G-String Blues
Attention, unenlightened beings. You must continue doing the work until you are aroused by the fat, neck-bearded woman:
No one likes a fat go-go dancer, honey. pic.twitter.com/tpMUPjwDj1
— Heidi (@HeidiBriones) December 18, 2023
Now shove that twenty bucks in her G-string, goddammit.
Update, via the comments:
John D adds, not unreasonably,
Little Miss Hairy Neck does seem to be offloading the burden of her chosen profession. Sort of, “You should fancy me regardless of how I look or behave. I shouldn’t have to be a pleasing shape or an agreeable person.” Which, it has to be said, is a big ask. But then, the egalitarian redistribution of erotic interest is a recurring theme of woke rumblings.
Mags, meanwhile, is amused by Lady Neckbeard’s claim of being “really honest” while framing the limited interest in her physique as entirely the fault of other, insufficiently effortful people. A bold move.
Given our oversized go-go dancer’s chosen activities, and her expectation that strangers should want to stuff cash into her knickers, I suspect that our hefty temptress is the one who “still has a lot of work to do.” I mean, it’s not unlike complaining that people aren’t rushing to buy your unattractive, poorly-made furniture. “Yes, the chairs do wobble, and the legs will fall off if you shift your weight even slightly, but people should still want them…”
Oh, and as I’m busy with some last-minute redecorating, open thread.
Isn’t it her job to be attractive?
She does seem to be offloading the burden of her chosen profession. Sort of, “You should fancy me regardless of how I look or behave. I shouldn’t have to be a pleasing shape or an agreeable person.” Which, it has to be said, is a big ask.
But then, the egalitarian redistribution of erotic interest is a recurring theme of woke rumblings.
Progressives, poverty and crime, a thread.
[ Post updated. ]
“I’m gonna be really honest…”
Actual LOL.
It takes a certain chutzpah, I think. And practice. I doubt those tall tales are being told for the first time.
The one time I shoved dollars into a G-string, it was earned with pleasing geometry and some skilled gyration.
It wasn’t done out of some egalitarian sensibility. It wasn’t an act of pity.
The nose ring really does it for me. Shudder.
Would pay her a few bucks to put more clothes on.
Given her chosen activities, and her expectation that strangers should want to stuff cash into her knickers, I suspect Madam is the one who “still has a lot of work to do.”
I mean, it’s not unlike complaining that people aren’t rushing to buy your unattractive, poorly-made furniture. “Yes, the chairs do wobble and the legs will fall off if you shift your weight even slightly, but people should still want them…”
[ Post updated again. ]
*peers over spectacles*
Even when she gets it, where’s she gonna spend it?
the egalitarian redistribution of erotic interest is a recurring theme of woke rumblings.
Modern progressivism is essentially effeminate. It’s Sailer’s law of Female Journalism again.
[ Affects air of intrigue and mystique. ]
No one likes a fat go-go dancer, honey.
Rule 34 applies not just to the internet, unfortunately.
Well, that is at the heart of leftist thinking–Bad service, bad goods, dearth of goods, ugly bodies, ugly minds: All must be publicly praised and celebrated. What’s that, comrade? You don’t seem very enthusiastic. Clap louder! Louder!
For anyone else who (like me) had been previously unaware of this Law:
This made me question whether or not I actually knew what Queer meant in this context.
But it turns out what I thought I knew is pretty much how various dictionaries define it:
Is she trying to suggest that obesity is a sexuality or gender identity?
Something close to an unassailable, protected characteristic, I suppose. A credential of some sort. Something on which to base demands.
Since you ask, I’m sitting here waiting for paint to dry.
Honestly, she has the sort of body I’d pay money to not see in a G-string.
The one time I shoved dollars into a G-string, it was earned with pleasing geometry and some skilled gyration.
I didn’t have you down as that sort of a chap…
The wearer’s gyrations were awfully impressive. He did juggling too, if memory serves.
I was young and foolish. And high as a kite.
“redistribution of erotic interest”
It is always about redistribution. Of everything. Your time, your affection, your affirmation, your sanity, your children. Redistribution is so much easier than, you know, earning your way.
One of the things that most mature guys learn is that women have certain expectations and if you work on yourself you can meet those expectations. But so so much work to dress nice and lose weight and control your temper. Easier to just demand it (not that demanding it works, but whatevs).
What pst314 said. The leftists approach to economics is to make everything barely acceptable. It’s cheaper that way. Aesthetics are thus the monopoly of artistes. The source of one of my favorite Nazi quotes. Though…Apparently it wasn’t Goering who actually said it. A playwright was the source. Odd that.
Poverty and crime. Much crime is to feed a drug habit. If one belongs to a culture in which getting a job is for suckers and selling drugs is for real men, and in which controlling your temper is not even considered, then poverty and crime will be partners.
There is a lot of instinct in our sexual responses. Men respond to women who are young, fit, curvy, and look healthy. Consider a 45 yr old meth addict as an opposite. It is ewwww on every dimension. Even women’s magazines put attractive women on their covers. This archetype is what would provide the most and the healthiest children. Guys don’t even usually make that connection consciously and are attracted to these traits even if they think they don’t want kids. Demanding that we go against instinct is unlikely to be successful.
I’d as lief watch Jell-O on a plate.
The way things are going these days, and given the weird drag queen eye makeup this person was wearing, and the beard scruff, I have to ask if this go-go dancer is one of them newfangled XY women? Or just an overweight XX woman with an unfortunate glandular problem and a very badly-chosen profession?
Second question – is Queer the all-purpose shoehorn people use now to guilt others into buying their BS?
I’m almost afraid to ask . . .
If memory serves, Theodore Dalrymple noted most of the drug addicts he dealt with were committing crimes before they became addicts.
Well, at one time years ago “queer” simply meant “gay man”. See very old slurs like “he’s as queer as a three dollar bill”.
But now “queer” means much more, with an emphasis on radically transgressive behavior. Thus, a gay man who is monogamous and refrains from public sex acts and drag queen story hour grooming behavior is not queer–vanilla might be the word, and we all know that “vanilla” means “boring”.
Furthermore, it is no longer sufficient to tolerate gay men; we must tolerate and celebrate radically queer deviants no matter how harmful their behavior; if we don’t then we are bigots who must be erased from society.
See the last few thousand years of art. Not many morbidly obese women.
There was no Corpula, the Greek goddess of morbid obesity. #IStandCorrected.
There was, for a while, what was called something like the heroin addict waif look. But even then, I have been told, the photographers had to compose their shots very carefully to make the girls look attractive.
I was young and foolish. And high as a kite.
The first line of many a good tale, told later, after maturity and sobriety have set in. And a good explanation for many an interesting adventure.
When I was young and foolish, although sober as a nun since I was the designated driver, I let a couple older female friends talk me into going to see a Chippendales-type show with them (e.g. drive them so they could get drunk).
The dancers did have pleasing geometry and gymnastic gyrations, but I stayed on the sidelines. Women were going absolutely nuts, and my friends were some of the worst, but all of them were too chicken to go up and actually interact with the dancers, even when called out to do so. Finally I had enough, and when the next call for “5 bucks for 50 seconds in the chair with the dancer” came up, I went. It was definitely an experience.
[ Tries to look shocked and appalled, but laughs instead. ]
Is “fugly” still a word?
This was anticipated by Kurt Vonnegut Jr’s short story, Harrison Bergeron.
Anyone here remember @AntiFemComics on twitter? He had about 50 comics, most of them quite good, before he was shut down. One of them was on precisely this topic. The fat chick says, “So I decided it would be easier to undo millions of years of male evolution thsn to quit nachos and cherry coke.” Something like that.
You can still find his collection, I believe, with a bit of googling.
Somewhat related: Having a loving family imparts an unfair advantage to children, reduces equality and creates social injustice.
The wearer’s gyrations were awfully impressive. He did juggling too, if memory serves.
I was young and foolish. And high as a kite.
Heh. My only experience with a G-string and money was when I had to buy a replacement for my violin after it snapped during a recital. Your encounter sounds much more fun.
He did juggling too,
It doesn’t take a lot of skill to juggle two balls.
Very much related.
No people even gays know a train wreck when they se one , honey!
All the more reason to encourage them.
[ Drifts into reverie. ]
So much in that post that I could comment on. For the moment I’ll just mention that most of those with philosophy degrees belong on the Golgafrinchan Ark B.
Well, Gelonesi and Swift both start from bizarrely wrong-headed assumptions about human nature and the distribution of cognitive wherewithal. And despite seeming convinced of their own righteousness, their own elevated status, what they actually want – what seems to titillate them – suggests the fever dreams of fundamentally awful people. Once you start poking at the logic, such as it is, what’s revealed is hardly flattering.
As I said in the post:
But in their social circle, presumably, this is the standard. This is piety.
When the foundational emotional/moral appeals of minority activism (all we want is the same access/respect/trust as the boring normie majority give to their own) are applied in the domain of attractiveness/romance/sex, the underlying bad attitude becomes a lot clearer. It’s a ridiculously conceited attitude (I’m so great that everyone should like me and my type, and if they don’t like me they’ll learn to like me), disturbingly disrespectful of consent (if they don’t like me, it’s with all the more glee and all the more sense of righteousness that I’ll impose my company on them).