Catching Their Good Side
Speaking of spite as progressive pseudo-piety:
“We are so mentally unstable, and so nakedly vindictive, that if you even own a car of which we suddenly disapprove, we will violate your property and make you feel unsafe.”
Odd message to send, really.
For people who imagine themselves the good guys in their own mental drama.
Lifted from the comments, which you’re reading, of course.
Consider this an open thread.
[ Scans Steve for lesbianism. ]
I hope Zoot doesn’t get tipsy and light the Grail shaped beacon again.
Hey, I’m just sayin’.
[ Scans pst314. ]
And the people doing this claim to be heroically opposing “fascism.”
Ok, so maybe the left can’t meme, but they did make Gary Oldman laugh himself to tears.
Ye gods that was hilarious!!
While I wish I could see the thread about Biden and the astronauts, it would just have torqued me off to no end. Instead I am helplessly laughing at farts. Good stress relief, that.
This just in:
Better scan me, too. I briefly considered replacing my Toyota with a Subaru.
[ Points upthread. ]
Uhhhmmm here in Israel Subaru is a beloved family brand – it was the only Japanese marque that defied the Arab boycott, and therefore one of a few quality cars available for almost 2 decades.
Israelis still buy them in large numbers even though everyone sells here now.
Many of the super–macho Israeli soldiers and reservists you see in memes are probably 2nd or 3rd generation Subaru owners.
So the “Subaru is lesbian” theory does not work in every market.
What is that noise?……. David – stop pointing that… THING… at me!!
[ Installs lead shielding. ]
David has discovered a new power source!
Not gonna lie. I’m sexually attracted to women.
Oh, and I played on the company softball team.
Why, yes, it is.[X user ID – no @ – here]
Victims of their potential success?
That’s the first Soviet tractor girl poster I’ve seen in which her biceps were thinner than a man’s thighs. 😁