Catching Their Good Side
Speaking of spite as progressive pseudo-piety:
“We are so mentally unstable, and so nakedly vindictive, that if you even own a car of which we suddenly disapprove, we will violate your property and make you feel unsafe.”
Odd message to send, really.
For people who imagine themselves the good guys in their own mental drama.
Lifted from the comments, which you’re reading, of course.
Consider this an open thread.
When you’re scratching swastikas on a Jewish guy’s car you’re probably not the good guy you think you are.
Well, quite. Yet apparently it needs saying.
And setting aside for a moment the weird random malice, there’s the more mundane oversight. A Tesla has eight external cameras which record any untoward activity while alerting the owner. The odds of being identified, in high definition, and consequently prosecuted, are fairly high.
Yet the people doing the keying and daubing tell us, quite often, that they’re the smart ones. Our moral and intellectual betters.
Liberal Activists are Always Thinking.
Destroying as many Teslas as possible is certain to ameliorate rumored climate change about as much as it does the rumored End of Democracy. Fortunately for the richest man in the world, it also creates a ready market for replacement vehicles.
In other, related news, I recently discovered that on English country roads the Tesla’s computer may display a scuttling pheasant as a small dog.
The car knows there’s something there, and where it is, and roughly what size it is, and that it’s probably an animal. It’s just not entirely sure what species it is.
Which I find rather charming.
[ Opens notebook. Writes ‘Tesla owner or friend of Tesla owner’. ]
[ Generates air of mystery, exotic intrigue. ]
David Thompson: International Man of Mystery
Something like that.
It’s not as if we’re reading the articles.
OK, I’ll send myself for re-grooving.
Are these same people disappointed that the astronauts made it home, too?
Likely, yes. Tech man bad.
I was recently talking with someone who was struggling with the very concept of any Democrats having bad motives, or being awful people. Say, the kind of people who might prevent an attempt to save stranded astronauts because a successful rescue might reflect favourably on associates of their political opponents.
That’s re-groovying.
well these are the guys who hurl accusations of N**ism at a government whose President has a Jewish son in law and VP has a brown skinned Indian wife.
More than the lack of “goodness”, I think lack of critical thinking and self introspection is the main issue here.
Lack of critical thinking and introspection are certainly significant issues, but I’m not convinced that they are the main issues. What persuades me of this is decades of personal experience in which liberals demonstrated not just indifference to the oppression of those they disagreed with but actual approval and even applause.
“The man saw the Cybertruck, got out of his Subaru & then drew the swastika.”
So he’s a lesbian?
If you poke through the links and subsequent comments, Subarus do crop up more than chance alone would seem to allow.
What, if anything, this may mean, I leave to others.
Taking a break from the rampant aggravated dickweedery, BoB, Dunkirk, Italy, France, shot down four times, escaped from the real Nazis, hoist a Jameson for the last of the few.
Another one. He f*cked around and found out.
A man bun. Imagine my surprise.
It’d not just the conceit that vandalising some random person’s car is a thing one should do as a good person, as an act of righteousness. Bewildering as that is. It’s the idea of doing that to a make of car that’s famed for its ability to record anything that approaches.
It suggests a level of emotional dysregulation, of total impulse control failure, that’s quite hard to relate to.
I mean, I routinely see things that I find politically disagreeable, but this has yet to impel me to start keying strangers’ cars, or spitting at their children, or pissing on their curtains.
That would be… weird.
Demographic studies of Subaru owners: lesbians, lefties, urban outdoors types, etc.
Not for “The Unspanked.” Totally on-brand for them.
For those who missed the reference.
See also. And of course this.
That ‘suburban woman’ has a rather masculine aspect.
TBF, it looks like he just traced it in the dust on the vehicle. Didn’t key it in or anything. So not really vandalism in this case, but still astoundingly stupid.
What astounds is that the people being caught doing this don’t appear to be your typical blue-hair, face-hardware, unemployable freaks. They look like respectable white-collar people you’d find in any office setting.
And yet, if I passed this car in the parking lot, I might marvel at their desperation to virtue-signal, but I wouldn’t feel the urge to deface it in any way, or even to leave a note telling them that they’re luuuuzers.
More than three bumper stickers is a psychological red flag. That’s the rule of thumb.
That “testing of boundaries” suggests a need for stricter boundaries–probably with watch towers and razor wire.
A slightly different perspective.
Well until they are actually imprisoned and shamed, for all intents and purposes they are. Perhaps not according to our standards but why should the majority of people care about our standards?
Tendency to violence: this is what happens when you give priority to “feelings” which thanks to critical theory has been given a central role in the Left’s mindset. It was always there in the Left political approach, but has spread to the individuals thanks to “higher” ed. The idea that your feelings are always valid…stupidest idea ever. It makes it impossible to admit you might be wrong.
Yet to say these people are the kind of people that they show themselves to be is met with indignation. Beyond the pale. These people express outrage at the drop of a hat regarding the most insignificant things, yet these astronauts had their health* and a big chunk of their lives stolen from them for nothing more relevant than the Democrats’ political interests.
*per interview with Elon that I am listening to right now, anything longer than 3-6 months in the weightlessness of space can do serious damage to the bones, eyes, and internal organs. AIUI, these two astronauts were only supposed to be up there for 8 days, not the 10 months they were stuck there. While I am sure they were in relatively good condition going up, I would be surprised if there isn’t some extended, specified health and exercise regime that astronauts tasked to longer term missions are put on.
The Left has been banging on about how you must buy an electric car to save the planet for 20+ years. So, many Tesla owners may be motivated by that…and now they get vandalized. Fickle politics much?
“Demographic studies of Subaru owners: lesbians, lefties, urban outdoors types, etc.”
And, people of a narcissistic bent who read far too much engineering lore. The H6 engine (in this case, the 6-cylinder boxer) is the smallest naturally-balanced internal combustion engine the “race” produces – other makers also make these, but in a used Subaru, it’s at least reasonably affordable. These engines are legendarily smooth and quiet, and quite peppy too – err, not that I’d know… 😉
Ok, so maybe the left can’t meme, but they did make Gary Oldman laugh himself to tears.
[ Adds name to list of suspicious individuals ]
[ Checks Y Knott for signs of lesbianism. ]
Ably demonstrated in the Scion FRS / Toyota 86 / Subaru BRZ.
I think Subaru owners also tend to be more educated. (Not that this hasn’t become a dubious distinction in recent years.)
Sshh. Scanning for lesbianism.
I asked Grok whether Suni and Butch were left at the ISS for political reasons, and it had its doubts.
I seem to recall early talk of them coming back with Crew 9, which would be returning in early 2025. Maybe the logistics never permitted anything earlier than that. At the same time, I could see Elon sending up an empty Dragon to get them at any time.
[ Posts photos of girls in bikinis. Checks for heavy breathing. ]
I have for…decades now…been trying to explain to conservatives just how far gone mainstream culture is. How incredibly far the Overton Window has shifted to the left. They have not wanted to hear it. Coming out of college, as grounded as I was for my time and age, I admit it took me a while to understand how bad things were. To some extent one has to just accept certain amounts of stupidity, to interpolate oneself into society, just to have a normal life. But for the last 30 years at least, it has been quite apparent that things have needed to change considerably.
Before the 70’s people could discuss politics and religion, exchange thoughts and ideas on a personal level. In the 70’s it became this thing that bringing up, or even challenging someone else’s unsolicited assertions on these subjects was…bad form. This inevitably (it was clear where things were headed even to a teenager back then…well at least one certain teenager anyway) led to information silos, echo chambers where bad ideas, much like bad genes in clannish societies, got amplified leading inevitably to more and more contentious clashes which were then used as excuses/evidence that discussion of P&R should continue to be verboten. And here we are. The only thing that surprises me is that anyone is surprised by this.
As a recent Subaru purchaser, here’s a link to Grok’s answer. Hope that works…
I believe Di got her links crossed. I apparently got my eyes crossed…never mind Di.Is that an AI-generated Soviet tractor girl?
I sense a pillow fight about to break out.