Progressive Dining Protocol
From the realm of the tightly-wound and twitchy, how to eat out while being a needy, neurotic, self-dramatising pinhead:
You can go into any restaurant and ask to be served by an ally or trans positive person.
And you can leave if the restaurant is playing Fox News. Most importantly, you can smugly eat chips while you make a video.
— Dr. Jebra Faushay (@JebraFaushay) February 11, 2025
So far as I can make out, the rules are as follows.
First, you should expect the restaurant’s serving staff to be conveniently categorised by their sexual inclinations or some other “ally” attribute, as if that weren’t presumptuous and intrusive – and, you know, weird. And should a pleasingly downtrodden identity be available – and said person dragged into your luminous presence – then you can bestow upon them your glorious and not-at-all-self-serving affirmation.
Naturally, you should make sure everyone sees. And hey, who wouldn’t want to be wheeled out as a prop, an accessory, for someone else’s attention-seeking project?
Oh, and then – but of course – you video yourself talking, with a mouth full of food, about how morally superior you are, before uploading this proof of your own magnificence to social media. Where applause will surely follow.
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Also, open thread.
Why am I not surprised she’s eating alone?
So, she ‘used to be a waitress’. I wonder why she no longer is. And what she is now, apart from insufferable, of course.
Another A.W.F.U.L.
*shocked face*
It’s always about segregation with these people, isn’t it?
You’re not an “ally”? Well, we’re out of here. We refuse to share space with the unclean.
They’re getting weirder and weirder, but this time I think normies and quasi-normies are fleeing their scene (I hope they are, anyway), until there’s this little evaporated pool of Cluster Bs performing their neuroses to an empty auditorium.
What if…
… we didn’t have Canada anymore?
That would actually make me feel sad, to see the dissolution of what for so many decades was a benign country. What of the northern territories? Do we just absorb them along with Alberta, bridging the gap to Alaska?
Laughed, not sorry.
It doesn’t seem to have occurred to madam that being wheeled out as a prop in her ostentatious display of piety might not be a welcome or pleasurable experience. Not everyone appreciates public condescension.
Have they been openly declaring their intent to murder patients based on some other criteria?
Also, isn’t it generally the case that serving staff are assigned to particular tables? And if so, wouldn’t demanding a particular waiter or waitress, or a particular identity subset of waiter or waitress, be disruptive?
And what if we extended this philosophy to other identity categories? “I’d prefer to be served by the white one, thank you.”
Yes, usually, unless it’s slow and they’re alternating taking tables. You could conceivably ask to be seated in the section of an “ally,” I guess. But still…
I just wish she’d finish chewing before saying the mad woman stuff.
Heh. It’s not a great look, no.
Jose, ai Jose – tenemos un “trans” aqui?
Ja, ja,ja – quien lo quiere?
Esa dama alla, en filmando con el iPhone.
Ah, ella. Si, esa puta esta aqui cada semana con el pinche “trans”. Pendeja. Escucha, dile a Nando que se ponga un vestido por la propina . . .
Funny how she’s in a Mexican restaurant. She’s bringing Western enlightenment to those ethnic types, you know.
[ Rustling of bin liner, a single, very familiar Nestlé Shreddie slides along bar to Stephanie. ]
But remember, dear readers, always respect the media.
I can imagine her making the request for the server menu.
The waiter says, well we don’t have any trans today, but we do have Mfume, who’s third world and quite deaf.
She says, Hmm. Do you have any Inuits today?
No, fresh out.
Yes! We have a lovely Peruvian, grass-fed and artsy, plays the panpipes, quite authentic, horribly oppressed.
Oh, that sounds lovely.
Perfect, I’ll send him-her-it over. Marty! Send out Cusco!
She’s like a character straight out of Dickens.
Would that be an uneducated crank who identifies as a physician?
What have you got against pins?
This . . . person . . . seems to revel in being disruptive.
I hope they all do that. Concentrate the cray-cray in places I would likely rather not frequent anyway.
In leu of dog, and more fitting in a Mexican context, here’s an Egyptian mummy in a sombrero.
Nah. Fiscally, Quebec is a sucking chest wound – they have a provincial surplus, but only becasue they cash a federal “equalization” cheque – currently to the tune of $14Bn (CAD). They also exert a pernicious influence on the general conduct of government: the requirement for bilingual service means that Quebeckers are significantly over represented in the senior civil service, and they bring their ‘crony economy’ attitude with them.
Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC together would be a viable economic unit – but I don’t know if it would be politically viable – British Columbians include some loopy progressives, who have been taught that “Alberta” is a synonym for “evil, rapacious planet-destroyer” – so at least the elections would be lots of fun.
When you get your news, and worldview, from MSNBC.
off topic but a rant about feminism: Marriage is a partnership for mutual benefit and the raising of children.
Men cut grass, shovel snow, do plumbing, electrical, move stuff, pay bills, help kids with homework, teach kids sports, kill spiders, glue things back together, work overtime, commute farther, on and on jobs (US suburbs for context)
Traditional things women did: sew, cook, clean, take care of kids. All of these things are considered by feminists to be exploitation now, so many young women refuse to do them, even proud that they can’t cook. They rarely take over the jobs men used to do. About 5% of people cutting grass I see are women. In many cases, if the woman works, it is “her” money and goes in a separate account so not even helping with expenses. So it becomes a broken partnership.
I remember the good old days when we didn’t really care.
ESR makes some fundamental howling errors right at the beginning of that piece, so the rest of it is completely worthless. Freeland is an idiot and Quebec will never secede from Canada.
The problem with Canadian Kremlinology is that it relies on what Canada says, rather than looking at what Canada actually does. They’re very much not the same. Without living here and seeing the day-to-day actions of the various levels of government up close it’s impossible to grasp how deep the deception goes. And living terminally online risks mistaking a very loud minority for significance.
The people in control of Quebec will never, ever secede. Period. It isn’t going to happen. Much like Trump’s tariffs, the threat of secession is what Quebec uses to preserve its privileged position within Confederation. The problem is that les plebs didn’t get the memo. The 1995 secession referendum almost succeeded because the PQ got the populace a little too whipped up over it and they’ve backed way down ever since. The rest of Canada has also had enough of it; the broad sentiment now is “**** ’em, let ’em leave.” Neither the PQ nor the government of Canada would ever allow a secession referendum to succeed regardless of what the votes were.
Also, there is not an active secessionist movement in Alberta. There’s a lot of elderly rural folks who talk about it, but numerically they’re inconsequential. Like every other province, Alberta is ruled by its cities and Calgary is as corruptly leftist as Toronto.
Everyone here is losing their **** over the 51st state joke by Trump. It was a joke. The full quote was “Canada should become the 51st state, with Wayne Gretzky as the governor.” No part of Canada is ever going to become part of the US. It’s not in the US’ interests, and aside from an inconsequential vocal minority here no one wants it.
[ Stretching, grunting, general heroism. ]
All that just to order dinner?
[ Theme from Rocky. ]
Yes, the Gretsky thing was a tell but putting that aside, I got into a discussion online, don’t think it was here, about how such a thing could possibly play out. My point being that both countries are so miserably lawyered up, it would take generations to unwind/reset things if possible at all. Even assuming any remotely plausible AI assistance. The lawyers would love it. Good thing we don’t let them run…wait a minute…how many lampposts Canada got?
Everyone forgets trees are a renewable resource. Not to mention the multiplicity of branches.
Two nurses at Bankstown Hospital, located in Sydney’s western suburbs, have been removed from their positions after declaring on video they would refuse to treat—and would kill—Israeli patients who presented for care.
If you want that to continue, you probably have to be selective about what you mean by “we” and what you mean by “all”. “Mateship” is historically a transplanting of the specific class and racial tensions of a teeny corner of northwest Europe, and their rechanneling against the hard environment and the soft poms. Characterizing it Australians longing to provide togetherness and healthcare to anyone who chooses to turn up is ahistorical and manipulative.
Tribal considerations being alien to your ways of living is like gravitational considerations being alien to your ways of building. But good structural engineering lets you live as if gravity wasn’t a consideration. If you’re Australia it should be easy to live without tribalism being a consideration: for example, don’t import the tribes who want to kill you. But that would be specific and discriminatory, and therefore Not Who We Are.
Gas station convenience stores are sacred to Australians. Nothing represents Our Values more than the AC power grid. What offends Australians most of all is the desecration of the authority of the DHL delivery driver uniform. But instead of worshiping the amenities as we invite them to, immigrants are just using the amenities and keeping their own forms of worship and identity. We’re all surprised by this.
Didn’t one of them admit/confess to killing Israelis?
Claimed to have.
Have the cries of ‘Islamophobia’ started up yet?
People tend to forget that at the nation-to-nation level laws are irrelevant because there’s no higher power to enforce them (also known as the “how many divisions has the Supreme Court?” doctrine).
I can foresee a reasonable future where Canada, having replaced Trudeau with Carney, re-elects a Liberal majority by riding anti-American sentiment. The US plays hardball with the border and tariffs, industry flees Canada and the economy crashes down to 40 cents on the dollar. The rural parts of Saskatchewan, Alberta and the BC interior make a plea to the US for territorial status and Trump (or possibly President Vance) makes an offer to Canada akin to the Louisiana Purchase.
Now I don’t think Canada would (psychologically) or could (economically) accept such a deal, but I can see it being made in good faith by the US.
Ummm…sorry for derailing the thread with boring Canadian inside lacrosse. Um…leftists, eh? Crazy fuckers, amirite?
Heh. With the rhetoric of “Oh my God oh my God Trump supporters are regretting their votes” going on and considering I gave my phone number to some Canadian I had a conversation with last month before Christmas on the beach in Fort Lauderdale who said he would check in with me when all goes inevitably to shit under Trump…I’m kinda little bit nervous waiting for the phone to ring. So it is good to hear some Canadian perspective on where Canadians’ heads are at…just in case.
I wish my fellow Canadians would spend as much time determining who they’re going to vote for as they do selecting the right “made in Canada” ketchup.
I introduced the issue, and I was very much hoping you’d expound and provide corrections to ESR’s post.
I ran into this today, about married women and working outside the home:
So it’s kinda weird to think of a woman’s salary as “hers” rather than belonging to the whole household.
Just fed up.
Well to start with, her name is Chrystia Freeland, not Cynthia Freeland and she is gobstoppingly stupid. She is unaffectionately referred to as “Garden Gnome Barbie.” She doesn’t stand a snow ball’s chance in hell of replacing Trudeau. Mark Carney has all but been anointed as the next chosen one by the Liberals and the media–oops, I repeat myself. Carney hasn’t lived in Canada full-time in over a decade and is broadly recognized as a disaster for his policies while the head of the Bank of England. You can google what a former British Prime Minister has to say about him.
Daniel Ream is correct, Quebec will never leave. They can’t go it alone and they’d never get the same special deal it has with Canada in the U.S. Quebec is treated as an economic have-not province and receives transfer payments from the Federal Government, largely funded by Alberta. What doesn’t get talked about enough, is that Quebec is not a have-not province. It simply doesn’t have to count its energy export revenues in the formula that determines transfer payments.
I’ve said it here before Canadians are like spoiled children who define being Canadian as not being American. Yet most are stupidly jingoistic enough and economically ignorant enough not to understand how badly they’ll lose a trade war with the U.S.
I wasn’t joking when I said the average Canadian spends more time looking for made in Canada products (like ketchup) than they do really understanding the consequences of who they elect to parliament. Trudeau has spent the last 9 years turning Canada into a post-National state. He has destroyed whatever culture we may have had and weakened our ability to compete internationally. He’s all but ensured that the oil industry will have to continue to sell its product at a discount. He’s shut down pipeline developments that would have improved our energy infrastructure. He has turned away foreign trade in oil and gas. (Trump just did an LNG deal with Japan after Trudeau turned them down two years ago,) His suicidal green energy policies and carbon tax have impoverished Canadians, made us uncompetitive, and lowered our productivity.
If as Daniel Ream suggests, Canadians elect Carney to be Prime Minister (which is distinct possibility) things will only get worse. Carney has been an advisor to the previous Government and a strong proponent of the same policies. But if I buy French’s ketchup, that’ll show that bad orange man.
We are a broken country in need of reform. What few people seem to understand is, our current Prime Minister not only didn’t win the popular vote, he manages to rule, almost absolutely with around a third of the vote and a minority of seats in parliament. Our interpretation of the Westminster parliamentary system allows political parties to set their own rules for selecting their leaders. For example, in England, the Prime Minister can be chucked out by his own party. This has happened several times in the recent past. In Canada, the Liberal’s party constitution makes it almost impossible to remove an underperforming leader who doesn’t want to leave. The will of the people is not adequately represented in our parliament. It lacks the checks and balances of the American system.
dicentra: no offense but I was referring to what feminism has wrought–the “my money” thing I have heard a dozen times, more often than simple mingling of paychecks. I agree it is “weird”. Of course women worked throughout history: but the jobs were usually different. Women only ploughed fields if their man died. There was plenty to do in the house on an 1830 US farm. Imagine 5 kids, an aunt, 2 farmhands all needing to be fed with no modern kitchen appliances. Oh, and you, the wife, need to sew all the clothes too. The husband was much more likely to be killed by his job though.
My point in all this is that every single way in which women historically helped financially and otherwise support the family has been labeled by feminists as “oppression” and degrading.
Or laundry appliances.
And very little in the way of modern prepared or semi-prepared foods. Everything had to be prepared and cooked from scratch.
Because Marxists have always wanted to destroy the family.
OMG – she found me out!
Figuring out which barista is the biggest, most insanely neurotic anti-capitalist commie-loving sexual freaker is precisely how I always get the best ristretto pull.
Dammit, now everyone knows.
Evergreen tweet.
Quite the discussion I see. Don’t get me started.
This is the same old saw that Bruce Hutchison tried to sell us back in the 1970s, how you couldn’t bisect the country and expect it to survive. BS. Moreover, if Canada is partitionable, Quebec is too. (“Hah, what are they going to do, send in the Army?” And what is Quebec going to do, send in the SQ?)
Also, it’s an odd sentiment coming from someone whose country includes Alaska and Hawaii.
Provincial governments don’t keep each other in Confederation. The Constitution (BNA) Act does.
You’d know better about BC, being closer to it than I, but my impression has always been that once you got any further east than the Second Narrows bridge, you were in deep-blue Tory country with a few patches of traditionalist NDP (loggers and smelter workers), and no loopy leftists to be found. Makes southern Alberta look like the Toronto Annex.
Precisement. Eugene Forsey pointed this out back in the 60s, or maybe before. The nationalists want control over everything in Quebec along with the same representation in the House, the Senate, and the Ministry. Forsey called it “a state of neo-colonialism, with Quebec as the imperial power”.
They’ll never go. They love the “knife to the throat” strategy too well.
You would not believe the number of seemingly normal people around here whose sole understanding of U.S. politics is (today) “Orange Man Bad” (2008) “Ooooh, Barry so kewl” (2004) “Bushitler”. Their opinion is worth precisely what you paid for it. Mind you, you Yanquis have your share of them too.
Life might go to shit under Trump, but not for any reasons that guy could have given you.
Steve E:
I’ll run with that. But one of the reasons they define themselves that way is the deliberate subversion of the national story by the Authorized Version, which is now an amalgam of “horrible colonialism…killed off the indigenous with smallpox blankets and whiskey…subjugated the poor habitants…misery, oppression, bla, bla, bla…the only good thing we ever did was peacekeeping in Suez”.
These people don’t have a grip on the real history, which is very creditable. Dicentra called it “benign” but it was a great deal more than that. There was conquest, yes, but I’d put it up against any other country’s history for humaneness. But no, we have to pull down statues, and with them, our understanding of ourselves.
Steve, there is no popular vote, other than in the news the day after the general election. There are 343 elections for the Commons. Don’t confuse the number of votes each party gets nationally with the will of the people. That rests on the assumption that political parties somehow “represent” the electors. They do not; none of them do. Parties do not exist to represent electors. Parties exist to exercise political power by forming and carrying on governments. Parties are not our friends.
Not strictly true. If Liberal MPs had genuinely wanted to get rid of Trudeau, they could have voted with the Opposition on a confidence question. But they’d need to (1) put the country before their party and (2) find something fleshy in their shrivelled scrotal sacs. No Liberal has ever done those two things at once. Hell, no Liberal since Ralph Cowan has done even one of those things at once.
You don’t have to take my word for it about a confidence vote – James Bowden, an editor of the Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, here:
Toldja not to get me started.
“Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s bastard child.” Yup, we’ve got ‘em.
Everything I know about Canuck history comes from Canadian Railroad Trilogy. Anything that contradicts that vision is a filthy lie.
If you want to talk about how cool they is.