G-String Blues
Attention, unenlightened beings. You must continue doing the work until you are aroused by the fat, neck-bearded woman:
No one likes a fat go-go dancer, honey. pic.twitter.com/tpMUPjwDj1
— Heidi (@HeidiBriones) December 18, 2023
Now shove that twenty bucks in her G-string, goddammit.
Update, via the comments:
John D adds, not unreasonably,
Little Miss Hairy Neck does seem to be offloading the burden of her chosen profession. Sort of, “You should fancy me regardless of how I look or behave. I shouldn’t have to be a pleasing shape or an agreeable person.” Which, it has to be said, is a big ask. But then, the egalitarian redistribution of erotic interest is a recurring theme of woke rumblings.
Mags, meanwhile, is amused by Lady Neckbeard’s claim of being “really honest” while framing the limited interest in her physique as entirely the fault of other, insufficiently effortful people. A bold move.
Given our oversized go-go dancer’s chosen activities, and her expectation that strangers should want to stuff cash into her knickers, I suspect that our hefty temptress is the one who “still has a lot of work to do.” I mean, it’s not unlike complaining that people aren’t rushing to buy your unattractive, poorly-made furniture. “Yes, the chairs do wobble, and the legs will fall off if you shift your weight even slightly, but people should still want them…”
Oh, and as I’m busy with some last-minute redecorating, open thread.
Yes, loving parents DO create inequality. So, instead of encouraging conditions that lead to happy families, we should destroy the family? If you want to see “inequality” just roll the clock back before capitalism, say to 1700 in Europe. Peasants were tied to the land and lived a miserable existence. Nobility had it pretty nice–of course even the nobility had fleas and died of simple illnesses. The conceit that all one needs to do to restore “equality” is to destroy society is so insane that only a leftist could believe it. Check out Somalia where the government is destroyed and local areas are ruled by warlords who constantly feud with each other. Take away civilization and you get gangsters ruling.
This. “Progressive” educational institutions attract awful people and beguile otherwise good people into embracing awfulness.
Just as psychology seems to attract people with psychological problems, so philosophy seems to attract people with moral problems.
Very much related.
Another illustration of the leftist crab-bucket view of the world. The objective being: to prevent the other crabs from getting out of the bucket.
Romance: demanding that being attractive to others and having sex is a “right” like the right to vote is asking rather a lot of reality. Lots of even very attractive people never have a good partner or “soul mate”. Nice people get stuck with a nightmare partner. On the other hand, I have seen rather homely people who are charming and fun get a great partner. If you compound the ask by being slovenly and nasty…well.
This connection is so interesting, and one I’ve never noticed before. At the heart of love and capitalism, which I would prefer to call the free market because I am not a devotee of Karl Marx, is liberty. So it’s not such a big jump between their opinions on how you run your company, and whether this person gets to coerce you into a relationship, whether you like it or not.
As the anchor hole is hidden within the snout, at least we are spared the sight of any flaring bacterial infection.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipg4EL_JUyE comes to mind.
I wonder how many people consider their noses to be such things of beauty that they should attach jewelry to their individual noses to ensure people look at them? That’s rather different from the septum piercings which merely indicates to me that you wish to be perceived as bovine. Maybe good in places where cattle are sacred but not so good where cattle are considered to be food.
I’ll admit that I consider most non-septum nose rings to be very similar to bright colored dyed hair: a sign of toxicity in a humanoid lifeform that should be avoided as much as possible.
Terrified of leaves.
Hard to recall these days there are actual phobias out there.
Diverse and empowered policing.
No wonder the constabulary is so keen on harassing people about online posts and silent prayer.
Well, the more “sensitive” and “diverse” our police force becomes, and consequently the more farcical, the more touchy police officers will be about anyone registering this fact, or registering the likely causes of that decline.
Very odd: Hard to imagine it stemming from a childhood trauma.
Am I allowed to say ‘odd’ or will that get me a meeting with the police next time I visit the UK?
There is a lot of instinct in our sexual responses.
Once you start seeing evolutionary psychology, it’s hard to stop.
Indeed, indeed. And the left hates it because ever more irrefutable findings undermine leftist ideas and policies.
terrified of leaves: yes, actual phobias exist but you can also have fake ones that cause you to claim that all bananas are racist, that you can’t call an illness “monkeypox” (because who exactly thinks monkeys look like africans?), that a garage door rope pull is a noose, or that skyscrapers are phallic symbols.
Instinct: yes, the Left hats evol. psych because their entire approach depends on the Blank Slate (a great book by Steven Pinker by the way, refuting this crap) because they want to arbitrarily mandate our family, sexual preferences, social order.
In that moment when the rugby-lock-sized officer stepped past his “mate, mate” colleagues my instinctive reaction (before feminist post-processing) was that he was going to take over the battering ram from the female colleague. That would be the normal obvious thing to do, wouldn’t it? I don’t think the male ego of a male officer would be spared in that situation – he’d just be told to get out of the way and stop wasting everyone’s time.
Test your insult skills.
No one is a match for the insult skills of William Shakespeare.
No, her job is to go away.
[ Sudden feeling of apprehension ]
Are you a space alien?
I got a couple wrong but it still told me I got 10/10. Not sure what to make of that. Seems they may be insulting…something.
Oversized dancers entertaining the masses (and royalty) used to be a thing back in the less of enlightened days.
[ Admires surprisingly adequate paint job. ]
A not implausible explanation.
I got a couple wrong but it still told me I got 10/10.
Same here. Everyone’s perfect these days it seems. Or else AI can’t count, or the diversity hire code implementer can’t.
A not implausible explanation.
I’m inclined to agree, as the ones posting such things on social media are a bunch of preening, malevolent, narcissists.
It’s worth noting just how often the first thing you notice in such photos – or, okay, the second thing you notice – is the bomb site in the background. I don’t mean to give the impression that I’m insufferably houseproud, because The Other Half will start laughing, but the disorder that’s so often on display does seem a tad… symbolic.
It’s been decades since I’ve patronized a go-go bar, but I do recall that “lap dances” didn’t come with the risk of crushed bones, broken furniture, or accidental asphyxiation.
I certainly don’t recall signing any injury waivers before a young lady did her best to separate me from all my money.
This cannot be said too often.
I no longer have personal contact with any such unfortunate people, but their defenders that I know in real life are also malevolent narcissists.
You can judge a book by its cover…at least for certain covers.
Scrolling down, I found this riposte to the increasingly deranged George Takei.
The man still nurses a grudge over the star of the TV show getting more attention.
[ Schedules end-of-year post, prepares to visit supermarket wine aisle. ]
[ Checks paint job again. ]
Almost as if one requires the other.
Damn right.
[…] sentenced to an indefinite hospital order.
Is it me or is there a Brezhnevite whiff to this?
…supermarket wine aisle…
Vino Cardboardo, Vino Collapso, or both?
Hell, I liked the other co-stars more than George. Spock, McCoy, Scott, et al were more interesting.
Has anybody seen Takei in anything else? Has he displayed more range and talent than was on display in Star Trek?
Every vino is a Vino Collapso, if you do it right.
After 3,700 words, I’d drink it out of a balloon.
The bloody things seem to get longer.
A hero for our time.