Friday Ephemera (755)
Boobs in a jam, an obliging nudge. || Rice grain Gojira. || I’m no expert, but I don’t think that’s a guitar. || Feel the deep wisdom of her third eye. || Driving with intuition. || How to shrink your lungs. || Laughing while pregnant. || Little helpers. || The progressive retail experience, parts 609, 610, 611, 612, and 613. || Beef pottage and other thrills of the Medieval tavern. || You know, I question the physics. || Big and clicky, the way you like ’em. || On the problems of a billion-story building. || Tibetan sky burial. || Bottled for freshness. || Espionage essentials. || Question asked. || Taking out the trash. || More adventures in trash management. || His “first ever lesson” is to make small children memorise his own fabulist pronouns. || And finally, one to be filed under poolside etiquette.
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My cut-to-the-chase standard response is to ask if Donald Trump told anyone to drink bleach. Any answer other than “No” is met with, “Well you’re just a bloody/f****g idiot. There is nothing else to discuss”. And they always say something other than “No”.
Also, telemedicine. I can see a random doctor right here over Zoom and order up some antibiotics for a sinus infection.
I posted that video on another forum, and someone had a similar response, having spent about a decade in NZ and seeing how the white Kiwis fairly worship the Maori.
Looks like the Maori youth have had it up to here with imported white Woke nonsense.
OK, she’s been tipsy before, there have been favorable edits, but she’s gotta be absolutely hammered here. Half the country voted for this idiot and they think the rest of us are the idiots.
There are several videos of the exchange. And the psychology in play is, shall we say, familiar.
Whoa. That’s a word salad where the dressing is Wild Turkey. (and the look on Doug’s face in the background … ! )
I just learned a new word: enantiodromia
“the tendency of things to change into their opposites, especially as a supposed governing principle of natural cycles and of psychological development.”
I didn’t notice him being there before. She is so far beyond what I had seen in other episodes, I’m guessing he set her up. The party doesn’t need/want her anymore so the ones who kept her somewhat on an even keel are gone. If she continues to crash and burn it’s not going to look good for any of them. It will be interesting to watch how they spin it. Trump’s fault. Which it isn’t of course, but kinda is.
Of course, if David tried that today, he’d get arrested.
The concept of our genial host as a single mother, screaming or not, does not compute.
It’s curious that although German law applied to all totalitarianisms, both fascist and communist, the communists-in-all-but-name “somehow” continue to participate in government while anyone who is not at least center-left is treated as a fascist.