Friday Ephemera (752)
I did not see that coming. || A not entirely compelling arrangement. || The next part of the plan is unclear to me. || Incoming. || A collection of Doctor Who title cards. || Mathematics and the Moon. || This is one of these. || An inexact landing. || Autonomous bus, China. || A brief history of arsenic. || Eating uranium, 1985. || Traffic obstruction. || Rugs. || Flattened dog rugs. || Gyrations. || Things deemed racist, a thread of some length. || An awkward pause, a rambling evasion. || Those poor darling looters. || He had a cunning plan. || Perfect for urban skies. || Problematic wheel orientation. || Surprisingly solid. || She hates America with a passion, but you have to pay her to leave. || Public domain image archive. (h/t, Things) || Artful. || Family activity. || And finally, it came from the asteroid belt.
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Can’t believe you didn’t pick this one.
Another reason to acquire Greenland – ice floes.
Perhaps a tad too realistic.
Sometimes you win.
Sometimes you lose.
And you manage to look awesome both times.
I notice they don’t reveal the sound, probably because it kicks up an unholy racket.
Also, imagine dozens or hundreds of those in the sky at once. You barely clip someone and both of you fall to your death.
Sweet romantic moment.
Decidedly un-sweet: Andrew Gold interviews Raja Miah, who has been uncovering the ties between the grooming gangs, local mosques, and Labour.
Who are these braindead people who feel looters are risking running into a fire?
Looters target evacuation areas. Between the time owners have packed up the kids, pets and important documents and when the firetrucks arrive (can be hours or days), looters feel free to liberate all manner of household or store contents.
Years ago, one of my friends had to evacuate their neighborhood (upscale) for a fire. Husband needed to go back for some documents he forgot and found a rented truck in his driveway and several people emptying the house.
He blocked the truck with his car and called the police. Luckily, they were around the corner (literally) as they were checking to see if everyone had left.
‘Flattened dog rugs.‘
Can’t wait until these show up on estate agent’s sales photos!
It’s what kids are FOR.
I have the hardest time determining whether they’re brick stupid or if they’re emotionally complicit, and saying that they’re Jean Valjean desperate for half a loaf of bread is just cover for their own sociopathy.
Will this be on the test?
Morning, all.
[ Deploys innocent face. ]
[ Slurps coffee. ]
I generally think of it as a mix of spite, unrealism, and an urge to be perverse.
Some liberties may have been taken:
Or, See the world through his eyes.
Have you ever dreamed about solving the problem of who should step aside — and to which side — when meeting someone coming the other way on the sidewalk?
Dream no more: the Japanese have gotchu, fam.
Maybe a cognitive distortion, like an anorexic girl who thinks she’s fat, but in this case it’s a dumpy bloke who genuinely sees himself as a winsome girl. (If that were the case, he wouldn’t alter the avatar.)
So instead he’s an AGP who knows damn well he’s a freak but wears a shit-eating grin because he knows we have to play along.
“I love being me.” But he thinks he’s someone totally different.
The most hilarious outcome is the most likely, says Elon.
Make it so.
Well, I think it’s why the ‘trans’ issue is so chafing. It’s a demand that reality be overridden by fantasy. Often, a glaringly obvious fantasy. And so, there’s an element of insult, an attempt to gaslight, to dominate the perceptions of others.
I am, by temperament, fairly easy-going and difficult to scandalise, and I doubt I’d spend my evenings being vexed by some strangers who like to cross-dress or live as the opposite sex. I have better things to do.
But the demand for laws to compel others to pretend, and to never stop pretending – to make the rest of us complicit, participants in the fantasy – is another matter. Insisting that everyone else surrender their probity and become dishonest and absurd, mouthing lies as and when instructed, is not generally a way to make friends.
The worst thing is the audience applaud her.
Yes. You almost have to admire the chutzpah, the blatant evasion and denial of reality. It’s a bold gambit. And apparently, it worked.
Again, the prevailing assumption in the room was we will pretend. And so, they did.
Some are a little more high-maintenance than others.