Perhaps The Cardboard Has Magical Properties
Lifted from the comments, where WTP alerts us to more fun times for commuters in the San Francisco Bay Area:
❓ Did you know ❓
You can ask any station agent for BART’s free bystander intervention cards, which you can use if you’re experiencing or witnessing harassment in stations and trains.
Here’s how they work 👇
— BART (@SFBART) March 29, 2024
The cards, we’re assured, are “a concrete way to deal with an unsafe situation.” Though given the consequences of recent attempts at intervention – or what Bay Area Rapid Transit refers to as “allyship” – readers may wonder whether prompt and meaningful assistance may be less frequent than one might wish.
In case you had doubts, WTP adds, “This is not parody.”
Perhaps we can look forward to the issuing of “I am being stabbed” cards. And some “The man next to me is masturbating” cards. It does have the makings of an unhappy board game. It also calls to mind this uplifting scene from no-less-progressive Portland:
What the card for that would say, I leave to the reader.
Update, via the comments:
Diogenese asks, if direct and effective intervention has been discouraged and entails a serious risk of punishment,
Well, I’m assuming the point is largely to misdirect, to conjure an illusion. To give credulous progressive women, like the ladies in the video, the impression that the situation isn’t as bizarrely horrible as it actually is. And to make credulous progressive women imagine that progressives are The Ones Who Care, while so much of what they touch gets much worse, quite rapidly.
But hey, if you’re travelling to work on a BART train and some deranged creep starts masturbating against your leg, or pissing on the floor, or you find yourself standing next to yet another knife fight, or overdose, or commuter mugging – and no-one else does anything, or dares to do anything, except watch impotently and demoralised – because even noticing such things is racist – at least you’ll have a little card to clutch. Apparently that’s something.
And – and – every woman in the explanatory video, every single one of them, has brown skin. So there’s that.
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Gonna need a minute…
Step Three:
● May I post the picture to my Instagram/video to my TikTok?
Well there is your problem right there, not unlike this which explains a lot.
“People Who Use Psychedelics Know More About the Climate Crisis, Study Finds”
The word “know” is doing extremely heavy lifting there.
The fraction of researchers who are ideologically driven frauds keeps growing.
Yes, it’s a head-scratcher. I should offer a prize or something.
This is reality now, isn’t it?
See also, shoplifting and organised looting, and indeed crime in general.
A browse through the policing category tag may suggest a pattern.
There is a reason that chauvinist is a French word.
Whereas in reality it’s the opposite: The English speaking peoples are the Radiantly Superior Beings. (In spite of beans on toast and pineapple on pizza.)
Apparently that movie about the multiverse was a documentary…how do I get back on the right timeline?
OT, but speaking of timelines and the celebration of Easter falling over into today in some parts… The Greatest Action Story Ever Told.
Though given the consequences of recent attempts at intervention
They can take their cards, shove them where the sun don’t shine, and enjoy the Progressive Utopia they’ve made for themselves. When protecting the feelings of criminals and harrassers is the top priority of the people in charge, who are you, lowly public transportation customer, to object to the criminals’/harrassers’ “different ways of being”?
Perhaps it’s being used in a Biblical sense . . .
See also mass, habitual fare-dodging:
Which is progress, apparently. An achievement unlocked.
It does have the makings of an unhappy board game
Speaking of:
and in response:
The creator of the latter was banned from Kickstarter and had to use alternate platforms. He was briefly banned from BGG but sane people kept adding the page back and BGG eventually gave up.
I was banned from the Bloc by Bloc forums for asking when we were going to get a Trucker expansion.
Pattern detected:
[ Briefly considers cooking. Orders pizza. ]
“If you take family formation out of the equation, then there’s not really much point to anything normative around marriage. Just do whatever you want.”
I disagree: Monogamy remains important for young couples who cannot have children and elderly couples do not plan to have children. (Does that make me more “radical” than Wayne Burkett?)
Will there be pineapple?
With numbers that high, if even close to being true, there’s a moral imperative for the otherwise law abiding to do so themselves. “Conservatives” will cry and disagree. They don’t understand the game that they are being forced to play.
No, the Other Half isn’t keen. My impression is that pineapple on pizza is now considered déclassé, a naff hangover from the Seventies – unless it’s back in a retro-ironic trendy kind of way. I don’t follow pizza fashions that closely. Much to everyone’s surprise.
I remember enjoying pineapple on pizza as a child. Though I think that was probably just excitement at having pizza, which was a treat.
My impression is that pineapple on pizza is now considered déclassé, a naff hangover from the Seventies…
No, it is, and always was, a Communist plot to impurify our precious bodily fluids.
I think I had a slice once, and decided it was okay but not something I’d seek again.
But I have had a number of unconventional pizzas, such as grilled chicken and herbs and vegetables (no tomato sauce) which were very good. I have nothing against unconventional, illegal-in-Italy pizza recipes, but do enjoy denouncing pineapple on pizza as a Sin Deserving of Retribution.
That’s the spirit!
Well, I’m trying to imagine what it must be like to be in the visible and shrinking minority actually paying their way, and paying for the upkeep of a service that countless others use but blatantly choose not to pay for. By which, I mean rob. Given the implied disdain for law-abiding paying commuters, and what that implies more generally, it doesn’t strike me as a happy situation. Or a sustainable one.
The word demoralising comes to mind.
From what I’ve seen and read the most jealous are those not in monogamous relationships.
One of the best I’ve had was a Sicilian style smoked oyster pizza.
Allowing leftists to have power and influence is not sustainable.
As does infuriating.
Not an unintended side-effect.
And if you do intervene you may well get charged yourself. See Daniel Penny and Jordan Neely, a man who had an extensive criminal record, including 42 arrests on charges including petty larceny, jumping subway turnstiles, theft, and three unprovoked assaults on women in the subway.
Liberal women are lamenting the rise in robberies and recreational assaults on women, and yet liberal women voted for the politicians and policies that led to this mess. To quote H L Mencken, they are getting it good and hard.
For me, as a child, the excitement was of having pineapple; but that was probably just the 1970s for you.
I first encountered it on a business trip in Tokyo. There was a Shakey’s Pizza franchise there that was popular with the round-eyes crowd. I just figured it was a Japanese thing as they get really good pineapple there. I thought it was an interesting “cultural appropriation”, NBD thing. Not something I would order but whatever. I’ve only recently (ok like a dozen years ago or so…for me that’s becoming “recently”) noticed that people freak out over this. And similar things. I’ve never understood why people GAS about such things. Like ketchup on hotdogs, of which I recently noticed this. As a native Yinzer, I heartily approve. In your face, Chicago. Literally.
I may have related previously that with the commuter rail in Orlando (diesel train on freight and passenger rail tracks), the ticketing system itself was actually losing money on every ticket printed. Not just the accounting for the fixed costs but somehow the variable cost for each ticket was higher than the price of the ticket. Or at least that’s what some idiot journalist clearly(?) stated in an article I read back during the one month that I used it. Even more reason to not pay. Which would have been rather easy as it effectively operated on the honor system. There were no gates to jump. Commuters were expected to scan their own tickets when getting on and then getting off the train. Supposedly they were being watched but I highly doubted it.
Yes, quite. As a sage commenter once noted. Modesty forbids, etc.
Barbarian wants his reparations. Or else.
I’m not sure who, as Lord Vetinari, I would deport first: Him and his family? Or the liberals who promulgate the cult of victimhood and resentment.
Now you’re just screaming.
Will there be pineapple?
Remembering fondly Happy Herbs Pizzas in Phnom Penh. Definitely no pineapple but the happy herbs were certainly interesting.
I’m reading “Knowing What We Know” by Simon Winchester. He recounts what they found in the earliest school ruins, about 4000 yrs old in Iraq. In these schools the students wrote with a stylus pressed into clay. By 4000 years ago students not only learned to read and write, but how to compute various things. It was a civilization, after all, and things needed to be quantified (properties, grain, taxes, the seasons). We now (by we I mean Leftists) seem to believe it is ok for adults to be illiterate and innumerate….if they are black. Our entire civilization depends on precision technology but we should just be “whatever” and not do precision things anymore. Just ask Boeing.
By the way, I just finished re-watching Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Part 1. I have to say, it didn’t really withstand a second viewing. Much too convoluted, too many players, and generally lacking in the focus and momentum of, say, Fallout, which is a much better film.
From the linked fare-dodging piece:
Assets that, once lost, are very difficult to retrieve.
It takes a long time to build high trust society, but leftists and thieves can destroy it very quickly.
I thought that had to be parody … but then I remembered the “advice” offered to deter a rapist: pee on yourself.
More food snobbery LOLs: Heinz is trolling notoriously anti-ketchup fast food restaurants with ketchup-dispensing kiosks. (It is an article of faith with many of the louder Chicagoans that only little children put ketchup on hot dogs–pickles, onions, mustard and relish are mandatory. As if actual adults would care what someone else likes to eat.) I look forward to further entertainment as this story develops.
I would applaud a rape victim who peed on a defund-the-police jackass.
I’d rather the rape victim let the defund-the-police jackass burn out.
…only little children put ketchup on hot dogs…
Fact check – true.
If I were a white liberal, I would be offended on behalf of ketchup lovers.
My favorite thing to put on hot dogs: sauerkraut. Also on polish and bratwurst.