Friday Ephemera (754)
Toilet-related suspense. || The slightest of smiles. || Surprisingly upright. || Dinner and a show. || Abundant condiments. || Place your bets. || Cops and robbers. || A beginner’s guide to nuclear physics, explained with Fuzzy Felt. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || A brief history of Super Glue. || I think this makes him King of the Dogs. || Big and flexible. || Social gaffe. || Heavyweight altercation with bonus faeces. || Lifestyle influencers. || Helping hand. || Hairy food. || Monastery. || Incoming. || Incoming 2. || More joys of public transport. || Answers on a postcard, please. || On apotemnophilia, a parable for our times. || Just the one portion, thanks. || Man makes poor decision. || Chopstick stuck. || Snake watch. || A situation had arisen. || And finally, niche kink meets product demonstration.
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Pocket square for last week’s suit?
Didn’t even have to triple-dog-dare him.
Friend ran to the Doctor and asked what to do.
Doctor said you have to suck out the venom.
Friend runs back to snake bite victim.
Victim asks, “What did the Doctor say?”
Friend says, “He said you’re going to die.”
By the way, I saw what you did there with the watch and and the snake bite.
Appropriately, I believe one name for that mould is cat hair!
Oh, I thought you said onomatopoeia.
Never mind.
*sniff* Has someone been chopping onions?
That was not what I was expecting.
Grandma was prepared.
Morning, all.
Babies and snakes.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
Close call.
A communist prattles, lies, safe in the knowledge that borders enable his preening and parasitic fantasies.
Fishing without bait.
They never seem to understand this one word: jurisdiction. If there were no boundaries, there would be one governmental entity to rule them all, and it would never respond to anyone’s needs, because it wouldn’t have to.
Nightmare situation. Or maybe this dude is a sociopath, because sociopaths don’t respect boundaries.
Poor woman. The degree of self-harm evident there. I wonder if she can tell how ugly she is, or if it all looks dandy to her.
The nation state is not a “fiction”. It’s not a “very recent one.” And it wasn’t “invented for the benefit of capital and imperialism.”
3 lies in one paragraph.
“On apotemnophilia, a parable for our times.“
“Upon investigation, the hospital deemed the procedures unethical…”
Ah, sensible times….
“A situation had arisen.”
Looks like a mangrove snake, and luckily for him, I think those are rear-fanged, so not as close a call as it might have been.
And Mr deBoer’s “ideal world” would be short-lived, quite bloody, and not at all ideal, even for him.
He’s an academic, you know. An intellectual.
[ Sees dicentra’s comment of 6:45 am, deploys innocent face. ]
Ah, that should do it.
Demanding too much suspension of disbelief or delightfully contrived? You decide.
Man’s got style. It’s exactly how I would’ve done it.
Will this be on the test?
Never too young to learn a death roll.
Life skills.
The perfect Tweet for that ‘Oh no….anyway’ gif.
The perfect Tweet for that
No worries, she has enough of herself to last 4 years
I was expecting something a lot worse (and yes I clicked anyway).
Did Dr. Robert Smith have the cure for them?
That was surprisingly intense.
Once the drama begins, you have to see how it plays out. I mean, how often do you get the chance?
Also, project for the weekend. The wife will love it.
He should have kept taking those antipsychotics.
He’s Vogueing
She bought multiples so they wouldn’t argue over the inheritance.
Fascinating. I watched it all.
If we find enough of these locations, we can solve the Palestinian crisis.
A brief history of Super Glue.
At last, the mystery of nose piercings is revealed, as the gal in the video shows, they are there to keep problem glasses from falling off.
Where to begin?
Place your bets
Hippo, ftw.
Abundant condiments
Mental illness. Look, I would give a pass to those who were raised during The Great Depression but none of those people are alive. And I understand that there are people who were raised in low income households and they can have pack rat tendencies (I’m married to one), but there is a difference between collectors of, say, mid-century furniture and those whose homes are inundated by a decor that is all things geese, or unicorns, or shot glasses. I recall watching a TV show that featured a fellow in Middle Tennessee that built three barns simply to house his collection of nearly 100,000 coffee cups – not special ones, but ones coming from a local auto dealership’s promotion in addition to others picked up while traveling.
I think this makes him King of the Dogs
Yes. Yes, it does.
Hairy food
It grew its own cat. I don’t see the problem.
You know, my aforementioned husband always says he is getting me an opinion for Christmas since I never seem to have one and the bastard never comes through.
Surprisingly upright.
They see me glidin’, they hidin’ . . .
Look, I would give a pass to those who were raised during The Great Depression but none of those people are alive.
Maybe not many, but yes there are, and if that couple is cleaning out a recently deceased grandma, she was one.
The insanity is spreading: “Just under two weeks ago, I underwent surgery to ensure that I would never have to navigate a pregnancy in Donald Trump’s America”
I am confused as to how the food chain works in Australia
Typical lowlife killed by another typical lowlife.
Charles Murray leads an isolated life. Needs to read this blog regularly.
Wisconsin man, not Florida man.
Not even David’s fine establishment?
That would be a big nope.
It’s also a perfect illustration of the lies the elites have been foisting on us for the last 4 years: average normal people have been complaining about the price of food for that long, but were told everything is great, the economy is booming, while the husk-puppet’s string-pullers are throwing government money around like drunken sailors. Husk-puppet hasn’t even been gone a month yet, but because they don’t have to prop him up anymore, all of a sudden Jabba the Hutt here is complaining about the cost of food. Kindly do eff off, you lying pile of lard.
lost 50lbs because can’t afford to eat in Trump’s economy: He has been in office 2 weeks. Unless she only eats eggs… not possible.
Snakes and babies: yes, they are not afraid, but even tame non-venomous snakes can bite.
Pam Bondi in the first 24 hrs has filed lawsuits against Ilinois and Chicago govs about ICE. They are doubling down on protecting criminals.
I should put that on a blimp.
[ Ugly mob chases Ted out of village. ]
You’re gonna need a larger lair of evil for that blimp hanger.
Lack of knowledge does have consequences.
Gilgamesh would like a word.
Ridley Scott’s Alien walkthrough, part three.
But, thankfully, not her genes.
As long as books are allowed, in a heartbeat.
For the cost of a bag or two of Cheetos . . .
Stupid babies!
Stupid adults. There’s a reason to learn to be wary of snakes. Standing around gushing about how babies aren’t afraid of the snake among them speaks to a naivetè regarding the world and its dangers.
Cow eating a snake: cow, deer, other herbivores will eat a small animal if they can get one, such as bird eggs or baby birds, because their diet is low in both calcium and protein. They will chew on old bones too.
Perhaps a broken jaw would help.
For context, the chap was filming, from a distance, the crackheads in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, I believe.
For the cost of a bag or two of Cheetos® . . .
The word of the day is “Flensing”.
New Thing-You-Mustn’t-Say just dropped.
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
The gene pool breathes a sigh of relief.
[ Admires gritting of drive and pavement, awaits snow. ]
[ Fetches binoculars, peers at sky, defiantly. ]
Is ‘baa’ still on?
Why do they always feel the need to publicly announce these things?
It’s almost as if it’s really about the public show.
It’s encouraging, In a way, to know that disingenuous idiots aren’t the exclusive province of the coastal United States.
Well then, what the hell did the farmer in the dell take? Hi ho, the derry o.
How is an honest descriptive a ‘stereotype’? It’s as if these people are eager to erase women, and their no-woke-approved choices, yet again.
Timothy Treadwell would like a word. Timothy…Timothy…? Oh, that’s right…
Pictures or it didn’t happen.
The fact that Freddie de Boer writes for Unherd explains a great deal of that site’s decline..
Let the mockery continue
I’m just going to leave this here, I think.
I think that first guy might have done some time.
[ Sudden doubts about what goes on during deer hunting season ]
Better than being chased by a sentient bubble.
Please raise your hand if you’re surprised.
If, perchance, you should go, do try the omelette.
Something to keep in mind. Thanks.
This keeps happening: Arrested 13 times, but not deported.
Bukele will take him for a fee.
How about we use the number of convictions as exponents for the distance of the plane above the ground – 10¹ for the first conviction, 10² for the second, 10³ for the third, &c., &c.?
A drama in three acts.
The horrors of modern medicine continue apace.
The passage of time — or perhaps time compression.
Atrocities abound.
Some bending of the light.
[ Peers out of window, sees no snow. ]
Almost disappointed now.
But surely these vulnerable men are merely misunderstood and just need another chance to get their lives on track?
This whole winter season, my weather app has reported that it’s snowing or raining where I am, and I look outside and nuthin’.
Drives me crazy.
Yep. The weather app and various local news sites warned of eight hours of snowfall overnight, hence my heroic gritting efforts. This morning, not a bean. And now the grit may be washed away by a light drizzle this afternoon. Before snow arrives, possibly, some time on Tuesday.
[ Shakes fist at heavens. ]
Attention, lesbians. I bring good news.
Charming head-tilts.
[ Slurps coffee, watches a snowless sky. ]