Friday Ephemera (687)
Yes, but on the upside, it could’ve been vomit. || Careful now. || Nommy-nommy-nom. || On elephants. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || An archive of LEGO instruction booklets. (h/t, Things) || This guy here: “But I do love all people.” || Oh dear, how embarrassing. || Good to know, I guess. || He does this better than you do. || Best write it down because it will be on the test. || Bouncing booty. || Erotic scenes. || The thrill of Titter magazine, October 1945. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || “Is it as common an experience to feel like you have water on your wings?” || His name is Catherine. || Kissy face. || It’s a head–scratcher, a mystery to us all. || Hazards of the highway. || The Mechanical Monsters, 1941. || Makeover. || PIN of note. || The progressive retail experience, parts 483, 484, and 485. || Somewhat related. || And finally, though not for the squeamish, and NSFW, the thrill of phalloplasty.
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Posting this just because it’s been weeks since David has set my coat on fire.
stereotypes about tattoos
explosive announcement from Jeremy Clarkson
Smile for the camera
Via Don Surber: Not the smartest cop.
Needs a Gordon Solie narration.
I dunno. That’s sufficiently dumb that I suspect a lawyer or judge might have a hand in that decision.
I recall several occasions of David highlighting how modern school-based “debates” have devolved into the worst kind of emotional displays of Who’s the Biggest Victim.
Now there’s more. I had never heard of “kritik” before.
One of the most 2023 headlines you’ll ever see.
Yes he has major problems mainly of his own making through seeking and getting the “life-affirming care” we hear so much about.
If it’s now that bad and he’s really determined to end his life then he could simply shoot himself or take an overdose like thousands do every year. But no, the system must be made to bend to his will. That’s the real story as I read it, even when allegedly seeking death this self-centred train-wreck of a human is still trying to score points.
Likely true. Though an additional twist could be that by assisting this person in killing itself would also muck up the statistics/narrative that gender butcheries prevent people from killing themselves. Seems Teh Narrative is in a bit of a bind here.
And actual jabbering. (See second update.)
From the subsequent comments:
Oh, and it goes without saying the president of the Cross-Examination Debate Association, Paul Mabrey, dismissed criticism of the lack of standards as “thinly-veiled racism” and “the worst of our human bigotry… motivated by racism and fear.”
This is who they are, and this is how readily they will lie.
every one of those observations about black student “debaters” applies equally well to politicians of all hues but some more than others.
This ability and behaviour is in fact a highly effective stepping stone into public office and, more regrettably, into the burgeoning diversity and equity functions in previously decent private organisations.
So it ain’t gonna stop.
It’s easy to be wrong-footed when the go-to position of a professional educator at James Madison University is to simply ignore all specifics and evidence, including direct quotes and video recordings, and instead to respond with name-calling and the most obvious, glaring lies.
The boldness of the manoeuvre – the inversion of reality – can still be a surprise. The utter shamelessness of it.
But again, this is who they are.
Seems to also be what the black students want us to believe.
Richard Dawkins talks with Helen Joyce.
This era is just like The Enlightenment. Only 100% in reverse. Because,of course, the Enlightenment was racist. Because even light is racist. Obviously. They teach this in schools now. Well I’m pretty sure they do but does the veracity of that detail really matter?
It’s not just molesters who need to be kept away from children.
Demonic possession?
The whole thing has the whiff of fantasy. The kind of thing one might expect from someone in a state of arrested adolescence. I mean, just look at the state of him. And if so, the question is whether a man who has such ideological grooming fantasies, and then shares them on the internet, as some kind of boast, should ever be entrusted with other people’s children.
By the way, I enabled an extra part of the live notification bubble, which should now show a brief excerpt of new comments before reverting to showing the number of new comments.
See how I work, tirelessly and heroically – on Sundays, no less – to lubricate your user experience?
lubricate your experience. Album name. Possibly a live album. From someplace like Leeds or one of those Fillmore places. Of course one of the latter would need to be rebuilt but…
Erase the past.
[ Inexplicable sense of unease ]
The unpersoning continues. And I do believe not an insignificant percentage of politicians here would love a similar system.
Several years ago, shortly before the scamdemic, I was at a lunch with a few former co-workers where a native Pakistani spoke of talking to his father back in Karachi who told him, “The Westerners have lost their minds.” Never met the man but I think of him often.
Change to “politicians and leftists”.
Are we being culturally enriched?
I believe that a significantly large fraction of “migrants” are criminals.
I am certain that our ruling class has lost its mind.
New law: non-citizens may become police officers. What could go wrong?
Our political class has lost its mind–and its soul.
Right, heading out for a big family feast. There will be roast pork. And an ocean of wine.
I may be some time.
Debate: and yet, they do not claim that rules in sports are to be ignored. If there are worse racists than leftists, I cannot imagine who they are.
Sailing the wine dark sea?
Is there any difference between left/liberal/progressives and the Taliban.
Besides left/liberal/progressive women sporting the beards?
Leftists are just closeted communists. As are many politicians.
Sounds like someone’s ‘user experience’ is about to be lubricated.
Posting this dining scene for no particular reason.
I have not encountered transsexuals in real life, so I’m forced to deal with this issue at a distance. So I’m wondering if anyone has enough real-life experience to clarify something I’m wondering about.
Until very recently, transsexualism was extraordinarily unusual. In the same way, multiple personality disorder was vanishingly rare. These have been viewed as serious medical and psychological conditions forever, until the last couple of years.
Normally, serious medical conditions have other tics and strange behaviors associated with them. So a person who thought he was Napoleon, or a man who thought he was a woman, or a person who thought he was Napoleon, and a man, and a woman, would be easily marked by other strange and destructive behaviors they might exhibit.
With the woman in the specialized pronoun video above, she doesn’t seem to have any secondary characteristics of acute mental illness. Unless you count strange hair.
So I’m wondering if the lack of comorbidities is a marker that this is simply social performance, an exercise of power that could easily have been about getting mad at the length of people’s skirts in another era, or trying to improve American poulity by prohibiting alcohol. It seems to me these people are not in any way actually mentally ill, but they are putting on a show for the purpose of social advancement. And I think they could turn it on and off like a spigot if they chose, because they’re not in any way actually defined or trapped in these identities.
Does that track with anybody else here? Do you have interaction with real transsexuals who cannot choose otherwise, as opposed to what appears to be some kind of fraud?
“to what appears to be some kind of fraud?”
Hush now. You’ll give away the scam…er, scheme.
The madness of liberalism: Refusing to rent to bad tenants should be illegal because it has a “disparate impact” on black people.
This deeply racist “disparate impact” concept is already embedded in American law, thanks to liberal Supreme Court justices, and enjoys wide support on the left.
I used to know a number of trans (transsexual and transvestite) people, and nearly all of them displayed additional psychological problems. All this was decades ago, though: My encounters with such people declined as I reduced my interactions with science fiction & SCA/Sealed Knot fans.
I believe a lot of it is social contagion in confused vulnerable adolescents.
Psychopathic narcissists like Dylan Mulvany and Mister “That’s Ma’am”? Yes indeed.
It might help to think of the ‘afflicted’ as leveraging their own psycho-sexual issues and hunger for attention into greater prominence in a milieu that rewards the bizarre and outré.
Crazy like a fox . . . but still crazy.
…what appears to be some kind of fraud…
Fact check, true, not that we didn’t already know.
Even bigger than the ones in Florida.
Or Congress.
Which is not the crowd we know is going to start demanding it, “for affirmation”.
They are in need. Just not of a uterine transplant.
As a former SF reader…funny how that is. The problem with consuming too much fiction, especially in a contemporary context, is that you will be exposed to a disproportionate number of people who want life to be different from what it is. They want it to be more meaningful, more poetic, maybe even just more interesting. So they concoct scenarios that would never really happen but that sound reasonably plausible. Because you still gotta sell the bloody books. With SF you get that same problem on steroids. Not just the disagreement with society the way it is, but with physical reality and its practical limitations. Now a good bit of that, at the high end anyway, is good and necessary. If a man’s reach does not exceed his grasp then what’s a heaven for? However much of SF appeals to those who refuse to accept reality’s limitations AND who lack the technical understanding of those limitations. Take such to its unmitigated extremes and you get a lot of people who think that maybe an operation can turn them from a man into a woman or ever more absurdly, a woman into a man. Not to mention any number of other sociological fantasies.
Heh. I have known more than a few SF fans who got their knowledge of science from reading SF and comic books…which is to say that they had very rudimentary and confused ideas, and had no idea how ignorant and/or wrong they were.
But my favorites were the English majors who, after taking a Physics for Poets class, would try to instruct me about current physics–and would reject my demurrals and dismiss my actual physics degree as irrelevant.
Paging John Varley, John Varley to the white courtesy phone…
Indeed, indeed. Sometimes the fantasies are defensible–satiric short stories, for instance, meant to make a satiric point in a poetic way (“The World as Will and Wallpaper” pops to mind), but novel-length impossibilities are a bit much.