Friday Ephemera (704)
Doctor’s note of note. || The designated drivers of yesteryear. || A discussion ensues. || Today’s word is inadvisable. || “Dimples are highly valued.” || 14,000 volts. || It’s a ChapStick warmer. || How progressives destroy empathy. || A project for the weekend. || Interlopers or ingredients? || Going that extra mile. || But she wanted a pink Mercedes. || Today’s other word is parenting. || For readers overseas, a scone pronunciation map. || Excuse me, madam… || I’m not sure that one of them is quite what she claims. || On self-checkout supermarkets. || The Christmas spirit. || When your new neighbour announces he’s a self-satisfied dick. || Dating complications. || Blockage of note. || She does this better than you do. || For fun, I’m told. || And finally, tactile adventures in green screen.
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I like self-checkout, even at the places where I have to show a receipt. The issue I have is at the supermarket, where the sign says “Express self checkout”. The express lanes in US supermarkets are typically X number of items or less (14 where I go, although 10 and 12 aren’t uncommon either), and the self-checkout kiosks don’t have the conveyor belts. Yet people still go through with an entire week’s worth of groceries, and shit that needs to be weighed, or worse, stuff like medicines that require age validation.
Leave the express checkout for those of us who only have a few items, please.
And then there’s the Stone of Scone….
And then there’s the Stone of Scone…
…also the cannabis ones or the Scones of Stoners.
Meanwhile, Anna learns what the underside of the bus looks like during a Zoom call of note.
He and she do this better than you do.
“Do not yell at me, sir.” I laughed and I’m not sorry.
Should be something you have to add on the Home Information Pack…
Morning, all.
I’m guessing the bees won that round.
Thing is, the woman in the white shirt is presumably a friend of Maladjusted Shouty Man, and most likely imagines herself as a righteous “ally,” one of The Good People. But her role seems more like one of carer, or enabler, a provider of affirmation for delinquent narcissism, dishing out excuses for his infantile behaviour.
“If you don’t let him shriek at you, and bully you, and call you a Nazi, and if you don’t let him have have tantrums and meltdowns whenever it suits him, he may kill himself and it will be all your fault.”
I paraphrase, though not wildly.
Further to this, more pipe-smoking women.
I don’t object to the existence of self-checkout, as one option, for those who find it convenient. I do, however, dislike the trend for phasing out human cashiers – in some places almost entirely – leaving customers with fewer options. If I’m spending money in a store, and doing it regularly, those few seconds of human interaction don’t seem an outrageous expectation on my part.
Can confirm.
[ Fans Min to avert overheating. ]
Does it come with super powers?
Re self checkout…you should have been there, it was fabulous.
Alas, no. Quite the opposite.
I’ve mentioned before how, at the start of the pandemic drama, a local pharmacy, part of a big chain, installed two self-checkout stations, and closed one of the two conventional tills, having seemingly fired half the staff. As pharmacies tend to have lots of elderly customers, few of whom fancy grappling with an unfamiliar device, the stations weren’t at all popular and I rarely saw them used. Or indeed functional, judging by the beeps that signalled an error of one kind or another, and which went unaddressed due to the sudden shortage of human staff.
Faced with disgruntled customers, many of whom needed items from behind the counter and therefore couldn’t use self-checkout, and with large and growing queues for the one remaining till, the appeals to use the new, improved, high-tech option became increasingly plaintive, almost desperate.
The atmosphere of the store changed quite noticeably. From a place where the elderly or unwell could ask staff for advice easily, or for help finding what they needed, and where they would generally feel acknowledged, the place had been transformed into a big room with a bad mood in it. And lots of tutting.
And then of course there’s the irony of a pharmacy, with signs insisting that customers wear masks and maintain social distancing at all times, simultaneously telling customers to share the same touchscreen as hundreds of other people, despite said items being notorious bacteria farms and an excellent way to spread disease. It was, in hindsight, almost funny.
I don’t shop there anymore.
[ Notes the absence of deformed bodies or personalities. ]
What have you done with the real David Thompson?
Oh, look who’s back. About chuffing time.
Well, sort of back. Time is currently rather limited.
“It’s the material.” LOL
In a not-suitable-for-work way, some scenes of enrichment.
“Cannibalistic children trannies are far enough”
I did not know this, the people who
settledcolonized North America did not know how to bathe, farm, or hunt before they got here.Among the neurotically woke, there is a self-ratcheting tendency. And seemingly no point at which the unrealism and farce inhibit further ratcheting.
As seen, for instance, here.
It’s so tiresome.
A metaphor for our time.
So TDS goes up to 11…?
I thought we already were at level 11 last time.
Package thieves: if they stole my packages they would get furnace filters and eye drops, maybe diapers for grandkids. Does that sound valuable or useful to a thief? Just creating waste.
I hear that a lot of stolen goods are sold on eBay and other such sites.
Re A metaphor for our time, “I hope somebody’s called 911”. Does she call 911? Apparently not.
Ah, those “Artful Dodgers of the Amazon age.” Those charming rascals.
Not to mention demonstrating he’s not nearly as clever as he thinks he is.
Not to mention demonstrating he’s not nearly as clever as he thinks he is.
While the Community Context note was awesome, they didn’t go far enough. What everyone is ignoring, especially after Oct 7, is that those “brown-skinned Middle Easterners” were freakin Jewish! And the census was called by the Occupiers, the Romans. Ye flipping gods – Mohammed wasn’t even born yet, wouldn’t be for almost 700 years. There were no such people as Muslims during the time of the Christian Gospels. There were Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Israelites, Romans, and Greeks, but no Muslims. Not a one.
Not to mention the Scone of Stone.
Which he will promptly ignore.
What Fagin got in the end seems increasingly attractive. Especially because Progressive Minded People seem so determined to tolerate crime.
This chap describes the horrors of avoidant transphobia.
No, really.
I also suspect there is a reason for wearing a ball cap in the swimming pool.
You must participate in their delusions without surcease & do so with apparent enjoyment.
Or else.
So he’s being oppressed by people not oppressing him.
Why, it’s almost as if he just likes whining and scolding people.
You must participate in their delusions without surcease & do so with apparent enjoyment.
Indeed, I think the requirement will be to carry several Christmas crackers or confetti cannons and whenever you meet one, you pop a couple.
Indeed. He reminds me a bit of the black racists who complain about whites who make eye contact (“who you lookin at?”) and those who do not (“they’re erasing our existence!”)
Re cannibalistic trannies…that. OMG, that. For decades now. And from that, this:
The “conservatives” spiking the football on the 40 yard line. It’s so bloody painful to watch, not to mention the hell one catches for noticing.
Aw, man. He jus livin his bes life, bruh. Ya feel me? Why you gotta be ‘pressin on the 247?
Again, this doesn’t end well. As the end of the year approaches I am noticing more and more people waking up to this reality. Maybe Oct. 7 really focused a lot of people’s minds, especially Jews, on what they have been looking past for decades. I notice some usually non-political friends and relatives responding or interacting on news issues. Again, especially the few Jewish ones. I have a very secular Jewish former colleague whom I have designated as my coal mine canary. He’s quite the hipster for his advanced age and likely considers himself MotR or even “conservative”. He certainly owns more/bigger guns than me but that’s not too big of a hurdle. While he has fallen for a number of hoaxes or dismissed them as being below his exalted hipness, he seems to be dipping his toe in the alligator pond a lot more lately.
As we are traveling and I am having to get used to a different TV/cable/streaming/whatevs, I noticed that there sure seem to be a rather significantly greater number news channels/apps/whatevers than I was aware. There’s not just CBS’s news but there’s the CBS News channel, app, ABC, NBC, etc. all have far more manifestations of themselves than I realized. My first thought was who is watching all this crap? Judging from some of the interactions about otherwise mundane stuff apparently nearly everyone now. I suppose the pandemic drove much of it into the average Joe’s head. While I was well aware of the significant TDS of people on the left, and especially the media moving society in general further and further to the left, judging from this TDS video things are worse than even I thought probable. I understood that the average idiot was reliably left but if they really are consuming this TDS insanity to the degree that the hard/”intellectual” left has been doing, there is no way out of absolute chaos unless some very significant effort is made by the right to get some perspective through these people’s heads. And judging from what I see in the nominally GOP US congress, there is no desire to truly fight for this. To take the necessary decisive actions most likely to head this thing off before the primaries. Even on the D side they have no idea what direction to take. Things are fixing to get real this time. Per the Briggs article/link regarding the wavy decline to the left singularity, I don’t see any remaining upward swing of sanity.
Well, she is certainly aptly named.
I, for one, cannot wait to not see this movie.
Apparently, this man is real.
And yet, every year, for decades, interracial crime statistics have begged to differ:
The film linked above is presented as a magical fantasy, of course. But progressives’ conceits regarding crime and danger, so pointedly affirmed in the film’s trailer, seem to be magical fantasies too.