Friday Ephemera (755)
Boobs in a jam, an obliging nudge. || Rice grain Gojira. || I’m no expert, but I don’t think that’s a guitar. || Feel the deep wisdom of her third eye. || Driving with intuition. || How to shrink your lungs. || Laughing while pregnant. || Little helpers. || The progressive retail experience, parts 609, 610, 611, 612, and 613. || Beef pottage and other thrills of the Medieval tavern. || You know, I question the physics. || Big and clicky, the way you like ’em. || On the problems of a billion-story building. || Tibetan sky burial. || Bottled for freshness. || Espionage essentials. || Question asked. || Taking out the trash. || More adventures in trash management. || His “first ever lesson” is to make small children memorise his own fabulist pronouns. || And finally, one to be filed under poolside etiquette.
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Avon calling.
No wonder they kick.
A drink or an introduction?
Because Nineveh is going to be destroyed again.
Education about this phenomenon is part of any Scuba training course, because when you’re scuba diving, the air you are breathing compresses to match the depth. Do you can literally explode your lungs if you swim up quickly with a lungful of air — the air expands as the depth decreases.
The two methods to avoid this are
That will kill you faster than the bends (another depth-related phenomenon).
Somebody doesn’t like British cookies.
Free diving. Why?
All that time wasted making something you’ll step on or the mice will eat. Why?
He could have picked it up and taken it to a utility sink for cleaning, but instead he left it in the open. Why?
One of my Twitter mutuals, @random_snakes (Random Snake Facts), says that they are inclined to crawl into bottles because they resemble rodent burrows. Also, you shouldn’t try catching a cobra like that unless you have lots of experience. That guy seemed to. (She also posts photo ensembles of matching sneks with cakes and coffee. )
Why not?
If Elon’s a mediocrity, I’m the Queen of England.
“Little helpers.“
A woman would have picked it up to take away and cleaned it in a sink….
Dicentra: “Because Nineveh is going to be destroyed again.”
A humpback, being a baleen whale, has a throat too small to swallow a human. It just rolled him around it’s mouth and spit him out….
The doppler shift did it for me.
[ Grunting, stretching. ]
Morning, all.
That would seem to be the more sensible option, yes. But then we wouldn’t have been charmed by the unrelenting tortoises.
It has a pleasing absurdity.
I am disappoint. This could have been a much better story.
For King and country.
It occurs to me that weight might be an issue.
To say nothing of comfort.
She doesn’t even thank the good Samaritan who saved her kid.
Trash is the word.
Yes. One, among others, that should be used entirely without inhibition. It strikes me as important to name the phenomenon. And again, as so often, note the eye-widening selfishness. The utter lack of any customary reciprocation.
But hey, they had the window down. So there’s that.
One might, I think, contrast the chap who stopped to rescue the small boy from the middle of the road, and who then stayed with him until help arrived, with the boy’s own mother, who seems to regard the whole episode as some bewildering irritation, fuss about nothing.
And yet egalitarians exist.
You see, they’re terrified because he’s so pretty.
The situation did not improve.
I’m almost tempted to watch. Could be a guilty pleasure.
Also, from the comments, “DEI Hard.”
How many people under 40-50 would understand this reference?
So much of Western culture has been effaced.
His “first ever lesson” is to make small children memorise his own fabulist pronouns
Is it by chance he chose a Jimmy Savile sort of style?
You see, they’re terrified because he’s so pretty.
There might indeed have been “two dozen or so” women telling him he’s beautiful just as he might indeed be incapable of detecting sarcasm.
To the barricades, Tovariches!
Alternative explanation: He looks like an escaped mental patient.
Fake scrotum with radio transmitter wasn’t what I was expecting.
Selflessly, I bring you a world of wonder.
unrelenting tortoises
J.K. Rowling:
A sentiment most likely familiar to regulars here, but still. Worth repeating.
I have spent the last six hours waiting for someone to say band name.
Ridley Scott’s Alien walkthrough, part four.
And yet dopers assured me that driving while high was perfectly safe.
What would Big Balls do?
And we all know that failure to acquiesce will be followed by less polite “requests”, not to mention punishments.
For instance.
And with a chosen name of Karla Marx, that’s two reasons to regard him as somebody to be shunned and cast out of society.
Why not? Not everything we do in life must, or should, be utilitarian.
It’s likely a bit much to expect an evident lunatic to understand others’ reactions.
Most tend to look away from the grotesque and repugnant.
Not sure about the ‘pleasure’.
Any notion as to whom she was responding to?
Why not? Not everything we do in life must, or should, be utilitarian.
Exactly, besides, unlike the other alleged art to which we have been “favored” within these pages, the Gojira actually took ability and talent.
Further, as it had been lacquered, it will last longer and be less appealing to rodents and rogue billionaires (BIRM) than a banana duct taped to a wall.
So many lines to read between.
Dan Hodges.
Skimming through his highlighted tweets (not sure how they’re selected) he seems a bit, well, thick.
I only skimmed the exchange, which sprawls across multiple threads. But Mr Hodges at one point says, “You don’t have a right to dictate how someone views themselves,” as if not rushing to affirm a man’s delusion of womanhood is somehow dictatorial and inherently “abusive.”
Yet he would have mentally unwell men dictate to women how those women see mentally unwell men.
Pronouns: failure to obey got Jordan Peterson banned from practicing as a psychologist–they wanted him to undergo corrective training. Lucky for him he has made a ton of money touring giving talks. He also fled Canada to the US, as I understand it. Oh but it is merely polite to use the pronounds, donchaknow
How fortuitous.
No one would accept the position of Grand Inquisitor.
I should add that it’s possible to have a perfectly civil discussion with someone who imagines themselves to be the opposite sex, or to be some kind of “non-binary” being or whatever. I’ve done it a few times, including in person. I don’t as a rule go out of my way to be provocative or rude. But there’s generally been a tacit understanding that attempts to make me mouth dishonesties will not be welcomed.
Because that would be provocative and rude.
Nice, Chocolate Bourbon, Custard Cream, in that order.
We called Chocolate Bourbons, Bourbon Creams.
I recall Malted Milk biscuits could be had with a chocolate coating on one side.
Just sayin’.
The one that was missing, and maybe they didn’t have it in England, was the Fruit Cream (butter cream sandwiched between two vanilla biscuits with a dab of strawberry jam coated with sugar in the centre). It would move to number one and push out the custard cream. All these cookies were sold in Canada under the brand Peak Freans. The more crude among us called them Freak Peens.
[ Makes Innocent Face ]
Begun the fancy biscuit wars have.
Begun the fancy biscuit wars have.
I don’t care where in the world you are, genuine Aussie Tim Tams, everything else is second tier at best.
[ Realises that last night The Other Half scarfed the last of the chewy caramel Tim Tams. ]
[ Mutters, writes shopping list. ]
[ Realises that last night The Other Half scarfed the last of the chewy caramel Tim Tams. ]
Sukin syn. If you can get the dark chocolate ones over there get some and hide them as sweet tasty revenge.
[ Shouting, a vase shatters. ]
Bookmark . . . and my Bronx wants to wish each and every one of you a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Yes indeed.
Is it called that because your remains get crapped out at altitude by the vultures? Seriously, what sort of culture thinks ‘lets leave grandma out to be carrion?;
With some of them you wonder if they actually think they are coming across as radiant, and everyone reacts accordingly.
But with this one I’m gonna say he knows he’s a wretch and is spouting pure bullsplat, because malignant narcissist.
I know virtually nothing about British cookies, but I’m getting the impression that many of them are significantly less sugary than American ones.
Oh, the revolution is already here, Sunshine. You’re just not on the vanguard.
“Now go apologize to your crazy ancap friend who was trying to warn you about this shit for decades.”
Last video I saw he mentioned being in Flagstaff AZ. I think. Somewhere in northern AZ. I don’t know if that’s his permanent hidey-hole. But northern AZ is nice. Flagstaff is high altitude, so it misses the brutal AZ summers.
OMG, I love the graphic that Devon posted at the end of his screed. It’s so effing TRUE.
Does a british website download biscuits to your computer?
I’ve had a couple of products from here that I quite enjoyed.
Ezra Levant did just that to an
inquisitorinvestigator with the Alberta Human Rights Commission.Peterson mentions getting in trouble for his views on climate change. I have suffered at work for this issue also. The irony is that climate change is a complex matter based on complex models. It is a matter of probabilities and degrees (heh). There are certain things the models cannot do at all, such as tornados. The radicals want to turn this into a matter of “belief” but belief in what? As Peterson said, the IPCC forecasts that the world will be much richer in 2100 but not as rich as it might be without climate change. That is not quite “the world is ending”.
The world I was born into: Avon calling. and only a half century later we got 2 girls and a cup. I hear my old man saying, “You’re generation, son”.
Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.
After going to the effort to get scuba certified, I found that since the light quality deteriorates significantly below sixty feet or so, especially in south Florida where I had the majority of my opportunities, I really didn’t see a reason for scuba. In Florida the water isn’t quite as crystal clear as in the Caribbean so 15-30 feet is as deep as needed. Especially as I mostly go to a reef maybe 30 yards off shore. When I was still in decent shape and swimming a couple miles a day, with a decent pair of fins and barring any significant current, I was much better off snorkeling. Got a better workout in as well. That’s not especially exceptional for anyone who has been a high school level competitive swimmer. I did try again last year when I was down there and found since I don’t swim that hard anymore it’s not quite as much fun. Still doable but the current was a bother. In a lagoon or something similar in the Caribbean I still wouldn’t bother with scuba. Just a thought for anyone with similar capabilities. Of course that’s just a sightseeing perspective. If you’re looking to spearfish, scuba.
Today I learned that ‘civil war’ in German is ‘Bürgerkrieg’.
Damn, I hope the tree is okay.
Furries are a pure expression of ancient Indo-European Germanic culture.
All cultures are equal and deserve equal respect.
Heh. The part about “Can I call my wife…”. I’m picturing him getting home and relating why he was late. I’m sure it went well. Mostly sure.
I can understand wanting to cosplay as a critter for whatever reason, but as a CARTOON critter?
Ever read Theodore Cogswell’s Wolfie?
No, but I’ve seen MST3K 822: Overdrawn at the Memory Bank multiple times, where people can “doppel” into an animal’s body for short stints.
I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! That wascally Elon Musk is writing himself big ugly checks while he’s messing with Treasury payments.
Think I read the story – the title definitely rings a bell. Never seen the film.
For those who don’t know, “Overdrawn” was written by John Varley, and it is rumored to be pretty good.
The movie adaptation I linked, you may suspect, is of lesser quality.
I did not know this about Bill Nye, the Science Guy. He married a woman in 2006 but it didn’t exactly work out.
Jordan Peterson interviews Matthew Godwin about the rot in Britain and elsewhere.
I’ve had a couple of products from here that I quite enjoyed.
I’d guess that is an understatement “I quite enjoyed”. Mouthwatering.
He’s not wrong.
This part where they talk about what led to universities and society to get so weird is here.
To me it’s the most important part of their convo.
Proof, perhaps, that the inmates really have been running the asylums?
Temu zebras
I did not know this about Bill Nye, the Science Guy. He married a woman in 2006 but it didn’t exactly work out.
Former California Family Law attorney here. That wording in the Wikipedia entry is misleading. The State does not on its own declare a marriage “invalid”. It is Bill’s filing of a petition for annulment that the State, i.e., a justice in a county courtroom, would be asked to find the marriage void and issue a judgment. Parties can agree to it but must explain to the judge why their marriage should be annulled – there is no “no fault” annulment.
Valid reasons? Could be the marriage was void at the start because it was bigamous or incestuous. Most annulments have fraud as a basis but even then, the fraud has to be intrinisc to the marital relationship, such as one party hiding the fact that they are infertile or they are a philanderer who had no intention to end such behavior even though they represented to the other person they were true to them.
California has no fault divorce. You want a Dissolution of Marriage, you got a Dissolution of Marriage, regardless of how the other party feels. Getting an annulment is an effort and requires an evidentiary hearing.
What the Wikipedia article doesn’t say is whether the parties litigated it or whether they agreed to the annulment and approved it. Bill was the petitioner, it seems. Something I found going down a rabbit hole re: the annulment when Bill said this:
Aahhhh … likely the “letter” was notice that their marriage had not been registered in a timely fashion. It’s a three-step process: license, solemnization; registration. Usually, the officiant handles that paperwork and sends it off to the county records office. So, I think is Bill and Blair got the warning letter saying Pastor Rick Warren didn’t send in the paperwork – but they still had time to remedy it and BE married – saw it as an easy way out, and got their annulment that way. I know that can be done because I actually did such a thing on a case.
Remember Progressive Dining Bint?
Well, good news.
She has more.
Because the assumptions and self-flattery must never, ever end.
Yes, it is.
From here via AoSHQ’s Darth Aggie.
Arnold of the Rings
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
The movie’s 2.3 at IMDB and it has a Canadian vibe…
[Looks further down the page] Oh yeah, it’s at least partially Canadian, so probably a tax credit movie.
I can’t think of a better motto for Philadelphia.