Friday Ephemera (747)
Suboptimal situation. || Suboptimal situation 2. || Skilled or lucky? || Grab that cloud. || A bedlamite scolds you for your lack of piety. || Choices were made, a thread. || Adventures in modernity. || Cigarette lighter versus molten glass. || Divine intervention. || This is one of these. || Career path. || Coping strategy. || “You can’t buy anything like it in the shops.” || Lily likes cooking and wants to feel “safe and celebrated.” || When you arrive at a crash scene. || On recidivism. || Stairway obstruction. || Performing CPR. || The progressive retail experience, parts 595, 596, 597, and 598. || Some precision required. || Pod people walk among us. || Nips or no nips? || She’s taking her reborns to a princess day. || Failing to reproduce. || Educated fleas do it. || A traffic light in the Gobi Desert.
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Try again…wtf happened i have no idea.
Well there is your problem, you said “sharp witted”…
Mine is quite accurate, “Muldoon and assistant working on electronic device to fix WordPress Gen-Z codemonkey coding”.
Grok said all that. All I asked was for a picture of me based on my posts. Same as David’s.
I’d suggest this lady’s family refrain from eating anything she cooks for them, too. It’s hate notes this time, next time…?
But hey, creative ways to be weirdly resentful.
Seven minutes at full power, then let sit 15 min for hard-boiled or fewer minutes for softer insides.
An ideal candidate for surgery, apparently.
[ Faints with sickened indignation. ]
Thing is, if you drop the eggs into already boiling water, you risk them cracking and spawning all those egg-white tumour-things. But if you warm the water around the eggs, thereby avoiding the egg-white beastliness, you have to judge exactly when boiling can be said to have started.
Are we talking about the very first sighting of bubbles, or the point at which there is bubbling of sufficient vigour to rock the eggs about in the pan? That’s a good 30-seconds difference, maybe more. It’s a fiendish puzzle. I like a four-minute egg, but at what point does the four minutes start?
If the shop is in the Cotswolds, there’s no need.
I’ve asked Grok several times and three times I’ve been depicted as having dark skin.
Me as a thoughtful Latina.
Me as a thoughtful Latina in a garden.
Though there have been plenty of times it just shows pink flowers, so I guess that’s progress?
[Update] Looks like I get the same pic for each link. Grok, ya weirdo.
[Update 2] If you scroll down you can see the other images.
Hey, it drew me wearing a shirt with logos on it. Surrounded by bewildering footwear.
I ask you.
Still, the hair wasn’t miles out.
A terribly modern approach to law enforcement.
Hey! It’s a reasonable ask! It would work!
Four minutes seems way too short, seven minutes definitely too long.
One might also inquire as to the size of your eggs! Which is an important factor to take into consideration. We have backyard chickens, but their eggs are a little dainty and undersized – they don’t take long to cook. I usually give them five minutes. Maybe a bit more. But yes, it’s confusing.
I think Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall specifies a time of six minutes for soft boiled eggs, seven minutes for semi-hard boiled eggs, eight for hard-boiled.
I’m willing to wait for the water to be properly boiling – big bubbles, rapid turnover of the water, steam churning out of the pot.
My wife somehow manages to make excellent soft boiled eggs without a timer or even without waiting for the water to boil. What is this magic?
Incidentally, quite amusing it was to discover some months ago that apparently it is almost impossible to get egg cups in the US. I was reading on an internet forum these folks talking about it, one chap related this tale about cooking himself soft boiled eggs/soldiers for himself while staying for some months in the US, and, not finding egg cups, improvising by getting a shot glass or similar from the cupboard… with his US flatmates looking on at him as if he was crazy.
I’m having a man cave, so called, built…assuming it ever gets finished. Thinking of calling it the Dog House and dedicating it to my favorite bad boys. I thought of having a large sketch showing President Donald Trump, Former Florida football coach Steve Spurrier, musician Kid Rock, boxer Mike Tyson, golfer John Daly, and comedian Ron White. Tried that with some previous AI and got an ugly 1970’s looking depiction of several black men. Here’s what I got when asking Grok….
The only time I recall seeing one was when watching a TV show about the Cuban missile crisis. Khrushchev was eating out of one. I just assumed they were a commie thing. Was I wrong?
Firm whites, runny yolk. Just right.
That’s another thing…following a Clarkson’s Farm FB group and now every other post devolves into a fight about the inheritance tax. BTW, is it IT or IHT? If the latter wtf the H?…Anyhow…why does the British government have such a hard time designing taxes that don’t really, really p*ss people off. I mean, of course everyone hates taxes but this one is designed to cause trouble. Of course the problem isn’t the taxing, it’s the spending. And everyone loooooves the spending.
Can recommend.
That smirk is…revealing. Maria Hadden is alderman for the 49th Ward, which is the farthest-north ward on the Chicago lakefront. It has long been a “marginal” area, always on the brink of sliding into “hood” level crime and decay. Its northern-most part has been a criminal wasteland for decades, and now the rest is going in that direction too. (Shootings, carjackings, and that recent shooting of a Jewish man on his way to synagogue by an African illegal.)All this crime notwithstanding, the 49th Ward’s residents show no sign of turning away from “progressive” lunacy.
The full article is here.
I guess your friend doesn’t like Amazon. A simple search on egg cups brings up a few options.
I think you look good with dreads.
I have never used an egg cup, although I saw pictures as a young child.
Throwing the soft boiled eggs in a bowl with some butter and salt works just fine.
Nature is healing itself.
It starts when the water is at a rolling boil.
Key timing factors:
The larger the eggs, the longer they must cook.
The smaller the pan, the longer they must cook due to reduced heat capacity of the water. (But this is less important than the size of the eggs.)
In the car, I was listening to the latest Joe Rogan Experience, an interview with Marc Andreessen. It was not uninteresting. Deep state, debanking, and other rumblings.
Arrested 75 times. Only now is he going to prison. It’s obvious he is incorrigible and should be permanently removed. That’s something that armed victims can achieve.
Steaming eggs is not.
Covered pan, steamer basket with feet. I do 7-9 eggs at a time in one of those veggie steamers with the folding petals.
Heat the pan on high heat with a splash of water under the basket while you bring an electric kettleful of water to boil. Usually the water in the pan starts boiling shortly before/after the electric kettle fully boils and shuts off.
Pour boiling water from kettle into hot pan until water just touches bottom of basket.
Add eggs – preferable room temp so they do not crack.
Cover and turn down heat to minimum.
9-11 minutes give you various jammy-yolked eggs.
13-15 minutes gives a barely hard boiled egg with yellow yolk.
Boil longer and you get a firmer egg but risk a grey-green yolk.
When time is up, remove basket or run cool water in the pot.
This method is somewhat forgiving as you can shut off the heat and the eggs cook more gradually.
It’s “interesting” that my liberal friends are a-okay with this. Fascism.
Boiling eggs, y’all are making this too hard, all you need is to put the eggs in this.
Definitely one of my preferred methods. And for those of you who have an Instapot, the 5-5-5 method works very well (5 minutes under pressure, 5 minutes resting before releasing steam, 5 minutes in ice bath) 7 eggs on wire trivet in the pot seems optimal and I get the perfect yolk for deviled eggs.
Re: Egg cups — my mom still has hers. It was an adventure as a kid to eat a soft-boiled egg from one of those. When eggs were declared Bad.For.You. having a soft-boiled egg for breakfast most days fell out of favor and with it, the decline of the egg cup.
It was an adventure as a kid to eat a soft-boiled egg from one of those.
My granny Fanny called them sunshine eggs. She’d slice the top of the egg off for us and cut the toast into soldiers for dipping. They were delicious.
Band name.
I was not aware of anyone I knew using egg cups even before the “eggs are bad for you” hoax.
Curious…I would think you want to eat them while they’re still hot/warm but would they still taste good if you put them back in the fridge to eat another day?
Another “bad for you” hoax: Remember when “wise and knowledgeable people” declared that chocolate was bad for you, resulting in a brief fad for inadequate substitutes? Carob chip cookies, anyone?
Remember when “wise and knowledgeable people” declared that chocolate was bad for you, resulting in a brief fad for inadequate substitutes?
One of my favourite scenes from Woody Allen’s Sleeper.
Yup. We had egg cups when I was a kid. Not sure how you’d eat soft-boiled eggs without one.
Grok dicentra: what is with the gibberish in the balloons?
I am shocked at how well AI can draw beautiful women. Sometimes the only way to tell it is AI is that something in the background is nonsense.
A justly famous scene.
Shell them into a bowl. Add generous chunk of butter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
My granny Fanny called them sunshine eggs.
And since you’re all dying to know, granny Fanny was a little-endian.
A five minute ice bath just shocks them enough to stop the cooking via internal temperature. If you peel one immediately, it is still mildly warm.
One of the reasons doing it for hard boiled eggs means not getting that grey-green ring around the yolk. Personally I don’t want either egg salad or deviled anyway but very cold.
Their customs are strange, but we must be tolerant.
[ Fondles soft silicone egg cup liner. ]
“If he had shaved his beard and painted his nails, would he have been any less male?”
Make them live by the rules they would force on others.
When I was young and ate like a prairie fire, four soft boiled eggs in a bowl.
I suppose I will give it a try. But I have had too many experiences with runny whites. They have scarred me!
Say again all after hello, you’re coming in broken and stupid.
Aside from my not knowing “Brazilian” was a race, I’d be willing to bet she could practice speaking to minimize her accent.
This should be interesting case law given all the accents across the UK even among wypipo – is Geordie a race?
Maybe they’re traditionalists: It used to be commonplace to speak of “the French race”, “the German race”, etc.
Here’s what’s happening on Bluesky right now.
Curious…I would think you want to eat them while they’re still hot/warm but would they still taste good if you put them back in the fridge to eat another day?
Yes…at least in my opinion. I do a boiled egg for breakfast every day, and am not awake enough in the AM to be faffing about with eggs, so I boil and salt 5 on Sunday night, take one in cold every morning. I put them in the pan with water straight from the fridge, then on to the heat. I haven’t timed the boiling, but it’s probably 5-7 minutes. I found that if I put them in cold water right away, I get a nice soft jammy yolk. Even if I boil for 4 min, if they stay in the hot water, the yolk gets very hard boiled.
Was helping a friend make deviled eggs this weekend; she put them in boiling water, let them boil for a good 10 min, but iced them after and the yolks were just a wee bit soft inside. Yes, we got a couple egg-thulu but we used those for quality control on the final product.
Breaking: Evil Israeli Evaporator exposed!
A reference to the latest claims from Hamas/Hezbollah.
Moar of this plzkthx. Men with zero attempt to appear feminine should sign up for women’s sports en masse, to the point of displacing all of the women, and then let the lesson stand.
Brazilians typically have an easier time pronouncing English than Spanish speakers because Portuguese has two short vowels (ê, ô), whereas Spanish has none, so Spanish-speakers can’t hear or reproduce all our short vowels.
That said, people who learn new languages are often unaware that the biggest barrier to communication is not bad grammar but bad pronunciation. If we natives know which words you’ve said, we can often work out the grammar on our own, but if we can’t understand the words at all, we’re lost.
Learners also don’t realize that mimicking the accent of native speakers — as if you were making fun of them — actually improves your speaking skills. They don’t get that you have to shift into a new “mode,” which might involve another vocal register, to make yourself better understood.
Not understanding someone’s accent isn’t racism — puhleeze. It’s the natural outcome when people try to speak a foreign language. Some people are good at it and some aren’t.
In 2003 the evil Zionists could only make a penis disappear.
Original tribunal ruling:
Appeal court ruling:
So the original court was mistaken in thinking that Hate requires the consciousness and speech of a specific English person for its cultivation and targeting against foreigners, so if Mrs Lucas sent no Hate out, none could have been received.
We must see Hate as looming every time the foreignness of a foreigner, or their failure to assimilate, causes problems for English people. Low-class English people express those problems out loud. Nice English people like Mrs Lucas walk on eggshells in order not to be so low class, and tell self-undermining lies like “your English is good apart from the technicality that English people don’t understand a word you say”.
One’s ethnicity is wholly unrelated to one’s ability to pronounce certain phonemes.
I work with a few Brazilians whose English is really quite good. I understand them perfectly. They’re not 100% pasty white. I have a hard time understanding some of my Hispanic coworkers when they speak English, so if we can switch to Spanish, I prefer it. Also, my Indian co-workers speak English in different degrees if intelligibility. Indians come in all shades of brown, including pale beige, like me.
Please explain to me where race comes into this. I would never in 1000 years decide whether to ask someone to repeat themselves based on skin tone.
This is all so very exhausting.
And alienating, and demoralising.
The general idea is the obfuscation of the law through the obfuscation of the meaning of words. Once they accomplish that, and they are well on their way, government power can be applied however those holding it choose to do so. Tyranny.
I remember that. Hilariously ignorant savages and barbarians–sorry, that’s noble inheritors of ancient knowledge and wisdom.
Of course, it’s not so hilarious when you remember the people harmed and even murdered as a result of these superstitions and lies.
Lara Croft on Netflix vs. the actress that voiced her
A reference to the latest claims from Hamas/Hezbollah.
I guess that is less embarrassing for them than the “victims” weren’t – when even The Atlantic calls you out you have to come up with something, I guess.
You’ve sunk pretty low when even the Atlantic notices.
I lower them into the boiling water with a slotted spoon to prevent this problem. The tumor things are creepy and I also don’t want the stress of figuring out the timing if I boil the water with the egg pre-loaded.
Makes you wonder how we ever got to the Moon.
[ Declares egg-boiling crisis, awaits government instructions. ]
Don’t let them see who voices Bart Simpson.
Lara Croft: heard but cannot confirm that Eddie Murphy made more money as the donkey voice in Shrek (over multiple movies) than in any other role or movie he had. I also think it was his best work. hahahaha
Cheated of their prey.
Cutting off your nose to spite your face is now the rule.
David is still not clear on that government grift thing. Change “instructions” to “subsidy”.
Don’t let them see who voices Bart Simpson.
Regarding that Lara Croft thing, and ignoring the absurdly inflated boobs in the altered photo, as I am not into Anime, is Haley Atwell supposed to be a downgrade from the cartoon?
If so, it just goes to show how out of touch Anime freaks are with reality and/or have never seen a real woman.
These thingies actually work.
We need a complete shutdown of egg-boiling until our sharpest boilologists can figure out what’s going on.
We need a complete shutdown of egg-boiling until our sharpest boilologists can figure out what’s going on.
I have to say the amount of time and energy y’all have spent trying to figure out how to cook the vile and inedible, I suspect the lot of you are the pay of Big Ovum™.
“Don’t touch her, dont yell at her….she could be the next president.”
Currently reading Sowell’s “Social Justice Fallacies”. Wow. He documents every point he makes with stats and citations in case someone does not believe him. He points out that while discrimination does exist, it is not necessary to explain most of what is going on. He points out for example that married black couples make more $ than white average–do racists not discriminate against blacks if married? Indian immigrants make much more than whites (of course not average Indian is immigrating) but how does that square with US being so racist. and so on.
Some satire detected.
Mamma is fishing for a lawsuit.
Mamma should be fishing for change to call her lawyer.
Time for a crusade.
High school stopped sorting kids by ability. The result was disastrous.
Liberal educationists have been pushing this insanity since I was a young child–if not much longer.
It’s been a while since we’ve been exposed to the very best in performance art.
Really, thanks aren’t necessary.
Actually, she’s from a video game series (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider was the beginning of the series). The video game character was known for having rather prominent breasts. Ms. Atwell is closer to matching the game character than as the anime character was drawn.
ICYMI, the astonishing story of a girl who got top surgery from Sidhbh Gallagher and nearly died, while Gallagher laughed at her post-op complications.
Gallagher is in Florida, which doesn’t require doctors to have malpractice insurance, so it’s useless to sue her.
Me, I say she should be in jail.
Also, I need someone to explain how “Sidhbh” comes out as “siv.” Yes, I know it’s Gaelic. What possessed them to invest in dh and bh phonemes in sequence?
Can replace poached eggs in many recipes. Some restaurants do it this way to avoid the hassle of poaching.
i thought boilologists choreograph the musical numbers in Indian movies.
From the article:
Orwellian inversion of language. Sterilization preserves reproductive rights…. How exactly?
They figure that abortion will be completely banned when Trump takes office, so they want to make absolutely sure they won’t have an unwanted pregnancy.
Women this stupid shouldn’t reproduce anyway.
They work for the first eggs you boil, but when someone pipes up afterwards that they’d like one as well you’re screwed until it cools down.
[ Marches about with sandwich board declaring BOILING EGGS IS HARD. ]
No worries on that score.
In re Sidhbh…