Friday Ephemera (754)
Toilet-related suspense. || The slightest of smiles. || Surprisingly upright. || Dinner and a show. || Abundant condiments. || Place your bets. || Cops and robbers. || A beginner’s guide to nuclear physics, explained with Fuzzy Felt. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || A brief history of Super Glue. || I think this makes him King of the Dogs. || Big and flexible. || Social gaffe. || Heavyweight altercation with bonus faeces. || Lifestyle influencers. || Helping hand. || Hairy food. || Monastery. || Incoming. || Incoming 2. || More joys of public transport. || Answers on a postcard, please. || On apotemnophilia, a parable for our times. || Just the one portion, thanks. || Man makes poor decision. || Chopstick stuck. || Snake watch. || A situation had arisen. || And finally, niche kink meets product demonstration.
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Or, screechy bitches told no, splutter in disbelief.
‘screechy bitches told no, splutter in disbelief’
This Trump sequel is proving better than the original- how often does that happen?
I don’t know how long the Ephemera post will stay but we’ve gotten into Page 2 of comments so I need a picture to find my way when I read the blog again tomorrow morning.
Besides, it’s dogs. Driving down a back road in the Florida Keys I saw this fellow casually bicycling down the road with his Basenjis. Meet Yogi and Yoshi. They belong to Captain Lenny, a local fishing guide.
Meanwhile, the new speed dating.
Which is why Europe should welcome them with open arms and wallets. /sarcasm
LOL: “There are no thieves and thugs out here. We’re members of Congress.”
@Stephanie, thx. I find those pics useful as well for that purpose.
Lesbian dating app: why is it always the ugliest men? And, just FYI, if you (an XY) still want sex with women you are not a lesbian.
Musk: he is an employee of the president, working on Trump’s behest. For them to rail against him because he is “unelected” is priceless stupidity. They cannot say the real reason they are mad of course.
Thanks for that.
Now accepting bookings for my two new bands: Niche Kink; and the Egg Farm Gangsters.
Turns out the whole week in pictures is pretty sweet.
Turns out DOGE is just a renaming of an Obama-era org:
That’s where DOGE gets its legitimacy: from the Democrats!
And perhaps a French Maid outfit, a bad wig, and a revised birth certificate.
Who knew male-pattern baldness was so fetching?
It was nice while it lasted, but Elon has now been undone by $7.99.
But all the pagans I’ve known have said that casting spells on people cannot work because it bounces back on the spell caster. And besides, pagans are nice people who would never cast a spell that would cause anyone harm or distress. 😀
The dems cannot grasp that Trump has a sense of humor and irony. He is also patriotic. These are 3 things they have never experienced. So have some sympathy (just kidding).
From the world of Progressive Minded Gastronomy…
From the world of Progressive Minded Gastronomy…
Have all of you noticed that virtually all the supermarket bakery goods list soy as an ingredient? Lots of canned soup, too.
We can be absolutely sure that leftists want to make bugs just as pervasive.
Fascist tendencies in the publicly anti-fascist Germany.
Or you can call it communist tendencies. Whatever.
Getting us to eat bugs is all about humiliation. Plus you can bet they’ve got friends poised to raise them at a huge profit.
Physician, heal thyself.
Wouldn’t be surprising to find the government of every Western country with agencies and departments actively working against their citizenry. Representative government is increasingly a thing of the past.
Until it is revealed by autists with algorithms.
Meanwhile they will continue to eat steak.
Remember all those stories about killer cars?