Friday Ephemera (747)
Suboptimal situation. || Suboptimal situation 2. || Skilled or lucky? || Grab that cloud. || A bedlamite scolds you for your lack of piety. || Choices were made, a thread. || Adventures in modernity. || Cigarette lighter versus molten glass. || Divine intervention. || This is one of these. || Career path. || Coping strategy. || “You can’t buy anything like it in the shops.” || Lily likes cooking and wants to feel “safe and celebrated.” || When you arrive at a crash scene. || On recidivism. || Stairway obstruction. || Performing CPR. || The progressive retail experience, parts 595, 596, 597, and 598. || Some precision required. || Pod people walk among us. || Nips or no nips? || She’s taking her reborns to a princess day. || Failing to reproduce. || Educated fleas do it. || A traffic light in the Gobi Desert.
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Still Thursday and 4:35 pm here … So, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! My gratitude for our host (PING!) and the company.
Bar snacks? Not so much.
Thanks for the linky (wherever it is). 😀
“Skilled or lucky?“
Definitely lucky!
Suddenly, that old Christmas song about figgy piudding takes on unwanted connotations…
For a second I was in that fairy tale.
Morning, all.
Bless you, madam. May your peaches be perfectly ripe. (Not a euphemism.)
I think that was Mr Muldoon in the comments here.
I gather something similar is done to show horses.
Doubtless the practice will soon be taught in our more progressive publicly funded schools.
Question asked. I’m pretty sure the answer’s no.
Chopin as it should be.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
Or you could just, you know, lose weight.
Well played, sir. Well played.
On sexual promiscuity. Contains helpful graphs.
God, that was tough to watch. But props to the woman doing CPR in the middle of the road.
Yes. All human life is there.
It’s hard not to register the differences between two of the participants. The understandably nervous nursing trainee, trying to save one of the victims of the crash, and the woman who caused the crash and who was seemingly concerned only with whether her truck, which had run over one of the victims, was still driveable.
Bluffing is a skill.
Heh. There is that.
I do that whenever snow and parking situation allows. Good practice for vehicle control.
It’s like having Evel Knievel in the house.
Ew. But Portland is so tolerant and inclusive!
There’s something to be said for intolerance and exclusion. Both of which have their place and are, at the moment, somewhat underrated.
Apparently, it really changed the atmosphere of the meeting.
Why did I click the link? It’s on me, I accept this, but why?
This place is a veritable feast of knowledge.
Well! This morning has been . . . enlightening!
See? A feast, I say.
Or you could just, you know, lose weight.
I understand her argument – she is one person and therefore the airline has to accommodate that one person regardless of their size. But airline travel, whether it is for work or for leisure, is not a “basic need.” It is a choice, just as is purchasing a car, but if you cannot fit into a standard sized Kia, say, then you had best be ready to spend more on a Ford F150 that can accommodate your girth.
That situation calls for militant intolerance.
Somebody was blogging about that. I’ll see if I can find the link.
[ Finds the link in the first page visited. Jaw drops. ]
It was Eric S Raymond, retweeting someone else’s thoughts:
Obviously Kia must redesign their cars to suit you.
These fatso-rights activists talk endlessly about how “unfair” it is for them to have to purchase extra seats to accommodate their obese carcasses. But they never consider much less admit the unfairness of requiring others to pay for this.
It’s all “glandular”, they often claim, and thus not their fault. 😉
About the NHS and those advertisements touting assisted suicide:
I don’t recall this Star Trek episode, but I was never the most avid viewer.
It occurs to me that air travel is a sphere in which weight matters.
It also occurs to me that one of my nieces used to be more or less that size, until a health scare prompted some drastic and belated lifestyle changes. I hadn’t seen her for close to two years and was astonished, and impressed, by the transformation. I’m sure it’s a tedious process, but clearly it can be done.
And it seems a better response than endlessly complaining and being pretentiously self-righteous.
It’s Germxn, not German, you bigot!
RIP to the great Jim Abrahams, of Zucker-Zucker-Abrahams fame.
Seen long ago on the internet: The fiery crash of an overloaded plane. It would be cruel to caption it “Delegates returning from Fat Rights conference”.
Respeck Mah Authoriteh!
I understand her argument – she is one person and therefore the airline has to accommodate that one person regardless of their size.
If you are shipping freight by air the charge is by size and weight, not by number of items shipped.
At that Brobdingnagian extreme she is using the resources of space and fuel consumed of two people and should therefore pay for two people. She apparently has plenty of money for someone to film her and edit videos as well for as frippery such as jackass glasses, it is just another “gimme”. If you want to make it “fair”, as she is taking up the space of two, give her two complimentary bags of peanuts.
As her condition is self-imposed, there is no need for “accommodation” such as that afforded someone in genuine need of a wheelchair. At 6’2″ (slightly less than 0.01 imperial furlongs for you Whitworth tool fans) a flight in steerage over an hour is less than fun, so I’ll pay for the legroom. She can suck it up (figuratively, there is ample evidence of the actual) and do likewise.
Then there is the safety issue, if she can barely make it down the aisle, in the event of an accident, aside from impeding movement through the aisle, no way she is getting through an emergency exit so she is a hazard to others.
Her kvetching is just more of the “make the world suit me” claptrap. A reasonable airline rule would be that if you are over the 95th percentile weight for height and can’t fit in a standard seat, pay up.
Definitely no.
Well, indeed. Outside of, say, being immobilised while recovering from surgery, I remain unconvinced. And the, er, precision required, in the dark, while barely awake, would seem to be an issue.
It’s up there with the clickbait media claim that straight men are always cuddling on the sofa with other straight men. A phenomenon I’ve yet to see.
Even their delusions are dated.
Shades of Spinal Tap.
By whom?
Which in turn explains why she’s aiming for a spherical shape.
Untidy S&M enthusiasts?
The endless possibilities of online shopping.
I see what you did there.
Planes and fatsos: I have more than once had a plus sized guy next to me taking up part of my personal space, even to the extent that we are in bodily contact the whole flight. yuck
Reduced sex: 75 yrs ago, people got to know the opposite sex at church, in neighborhoods, at work, at school. But since those in school are not ready to marry and few go to church and dating at work will get you a visit with HR, the ways to get to know someone before you date are few. Dating websites are the main way people get married these days. Less than optimal, as our host would say.
Thanksgiving: Conservatives have an easier time being grateful, having perspective on things. It goes along with having a sense of humor. The Left (esp the woke) base their existence on resentment. Incompatible with gratitude. I bet they are fun around the turkey.
Assisted suicide: it is about incentives. Once the gov pays out social security and especially if you have a NHS, the gov has an incentive to off you once you cost too much.
Airline safety: giant round people cannot safely exit during an emergency but this is also true of people who need wheelchair assistance. It would be valid to exclude both from a flight for safety reasons but no one has the guts to do so.
There are things in this world I can happily go to my grave not knowing.