Friday Ephemera (740)
It’s a big, deep funk machine. || “But you can’t be drooling,” said the cross-dressing pervert. || Apocalypse digs. || Callers in the night. || It has 140,000 neurons. || Neptune. || Incoming. || Outgoing. || Daring escape. || Garden seat of note. || Theremin sink. || Yours for £575,000. || Flyless. || Hefty cuts. || Hinges of note. || Those runaway Honda blues. || “I’m riding a bike, I have more rights than you.” Cause and context. || Hers is bigger than yours. || Questionable covers of 80s synth pop, including a steel-band version of Gary Numan’s Cars, and a soul version of Eurythmics’ Sweet Dreams. || Pick a percentage. || Well, yes, people died, but what about her stuff? || Amsterdam’s transport revolution, 1974. || Today’s word is modernity. || And finally, in comparison, how was your day?
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Tar and feathers. Deportation to Somalia.
[ Cancels travel plans. ]
It’s racist to arrest a black criminal, or even to stop her.
John Derbyshire’s advice comes to mind.
Yet another reason to avoid newer vehicles.
“Art Nouveau is when it looks made by elves. Art Deco is when it looks made by dwarves.” (via Cdr Salamander)
The computer didn’t even have the courtesy to say “I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that.”
It was a Pilot, not an Odyssey.
It was a Pilot, not an Odyssey.
OK that made me laugh – I needed that. I am still trying to figure out what went down in the car wreck video, and then that idiot goes and sticks his head in the mangler.
You ask me, Nouveau is far better. It’s got tendrils.
I’ll never eat Skittles again for the rest of my life.
“Callers in the night“
Urban Londoners complaining about foxes digging up their lawns can now just stop…
“Hers is bigger than yours.“
Some kind of puppet – they don’t get that big.
‘Fancy a night out at the opera, liebchen?’
Did he win the contest to be the world’s most annoying human being?
Morning, all.
It’s a wooden pallet, it’s an electric guitar.
This is my innocent face.
Can’t see the driver’s citation holding up. He clearly showed caution near the cyclist, and there’s no evidence he was within 3 feet.
That should piss off the cyclist even more, which is good.
AI videos have the potential to really screw things up. How does a court of law, for example, determine that video evidence is real? How does a news outlet?
Watching the exchange, I found my mind entertaining ways in which his jaw could be broken. Not proud of the fact, particularly, but it’s what happened.
The needless saga concluded with the cyclist, Mr Peacock, receiving a $160 fine for disorderly conduct, and the driver, Mr Kempton initially being given a citation for passing too closely, which would have resulted in a $130 fine, based solely on the cyclist’s claims. This was subsequently dropped when the driver’s dashcam footage, which tells a different story, was reviewed.
What’s interesting, I think, is the almost comical difference in attitude. Mr Chill meets Mr Head-Full-Of-Crazy-Beans. In the video above, the driver says he feels sorry for the cyclist being cited for disorderly conduct, despite the cyclist’s dishonesty and irrational behaviour, and even though at the time he felt in some danger. As one might when confronted by someone belligerent and neurotic, a raving fantasist.
Just watched the video. Totally understand.
The cyclist, Mr Peacock, goes out of his way to generate conflict, repeatedly, then descends into some paranoid fantasy, in which he is somehow both the victim and hero.
It would rather test one’s self-restraint.
Okay, that was funny. I’m going to save that one and play it to my wife. 🤣
Don’t forget the hour-long livestreams. I’m sure she’d appreciate those.
Actually, maybe she will. If she has a liking for electro-jazz-funk with touches of swamp gas and intestinal burblings.
And hey, who doesn’t?
[ Cranks up volume, does funky strut. ]
MMM. Pine scented meat.
How does a court of law, for example, determine that video evidence is real?
Same way they do now. The recording hardware writes checksums and one-way hash codes into the video stream based on an identifier that’s unique to the recording device.
AI just makes faking video faster. It’s always been possible, and the industry has already evolved ways to prevent it.
Current mood:
If you make it through the subsequent videos, linked in the thread, you’ll discover, among many other things, madam’s extensive history of dangerous and illegal driving, one excuse for which being that she was “going downhill.”
And, needless to say, a great deal of boggling leniency from the authorities, despite an obvious and eye-widening pattern of behaviour.
Don’t all cars, even those with the latest computer gewgaws, also have an emergency brake?
I’d love to see an exchange between Peacock and Camille.
[ Rolls single Cadbury’s Mega Button along bar to Stephanie. ]
[ As it rolls, fluff accumulates. ]
There is an AI tag above the image.
Ssshhh. Act casual, say nothing.
Regarding the swamp-gas music.
Note his expensive-foreign-automobile corporate-logo cycling clothing.
Also note his hand-made Italian Pinarello bike.*
‘Cause you can’t get proper exercise for less than a $15,000 outlay.
* Well, most of their models are hand-made, according to Wikipedia.
Betcha the cyclist has a solid reputation for being an asshole in his social and professional circles: aggressive and nasty except when he thinks he needs to pretend to be civilized in order to get something.
Mr Peacock is, it turns out, not a poor man.
Though I suspect his reputation has taken something of a hit. 8.5 million views and counting.
It’s a wooden pallet, it’s an electric guitar.
Super Chikan will see your pallet and raise you a shotgun, a ceiling fan, a jerry can, or whatever else he has lying around.
The quiet part, out loud.
Note his expensive-foreign-automobile corporate-logo cycling clothing.
He probably doesn’t know that SAAB auto division is owned by GM, let alone that SAAB is more well known for their defense products (like fighter planes) and their former big Gaia raping diesel trucks.
Though I suspect his reputation has taken something of a hit.
Between California, Park City, and Portland, I suspect the opposite as the crowd he runs with will probably see him as another victim of The Man™, #defundthepolice.
Heh. It does rather capture something of the type. The utter unreality of it. As I was watching, I was fascinated by the cyclist’s sudden detours into fantasy, the wild construals of what was actually happening.
Someone should write a paper.
Or beat him with a stick until the demon leaves.
But look at the aeronautics-related slogan on his clothing.
Virtually certain, given his second home in Portland.
50% / 3 strikes. You don’t get to 3 strikes by accident.
Life was better when people kept their perversions behind closed (and in some cases barred) doors.
It’s bloody stupid is what it is.
[ Continues listening to swamp-gas music. ]