounds like an awful lot of effort.
…ah, and of course – the glorious plastic bag is of course higher up on the list of endangered species.
Let’s revel in it’s majestic beauty while it still can be seen…
A tad culture at the end of the week;
For those challenged in the art of Foreign, the lyrics have been transcribed and translated with more enthusiasm than skill..
A girl who looks quiet but plays when she plays
A girl who puts her hair down when the right time comes
A girl who covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it all
A sensable girl like that
I’m a guy
A guy who seems calm but plays when he plays
A guy who goes completely crazy when the right time comes
A guy who has bulging ideas rather than muscles
That kind of guy
Now, where would one find culture like this, if not on the internet?
(also, where would CDs be purchasable?)
And 12 hours later from that – probably a very un-Friday Ephemeral comment:
A Guardian piece I enojyed reading!
The name ‘Bradley Wiggins’ and those sideburns of his seem to go together, somehow. What a fantastic sporting achievement for a very nice chap.