Friday Ephemera (728)

Strange goings-on at number 40. || New fashion frontier. || They make more noise than I expected. || An archive of Amazing Stories, 1926-2005. || Third keeper of the TARDIS. || Cheeeldren of the night. || Now do the ceiling. || Incoming. || Not eggs. || How to announce your lack of worth. || “World famous dinosaur poop museum and gift shop.” And yes, they do have fossilised T. rex faeces. || A dog, a cat, and a mouse. || Think good thoughts. || Glamorous assistant. || Beermats and bonding. || Generate polyhedra. || The progressive retail experience, parts 561, 562, 563, 564, and 565. || Reefer buzz. || Suboptimal situation. || A Thomas Sowell playlist. || Today’s word is steep. || A brief history of urology, from 3,200 BC to the present day. || And a small but bothersome detail.

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