Ten Times, You Say
Not entirely unrelated to ongoing events:
Mr Politano, by the way, is a “He/him. Bi/pan.” Just in case it wasn’t clear that he’s better than you.
The subject of social trust – specifically, its erosion – has, of course, been mentioned here before.
Update, via the comments:
From the subsequent rumblings:
It does rather call to mind numerous polyamory ‘cope’ videos, in which clearly neurotic and unhappy people try to convince themselves that they’re totally cool with their chosen lifestyle miseries. Often while on the verge on tears.
If you want to wake up every morning and repeat into the mirror that you don’t actually mind that there are strangers fucking your girlfriend, then that’s your own private business. But the world exists independently of your framing of it.
Pretending not to see the obvious implications of, say, this phenomenon here, and variations thereof, or this lively, uplifting scene, is, I suppose, a skill of sorts. But I wouldn’t say that such pretensions are a basis for applause.
Update 2:
And speaking of practised unrealism:
As Steve E adds, drily,
The idea that there may be very real physical constraints on some favoured policy – that reality may not comply with half-baked theory – seems entirely alien to Mr Snow. An attitude not uncommon among his progressive peers, and which may help explain the lively events currently underway in several British cities.
Mr Snow, since you ask, is married to the philanthropist Lady Edwina Louise Grosvenor, daughter of the sixth Duke of Westminster, one of the country’s richest landowners, with an estimated fortune north of £7 billion. Needless to say, Mr Snow does not live in, or anywhere near, the kinds of “diverse” neighbourhoods now being trashed and terrorised by competing tribes.
Tribes that apparently shouldn’t exist.
Also open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Joey’s cope is showing.
Joey goes on to say:
That appears to be a reference to the current anti-immigrant riots in the UK triggered by the knife attack which killed three little girls and wounded eight more children and adults–an attack carried out by Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, the son of Rwandan immigrants.
“Progessive” “thinkers” try to portray such killers (and other criminals) as British because he was born in the UK as part of their pretense that children of immigrants magically acquire the customs and values of their host country–something we know to be utterly false as the cultural tendencies of ethnic groups demonstrably persist over generations. And “progressives” seek to deceive us all by suppressing crime data broken down by ethnic and religious background, with the excuse that it would be racist to even record such data much less report it.
So, Joey is being stupid or dishonest in another way, too.
As noted here,
Which, in itself, seems a pretty good reason to avoid unprecedented levels of indiscriminate immigration. Currently around 700,000 or so a year. That’s equivalent to the entire population of Sheffield, by the way. Every year.
No link to share but I did see the new Deadpool/Wolverine movie last night. It was refreshing to see a movie without a political or social agenda, just good old fashioned sexual innuendos, potty humor, and violent gore, lots and lots of violent gore to the point of hilarity. Plus, Ryan Reynolds is one sweet piece of maple candy from the Frozen North, thank you. And there’s a dog!
Well, Mr Politano’s claim that “urbane libs” – I’m assuming he means urban libs – are ten times more trusting than conservatives – and therefore, by implication, better people – doesn’t sit comfortably with living in areas where trust is much more likely to be preyed upon. Which is to say, punished.
I mean, if you value high levels of social trust – and it is a much better way to live, in pretty much every respect – then it seems to me you’d prefer to live where such values and assumptions are reciprocated by default, rather than exploited and abused, and generally looked on as naïve to the point of absurdity.
Anyone who’s visited, say, London must register, however dimly, the difference in anxiety, alienation, and how people behave. Much as some who live there may want to pretend otherwise.
Joey doesn’t seem to understand that ‘social trust’ doesn’t exist at the individual but at the societal level.
‘Liberals’ (who I suspect still lock their doors) can have all the misplaced trust they like, but it won’t do them any good in a low trust society. Like those poor idiot American tourists who got murdered by Isis while on a bike tour of violent ‘stans.
Band name.
Exists at both levels: Those liberals who profess high levels of trust nonetheless act in their personal lives as if they live in a low trust society: They lock their doors, leave nothing visible in their cars, never leave laptops and other things unattended on restaurant tables, and so on.
Even more so when:
Even when, back in the 19th century, immigrants to America were expected to assimilate, the process could take generations.
“Trust” – an odd way for Mr. Pan to spell gullible and/or naive.
Regarding a preference for high-trust neighbourhoods, this came to mind – in particular, the following:
And note that Mr Gifford, the self-styled progressive mentioned in the post, would rather we didn’t have the option to live in places where such things are possible. On account of all the alleged “privilege” and inegalitarian wickedness. Instead, he thinks we should “live closer to all kinds of different people,” a proximity to difference – yes, that’s a euphemism – that is presented as some kind of unexplained moral imperative.
There was a story in a New York newspaper about farm stand honesty boxes. Shortly thereafter these farm stands were looted by carloads of highly “diverse” urbanites.
This caught my eye, in particular the following:
Not a cheering read, I should add.
Getting himself killed was when he finally did something that benefited humanity.
Listening to this ten times just gives you a headache.
The bloody natives aren’t acquiring ‘the customs and values’ of the country.
Getting himself killed was when he finally did something that benefited humanity.
I laughed and I’m not sorry.
Social trust: my room-mate’s dad visited us in Seattle. He went downtown for dinner, took a shortcut through an alley and got mugged. He had on a Rolex watch. This isn’t “trust” it is being naive.
When I visited Japan, on the train there is a space between cars for luggage. You just leave your stuff there and go sit down. THAT is high trust society.
One of the things about ethnic emmigrants is they can easily only identify with their own group, and “others” ie whites, are just not counted and thus are ok to prey on. The larger their own group, the worse. Thus you get arab neighborhoods that the cops can’t even go in.
I just spotted this, which seems sort of apposite:
Heh. Which called to mind a number of polyamory ‘cope’ videos, in which clearly neurotic and unhappy people try to convince themselves that they’re totally cool with their chosen lifestyle miseries. Often while on the verge on tears.
True, but it depends on the ethnic group: Swedes and Danes and Japanese, for instance, make good neighbors. Arabs and Pakistanis not so much.
I’m still poorly, by the way.
[ Cough. ]
Time to break out the goose grease plaster.
Time for stronger medicine:
“He starts every day with a quarter of a pint of gin mixed with spirits of niter, flour of sulfur, juniper, and the juice of an onion. He says it clears the tubes.”
–Terry Pratchett, Going Postal, chapter 11
It’s been a strange few days.
clearly neurotic and unhappy people try to convince themselves that they’re totally cool with their chosen lifestyle miseries
I can’t find a copy now, but there’s a 2002 documentary named When Two Won’t Do that’s supposed to be an honest look at the lifestyle. Everyone involved and much of the poly community c. the 2000s raved about what a positive and accurate portrayal it is.
One of the subjects committed suicide during the filming and this is barely remarked on by the filmmakers. This on top of the more obvious run-of-the-mill neurotics, sex addicts and predators.
It also amuses me that on IMDB one of the tags for the film is “cuckolded husband”.
the cultural tendencies of ethnic groups demonstrably persist over generations
It seems to be a phenomenon that the second generation of immigrants identify more strongly with their homeland than their parents. I’ve seen this repeatedly here in Canada, where the affluent children of refugees from Communist countries become ardent college Communists, or the children of largely secular Muslims become angry radical Islamists. Whether it’s just “f*ck you, Dad”, a yearning for identity, or all that and/or something else, it’s definitely A Thing.
indiscriminate immigration. Currently around 700,000 or so a year. That’s equivalent to the entire population of Sheffield, by the way. Every year.
I’m not sure how many Sheffields one gets to a Saskatchewan.
I was told there would be no maths.
I should add that the 700,000 a year figure, the highest recorded, and several times that of three years ago, is likely to be revised upwards, as with previous years’ figures. And of course it excludes illegal migrants, who are currently estimated to number around 1.2 million.
And yet we can still be told, without a trace of irony, that this country’s immigration policy, such as it is, is “hostile.”
To whom, one might wonder.
Another Los Angeles-area Democrat-supporting celebrity learns exactly what he’s been voting for.
I’m not sure how many Sheffields one gets to a Saskatchewan.
I believe it is 1/5 of an El Paso.
The politicians and bureaucrats behind all of it certainly deserve a good deal of hostility.
Is there a difference between ‘burgle’ and ‘burglarize’? If not, why the extra syllable?
It might be too much to assume he’ll learn a thing.
Does seem a bit unnecessary.
We are arresting you for something you said on Facebook.
It would help if the original poster had told us exactly what was posted, but given the state of the UK I find it extremely easy to believe it was merely an opinion that runs contrary to the wishes of the ruling regime. (Via Scott Adams.)
Am I wrong to wish it had been a home invasion? And that Tom Hanks was now having uncontrollable shakes, and nightmares from which he wakes up screaming?
That’s terrible news. I wish the burglars had taken every damn thing they have.
Ellipses are your friend.
Ooh ooh, I know this one.
Should we be arranging a large music equipment box and a Beirut flat for our host?
Unkind, perhaps, but not, I think, unfair.
Heh. ‘Burgle’ sounds more…umm…
Especially the things with the greatest sentimental value. Taken or destroyed.
Is that a historical reference I should recognize?
Because I think any American red state would be safer and more pleasant.
Tennessee maybe? Down the street from Glenn Reynolds?
Carlos Ghosn.
The U.S. has an extradition treaty with the U.K. After Julian Assange I have little faith in the U.S. government protecting anyone’s rights.
It is a modern fascism, where the thought-crime cop is a pretty blond and the arrest is all proper and polite. Still an arrest though.